View Full Version : Porting info. IMO

03-05-2013, 12:12 PM
To those thinking about porting your barrels. If the guns use is going to be self defense. I would not recommend porting it. If you want to use the gun for competition and it goes back to the safe or storage after you compete, knock yourself out and port it. When you port the barrel it gives you less muzzle rise, but its not free! You give up velocity/bullet performance. Plus it will change the muzzle flash, witch could also be a negative thing in a self defense pistol. This is just my opinion for what it's worth. Hope I don't offend any who feel its great for a self defense gun. I just don't agree

03-05-2013, 12:15 PM
flash is a non issue in my experience and the performance seemed to improve. YMMV

03-05-2013, 12:18 PM
I'm calling B S on that since its scientifically impossible.

03-05-2013, 12:25 PM
pretty strong reply by calling someone out as bull sheeting when they report their own experiences. Good luck with your thread. I'm out.

03-05-2013, 12:46 PM
I have most of my guns ported and have no problems with it. For me the improvement far out weighs any negatives. My first gun ported was a Model 29 back in 1979? I think.

03-05-2013, 01:00 PM
I've never fired my ported .40 in the dark before so I can't comment on ported vs non ported Kahr's and the only handgun I have personally fired at night was at deer camp many moons ago and it was a stock (non ported) S&W mod 19 with 4"barrel .357 mag and that thing put out a flame about a foot long and I swear I still am seeing spots from that cannon....If you ever have to fire any handgun at night I strongly urge you to close one eye or you will be blinded for a good while...:eek:

03-05-2013, 01:07 PM
every gun is gonna shoot out flames at night, It does it at daylingt we just don't see it.Porting rediretcts some of the muzzle flash no doubt about that, but at night either one is a blinder to shoot and WTF does Jeepster know about ported guns??/ Why take a porters word for it either. It is always best to take the advice from one who has never shot or owned a ported gun.
they are ur true authorities...would u trust an intern to do heart surgery because he has read alot about it and heard HOW to do it over a surgeron who has been there done that???

stuid is as stupid does: forrest gump. rhd04 loves to argue or start an argument. :israel:

03-05-2013, 01:09 PM
I used to be anti porting for the above mentioned reasons but I've 180'd after a little experience.

There is very minimal loss of velocity, your only talking a 3" to 5" barrel usually anyhow, not gonna make a lot of difference.

I've shot my ported K40 in total darkness and it wasn't bothersome at all. Actually directed the flash out of the sight picture for the most part.

As Getsome so eloquently (jocko that means smooth and slick) stated any major caliber handgun is gonna be a flame thrower in the dark. Can't get around that.

I deal with firearms instructors, so called experts all the time and they fall on both sides of the fence, some dead set against porting and some all for it.

I don't think there is a black and white correct answer that fits all. For me as soon as the piggy bank allows my PM45 will be off for some vent holes in the barrel. I think it looks cool which is job 1, and while it don't really need it, it can't hurt.

03-05-2013, 01:17 PM
were all experts colonel, just ask rhd04. It is a matter of PERSONAL choice, Someday I might even read of a porter who blew his nose off or caught his pants on fire.Sop farin over 30+ years of just Magna porting I have not read this but thol saying of STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES might work in this case to. ELOQUENT,I always thought was a baby elephant. Humm learn sumpin every day. Just sayin

03-05-2013, 01:23 PM
We need to play nice boys and girls. We're all entitled to our own opinions and most of us here have been around the block enough times that we're pretty set in our ways.

Lets not get into personal mud slinging etc. Although I do enjoy a good mud wrestling match from time to time.

It's all good. Group hug. Port or not, that is the question.

I'm leaving. (that ought to be good for 36 more pages by itself).

