View Full Version : Here's another spit in your face move!
03-06-2013, 11:03 AM
A 'devout' anything is a threat to society. America is no longer "America" and will never be so again. Prepare for an altogether different world where 'we' are the minority and all of the things we believed in once have been changed and made irrelevant.
Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house. The wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama appointed two devout Muslims to homeland security posts.
Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a "devout Muslim," as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a "devout Muslim," who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a "devout Catholic," a "devout Jew" or a "devout Protestant"...?
Just wondering.
Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions?
Doesn't this make you feel safer already?? That should make our home land much safer, huh!?
Wasn't it "devout Muslim men" who flew planes into U.S. Buildings 10 years ago? Wasn't it a "devout Muslim man" who killed 13 at Fort Hood ?
Please forward this important information to any who cares about the future of our Country.
03-06-2013, 11:08 AM
03-06-2013, 11:13 AM
Devout Muslim does not necessarily mean devout terrorist. We had Japanese who fought on our side in WWII. A few Germans and Italians, too. It's good to know who your friends are.
MW surveyor
03-06-2013, 11:44 AM
While this is not something that I would want to hear (the appointment part), there are a whole bunch of "devout" Christians that I don't or would not want to hang around with either.
03-06-2013, 12:15 PM
A 'devout' anything is a threat to society. America is no longer "America" and will never be so again. Prepare for an altogether different world where 'we' are the minority and all of the things we believed in once have been changed and made irrelevant.
Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house. The wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama appointed two devout Muslims to homeland security posts.
Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a "devout Muslim," as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a "devout Muslim," who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a "devout Catholic," a "devout Jew" or a "devout Protestant"...?
Just wondering.
Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions?
Doesn't this make you feel safer already?? That should make our home land much safer, huh!?
Wasn't it "devout Muslim men" who flew planes into U.S. Buildings 10 years ago? Wasn't it a "devout Muslim man" who killed 13 at Fort Hood ?
Please forward this important information to any who cares about the future of our Country.
those devouts picutred in this photo best buy some fokking shoes or sumpin for up herein Indiana ur gonna freeze ur feet off. Damn some had no socks on. Stinky is as stinky does: ol jocko Psalm 2.31 from the book of brando
les strat
03-06-2013, 01:15 PM
If they are "devout", then they consider us infidels and worthy of death. It's in their scripture.
Infiltration at its best.
03-06-2013, 01:30 PM
Should be absolutely no non US born citizens in any kind of homeland security far as I'm concerned. Same with high government offices especially the office of the president.
Course they seem to have lost the rule book on that one too.
I think homeland security is on the way out as we speak anyhow. History repeats itself and we're already dropping our guard. Cost saving measures and all, it'll be the first to go.
We have numerous dams here in Washington that you can't hardly visit since 911 due to all the security measures. Gonna take a lot more than a suicide bomber to blow up a dam ya know. I shudder at all the money spent on security all these years.
03-06-2013, 02:00 PM
Devout Muslim does not necessarily mean devout terrorist. We had Japanese who fought on our side in WWII. A few Germans and Italians, too. It's good to know who your friends are.
A Devout Muslim's first allegiance is to Allah and the Koran. They will kill in the name of Allah. The quiet takeover of America has started with Obama.:confused:
03-06-2013, 03:27 PM
Where does it say that these boys weren't born in the U.S. A. Not all devote Muslims follow Sharia Law. The Sunni Muslims are accepting of Christianity. If I'm not mistaken there have been several American born Muslim terrorists. My heart doctor is a Muslim and he save my damn near worthless life. Am I sensing bigotry here? Could be why Scoundrel left the forum. I think some of you need to do a little soul searching. Yer beginnin to sound like a bunch of red neck pecker woods. Aim first and then shoot. :)
03-06-2013, 03:42 PM
Where does it say that these boys weren't born in the U.S. A. Not all devote Muslims follow Sharia Law. The Sunni Muslims are accepting of Christianity. If I'm not mistaken there have been several American born Muslim terrorists. My heart doctor is a Muslim and he save my damn near worthless life. Am I sensing bigotry here? Could be why Scoundrel left the forum. I think some of you need to do a little soul searching. Yer beginnin to sound like a bunch of red neck pecker woods. Aim first and then shoot. :)
Not that it matters, as I agree with you... but it does say one of them was born in Syria.
