View Full Version : CM9 Nose Diving like a sunofagun

03-02-2013, 10:50 PM
Ugh, I hate that I am now a member of the I-have-an-issue-with-my-CM9 club.

I posted a week ago that I got a new CM9. Cleaned and lubed prior to shooting. Shot 200 Magtech 115gr FMJs - flawless. Fired 50 Golden Saber 124gr +Ps. Had 2 issues but thought it might be me because my hand was dead after that long session with such a tiny gun and aggressive backstrap.

So after that session, took her home, cleaned and lubed. Went back to range 3 days later. Only changes: I used Lawman 115gr FMJs and this time did NOT use my UPLULA speed loader (please tell me that using an UPLULA doesn't affect anything!!!). I shot about 80 rounds and had about 8 Fail to Feeds. In all cases the tip of the bullet had nose dived (nose dove??) BELOW the bottom of the feed ramp. Or maybe it did not dive there; that would be an insane dive angle. It appeared that possibly as it came up from the magazine, the tip of the bullet was protruding too far (as if the primer end of the casing was not pushed all the way to the back of the mag, if you know what I mean) and got caught below the bottom of the feed ramp and never even had a chance to feed correctly.


This happend a few times with the second round. But it also happened with other rounds as well. I used the CM9 6 round mag, as well as my K9 Elite 7 and 8 round mags. It happened with all mags. My buddy had a handful of WWB 115gr FMJs. I am pretty certain it happened with the WWB, too. But not 100% positive.

My next step is to clean and lube and return with the Magtechs. I am pretty upset that I have having to use my stockpile of 9mm to troubleshoot a gun that I am desperate to love. I've read lots of posts here but am not sure I found anything 100% applicable to this case. I saw where some had the recoil spring trimmed by Kahr...

Also, I noticed the following...I loaded the CM9 6rd mag all the way, inserted the mag with slide cosed. I very slowly pulled the mag back and very slowly eased it forward to observe the actual stripping off of a round and loading into the chamber. CONSISTENTLY, the very first round in the mag takes a noticeable "dive" down before sliding up the feed ramp. The 2,3,4,5, and 6 rounds do not do this. I then tried my 7 rd mag in my K9 Elite. Exact same behavior of first round. I do not know if this is relevant to my issue, as the bullet never got hung up below the bottom of the feed ramp. But I thought it was interesting, and I do not understand why only the 1st round exhibits this behavior in both the CM9 and K9 Elite.

Thanks everyone in advance. I am anticipating a trip to the Mommyship for my baby... :-(

03-03-2013, 12:20 AM
As to the original mag, check that the follower is not destroyed. The CM series is famous for that, and of course with a bad follower the rounds will not feed properly.

My CM40 will not feed Fiocchi 165 GR FMJ. Just won't work. Kahrs can be ammo sensitive, especially with range ammo.The rounds do not slide up the ramp. Take a good look. The ramp is offset. They bounce up the ramp. A check for burrs and a polish may be in order.

03-03-2013, 09:32 AM
I always tap the back of the mag before inserting it to assure that all rounds are back all the way. There is a thread about reshaping the followers and Greg has an excellent video about it. Here it is:

Also, some have found that cutting one loop off the mag spring helps.

Here's hoping you get this solved quickly. :)

03-03-2013, 10:14 AM
A big issue is not getting all of the rounds fully to the rear in the magazine! The top one can dive if it's forward a bit and 9mm rounds kind of pull the next round forward a bit as they are chambered. Also, the pistol must be held FIRMLY so that all momentum is transferred by the slide to pushing the bullet into the chamber, and none is lost in MOVING the pistol with a loosely held pistol. If you don't do these things, the rounds are going to dive and stick on the right side of the ramp, jamming the pistol. Any riding of the slide will give you a big chance at jamming the pistol in chambering a round.

For carry, most of us load the magazine full or use another to chamber a round, then top off the carry magazine, making sure that the rounds are fully seated to the rear in the magazine... giving you at least two shots!


