View Full Version : Walther PP 380

03-06-2013, 02:37 AM
Got an offer srom my gunsmith to buy an old walther PP 380. It comes with box and an extra pair of grips. Condition is very good if not almost perfect. He said its just been sitting in his safe for many years.

He is selling it for 500.00

I was wondering if this is a fair deal or not? I have always wanted a PPK/S but not willing to pay the 550 gunstore asks for them. I wouldnt be carrying the PP it would be more just to have and to plink with every now and then.

So what you guys think? Go for it or move on? Couldnt find any of them on Gunbroker to compare prices.


I dont know much about the PP other then its same grip with a longer slide then ppks. Is there anything i should know before buying it?


03-06-2013, 09:11 AM
$500 seems high. Go on the auction sites and see what they're selling for. The way you describe it I'd say $300-$350 tops.

03-06-2013, 09:17 AM
Here's one listing for $595 on Gunbroker.com:

03-06-2013, 09:51 AM
Here's one listing for $595 on Gunbroker.com:

:pYikes !! They're all going nuts.:D

03-06-2013, 12:17 PM
Yeah like i said i dont know much about walthes. Looked like a slick little piece though. Maybe i will just hold out for a PPKS that is under 500

03-06-2013, 01:34 PM
A PP in excellent condition and in .380 is a steal at $500. You will not find one for that price again. Buy it. While not rare, the .380 is not common in the PP, which was mostly produced in .32acp. It is seen alot in the PPK/S and PPK, especially the Interarms and S&W guns. A PP is a whole different animal... these were not made in the U.S. and carry a premium price for being made in Germany. Buy it. It's really worth $700 or more.

Check the slide for markings. It's either a Walther or Manurhin. Where was it made. Look at the barrel for the year of production.

04-04-2014, 11:25 PM
so I forgot to post a pic a few months back! here she is!

04-05-2014, 02:42 PM
The Walther PP was the first pistol I bought, in 1965 I believe. It was for belt and car carry. The 4" revolvers were too large for my use and the 2" barrels revolvers too small and also would not qualify for my "target practice" plinking. Ballistics and sight radius were better of course than the shorter James Bond PPK. Also the PP unlike the PPK has a metal back strap. Back then ammo was lead round nose for .38's and FMJ for semis. I think I paid $80 delivered to my door from UPS. Minimum wage then was $1.25/hour. Take home wage for 45 hours/week = $40.00. I bought other pistols since then. Ruger Mark 1 bull barrel, S&W model 19 6" bbl. But My Walther was my carry gun (no such thing as a carry concealed license) until I obtained a CCL and now carry my Kahr CM9. No longer carry the Walther but sentiment precludes me from parting with it. I would not pay $500 for it , too many better concealed carry handguns, unless you want to pay for nostalgia.

04-05-2014, 06:44 PM

I didnt buy it as a ccw. Like you said there are many better options these days. I carry a cw 380.

I bought it because it seemed like a good deal it will be more of a safe queen then anything. And if i ever deside to part with it i can make a little money or hopefully atleast break even.

04-05-2014, 07:15 PM
Never sell guns, you'll hate yourself in the morning. I regret selling nearly every one I ever sold.
I usually only sell when I want a different one sooooo bad and have no other means to get it.
I've made some horrible trades, got what I wanted but took stupid low amounts for what I had to get it.

Live and learn.

04-05-2014, 07:30 PM
I have a few PP's in 32. I overload them, shooting a 77 grain lead bullet at 1000fps, makes great shooting with a fast second shot. They seem to tolerate it.

They are a 1945 German gun, a French Manurhin and a FEG clone. Also have a Polish near PPK clone in Makarov round, a PPK in 380 and a few CZ82s (same action with a double stack mag).

None are truly up to date but all are fun shooters. I hope yours doesn't become a safe queen.

04-05-2014, 07:43 PM

I really have no intensions of selling it... I am like you, i rarely sell because every time i have i regret it. Even trades i am wary of. This is why i am up to 24 hand guns as of now. ( counted yesterday )

I just like to know if i DO need to sell it for whatever reason, i would most likely get my money back.

04-05-2014, 07:47 PM

It sounds funny but i dont mind having a few safe queens. I am a bit of a collector. I have enough shooters in my collection so im not missing out too much. I will probaby take it out a couple times though.

I have a ppk and ppk/s that i shoot on a regular basis...

04-05-2014, 07:47 PM
... This is why i am up to 24 hand guns as of now. ( counted yesterday )

What do you do the other 341 days? ;)

04-05-2014, 08:07 PM

Haha well considering im only 28 i thought it it was alot! I am in the prosess of looking for a new safe cuz i cant fit any more!

04-05-2014, 08:35 PM
With 24, or is it 28 hand guns, you need more handguns. Insted of a new gun or two get a new safe and bolt them together.

We shoot off our deck Usually that means that we can have time to burn a mag, or cylinder through all our guns on a regular basis. I have sold a few. Mostly to get a better example of the same. Unlike a lot I hardly ever shoot 100 rounds out of a gun but may shoot 100 rounds out of 6 guns.

Having property that allows us to stay proficient is a big part of owning guns for us.

Are you shooting factory loads?

04-05-2014, 10:31 PM
I've only sold one gun that I wanted to keep, but I needed the cash for one to help out my widow friend and buy her husbands SIG. I sold my CW45, mostly because it wouldn't feed from the 7 round magazine, and figured I could pick up another one, then they announce the CM45, and I thought that would be even better IF the damn thing ever makes it into production. Been waiting over a year now. If they keep pushing it back, I may end up with something else, and it won't be a Kahr, since they have really pissed me off, first I sent the CW45 in twice to see why it wouldn't fire from the 7 round mag, and they sent it back twice saying there was no problem. Well if you only load 3 or 4 rounds in the magazine it would shoot them fine, the problem was with a full magazine. I tried to make that point as clear as I could, but I think they loaded 3 or 4 rounds in the magazine and it fired ok, so they sent it back. I don't think they even read the letter I sent in with it. And second, because they keep pushing back the release of the CM45. Now they've announced the CT series of pistols, so will the CM45 get pushed back even further? They blame it on the brisk sales of the CW380. so why don't they hire some more people and get the damned guns into production instead of announcing things you can't buy?

04-06-2014, 12:48 AM
100 percent-

Yes factory loads only i dont reload