View Full Version : I really don't get the .22 LR situation....

03-04-2013, 04:24 PM
Ok, so my sister bought an SR22 a few weeks back and rather than sell her some of my .22LR I have been desperately trying to find some at a decent price.

After a few weeks of watching the web I have yet to be able to find any at all as it seems no matter how fast I jump on it the sight either crashes or it is sold out after having only been listed for a minute or two.

Now here is where I get perplexed..... I am literally watching people pay upwards of .35 cents per round on some of these sites and thinking that is exactly what 9mm and .45 is selling for!! What are these idiots thinking? I mean I like shooting a .22 with the best of them however if I am going to pay that much for .22 ammo and I can pay the same amount for 9mm or .45 caliber I am darn sure gonna shoot a bigger caliber for the same price or pennies more! WTH is wrong with people? Then there are guys like my coworker who are sitting on 20,000 rounds of .22LR and still buying it as fast as he can find it and he never shoots any of it! I just don't get it. :confused:

03-04-2013, 04:40 PM
stupid is as stupid does: Forrest gump.

03-04-2013, 04:48 PM
stupid is as stupid does: Forrest gump.

That sums it up pretty well!

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03-04-2013, 06:19 PM
Paying 35 cents for a 4 to 5 cent round is way past stupid.

03-04-2013, 06:23 PM
I've seen a box of 50 go for $14.99 locally... in fact, many boxes of 50 std vel 22LR's going for that price.

Bricks of 500, when you can find them, are $129.99


03-04-2013, 06:33 PM
u know I lived in a town of less than 5K and sold gus and ammo for over 40 years,along with my tire business. There was times back yonder when people went nutso buying guns and ammo, but Inever raisedmy rpices one dime EVER. I grewup in this town and I knew everyne and Ijust couldnot fokk um for a few estra bucks. I was I tink rewardedkindly by my custmers to, forI had big hguh palte glass store windows, and I always felt thathadI screwed my customers back then and then the market settled down and they realized what I had done, that no windown inmy building would have been safe. I guess the bigiger cities could care less aboutmorals. My buddy went to the louisville gun show this past weekend and he said there was alot of ammo for sale. very few buyers that he could see, as the prices were just insane. Just sayin.

03-04-2013, 06:53 PM
Paying 35 cents for a 4 to 5 cent round is way past stupid.

I completely agree! I refuse to pay more than .06 cents a round!

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03-04-2013, 06:55 PM
I've seen a box of 50 go for $14.99 locally... in fact, many boxes of 50 std vel 22LR's going for that price.

Bricks of 500, when you can find them, are $129.99


I was a gun show the other weekend and a guy was selling Federal bulk for $150 a box an he sold out before he made it through the door to the show! It kind of floored me that anyone would pay that price.

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03-04-2013, 07:01 PM
u know I lived in a town of less than 5K and sold gus and ammo for over 40 years,along with my tire business. There was times back yonder when people went nutso buying guns and ammo, but Inever raisedmy rpices one dime EVER. I grewup in this town and I knew everyne and Ijust couldnot fokk um for a few estra bucks. I was I tink rewardedkindly by my custmers to, forI had big hguh palte glass store windows, and I always felt thathadI screwed my customers back then and then the market settled down and they realized what I had done, that no windown inmy building would have been safe. I guess the bigiger cities could care less aboutmorals. My buddy went to the louisville gun show this past weekend and he said there was alot of ammo for sale. very few buyers that he could see, as the prices were just insane. Just sayin.

I respect you for the decision to not gouge people! I ripped a friend of mine a new one the other day when I found out he ordered 50 AR15 30 round Pmags right when all this stuff happened just so he could flip them for $50 a piece! When we as a community are trying to screw each other we are doomed!

One of the main reasons I keep dealing wight the local gun store lies with the fact they still aren't price gouging the customers. I just bought 50 rounds of Blazer. 40 ammunition for 15 bucks yesterday.

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03-04-2013, 07:20 PM
I'm down to my last 200 rounds. I don't know whether to shoot it or have it gold plated. At this rate I may have to invest in lead futures.