03-03-2013, 10:42 AM
Here's some more info. I added info on the over-hand rack:

Welcome to the Kahrtalk forum supported by Kahr Arms.
Here are a few essential links and things to do BEFORE you take your new pistol to the range, and ESPECIALLY BEFORE taking it apart and trying to re-assemble it! The Kahr is a different design… 6-7 unique patents cover the Kahrs. I’m not trying to imply that you don’t know anything about guns, but many don’t know anything about the Kahrs and some of the things you can do to damage or cause malfunctions of your new, or new-to-you Kahr pistol.
First, if you don’t have a manual, yet, or one didn’t come with your pistol, you can download the pdf file here:
Impatient? Watch one of these videos FIRST! These videos can point out possible problem areas and emphasize correct procedures!
Take down and re-assembly videos:
T, TP, CW, P, & PM/CM Series:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=G2cZgVg_SwA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G2cZgVg_SwA)
MK series:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...mSCnIOaUk#t=0s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zXmSCnIOaUk#t=0s)
K series:
There are many links on fixing problems listed in several places… under the New Member or Kahr Tech sub-forums.
A very handy one is the Kahr Lube Diagram:
Many of your questions can be answered in these areas and you can learn how your Kahr works and not damage it with improper handling.
Frequently asked questions: http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp?

One very important bit of advice: Hold the Kahr pistol firmly when firing OR CHAMBERING a round. These compact pistols need all of the force they can get from the slide to get a round into the chamber successfully. If you don't hold the pistol firmly, part of the needed momentum is transferred to MOVING THE PISTOL and the top round will DIVE and jam into the right side of the feed ramp. The weak hand, over hand rack method gives the best grip and a firm rack will give you the best chance at chambering a round. Use the weak hand fingers over the slide(clear of the ejection port), thumb along the slide and pointing to the rear. Use the gun hand to simultaneously firmly push the gun as you give a vigorous rack with the weak hand and cleanly release the slide as it reaches the rear limit and is "snatched" from the weak hand. This approximates a real rack from firing and beats the slide release method WHEN executed properly. Much more strength can be exerted when this is done closer to the body.

Here's a video on that. The first part is what I'm talking about:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=hjLbFOw8sow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hjLbFOw8sow)

There are many helpful members here most of the time who might be able to help you, but as anywhere, there are many opinions and not all are correct. Be mindful of this before doing anything drastic to modify your pistol!

Aka wyntrout

03-03-2013, 11:19 AM
It is a common occurance with the CM9. It is a design/manufacturing issue. Get ready for people to tell you that it is some type of operator error. The magazine retainer is catching the magazine follower causing the problem. Send it back to Kahr and tell them to make it right.

03-03-2013, 11:48 AM
First, you have to use a proper, working procedure, then maybe it's the mag catch versus follower, but everyone doesn't read the manual or watch the videos or follow the instructions to insure that THEY are DOING THEIR PART. You can't always blame it on the pistol, either. We've seen too many operator induced "malfunctions" from people who can't take the time to read the manual or watch the very informative take down videos.


03-03-2013, 12:17 PM
How about maybe even checking to see if the magaazine spring is in the magazine correctly. Wehave in the past seen a few of these that were in backwards and it will cause issues. take the mag aprt, check it out.

03-03-2013, 12:23 PM
For all the time and money it takes the cm9 owners to get them running right you could have bought the top model pm9... This should ruffle some feathers! Lol

03-03-2013, 12:25 PM
Mag spring is installed correctly.

First round chambered via slide stop lever, not hand racking. This is not my first Kahr, and the manual has been read.

How does the bullet end up under the feed ramp? Not jammed into the face if the ramp. But under it.

03-03-2013, 12:27 PM
Can y'all see the picture? It is small, not sure how to make it bigger in the post. I

03-03-2013, 12:33 PM
In any case, I am willing to invest another 200 or so rounds in this. I will go back this week with the Magtech ammo which gave me 200 flawless rounds. Maybe Lawman doesn't like my gun(can't believe I wrote that sentence). After that it is going to Kahr. After that it is either going in a holster to defend my life if necessary or it's going to another home.