But yeah, so many people these days seem to forget that "freedom of religion" doesn't only apply to the Christian religions.
--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--
03-06-2013, 03:46 PM
muggsy, I had an old WWII customer that would not buy anything Japanese made, NUTTIN. He hated Japs for the war. I was to young to understand it, but today I do understand, so I try not to push my beliefs down anutters throat until I have walked in their shoes.
I sure would not want to stand and try to preach pro Muslim love to the 3200 members family in 911. Just sayin. to me bigotry and racism is just a word used by some people (not singling u out on this either) who maybe do not understand where the other person is coming from... Hell most of the damn doctors in Terre Haute are from India. Hard to find an American doctor it seems. I go to them, makes no difference to me. If they can treat my issues, . I often wonder why hey come to America to practice, I know $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
03-06-2013, 03:47 PM
Time to take the blinders off.
03-06-2013, 04:15 PM
Time to take the blinders off.
My blinders came off on 9/11 I was in the towers at 6 pm on 9/10 cutting concrete on 9/13 worked all night to recover a Leg that was exposed in the rubble.... never did.
Can you tell me why someone in that position with classified info shouldn't be an American?
Go to Pakistan apply for the similar job, let me know how that works out for you. The "Kinder Gentler World" died with the cold blooded murderous day of 9/11/01 AND to prove their intent 9/11/12. The 1st amendment only exists because of the second amendment. When they take your guns, your free speech is effectively over!:Amflag2:
03-06-2013, 04:25 PM
kinda changes ur whole attitude doesn't it. Kinda like collateral damage thing. u gotta throw the good towel heads in with the bad ones. I tink we encamped the Japanese Americans back durign the war, for their well being and ours to. Was it right??today probalby no but back then it was what it was, and we was at war with the Japanese so for those i commandit was the right thing to do. I make no judgement on that either. Hindsight is always 20-20. I feel for u downtown having to see that to.
03-06-2013, 04:41 PM
kinda changes ur whole attitude doesn't it. Kinda like collateral damage thing. u gotta throw the good towel heads in with the bad ones. I tink we encamped the Japanese Americans back durign the war, for their well being and ours to. Was it right??today probalby no but back then it was what it was, and we was at war with the Japanese so for those i commandit was the right thing to do. I make no judgement on that either. Hindsight is always 20-20. I feel for u downtown having to see that to.
I'll never for get the smell in the air... Like battery acid. The week before was labor day week end I took a harley ride with my buddy and our youngest daughters 1(11 yo at the time), It was a beautiful day like 9/11 and we rode thru wall street with the pipes reverberating off the buildings , had some breakfast at an outdoor cafe, smoked a nice cuban by battery park, looked at the Statue of liberty and rode by the towers. I pointed up so the kids could see how big they were from the street level and rode thru the Holland Tunnel towards home. Who would thought they'd be gone in 8 days.....
03-06-2013, 04:49 PM
My blinders came off on 9/11 I was in the towers at 6 pm on 9/10 cutting concrete on 9/13 worked all night to recover a Leg that was exposed in the rubble.... never did.
Can you tell me why someone in that position with classified info shouldn't be an American?
Go to Pakistan apply for the similar job, let me know how that works out for you. The "Kinder Gentler World" died with the cold blooded murderous day of 9/11/01 AND to prove their intent 9/11/12. The 1st amendment only exists because of the second amendment. When they take your guns, your free speech is effectively over!:Amflag2:
I think your 180 degrees off in my meaning of taking off the blinders.
I'm with you 1000 percent. I'm in law enforcement innocent until proven guilty and all that but I don't buy foreigners in high office, I don't trust muslims devout or not and I surly don't have no use for them in office of any kind.
They can talk bad about us all they want and yet when we speak the truth we're racist and red neck peckerwoods. I probably am and strange as it might seem I'm proud of it and we'd be better off with a whole lot more.
You'll never catch me out of the US on vacation or applying for a job, never been out of the country, never plan too. Too many foreigners.
03-06-2013, 05:19 PM
There's only one reason, Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussain Obama....
03-06-2013, 05:47 PM
muggsy, I had an old WWII customer that would not buy anything Japanese made, NUTTIN. He hated Japs for the war. I was to young to understand it, but today I do understand, so I try not to push my beliefs down anutters throat until I have walked in their shoes.