03-05-2013, 01:28 PM
I assume I was not to smooth and slick???Huh. Just sayin. Personally I like the gals wrestling in col slaw. Seems to makeme hungry after the match. andif ur close enough to the rink, u can buy aburger or hot dog and just hand grab some slaw right out of the rink. Pretty coool and if the gals have beenin the rink very long, there usually is alot of dressingon the slaw to. Just sayin:Amflag2:

03-05-2013, 02:04 PM
Oh your slick and smooth Jocko, there's no taking that away from you no matter what. Eloquent might be kind of a stretch at times but always slick and smooth for sure.

03-05-2013, 02:17 PM
i guess I have to consider that a compliment even. Thank you colonel.

03-05-2013, 02:30 PM
Well of course!

Wheeew, one less head at bawanna's house.

03-05-2013, 02:35 PM
Sorry I offended you ol jacko. Just cause I wouldn't recommend it. I wanted to say something about it on a previous thread but held it in but the guy realized it was not a competition 1911 and dropped the idea. But heck I wouldn't go burning it all up with a soldering iron either. Just sayin

03-05-2013, 02:38 PM
Just get a Black Sharpie and draw some slots on your slide....Looks Cool and no Flash.......Damn I'm good

03-05-2013, 02:40 PM
naw gonna take more of sumpin from u to offend me.Ur entitled to ur opinion. It would be nice though if u were voicing ur opinion from actual experience instead of reading and believing everything u read. U have many comments from actual owners and shooters on this forum and so far I have not heard any negatvies from them but their actual ownership and usaga is trumped by ur reading experience.

Heh, no harm no foul rhd03

03-05-2013, 02:59 PM
Do you guys get a check from magna port for every referral of the gun they get to blow holes through?

03-05-2013, 03:00 PM
Do you guys get a check from magna port for every referral of the gun they get to blow holes through?

Shhhhh.........you're gonna blow our cover.

03-05-2013, 03:04 PM
Do you guys get a check from magna port for every referral of the gun they get to blow holes through?

why would I tell you:behindsofa:

03-05-2013, 03:34 PM
If you guys are retired LE I bet you were the best money- (could buy!) but that's how it is everywhere. No pun

03-05-2013, 03:36 PM
Crap I forgot, those bastards haven't sent me a check in 3 months, no wonder my budget for the last 3 months was off 12 dollars and 13 cents.

I gotta pay closer attention to accounts receivable. That's bean counter talk to all you non bean counters.

03-05-2013, 03:36 PM
Crap I forgot, those bastards haven't sent me a check in 3 months, no wonder my budget for the last 3 months was off 12 dollars and 13 cents.

I gotta pay closer attention to accounts receivable. That's bean counter talk to all you non bean counters.

I luv the sharpie idea, your the smartest man alive getsome.

03-05-2013, 03:38 PM
Thanks Uncle Bawan, Thats why my nickname is "New Moon"....:cool:

03-06-2013, 07:22 AM
Porting has a much more pronounced effect in revolvers than in semi-autos due to the height of the bore axis. It's more valuable in a gun used for competition target shooting than in a self defense pistol. In a SHTF situation I doubt that you will notice the difference in perceived recoil, but you will if you put 32,000 rounds through your gun. (I won't mention any names.) To me it's more a matter of personal preference. If you like porting, port it. If you don't, don't. I'll stop now as I seem to be repeating myself. :)

03-06-2013, 07:47 AM
I agree with muggsy. Texiandave you can't compare the 2 unless the barrels are the same length

03-06-2013, 08:43 AM
I now have three ported pistols... the Mag-na-ported P40, the Glock 23C, and my P9 with the Kahr ported barrel. The first two throw the blast mostly upwards, while the P9 with the drop-in ported barrel throws the blast mostly forward and it's hidden mostly by the front of the frame. The blast from the first two could more likely harm you if you hold the gun close to your body... as I noticed when trying to approximate a hipshot. Thankfully, the tray/table in front of me required me to hold the pistol higher and a little forward... I could feel the blast a bit on my face. I'm glad that I couldn't have done a hipshot from the range.:eek:

The Kahr drop-in barrel was on sale at the time I was making an order... $129.99 vs. $159.99, so I got one... still thinking about Wifey shooting it... but "it's too hard to rack".