I am still very interested to see if anyone has witnessed what is shown in the picture.

03-03-2013, 12:52 PM
are u having this issue when hand racking or is it doing this even after the gun fires the first round and then feeds autmatically the round which is ending up under the feed ramp.

if u have the slide off, can u feel/see if a round will slide up behind the extractor with no effort. If by chance that extractor is not right it might be causing it. Just asking here, . I have no clue as to why it is doing what ur saying. I could possably uderstand if one was hand racking a round in the chamber and this happens but not when the gun is cycling by itself.
U seem willing to try things , u seem willing to put more round sthorugh the gun. The members here are giving u some suggestions of things that can happen. It is ur choice to maybe take alittle time to recheck some of the suggestiosn given and then u make the decision as to whether is is something u can fix yourslef in 10 minutes or u can can just email kahr state ur problem and let them issue a pick up on thegun and let them fix it.

Many members here have trouble shot their own guns with the help of forum members who have walked in their shoes before and found out some minor things that was not rightr whgen it left the factory and it easily fixable. The decision to door not always remains with u the owner. Do u wnat to be without the gun maybe 2 to 4 weeks or are u willing to listen and check out what some are asking of u, and maybe getting through this without sending the gun back.

I do disagree with rhd04, your cm is every bit as good internally as the PM is. Your particular cm might not be right but those babies are just damn good guns. I doubt if he will ruffle feathers either as most all cm owners are totally please with their cm models. Hads the cm been avalalbe when I boughtmy PM9,I would have bought the cm in a heart beat. I do love my PMJ9 blun t nose over any kahr made today..

Guys here post some great sticky's that to some are bull sh!t. that is OK, their decision, let um send their gun back and wait for it. or u can read the stickly's and decide if anyone of them might be of concern to you. We are here to help if possable but again the final decision is yours to make.
It would be nice if u could have another shooter also shoot ur gun to see if can duplicate. U gotta start somewhere to eliminate some of the possabilitys stated here by members . Last resort IMO is to send it back.

03-03-2013, 01:09 PM
cm9 is to pm9 as rem 700 is to 40x

03-03-2013, 01:16 PM
Make sure the bullets are pushed all the way back in the mag and load the mag 1 short. The problem will go away.

03-03-2013, 01:18 PM
u just wanna argue now, not really try to help this fella out. Makes no sense to me. but u seem to have a handle on the situation, so maybe we should pay more attention to what ur sayin to.

03-03-2013, 01:30 PM
Thanks for all the tips guys. I did indeed have a buddy shoot the gun as well. And he is no novice. He owns about 90 handguns and is definitely an aficionado. He had the same issues I did. What is strange is that the first 200 rounds were absolutely flawless and I was so stoked that I got an awesome gun. Again that was with Magtech and my subsequent Issues were with Lawman. With Magtech I loaded the six round magazine to full capacity and blasted through 200 rounds with no problem. I will definitely go back to the range and see if I can duplicate another hundred or so flawless rounds with Magtech. If that is successful then I will again try to reproduce the problem with the Lawman. Then I will load only five rounds as was suggested and see if the problem goes away.

I do not mind trying things to figure out if it's a small issue that I can fix. But quite honestly I can carry the K9 with no problem; I don't have the time to be tinkering around with this gun If it is going to take tinker followed by range session followed by tinker followed by range session ad infinitum.

I am admittedly a bit frustrated. But I am guessing that it's probably because the other hand guns I have owned including a Khar have all been issue free from day 1.

03-03-2013, 01:38 PM
Jocko - With the slide off, I can indeed slide a round up under the extractor with little effort.