03-05-2013, 09:22 AM
I heard from a coworker of mine who had asked at a LGS that the reason .22lr ammo is so hard to find is all the companies have shut down their assembly lines on the .22lr and are trying to catch up on .223, .308 and other centerfire calibers. According to him, they don't expect to start production for another 2-3 months. Don't know if it's all true or not, but would definitely explain why it's so hard to get .22lr of any brand, even though it's not a caliber that would be on the potential ban list.

MW surveyor
03-05-2013, 09:26 AM
So I guess CCI putting out about 4 million 22 lr rounds a day is an internet hoax?

03-05-2013, 10:19 AM
I don't know who's less reliable, the internet or gun store employees.

Even if I could find .22 ammo, I wouldn't buy it at these stupid prices.

Longitude Zero
03-05-2013, 10:22 AM
CCI is still pumping rounds out but they are bought instantly when they hit the market. Now for the others who knows.

03-05-2013, 10:27 AM
Winchester is still putting out some 22's. I picked up 1,000 rounds at Walmart last week, $48.95. They got (2) of the 1,000 round packs in. I got lucky and got one. It was there black plated 40gr ammo.

03-05-2013, 10:46 AM
Walmart and Bass Pro get 22LR at least weekly here in Vegas. But between the employees "saving" ammo for themselves and others and the professional buyers (guys who know the delivery times of several stores and wait for hours to buy what is put out immediately) the public is seeing very little of that new ammo, 22LR seem to be hardest hit. Four years ago it was 9mm and 45ACP that was impossible to find for 6 months.

As the federal assault weapons ban goes down in flames, the ammo will start to reappear on shelves. I would guess by summer.

03-05-2013, 01:03 PM
FWIW, some blogger guy said at a gun show, it was military guys and their families buying up the massive bulk orders (1000+ rounds), because they understand the importance of quantity in a firefight.

03-05-2013, 01:29 PM
When I bought my Henry 22 the other day I purchased three 100 count plastic containers of CCI standards for $5.99 each and I thought that was a little steep.
The CCI's always seem to give great results as far as accuracy, so I do not mind paying a little extra. If someone tried to rip me for 22 ammo the way you guys are talking they'd never get another penny of my money.

Longitude Zero
03-05-2013, 03:05 PM
If someone tried to rip me for 22 ammo the way you guys are talking they'd never get another penny of my money.

Basic business rules of supply and demand.

les strat
03-05-2013, 03:41 PM
I have a good supply, and the stores that are now gouging will never see a penny of my money. Supply and demand goes both ways. They won't have a supply of my money and several others when things return to normal. Another good thing about capitalism. Karma is a b!tch.

03-05-2013, 03:49 PM
I heard from a coworker of mine who had asked at a LGS that the reason .22lr ammo is so hard to find is all the companies have shut down their assembly lines on the .22lr and are trying to catch up on .223, .308 and other centerfire calibers. According to him, they don't expect to start production for another 2-3 months. Don't know if it's all true or not, but would definitely explain why it's so hard to get .22lr of any brand, even though it's not a caliber that would be on the potential ban list.

sure I would buy into that. I would thik we are taling about two different assembly lines to. But I am speculating:Amflag2:

Our local wal mart has nadda of anything. My wife works at wal mart and has for 27 years and according ther employees cannot rat hole ammo back or for that matter anythingin the store./ If caught ur gone. In order for my wife even to buy me any ammo when it comes in ad she sees it is avaialabe she has to sign out first before she can buy it. Which is sumpin management frowns on big time.

Right across the street is a small gun store and he jacks his ammo sky high and is at wal mar every day when they open to buy what ever they have in the 3 box limit and then uts it on his shelf at sky high prices. Fokk him:Amflag2::Amflag2:

03-05-2013, 03:50 PM
Basic business rules of supply and demand.
Yep I understand that, and my rule is for people who try to treat people like fools is FV(k them. My local Harley dealer tried something similiar one time. Now the only time I go there is to drink there free coffee and pee in there toilet and pretend to be listening to there latest and greatest sales pitch. :D You'd have thought they would have caught on by now, but as usual they have there all about them heads so far up there buttox they don't see that I'm screwing around with them. Sometimes I have my buddies practically rolling on the floor from all the BS I'm feeding them. So instead of spending hundreds of ,and prehaps thousands of dollars a year in there dealership I spend nothing and have a great time doing it.
I have a mechanic who used to work for the dealership and got tired of there BS, and opened his own place to work on my bike. He treats me like the loyal customer I am. It's just a basic rule of good business. Treat others with the respect that they deserve and the same amount of respect you'd want if the shoe was on the other foot.

