View Full Version : CW40 Brake In shooting day report with questions

03-04-2013, 12:54 PM
Ok, I picked up my CW40 on Friday. Promptly took it home and cleaned and lubed it according to the instructions I have read on this site.

Saturday morning I went out to break her in, just me my CW40 and my 9MM and 150rds of 9mm and 200rds of .40.

Loaded the CW and bam first mag was good, so were the first ~7 or 8.

After that I got a last round failure to go in to battery, not a full on nose dive. A quick and hard pat to the back of the slide and she was GTG.

Now, I was using the factory 6rd mag and a KAHR 7rd extended. Witch I had modified the followers on to be a touch steeper and to reduce the gap between the first and second round bullet. Following some of the info I have also read on this site and previous handgun knowledge.

Does this sound like it could be a dirty gun problem? It was TERRIBLY dirty after the first ~50rds, and obviously got worse throughout the day.

I was shooting PMC flat tip FMJ for 200rds and I shot one Mag of SPEER HP at the end and it gave me the same problem.

I have not had a chance to shoot it again since cleaning it, and wont for a few weeks. I don't have any pictures on my work CP, but I will add some when I get home from work.

Any and all input is appreciated.

03-04-2013, 12:56 PM
I should also add that upon bringing it home and cleaning it, as well as a little polish of the feed ramp. I can cycle the gun by hand without issue.

By 'hand' I mean pulling the slide back fully and releasing it.

An for what its worth, 200rds in one afternoon kicked the CRAP out of my hand.

03-04-2013, 01:26 PM
I predict it will self cure as you shoot it some. Like you say it was probably well on it's way to being gunked up by then.

They do prefer to run a bit wet especially in the early stages. I'd take it out some more when you find the time and shoot it more. Make sure it's lubed up good.

03-04-2013, 02:58 PM
I little extra feed ramp polishing never hurts . As for the rest, as Bawanna said.

03-04-2013, 10:42 PM
Sounds good guys! Thats what I figured. I just had some down time at work and was reading a bit more on the site and I didnt see anyone voice this problem before. So I figured I'd ask.

03-05-2013, 08:06 PM
it took 400 rounds for me to break mine in 100%. I had the same issue with mine ftfeed (would not return to battery 100%) After the 400th round it is sweet as pie.

I used:

100 federal fmj,
100 buffalo bore +p,
100 fmj fiocchi,
100 round wwb fmj.

It is all good now. Hang in there. It will come around. Clean and lube it every outing and run it wet for the full break in period.

good luck.

03-07-2013, 08:30 PM
it took 400 rounds for me to break mine in 100%. I had the same issue with mine ftfeed (would not return to battery 100%) After the 400th round it is sweet as pie.

I used:

100 federal fmj,
100 buffalo bore +p,
100 fmj fiocchi,
100 round wwb fmj.

It is all good now. Hang in there. It will come around. Clean and lube it every outing and run it wet for the full break in period.

good luck.

Did you have any FTF issues using the +P? I had several issues durring break-in using WWB and Federal cheap Walmart ammo, but Winchester Ranger +P worked flawless.

03-09-2013, 03:26 AM
Ok, I picked up my CW40 on Friday. Promptly took it home and cleaned and lubed it according to the instructions I have read on this site.

Saturday morning I went out to break her in, just me my CW40 and my 9MM and 150rds of 9mm and 200rds of .40.

Loaded the CW and bam first mag was good, so were the first ~7 or 8.

After that I got a last round failure to go in to battery, not a full on nose dive. A quick and hard pat to the back of the slide and she was GTG.

"failure to go into battery?" Where you firing a cannon? You mean failure to feed. Sounds like your limp wristing it. Put a rubber grip on it and you will have much better control of it. Which in turn will reduce malfunctions.

03-09-2013, 11:02 AM
Actually in the early stage failure to go into battery is pretty common. The gun feeds and chambers but lacks just a fraction of locking up so it's out of business. Usually a smack on the back of the slide drives it home and back on the track.

Defense loads being hotter will often times have better results than practice. These tight stiff little packages take a lot of bang to run them thru the cycle.

Seldom hear of issues with defense loads even when target loads are balking.

Sometimes bullet shape and configuration can be a factor but if they feed they'll go bang and bring on the next one every time.

03-10-2013, 11:50 PM
"failure to go into battery?" Where you firing a cannon? You mean failure to feed. Sounds like your limp wristing it. Put a rubber grip on it and you will have much better control of it. Which in turn will reduce malfunctions.

I would have to agree with Bawanna on this one and say your the odd one out. Its not a failure to feed, although YOU may call it that. Its a 'failure to return to battery' and that is what I would call pretty widely used terminology. Ive heard this same scenario before and every time its referred to as the same, 'failure to return to battery'.

Now after about 20 minutes of playing I was able to replicate (without shooting, this was done by hand) the issue and take a picture.

The ONLY way I was able to replicate this was loading ONE round in (a Hornady SD round) and very very slowly pull back the slide and very slowly 'ride the slide' forward.


Now I'm not English teacher nor am I attempting to be you can call it what ever you damn well choose.