The P40 and the G23C can have the most photogenic flashes, but my 30 frames a second camera was missing a lot of the flashes and the the lighting was a little too bright may last couple of trips to the range. The P9's flashes were lower and away from the front of the pistol and not so visible, so I think that it would be the "least dangerous" to the shooter, as normal shooting is AWAY from the shooter.

The Glock's front sight sure got dirty after a few hundred rounds. I was shooting toward a lit area and didn't notice how dingy the FS was until I wiped it a bit as I wiped the pistol with a paper towel before putting it away.


03-06-2013, 09:09 AM
I agree with muggsy. Texiandave you can't compare the 2 unless the barrels are the same length

True. We're talking about sending a factory stock flush barrel to be ported. The Kahr barrels being longer and sticking out the end more add enough barrel to add velocity and make up for the porting which I still maintain is extremely marginal at best.

03-06-2013, 10:21 AM
To be honest, I doubt that anyone would notice the difference if they were shot with a 147 gr bullet 9mm bullet travelling at 950 fps or one traveling at 975 fps. Both would hurt plenty. Ouch!

03-06-2013, 11:02 AM
And the Bingo of the day award goes to Mr. Muggsy for common sense and high degree of observation capabilities above and beyond that of the average human.


I'm sorry there's no prize, tight budget and all but I'm still looking for that million bucks to send you for a few attaboys if that's any consolation.

Snoop Robb
03-18-2013, 03:11 PM
To those thinking about porting your barrels. If the guns use is going to be self defense. I would not recommend porting it. If you want to use the gun for competition and it goes back to the safe or storage after you compete, knock yourself out and port it. When you port the barrel it gives you less muzzle rise, but its not free! You give up velocity/bullet performance. Plus it will change the muzzle flash, witch could also be a negative thing in a self defense pistol. This is just my opinion for what it's worth. Hope I don't offend any who feel its great for a self defense gun. I just don't agree

Some people like the idea of a gun loudner.

03-18-2013, 03:27 PM
The bullets have established their velocity before the gases hit the ports and there is no real velocity lost... contrary to naysayers who spread opinions read on the Internet or other sources of hearsay and opinions. Why the vehemence against porting? Usually the velocity spread in testing ammo is greater than the recorded difference between ported and non-ported barrels... inconsequential.

The porting on my Kahr-ported barrel doesn't even start until the bullet has traveled the normal barrel's length! The only danger is from forgetting the porting and pointing it at yourself or anyone or holding the gun too close, as in shooting from the hip. While there seems to be more flash in the dark, the Kahr ported barrel also ports that away from below the front of the slide/barrel, so it's not even noticeable. I have two ported .40's and one 9mm now. I HAVE fired mine on video camera and stepped frame by frame for stills, and know what I'm talking about.

In testing my G23C, it was harder to capture any flash and almost none could be caught on my P9... pretty disappointing as "flash-testing" goes! The P40 was quite photogenic in that respect back where I had the right angle and a bit lower lighting... and flashier ammo!


03-18-2013, 03:59 PM
However....Magnaport did tell me they would not port my Kahr 380, that it would affect cycling in a negative way. They will not port smaller than 9mm guns for this reason. Which is ok with me. I was looking to have 380 ported because it is such a good improvement on all my other guns, I felt it was worth it; but they are the porting experts and I trust their opinion.

03-18-2013, 04:06 PM
It would be nice if Kahr offered drop-in ported barrels for ALL of their pistols! I got one for my K9 while they were $30 less and cheaper than Mag-na-porting after shipping both ways. Barrels like that are longer and there can't be any loss... and maybe there's a slight gain in velocity, but yeah, the P380 barrels are pretty small! I WOULD buy a drop in barrel for my P380 to see if it would make the +P BB or Underwood +P Gold Dots any easier to shoot... recoil-wise.


03-18-2013, 04:21 PM
Seems there's a good supply of the Barth Six Barrel kool aid flowing amongst us.