03-05-2013, 03:53 PM
I have a good supply, and the stores that are now gouging will never see a penny of my money. Supply and demand goes both ways. They won't have a supply of my money and several others when things return to normal. Another good thing about capitalism. Karma is a b!tch.

+1 on that. I believe 100% in capitalism and that it operates both ways. No better comment on this than yours Les.

Gander and Sportsman's Liquidators here have both NOT been gouging. There prices were not GREAT before, but they have held them to the point that now they are spectacular. But we've been able to pick up 500 rounds of CCI std velocity recently (between the 2 places) and will be buying more as it shows up and I can get there before its gone. But you gotta be there when the doors open and that's not always possible.

I think the Gander price was 8.99 for 100rds and Sportsman's was 4.99 for 50rds. Again, high, but still <$50 for 500 rounds and not price gouging by any means. I can live with that until it gets back to normal.

03-05-2013, 04:00 PM
gander here in terrehaute is ripping off buyers for center fire ammo big time, and now some of it is finally starting to sit there to.. Its winter tie here and no one is shootin period and one think by now the hoarders would be well stocke dup even. Desn't bother me in the slightest to walk in gander soop around here there bull sh!t and then come back home..

03-05-2013, 04:12 PM
Right across the street is a small gun store and he jacks his ammo sky high and is at wal mar every day when they open to buy what ever they have in the 3 box limit and then uts it on his shelf at sky high prices. Fokk him:Amflag2::Amflag2:
And that my friend is why there is only three box limits on most ammo from Walmart. Many of Walmarts customers wil buy something else while there in there weather it be targets, milk, lightbulbs, or whatever. These bozo's only buy what they can get there greedy hands on to scalp the rest of us. Your right Fokk 'm

03-05-2013, 04:16 PM
capitlism works for me. I have the capital and u ain't gonna get it.

03-05-2013, 06:50 PM
When I bought my Henry 22 the other day I purchased three 100 count plastic containers of CCI standards for $5.99 each and I thought that was a little steep.
The CCI's always seem to give great results as far as accuracy, so I do not mind paying a little extra. If someone tried to rip me for 22 ammo the way you guys are talking they'd never get another penny of my money.

If you got CCI for that price recently you stole it. That was about the walmart price around here before the rush. Now you can't find it.

03-05-2013, 07:17 PM
I found 12 bricks of .22 lr in the back of one of my safes last week. Had forgotten all about it.

Told two of my sons of the discovery, and now I only have two bricks left. lol

03-05-2013, 07:26 PM
The current state of affairs - with panic buying and shortages of everything - might be the most effective form of gun control ever devised.

03-05-2013, 07:32 PM
Stuff like that is good for trading for useless-without-ammo-guns!


03-05-2013, 08:08 PM
22 lr and rimfire manufacturing is usually ramped up in the late winter as the orders are made at the shot show are calculated and demand increases due to the snow going away. This years run on ammo probably wiped out all the warehouse stock and now equipment and resources have to be diverted to rimfire. Profit margin is higher in other ammo than rimfire so if you only have so much time and resources rimfire might take a back seat. Think how hard it is going to be to get ammo like 35 Whelen, 338 WIN Mag, 220 Swift and so forth in the near future. I don't have a problem with somebody trying to make a living by buying and selling items. America is built on it.

Longitude Zero
03-05-2013, 08:36 PM
For those carping about the increased cost how do you know it is not the ammo companies raising the prices and the retailer just passing that increase along? Answer you have no clue if that is occurring or not. Local sales staff may answer they know but truthfully local staff are ignorant of corporate buying and pricing decisions.

03-05-2013, 08:43 PM
I found 12 bricks of .22 lr in the back of one of my safes last week. Had forgotten all about it.

Told two of my sons of the discovery, and now I only have two bricks left. lol

Aren't kids wonderful. I can reload for 3 or 4 nights and one session I'm back to square one. Usually I get to go along so it's not a total loss.

03-05-2013, 09:27 PM
I found this on CCI's website and wanted to share it with you:

We are currently experiencing high demand for our products. We appreciate your patience and support and remain committed to serving all of our customers.

