View Full Version : Change of wardrobe

03-06-2013, 01:09 PM
Variety being the spice of life, in a lull in the action following cleaning up that huge mess of coco bolo sawdust on the bench I decided to make a wardrobe change.

First I put the beloved Cbob in the safe:eek: and brought out the Desert Eagle 1911G. Discovered my only full size holster option was my favorite Mernickle holster so went with that. Need to get a full size Silent Thunder. My PJ was for a full size but I cut it down to commander length thinking I'd never do what I just did.

Since I was on a roll I decided after all the laser pro and con talk to see what my PM45 was like sans laser, so I took it off. This created a whole new wardrobe malfunction, not like a Jackson super bowl malfunction but a malfunction none the less. Fortunately I still had my original ankle glove to work without the laser, actually the laser ankle rig would still work but the fit was a bit loose. The Silent Thunder works with the tension screw tightened just a bit but I'll probably get a new one to make it right.
Tried my sons XDS in the Silent Thunder and it fit actually pretty good. I suggested he get a proper one as well but he took it to try for awhile, probably never see it again.

My cat will be terribly dissapointed as chasing the laser was a daily ritual as I take it off each night. Might have to get one of them pen lasers to keep it happy. Never piss off the cat.

While I liked the laser and it's a great training aid, I kind of like the looks of the gun without it. Kind of torn, for a last resort ankle gun the laser isn't a bad thing but I like it without too.

Could be a nice laser / holster package in the non firearms for sale area soon. I need loot for wood ya know? Maybe. Or maybe not.

03-06-2013, 01:48 PM

My cat will be terribly dissapointed as chasing the laser was a daily ritual as I take it off each night. Might have to get one of them pen lasers to keep it happy. Never piss off the cat.


I've never had a laser sight or wanted one, but you're put it in a whole new perspective. I never thought of that use. Maybe I should get a pen laser too. I'm sure my cat would love it.

03-06-2013, 01:55 PM
I've bought a couple of holsters now to try with our new Glocks... and YES, they do make my butt... er, hip area look fatter... bulkier! I guess that I could do it with my voluminous Large-sized polos, but the Kahrs are so much easier to CC... even my largest ones.

You can use the Laser sight or pointer to make dogs or cats pounce on things or people... which can be amusing... to you!


MW surveyor
03-06-2013, 02:05 PM
even work with fish!

03-06-2013, 02:12 PM
You've just given me a new idea for a walleye lure. Steelhead trout would probably go for it, too. Thanks, MW.

03-06-2013, 02:27 PM
I've messed with my cat a 1000 times and his eyes still bug out when he hears the thumb break snap. Immediately starts looking around for the light. Drives him nuts. Great fun.

03-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Muggsy's Red Hot Dot lure, guaranteed to reel in the big ones....Who knows you may become the next Tom Mann gazillionaire lure maker and I can say I knew him when he was a nobody....:p

03-06-2013, 02:51 PM
I've never had a laser sight or wanted one, but you're put it in a whole new perspective. I never thought of that use. Maybe I should get a pen laser too. I'm sure my cat would love it.

It's cruel cat torture!:D

03-06-2013, 02:51 PM
Nobodies are somebodies too. A little compassion. I've been a nobody all my life, I'm good at it.

03-06-2013, 03:03 PM
It's cruel cat torture!:D

And who wouldn't find that amusing!:p


03-06-2013, 03:08 PM
I drive my beagle crazy with my ct. If you ever put it on something during a foggy morning they look really cool too!

03-06-2013, 03:10 PM
I have a beagle too but she won't bite. No interest in it at all. I can get the cat to jump on the beagles back with the laser but no reaction to the laser.

I sometimes think I got a beagle without a fully functioning brain but that's ok too. Fits right in in my house.

03-06-2013, 03:12 PM
Laser sights always seemed like "good" ideas in those action movies with all of the fog and smoke... beams pointing back to the originators! That's what I want in a firefight... for the other guys to be doing!:eek:


03-06-2013, 04:13 PM
Speaking of cats... anything to liven up a thread... this guy has balls and is lucky to still have them:



03-06-2013, 04:32 PM
nice ending to wyn. thanks..

03-06-2013, 06:01 PM
I have a beagle too but she won't bite. No interest in it at all. I can get the cat to jump on the beagles back with the laser but no reaction to the laser.

I sometimes think I got a beagle without a fully functioning brain but that's ok too. Fits right in in my house.

Beagle's fine. Dog's have no red receptors. Just blue and yellow. Damps their interest in the moving dot. Try it with a green.

03-06-2013, 06:14 PM
That explains all the dogs blowin red lights

03-06-2013, 06:24 PM
Only if they're dumb enough to not notice the absence of green or yellow....which is probably why they can't get driver's licenses in the first place.

There's a reason traffic lights are in primary colors...dog hater bias.

03-06-2013, 06:26 PM
so are saying that a fokking leader dog for the blind is just chancing it when he crosses his blind partner n a red light that he really can't see.. Does the blind partner know this crap??/Just sayin

03-06-2013, 06:30 PM
He crosses him/her on the green.

03-06-2013, 06:41 PM
Caution thread drift in progress

03-06-2013, 06:50 PM
kill joy

03-06-2013, 07:04 PM

03-09-2013, 12:38 PM
Hate to break it to you guys, but my dog goes absolutely apeshit for a laser pointer. I have a few stray cats in the neighborhood that will chase it some as well. Great fun. I once took a laser pointer and rigged it to my weenie dogs harness so it always stayed in front of her. I had to take it off after a little while before she gave herself a heart attack.

03-09-2013, 02:20 PM
We have a killer cat in the neighborhood nobody can trap. I wonder if we can laser it into the trap? It's worth a try.