I sure would not want to stand and try to preach pro Muslim love to the 3200 members family in 911. Just sayin. to me bigotry and racism is just a word used by some people (not singling u out on this either) who maybe do not understand where the other person is coming from... Hell most of the damn doctors in Terre Haute are from India. Hard to find an American doctor it seems. I go to them, makes no difference to me. If they can treat my issues, . I often wonder why hey come to America to practice, I know $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
All people come here for the same reasons. Money and freedom. I'm not saying that anyone has to love Muslims. All I'm saying is that not all of them are terrorists. I don't judge a man by anything but his actions and I try to treat everyone with respect. By the same token I follow the Navy saying of screw me once shame on you. screw me twice shame on me. I have no use for Obama, because he's a liberal socialist progressive and not because he's black.
03-06-2013, 05:52 PM
I love you Muggsy, I hope you know that. I'm not ashamed if you don't tell anyone that you have a redneck peckerwood profiler that loves you.
I'm not yanking your chain here, we're talking love. I'm gonna send you a Valentines day card.
No flowers, that would be unmanly.
I just don't trust too many folks, only so much to go around ya know.
PS- I didn't come here, I was already here but where's the money they come here for? I been here all my born days (have a birth certificate, a real one to prove it) actually my momma says I was found under a rock but I think she's just sayin that and I ain't found no gold mine yet.
03-06-2013, 05:57 PM
oh contrare, we know that there are muslims in this cuntry who hate Americans and their desire is to destroy if they can. it only takes one bad apple to ruin the entire barrel, that is a old sayin that holds true today for the Muslim community.
I am sorry but I do not trust a "devout Muslim". Proabably the bigotry in me to but it is what I am to..911 certainly went a long way to reinforce those thoughts for most Americans to. U can't change history.
03-06-2013, 06:01 PM
One thing that you people need to remember is that at one time all of us were foreigners. I don't care who you are your ancestors came from somewhere. We're Micks, Spicks, Dagos, Pollocks, Japs, Chinks, Slopes and Niggers. America is a melting pot. Every Muslim in the world didn't bring down the Twin Towers. There were only about a dozen of them. The war were fighting today dates back to Biblical times. Maybe we should continue it for another 2000 years. To hell with it. Let's kill 'em all.
03-06-2013, 06:05 PM
ur loosin me muggsy. just sayin.
hopefully my last comment on this.
03-06-2013, 06:26 PM
One thing that you people need to remember is that at one time all of us were foreigners. I don't care who you are your ancestors came from somewhere. We're Micks, Spicks, Dagos, Pollocks, Japs, Chinks, Slopes and Niggers. America is a melting pot. Every Muslim in the world didn't bring down the Twin Towers. There were only about a dozen of them. The war were fighting today dates back to Biblical times. Maybe we should continue it for another 2000 years. To hell with it. Let's kill 'em all.
The fight back to biblical times didn't include us. We're only in it now because they tried to take on the sleeping giant. They undoubtedly will continue to fight each other for more than 2000 years if the planet last that long. That's what they do.
Such language my friend, how did you all that past the word police.
Sick as it sounds your last sentence sounds appealing to me in a totally non politically correct sort of way. A few years of cowboys and muslims might set things straight.
I also worry when a post begins with "You People", don't be hatin.
US citizens are US citizens. Other than eligibility for President (don't even start) country of birth and religious affiliation is irrelevant. Anyone here remember the concern over Jack Kennedy's election to President because he was Catholic and therefore beholden to a foreign power..the Vatican? Kinda stupid sounding now, isn't it?
The "devout Muslim" comment during the appointment announcement, if it occurred, was inappropriate political crap that I'd venture to bet embarrassed the appointees.
God help me, I'm agreeing with Muggsy.
03-06-2013, 06:42 PM
Maybe we should continue it for another 2000 years. To hell with it. Let's kill 'em all.
That's what the radicals on their side are preaching. Oil money buys hate breathing mosques/islamic schools. Their message is clear. Your one of Us or our destiny is to kill YOU. So let's get the party started. You said it, not me. I always prefer to shoot paper. Sharia Law.... coming to a neighborhood near you.
03-06-2013, 06:44 PM
Something like 792 plots were foiled by our guys, do you think there's not another 792 being hatched?
03-06-2013, 06:56 PM
But they can also be a nice group of folks
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