Even jfootin bought a barrel with more than one hole in it. I better start looking for a tackle box to store spare barrels or maybe design a grip with like a broom clip on the side to hold a spare barrel.

Never know when a quick change might be in order.

I probably should have patented this idea before posting, somebody will steal my idear and run off with it.

03-18-2013, 04:27 PM
However....Magnaport did tell me they would not port my Kahr 380, that it would affect cycling in a negative way. They will not port smaller than 9mm guns for this reason. Which is ok with me. I was looking to have 380 ported because it is such a good improvement on all my other guns, I felt it was worth it; but they are the porting experts and I trust their opinion.

me the the same thing a few years back. I can't ay I agre or disagree on the reliability thing thoug, as they state about 6% velocity oss and to me tha tis not enough to make the gun not work but again it is their choice.

I can tellyou that APW cogan ported my little kel tec 380 way bqack when and it performed perfect but his porting is different to. He just drilled two or 3 hole son the top of the barrel and slide to get his porting work. It still looked cool to me but I would have rather had magna ports work instead. I would guess though that the 2 holes he drilled in my slide and barrel was about equal in area to maybe one port work by magna port.

So if u want to have it done APW COGAN can do it with ease and it will work OK also. Magna port had also told me back then that one reason they would not do 380 guns is that most 380 barrels are just not enough metal in them

03-18-2013, 04:49 PM
Those tiny P380 barrels are only 2.53" long... measured from the rear of the chamber to the end of the barrel... and the ports would have to be a certain size and BEHIND the front sight, taking up some of the bullets run and really cutting into the velocity achievable! A longer barrel with porting nearer the end would seem a much better design! It would be nice if Speer would develop a Short Barrel version of the Gold Dots for the SHORT-Barreled .380's!

I'm not sure how close the BB and Underwood +P versions of Gold Dots come to being "short-barrel" versions. Bruce, Ljutic has tested the Underwood version recently. I bought a bunch of the Underwood +P .380 after his test because I wanted those bullets and my last purchase of BB had the older non-GD bullets.


03-18-2013, 05:00 PM
I think the short barrel round s are mor ehype than substance. but tht is just me. Oe is probalby bes to leave a 380 barrel alone and not fool with tryi to port it andur right wyn, the cuts in the magna port versio would be to uch for these short barrels. NOW THE apw COGAN VERSION WOULD BE FINE ANDIT WOULD HAVE "soe" benefit also..

Other than magna port who more than likely has full rights to their system of porting, every utter gun maker seems to just drill holes and callsit porting, which it is, compared to a magna ort ad a rould hole method would have to be tested out with equal guns and barrels.:Amflag2:

03-18-2013, 05:05 PM
And the Bingo of the day award goes to Mr. Muggsy for common sense and high degree of observation capabilities above and beyond that of the average human.


I'm sorry there's no prize, tight budget and all but I'm still looking for that million bucks to send you for a few attaboys if that's any consolation.

That's ok that there's no prize, Bawanna. I'm here for the glory, not the gold. :)

03-18-2013, 05:08 PM
That's ok that there's no prize, Bawanna. I'm here for the glory, not the gold. :)

Attaboys is all I care about. When that million finds its way to me you'll have it and the glory too, just a couple attaboys and I'll cross the river a happy man.

03-18-2013, 05:11 PM
That's ok that there's no prize, Bawanna. I'm here for the glory, not the gold. :)


03-18-2013, 06:25 PM
It would be nice if Kahr offered drop-in ported barrels for ALL of their pistols! I got one for my K9 while they were $30 less and cheaper than Mag-na-porting after shipping both ways. Barrels like that are longer and there can't be any loss... and maybe there's a slight gain in velocity, but yeah, the P380 barrels are pretty small! I WOULD buy a drop in barrel for my P380 to see if it would make the +P BB or Underwood +P Gold Dots any easier to shoot... recoil-wise.


