View Full Version : Midway USA Donates $1M-NRA

03-04-2013, 04:36 PM
just got this e-mail this afternoon as i'm sure alot of you did.
this says alot about this company & there support to help us.

Dear Valued Customer,
One million is an attention-getting number, no matter what the circumstances. At MidwayUSA, Brenda and I - along with the MidwayUSA Employees - have celebrated a good many 'one million' milestones during the last 35+ years.

In 1983, our seventh year in business, we reached the milestone of one million dollars in business during a single calendar year. 2008 was the first year we filled one million orders for our Customers. In 2012 your NRA "Round-Up" contributions, through MidwayUSA, exceeded one million dollars during that single year. Please note that NRA "Round-Up" contributions come from you, our Customers, and each week since 1992 we have sent your contributions directly to the NRA/ILA National Endowment for the Protection of the 2nd Amendment. Our Customers should get all the credit for that, we just collect and remit your money. Now, in March of 2013 came another milestone to celebrate - one million active Customers - Customers who have ordered from MidwayUSA during the last twelve months. For a country kid from Missouri, that's an amazing milestone.

I believe our vision to be the best-run, most-respected business in America, for the benefit of our Customers, our family values and our relentless pursuit of Customer Satisfaction are what brought us to this milestone of one million active Customers. Brenda and I, along with all the Employees at MidwayUSA, thank you very much for your support.

As you might imagine, we gave quite a bit of thought as to how we could celebrate. Should we choose our one millionth active Customer and give he or she a special gift? Well, we could have done that, but all of our Customers are equally important, not just the one who put us over the top. Then someone came up with the idea that we should donate $1 to the NRA for each of our active Customers. Well, let's see, what is $1 times one million?

And so it was! On Monday morning about 10am, when we went over one million active Customers, MidwayUSA authorized our bank to send a wire transfer of one million dollars to the NRA/ILA National Endowment for the Protection of the 2nd Amendment; because we can and because we should.

Thanks a Million!

Larry Potterfield,
Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA

5875 West Van Horn Tavern Rd.
Columbia, MO 65203 ©2013 MidwayUSA, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

03-04-2013, 05:07 PM
That's meaningful. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is.

03-04-2013, 05:11 PM
Just remember it is the customers that are donating with Midway as the facilitater. Last time I bought from them they asked for donation for the NRA, which I gladly did. Good for them, but give credit to customers also.

03-04-2013, 05:42 PM
They did indeed give credit to their customers but this is over and above the round up program as I understand it. They donate weekly on the round up program all year long.

This is a one time million dollar transfer. Course customers still provided the loot but they got something for their money. This is Potterfields profit money.

03-04-2013, 05:45 PM
That's awesome!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3

03-04-2013, 05:48 PM
every business who makes business from gun sales, either directly or indirectly, should be doing this without the attaboys. If legislation passes, these business go out of business--that simple. It is in their best interest to keep guns in our hands.

03-04-2013, 05:52 PM
If I ever give anybody or anything a million freaking dollars I'll be expecting some attaboys. Even if I have to give it to myself.

If I could give away a million dollars I could run down to the mini mart and buy me a sack full of attaboys.

I agree it's good for them to support anything that keeps us armed and wanting their goods but it's still might damn nice of them me thinks.

03-04-2013, 06:57 PM
Kudos to MidwayUSA. If good service isn't reason enough to shop there, this is!

They are doing their part to protect our 2nd amendment rights. What about you? Have you joined NRA yet?

03-04-2013, 07:18 PM
If I ever give anybody or anything a million freaking dollars I'll be expecting some attaboys. Even if I have to give it to myself.

If I could give away a million dollars I could run down to the mini mart and buy me a sack full of attaboys.

I agree it's good for them to support anything that keeps us armed and wanting their goods but it's still might damn nice of them me thinks.

Everyone wins. They look like a million, the NRA fights to keep our rights and they continue to sell us sheet. Cycle of life. A million is a lot no doubt. What is sad here is that freedom costs money. So lets see if we can buy back our constitution. I think our founding fathers would wretch at all of this. Perhaps I am werong but does all the NRA money go to ads and information distribution? Does some of it go to greasing the wheels of the decision makers? Dont get me wrong, I want to win but it jades me to think how the system works

03-04-2013, 07:43 PM
Potterfield and MidwayUSA are a class act and will continue to get my business because He has earned it.

03-04-2013, 07:57 PM
Earned it and then some, Ol' Coot. Bawanna, if you send me a million dollars I'll send you more attaboys than you can handle. :)

03-04-2013, 07:59 PM
Potterfield and MidwayUSA are a class act and will continue to get my business because He has earned it.

True for me before...x10 now

03-04-2013, 08:36 PM
Potterfield and MidwayUSA are a class act and will continue to get my business because He has earned it.

+1. My feelings exactly.

03-04-2013, 09:47 PM
That's awesome.

03-04-2013, 10:27 PM
That is great!
Agree 100% Midway is a class act.

With the anti's getting Bloomberg $$$ now, I hope some of the other big dogs in the gun industry follow Midways lead and donate more to help make the next mid-term elections look like a annihilation for any politician that votes against gun owners and the 2nd amendment!

03-05-2013, 06:30 AM
MidwayUSA has been a favorite supplier of mine for some time.

03-05-2013, 11:26 AM
I have used them in the past, and for some reason drifted away. No more of that, they have my business. Oh and CTD can FOAD.

03-05-2013, 10:40 PM
Midway has given me excellent service. They will sure get more of my business. Thanks for the support Midway!!!!!!

03-05-2013, 10:44 PM
I have seen Midway bashed along with some other companies recently. Disclosure - I have been a Midway dealer for many years and have sold a lot of their product. I was initially frustrated when they ran out of many of their products and backorders were not allowed. That was before it became clear how deep the hysteria buying is this go around. Recently they received some hard to get products and the price increase was minor. In addition, they made an effort to limit sales so more customers would be served. This last $1,000,000 was out of their profits albeit a result of our purchasing from them. At this point I rate them as one of the good guys.

03-05-2013, 10:47 PM
I have always liked Midway and now I like them even more! They are definitely a great company!!!

03-06-2013, 08:51 AM
every business who makes business from gun sales, either directly or indirectly, should be doing this without the attaboys. If legislation passes, these business go out of business--that simple. It is in their best interest to keep guns in our hands.

And anyone who owns a gun should be a member of the NRA not just the 2% of gun owners who are members now. Now, lets hear all of the excuses from those of you who aren't members of the NRA. On second thought, let's not. I've heard them all before. Boo, boo. :32:

03-06-2013, 10:53 AM
And anyone who owns a gun should be a member of the NRA not just the 2% of gun owners who are members now. Now, lets hear all of the excuses from those of you who aren't members of the NRA. On second thought, let's not. I've heard them all before. Boo, boo. :32:
+ 1 million

04-15-2013, 09:37 PM
i just rounded up again, get them while you can..