03-03-2013, 01:39 PM
other than the lawman brand did other brands act up??? It is strange that 200 rounds of mag tech went off OK and the lawman didnt. If it is just lawman, doing it, then just move away from that brand. To many other great brands and ammo out there to maybe let one brand interfer with ur gun working or not working. My little P380 wouldnot function with 102 grain golden sabre. Worked with the other brands I had kso I went o cobron power ball and never looked back.

Wehave heard from owners who had issues with a certain brand and then just got away from it and only to later on after many rounds down rang eto try it again and it worked OK. Hard to figure.

Heh were just trying to help here, so if all else fails, call kahr and present ur case to them and let them try to sort it out. I would not let one brand bother me, but if it persists with outher brands, then maybe it needs to go back and looked at...

03-03-2013, 01:42 PM
other than the lawman brand did other brands act up??? It is strange that 200 rounds of mag tech went off OK and the lawman didnt. If it is just lawman, doing it, then just move away from that brand. To many other great brands and ammo out there to maybe let one brand interfer with ur gun working or not working. My little P380 wouldnot function with 102 grain golden sabre. Worked with the other brands I had kso I went o cobron power ball and never looked back.

Wehave heard from owners who had issues with a certain brand and then just got away from it and only to later on after many rounds down rang eto try it again and it worked OK. Hard to figure.

Heh were just trying to help here, so if all else fails, call kahr and present ur case to them and let them try to sort it out. I would not let one brand bother me, but if it persists with outher brands, then maybe it needs to go back and looked at...

Yep, that's my plan. Hopefully you are correct in that another thousand rounds of Magtech and several months later the gun will be broken in enough to accept anything I put into it. Or if I just have to stay away from Law Man it is definitely not the end of the world. As I indicated in my initial post I am pretty sure but not positive that Winchester white box did the same thing.

If I did not have a stupid meeting all day Monday, I would sneak off during lunch and perform my experiment. So it may have to wait till Wednesday. :(

03-03-2013, 05:00 PM
if the gun wont function properly after 200 rounds of factory loaded FMJ, its the gun, not the ammo. send the gun back to the factory.

03-03-2013, 07:48 PM
Well, I got back to the range today. Loaded 6 rounds of the original trouble-free ammo Magtech. Second round nose dived. So for the next 198 rounds I loaded only 5 rounds and had zero issues. Towards the end of that, I'd load 5, insert mag, drop slide lock lever to chamber a round, drop mag and load 1 more. No issues.

Then I went to Lawman. Did about 25 rounds as described above. No issues. Then I started loading 6 and was prepared for disaster. Nope. Problem gone. Fired another 75.

Then I went to the Golden Sabers 124gr +P, preparing for disaster. Nope. All 50 rounds good, loaded 6 at a time. Except...

Around round 35 of the Sabers, last round just went click. I will describe more below. Didn't matter if I loaded 2 rounds or 5 or 6. Last round would not fire.

Went back to Lawman. No nose dives. Last round went click. Shot 50 more Lawman and the last round issue persisted and happened at the end of every mag.

I only used the CM9 mag. I did not have another Kahr mag with me.

So, the last round issue...When I say it went click...it didn't actually cock and strike. The resistance to the trigger pull was lower than normal. On several occasions after the last round wouldn't fire, I could feel after about 1 second "something" happen. After I felt whatever it was, trigger pull was normal and shot fired. On other occasions, I could pull the trigger multiple times and feel it almost "catch." Then eventually it would, typically after a few pulls. On a couple occasions that didn't work so I took my weak hand and banged the gun on the side of the slide, after which it would fire.

So I have about 700 rounds thru the gun in a week. Nose diving non existent for the last 398 rounds with 3 different brands of ammo, both FMJ and SD. So I am satisfied with that. But now I have a last round issue. Ugh.

03-03-2013, 08:08 PM
Hmm, banging on the side fixing the issue makes you think that the striker is dragging or catching on something in the striker channel. Something like brass flakes or just generally gummed up. But if that was the case it should do it on all rounds, not just the last one. Weird.