Changing to stronger Wolf recoil spring made a HUGE difference on my LCP.

03-18-2013, 06:35 PM
no doubt rugers factory springs were 9# and wolffs offers them up to 13# and they do make a nice felt difference to.

If anyone is interested I hav e mint APW cogan ported slide (finished in a titanium finish) with ported slide and barrel for sale for $100. for the little Ruger 380. and some general ruger lcp parts that I would just throw in with the package, recoul springs etc

03-18-2013, 07:41 PM
A STRONGER recoil spring is the last thing MY P380's need!

Speer has figured out how to make short-barrel compatible ammo... look at the the version for the 2-inch and LESS barreled .38's and .357 magnums. You need experimentation to come up with the right combination of projectile/cavity and powder that burns fast enough to get the needed velocity from a SHORT-barreled pistol and make the least flash, since flash is usually terrible out of a short barrel where all of the powder isn't burned and does so after leaving the barrel!

Again, I would point you towards Ballistics by the Inch where they really did some research on the effect barrel length has on ammo and some real world weapons tests, too:



03-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Jocko: If you still have the ported slide and barrel for 100.00 I will take it. If so please email me at bullstone@msn.com (bullstone@msn.com) for payment address and your needed type of payment.

Best : Larry(bullstone)Stone

03-19-2013, 10:34 AM
The only reason that made any sense to me against porting a gun, was if you and a bad guy got in a struggle over the gun, and the muzzle was near your face with the ports towards your face and the gun went off. Your face would get burned some.
I've not ever heard of that happening, but is the reason some folks will not buy a ported gun. I'd love to get all my large caliber revolvers magna ported. Except for the Dan Wesson. Might ruin it's collector value.

03-19-2013, 10:45 AM
I often think about the ports in case of a struggle... it could be a good tactic to surprise the BG... as long as you're thinking ahead about using that toward the BG!:eek:

I respect the porting when handling the loaded pistol and try to avoid putting my fingers over the ports or holding the pistol in such a way that lets the blast be directed toward me.

I was at the range and wanted to try shooting from the hip as they did on Top Shot. Fortunately, the desk/tray thingy that keeps us from intruding into the firing range area made me have to hold the pistol higher and forward a bit to clear the table. I fired the pistol about mid-stomach and forward about a foot. I felt kind of a slap up my face from the back pressure of the ports blast... light, but that woke me up and I was glad for the table. At that angle, any particles could have come up under my eye protection! So, I'm very aware of the dangers and caution other shooters as well, especially my son when he visits. I think that there's less danger from the porting than from large revolvers and the blast that comes from between the cylinder and the forcing cone! You learn how to respect that or mangle fingers! Then there are the possible lead/copper shavings flying out, too, not just unburnt powder and flash!


03-19-2013, 11:40 AM
IMO the thing about owning a ported gun is I know it is ported, so I canhandle my gun alot differently, .his fightin with a BG close up IMO is more b.s. than reality. I have zero fear of shootin my ported gun at wqaste level or anyplce if a SHTF sitauation. Damn shoot a fokking wheel gun from ur waste or unde rur fokking nose and report back.

For me I have shot many oprted gns forover 25+ years,never had one issue,never had to draw any gun in defense either, so forme satisfaction of having a good time withy myguns means alot to me. I try not to worry about THE WHAT IF'S" ..

My feelings have always been , if in doubt just don't do it but please don't tell me not to do it.

03-19-2013, 12:18 PM
Myth Busters did an experiment with a S&W 500 revolver....The myth was some guy shot one and the fool was using his support hand to hold around the barrel and his thumb ended up being right where the cylinder/barrel gap was when he fired and afterward his thumb ended up on the ground after the side blast from the forcing cone area took it off like a laser....

They tried it using a chicken leg bone with a silicon thumb like finger molded around it and guess what, the blast took the fake thumb off too...

Here's the thing to remember....Don't have your hand, fingers or eyeballs anywhere near the part of a firearm where the fire comes out and all should be fine...