Q: Why is ammunition in certain calibers so hard to find?
A: The current market and environment is causing stronger than usual demand for products in our industry.

Q: Are certain contracts taking ammunition away from civilians?
A: No. We remain committed to serving all channels of our business.

Q: Why can't you just make more ammunition?
A: Our facilities operate 24-hours a day. We are continually making process improvements to increase our efficiency and investing in capital and personnel where we have sustained demand. We are bringing additional capacity online again this year.

03-05-2013, 09:49 PM
I walked into a local gun store, over past Bawanna's neck of the woods, and they had plenty of ammo. They were limiting it to 4 of any given type. I picked up 4 boxes of 9mm, 2 of .40 (I have quite a bit) and a brick of .22. The 50 round boxes of 9 and .40 were under $20. The brick of .22 was $22, but it was Federal match. I usually go for the value pack, so spent more than typical. But, the prices weren't bad for the current situation.

When I was last in that town, a month or so ago, they had all the ammo I could want too. That time I picked up some .38 and .40.

03-05-2013, 11:37 PM
Your past my neck of the woods and you didn't stop by for coffee?

What shop was that by chance. Maybe West Coast Armory in the old Sams range.

I haven't been there yet but scoundrel said they had pretty good ammo inventory. I think because they were refurbishing during the panic.

03-06-2013, 05:55 AM
I walked into a local gun store, over past Bawanna's neck of the woods, and they had plenty of ammo. They were limiting it to 4 of any given type. I picked up 4 boxes of 9mm, 2 of .40 (I have quite a bit) and a brick of .22. The 50 round boxes of 9 and .40 were under $20. The brick of .22 was $22, but it was Federal match. I usually go for the value pack, so spent more than typical. But, the prices weren't bad for the current situation.

When I was last in that town, a month or so ago, they had all the ammo I could want too. That time I picked up some .38 and .40.

Yeah our local shop was doing fine and continually had everything you could want with no limits on the ammo.....Then a bunch of local jackasses came in and just about bought every case of stuff they had took 1.5 hours north and were selling it on Craigslist for triple the price.......As soon as the LGS found out what was going on we are now on a 5 box limit per caliber per day....After three weeks they are finally starting to have the empty slots on the shelves filled.

It's the people above that really infuriate me..... When we start gouging each other and scalping your friends it pisses me off. The guys at the LGS were pretty pissed when they found out what was going on.....

03-06-2013, 06:38 AM
If you got CCI for that price recently you stole it. That was about the walmart price around here before the rush. Now you can't find it.
Hear they are with the rifle. Trust me I'm not complaining about the price of the ammo or the rifle.
I understand the rule of supply and demand, but scalping is quite another issue. Like I've said in the past,I guess I'm furtunate that the GS near my home appreciate there loyal customers. They could have scalped there customers on the AR's and ammo but chose not. The two shops I buy most everything from is Tanners in Jamison Pa. and Classic Pistol (and indoor range) in Southampton PA. Both shops have treated me very fairly through the years and deserve a shout out. I've alway felt that there good and honest people to deal with, and that is why there customers keep going back.

03-06-2013, 06:47 AM
+1 on Tanners!

03-06-2013, 06:53 AM
Just so you do not think I'm yanking your chain. The 500 count box of CCI standards I bought last month and the 100 count containers I just bought last week. Tinman knows what kind of people they are.

03-06-2013, 06:56 AM
Ray and Company are good folks. My only issue is getting close to the counter on a Saturday morning. Folks actually camp out the night before to be first in the store Saturday mornings. Is that nuts or what?

03-06-2013, 07:21 AM
It's like that everyday now. I live a couple miles away and do not go near that place on a weekday afternoon or a Saturday. The grass plot to the right as you pull in the driveway is all tore up from trucks parking on it. They are making a ton of money and they're not ripping anyone off.
I love there used gun cabinet,I bought two very nice CZ's out of it. One unissued CZ82 (circa 1987)and the other CZPO-1(circa 2011). I also went in there one day last summer and snatched a very nice unissued Yugo SKS (circa 1969)off the back wall. I believe the SKS and the CZ82 came from somones private collections and I'm not sure the CZ82 was ever fired before I got it. It's pretty unique as the serial number reads the same foward and backwards. I friggin love that place, especially there used pistol cabinet..;)