03-03-2013, 08:13 PM
wow that is odd, the gun can't count, so I wonder why it is always the last round. damn. I can'tsee why anutter mag would make any difference. Is the slide fully going into battery??? Meaning if u taped the back of the slide would it then allow u to fire. course once u pull the triger u then have to at least retract the slide a 1/4:" to reset the cocking cam

Have u ever had the slide apart to clean the striker channel or used that little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide to clean that area with some spray cleaner?? I would thinki it would be har d for this to be gummed up enough to be causing ur issue and again on ther last round, that is what makes zero sense.Look at that magazine and be sure that the follower is still100%intact.

I have no suggestions for what ur saying either. I don't suppose u would have a new outter recoil spring to try out. I am wondering if this could be a possable. being it is the last round doing this whether u load 2 5 or 6 rounds, really7doesn't matter as u stated. Could it be that the magazine spring is not pushing up that round fast enough to get complete return to battery and if the slightest bit out of battery u will get what ur having. Normally a new recoil spring will take care of that. It is a long shot but if u email kahr attn Jay and state what is happening , see if he will et u have a new recoil assembly to test out and if that fails, the gun will need to go back. i feel they will send u one and gamble that it works OK..

Just some suggestions here but with 700 rounds, the gun should have well smoothed itself out to. But we have seen a new recoil spring takes care of alot of issues that might seem unrelated. I gotta give u credit, ur trying like hell to like this gun..

I sent u a PM

03-03-2013, 08:19 PM
Maybe a good cleaning would fix the last round misfire. The trigger may not be resetting for a couple of reasons, powder residue and/or you are not releasing the trigger on that next to last round so the trigger can go fully forward and reset. Try cleaning first. I think the nose dive problem is over. The mag springs must have taken their set.

03-03-2013, 09:04 PM
Jocko - Slide is definitely going back into battery. I cleaned the striker channel after the first 200 successful Magtechs last Sunday with brake cleaner followed by compressed air. I have not had the slide completely apart to detail clean.

Also, I am definitely releasing the trigger all the way on the last round. I myself suspected this, and was completely releasing my finger from the trigger altogether on last round. As I mentioned, after about a second I could feel something "pop into place" several times. Other times it would not do it itself and I would bang the gun. Other times I could feel the trigger "trying" to catch. And eventually after several pulls of the trigger it would catch.

I also suspected that maybe it's just dirty as hell because I fired 400 rounds thru it in 75 minutes. So... I am going to clean her nice and good and try again. Jeez Louise!!! After that, I will call Kahr and send it back. I can't afford more breakin/troubleshooting..financially or emotionally.

Also...googling "CM9 last round" fields similar stories as mine. Still sifting thru to find a solution.

Thanks guys. If nothing else this is a great discussion.

03-03-2013, 10:15 PM
I'm willing to bet that with a good cleaning and lube the problem goes away. Four hundred rounds without cleaning is a lot.

03-04-2013, 01:50 PM
Check total overall length of rounds. Smack primer side of mag against heel of hand before loading into gun to seat all rounds to the back. Your maglula might not be getting them fully inserted.

Use recommended slide locked open-insert mag - mag release to chamber first round process until you get it sorted.

03-04-2013, 01:53 PM
Last round issue, brushed out the chamber lately? Might not be getting fully into battery without thumping it?

04-03-2013, 12:25 AM
Update: A generous member of this forum shipped me stronger recoil and mag springs. However, after shooting about 500 - 600 rounds MORE than the 200 round break-in period, I decided to send the firearm back to the manufacturer instead. I am running out of money and ammo and frankly patience with the experimenting. I received the gun back yesterday. Comments from Kahr indicate they inspected, polished feed ramp, test fired it with Magtech FMJ and Gold Dot JHP - OK.

