View Full Version : Help With PM9 Issue

03-04-2013, 08:22 PM
I've had my blunt nose PM9 since I bought it new in Oct 2009. I've shot the snot out of it and it's my go to 3" barrel for 9mm ballistics tests over all others. Here's my problem. Over the weekend, I noticed that the trigger pivot pin cap isn't counter sunk into the frame as my other PM pistols are. It must have been that way since I got it because you can see how my trigger finger has rubbed the bluing off the cap. Not sure why it's bothering me now, but that cap edge is getting sharp. I must be getting old, cranky, and sensitive.

This doesn't appear to be something I can fix, but I wanted to ask before I called CS and explained the problem. Please let me know if you think this is something I can fix. I did try to push the pin into the frame with finger pressure, but it won't budge.



I also installed a completely new recoil assembly over the weekend when I noticed the spring was gouging the inner recoil spring assembly and the bottom coil of the spring was trying to roll under the coil above it. When I compared the outer springs the length difference was pretty substantial which also made me think it was time for a replacement.

I'm getting last round failures to lock back with light FMJ and the new recoil spring assembly, but I assume those will go away with more rounds on the new recoil spring assembly. No failures to lock back with full power JHPs.



03-04-2013, 08:44 PM
My recoil spring assembly I change a few months ago has a gouge in it just like yours.

03-04-2013, 08:50 PM
My recoil spring assembly I change a few months ago has a gouge in it just like yours.

I think that might be from the open end of the spring finding that exact spot all the time. It's a wear item so no problem replacing that every 3 + years. :D

03-04-2013, 09:04 PM
On the next to last photo I see a projection on the inside of coil # 4 from the end of the closed end of the outer coil. It's probably causing the gouge... spring steel against the mild stainless sleeve! And... I had a similar problem with my PM45 a few years ago. I used the brass "primer" from a broken snap cap, a little 3M double-sided tape, and a pair of channel lock pliers to press the trigger pin back in.


I hope this helps. I used some Super Glue on both sides of the trigger pivot pin and it has never come loose.


03-04-2013, 09:17 PM
On the next to last photo I see a projection on the inside of coil # 4 from the end of the closed end of the outer coil. It's probably causing the gouge... spring steel against the mild stainless sleeve!

That projection was dirt. Just checked the old spring again and it wasn't there.

I checked the thread and that appears to be my problem too. The dreaded walking trigger pin, but I think mine has been walked for a long time and I just didn't pay attention.

I'll decide in the morning if I want to mess with it or call it in. Thanks for the heads up on the thread.

03-08-2013, 11:39 AM
Finally remembered to call today and actually got Ian on the phone, who I never spoke with previously but you guys seem to think quite a bit of. He was much more helpful that the customer service turd I had when I called with P380 problems back in 2009.

Anyway, Ian told me to beat that pin back into place with a rubber mallet, which I did. Still not flush with the frame like the other Kahrs, but much better than it was. Ian told me to give it a try and if it pops again call back and other solutions would be discussed. That works for me.

03-08-2013, 11:53 AM
I don't like to beat on stuff... limited to screwdriver handles.:D

I made up the pliers deal for controlled pressure and seating. That's easy to throw together as I did.

The retention pin seemed to be preventing the pin from being pushed back in until I overcame it with my "tool".


03-08-2013, 12:05 PM
I've had my blunt nose PM9 since I bought it new in Oct 2009. I've shot the snot out of it and it's my go to 3" barrel for 9mm ballistics tests over all others. Here's my problem. Over the weekend, I noticed that the trigger pivot pin cap isn't counter sunk into the frame as my other PM pistols are. It must have been that way since I got it because you can see how my trigger finger has rubbed the bluing off the cap. Not sure why it's bothering me now, but that cap edge is getting sharp. I must be getting old, cranky, and sensitive.

This doesn't appear to be something I can fix, but I wanted to ask before I called CS and explained the problem. Please let me know if you think this is something I can fix. I did try to push the pin into the frame with finger pressure, but it won't budge.



I also installed a completely new recoil assembly over the weekend when I noticed the spring was gouging the inner recoil spring assembly and the bottom coil of the spring was trying to roll under the coil above it. When I compared the outer springs the length difference was pretty substantial which also made me think it was time for a replacement.

I'm getting last round failures to lock back with light FMJ and the new recoil spring assembly, but I assume those will go away with more rounds on the new recoil spring assembly. No failures to lock back with full power JHPs.



cents from a two owner bluntnose PMJ9. The walkingtrigger in, One of mne did that a couple of times,I tapped it back in and it started to do it again, I never letit get any further whan what urs looks like, so I finally just took some super glue and tapped a tad furter out and then put that super glue on the pin and taped it back in lace and it has never moved. I have no doubt if I wanted to tap that pin out, it would move to, but it has never moved and there really is nutting there in that area that should give any further issues. I would try what IAN suggested first to see if that solves it but IMO, it probalby will not solve it, so I suggest doing what I did and just moving on. Al lkahr will more than likely is install a new pin and cross their's and ur's fingers that it holds. I am not totally sure that pin is recessed eitherU might want to check the left side of that where the pin comes through the frame, as there is a damn never invisible keep pin that actually holds that trigger pin form moving. If u can feel it, then it has moved out a tad also and a very small punch will reset it and u should be OK. It willbe located under that pin on the trigger guard housing. u gotta look but its there.

IMO ur recoils springs (both ) arefine. the ond one just has taken it designed shooting preset and I would be within 200 rounds of ur new on, it will look the same als. but the outsife spring is cheap to buy and I would recommend buying them from woffs gunsrpings also. They offer that to you in two different poundages. 18# factory and 20.5# a tad stronger. Bothwork perfect. The goung on the tube, IMO will hurt nadda to. both of mine show sumpin about the same. I never have had an issue either. I spray my recoil spring and the tube with remington dry lube. no mess but stillsome lubrication.

I think your OK. Just shoot the fokker like u stole it. IMO the blunt nose is in a class all by itself to. just nuttin like um. course I am bias:amflag:

03-08-2013, 12:36 PM
It may still look like new, but this baby has seen quite a bit of range action. I agree they just don't make 'em like the used to. I just used my last Wolff xp mag spring in a PM40 mag so I'll pick up some of those xp recoil springs with my next order.

I kept the replaced recoil rod as I had planned to put on a new outer spring and keep it as a spare.


03-08-2013, 12:50 PM
u might want to think about while ur ordering their 5# striker sring. drops right in and realy makes a difference but yet keeps the looooooong trigger pull the same. Not a hair trigger at all. nice drop in mod that if u don't like it (which I have never readof anyone taking um back out)_ thenu can just take it back out. Mine was before I dod alot of custom sh!t to it the dlc black finish. just an awesome sob IMO...

If u got the new complete recoil assembly be ver sure the recoil assembly rod and tube are the same length, as the new model kahrs take a longer rod and tube and unlessone tells um they have theold style slide, their gonna get the new setup and it wll not work. It will stick out in front of the slide.

03-08-2013, 11:35 PM
Nice photography there Ljutic!