So, I am hoping to head to the range tomorrow. I have 200 Magtechs (jeez it pains me to think about how much I have spent on this damn gun just in ammo) and we will see what happens. I promise not to limp wrist, not to not use the slide lock lever to chamber a round, not to let my pinky exert lateral pressure on the bottom of the mag, not to let my thumb touch the slide lock while firing, and all of the other very specific things one is not allowed to do while shooting a Kahr CM9.

I have only owned 3 semi-autos that have never ever ever had a single failure. And I don't mean "no failures except that one time and I am pretty sure I was limp existing." I mean zero failures period. They are all Glocks, and who knows how many thousands of rounds have been digested. My K9 Elite has had 3 failures in maybe 3000 rounds, ok I guess. My CM9 saga is documented here. And I just bought a P238 that is very far from perfect.

Please pray for me!!!!

04-03-2013, 12:46 PM
Update: P238 functioned flawlessly after cleaning last night and lubing a little heavier than I normally do. 150 Independence FMJ and 50 Hornady Critical Defense. Perfect.

CM9, just back from mothership, had 3 fail to eject and 1 nose dive in the 1st 50 rounds. Then around round 70 it began not firing on the last round; see description of this issue on previous post in the thread. And the coup de grace was around round 90 when the little round nut at the end if the guide rod flew off.

04-03-2013, 03:15 PM
care to send me the mag with upgraded spring since I am assuming you are going to sell the pistol?

04-03-2013, 04:01 PM
I had the same problem, but it didn't happen with my six round mag, I have 2 seven rounders, I didn't mark them but I believe it only happened with one of them, but they weren't marked so it could have been both. My malfunction looked exactly like the one in your picture. I am still in the break in, I have only shot about 170 rds. but I read everything and did all pre lube, racking etc.

Just finished reading the whole thread, hopefully I have better luck. I really like this gun. It fits Fits all my needs for EDC

In any case, I am willing to invest another 200 or so rounds in this. I will go back this week with the Magtech ammo which gave me 200 flawless rounds. Maybe Lawman doesn't like my gun(can't believe I wrote that sentence). After that it is going to Kahr. After that it is either going in a holster to defend my life if necessary or it's going to another home.

I am still very interested to see if anyone has witnessed what is shown in the picture.

04-03-2013, 04:42 PM
How does the bullet end up under the feed ramp?

Because the stock mag follower doesn't compensate for the flair of 9mm ammunition in the mag tube of the CM/PMs single stack configuration. Because of this, the top round is largely unsupported and capable of diving into the base of or under the feed ramp if you don't chamber a round per the instructions in the Kahr manual which specifies a slide stop release.

There are two options. One, slamming the rounds into the feed ramp with the slide stop release will eventually loosen up the internals of the gun enough to cause the rounds to feed more reliably which is what Kahr wants you to do.

Or two, you can spend 5 minutes modifying the mag follower with sandpaper which will cause the follower to compensate for 9mm flair and support the first round so it cannot dive into the base of the feed ramp.

Option two keeps your gun tight and chambering smoothly from day one.

FWIW this is a known issue and Kahr is aware of it. IMO an easy adjustment for an extremely fine handgun.

04-03-2013, 06:25 PM
if you don't chamber a round per the instructions in the Kahr manual which specifies a slide stop release.

I've been doing this^^^

I will Try option #2 when I get he time. I just ordered the tritium front sight, so I guess I will make it a project day and do both when I get the sight.

04-03-2013, 07:24 PM
PM me your mailing address and I will send you a modified follower that you can try in your mag. You can duplicate the results by using my follower as an example.

Please send my original follower back to me within the week.

04-03-2013, 08:50 PM
PM me your mailing address and I will send you a modified follower that you can try in your mag. You can duplicate the results by using my follower as an example.

Please send my original follower back to me within the week.

Thank you, will do. PM sent.

04-05-2013, 07:55 PM
The problem people are having with there cm9's is with the mag, the nose diving is caused by the slide pin, sometimes the nose of the bullet will catch on it causing it to nose dive under the feed ramp. pull the slide back and slide the mag up into the frame with a bullet in it and see how close it is, i have heard of taking off about 10 to 20 thousands of an inch will cure this. seems to happen with 7 rd mags more due to the same mag spring used in both 6 and 7 mags so the spring tension is not as strong to keep the bullet from rocking at the top of mag

04-05-2013, 11:43 PM
The problem people are having with there cm9's is with the mag......

Anthony will have a modified follower by Wed or so and he'll be sure to let us know how it works out. :cool:

04-06-2013, 06:21 AM
The problem people are having with there cm9's is with the mag, the nose diving is caused by the slide pin, sometimes the nose of the bullet will catch on it causing it to nose dive under the feed ramp. pull the slide back and slide the mag up into the frame with a bullet in it and see how close it is, i have heard of taking off about 10 to 20 thousands of an inch will cure this. seems to happen with 7 rd mags more due to the same mag spring used in both 6 and 7 mags so the spring tension is not as strong to keep the bullet from rocking at the top of mag

all my kahr 7 round mags have one more coil in the spring than all of my 6 round mag springs and I think that is the way it is supposed to be. Sound sto me like ur 7 round mag has a 6 round spring in it.. Just sayin

04-13-2013, 05:43 PM
Sorry guys really been swamped with work, I received the follower on Thursday night. I wont be able to get to the range till Tuesday till Tuesday to test it. I will let you know how it goes.

@Jimsea I will have it in the mail back to you no later than Wednesday..

04-13-2013, 06:11 PM
Jimsea I will have it in the mail back to you no later than Wednesday..

No worries.

If you can hand cycle the rounds smoothly at home, then you will have no issues at the range. That includes a smart overhand and riding the slide.......both methods should cycle with no issues with the mod follower.

04-22-2013, 07:52 PM
Just got the CM9 back from Kahr today. Hoping to take it to the range tomorrow. I am hoping that the break-in period for this gun will not exceed 1100 rounds, as I already have about 900 thru it.

Notes form kahr indicate the slide was replaced, recoil spring assembly replaced, barrel reworked, cleaned, lubed, test fired -OK. Multiple range sessions, multiple shooters.

We wil see....

04-22-2013, 08:02 PM
Good luck. Keep us posted

04-22-2013, 09:14 PM
In any case, I am willing to invest another 200 or so rounds in this. I will go back this week with the Magtech ammo which gave me 200 flawless rounds. Maybe Lawman doesn't like my gun(can't believe I wrote that sentence). After that it is going to Kahr. After that it is either going in a holster to defend my life if necessary or it's going to another home.

I am still very interested to see if anyone has witnessed what is shown in the picture.
Yeah, here you go.

04-24-2013, 06:46 PM
Still nosediving. Going back to Kahr for the third time. What a great customer experience I am having.

04-24-2013, 07:11 PM
Still nosediving. Going back to Kahr for the third time. What a great customer experience I am having.
It nose diving on th first round u try to load or just radomally.

Are u hand racking it by any chance??? Is it nose diving at a particular round every time, like round t or 3 or what ever..:Amflag2:

04-24-2013, 09:15 PM
Are you bumping the back of the mag to ensure that the bullets are all the way to the back before inserting it in the pistol? Did you take the mag(s) apart to make sure the spring isn't installed backwards?

04-24-2013, 09:40 PM
Two groups of people that dislike the term "nosedive" the most.
Kahr pistol enthusiasts

(Although, not necessarily in that order)

04-24-2013, 10:18 PM
Two groups of people that dislike the term "nosedive" the most.
Kahr pistol enthusiasts

(Although, not necessarily in that order)

You missed a very important group, Stock Analysts :eek:

04-24-2013, 10:28 PM
You missed a very important group, Stock Analysts :eek:
Ah yes, good point. however, they've been looking up of late.

04-24-2013, 11:16 PM
Ah yes, good point. however, they've been looking up of late.

LOL!! The credibility (or next "nosedive") of our Stock Analysts hangs on one juicy "Twitter Hack" :puke::o