03-09-2013, 07:24 PM
We have a killer cat in the neighborhood nobody can trap. I wonder if we can laser it into the trap? It's worth a try.

22LR works pretty well on stray cats.

mr surveyor
03-09-2013, 07:32 PM
22LR works pretty well on stray cats.

if you can get within range, Colibri's work very well....nobody even notices the little "pop"

03-09-2013, 08:19 PM
It would be hard to get a kill shot with one of those powderless rounds. They are not for automatics of any kind... too short and don't have any kick for cycling the action.

Wounded animals make a hell of a noise... even rabbits. That's what they use for predator calls. They make an awful noise! It sounds like a kid screaming sometimes!:eek:


03-09-2013, 08:31 PM
The guy who lived next door for over 30 years told me about getting smart alec going to surprise a cat clear across my yard (before I lived there) by shooting an arrow into the fence it was headed toward. He said the twang made it jump the fence right into the path of the arrow and was nailed to the fence about 3/4 up. It almost made him sick but he ended up going over and killing it by bashing it's head in with a rock.

I don't have cats or anything else so I'll let me neighbor have access but no way am I getting involved further. Cats are mostly empty space under all the fur and except for a head shot would likely keep going. It's a good looking healthy cat like it has a home somewhere and I'd expect that neighbor would be quite upset to hear a gun shot, cat hollering and crawling into her arms all bloody.

03-09-2013, 09:06 PM
That would be awkward.

03-09-2013, 11:14 PM
Many years ago the city demanded we put our trash on the curb each Monday in 35gal trash bags that the city sold. Hated it in concept, but really hated it when this one lage tomcat dicovered out neighborhood. It became ritual to find 30 to 50 bags torn open and trash blowing around the hood like some scean out of a post apocalyptic movie. Everyone knew the problem was this big Tom, nobody knew who owned it. About this time the company moved me to third (midnights) shift and I found myself at home during the day. I found that nobody else was around at that time of day. Soooooo a plan begain to hatch. Caddycorner to my house was a small HUD home. The little house had the electric and gas meters removed and the water meter was locked out. Houses in an urban area don't get more abandon. With my trusty pawnshop Remington 514 single shot and some CB short ammo the trap was laid. I told my wife Sunday night that she worked way too hard and that Sunday dinner would be a bucket of KFC. the next morning, trash day, I put the wife and kids into her car for their trips to work and school, waved goodby to them and after they were out of sight went and disconnected the return cylinder from the storm door. A trash bag full of the nights KFC remains were placed at the curb across the street with a carefully laid out line of site to my front door. The rifle was set next to the door, action open and four of the little shorts were set out next to it. I sat down and started watched some TV, staying awake was the tough part. At each commercial break I would step to the door and look for that darn cat. it was really quiet in the neighborhood that day and I was begining to rethink my plot. I had started to waver on the ideal when it came time to do the next cat check. Sure enough, 8:45-ish in the morning, there was that big yellow trash digger working his way down the street. I saw him tear open about ten bags that day. He seemed to relish his work of ripping and digging. two of the bags he ripped open had leaves and grass clippings in them and I realized that for that tomcat, this was not hunger, he just found tearing up trashbags as fun. Filled with new resolve I saw him crossing over to the KFC laden bait bag and dig in. I loaded a round of CB and pushed the screen door open. Braced by the door frame and looking at a shot of no more than 25 yards I was very careful with my aim. When the moment came I was calm and strong and made a great shot. That old Tom jumped stright up and took off, but only ran in about a 12 ft circle. The shot sound was nothing but that cat sounded mad enough and it sounded like that Tom was ready to fight a lion. That however was short lived, I placed the rifle back aginst the wall, pulled the screen door closed and sat down waiting for the sound of cop cars or wailing cat owners. Nothing happend, no cries, no cops,heck no fuss at all. After about a half hour, I stepped across the street and found my nemisis' body, hit with one round, high in the back behind the front shoulders. I had almost shot over him and was glad to have had the abandon HUD home as a backstop. I tossed the dead Tomcat into a city trash bag with the bait chicken and placed the bag in the stack with my across the street neighbors trash. I went on back to my house and started cleaning up the gun stuff. A short time later the trash truck came and hauled away my problems. As the weeks went by without having to clean up our yards and street of nasty blowing trash, my neighbors begain to speculate about the fate of our trash digging Tom. final concensus was he must have been hit by a car. I would just smile and agree. It was more than five years before I let the story out.I love cats, had two of them at the time, but that cat was quite a bit more the pest and not the pet by then. Sometime a homeowner just has to take care of things himself and a CB short is a good way to go.

MW surveyor
03-10-2013, 05:59 AM
Good story but............................................... ...................

A few paragraphs would have made it even better. :)

03-10-2013, 06:48 AM
That would be awkward.

LOL, yes that would be quite awkward but at the same time you be impressed at how unlikely it is that would play out that way....... I think I would have played the lottery that day. I have missed a deer or two for the same reason, as they hear the twang they jump and or flinch hard enough to cause the shot to miss. I also lost one of the biggest bucks I have ever seen because he flinched so fast the arrow hit him high...... I tracked that sucker for hours he even layed down for a few hours and I just sat there and watched him from the other ridge.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

03-10-2013, 09:51 AM
Good story but............................................... ...................

A few paragraphs would have made it even better. :)

Typed it with Paragraphs, but the web software kept converting it to what you see...Dang silly software.

mr surveyor
03-10-2013, 11:46 AM
It would be hard to get a kill shot with one of those powderless rounds. They are not for automatics of any kind... too short and don't have any kick for cycling the action.

Wounded animals make a hell of a noise... even rabbits. That's what they use for predator calls. They make an awful noise! It sounds like a kid screaming sometimes!:eek:


in my rural experience, they seem to work pretty darned well out of the right handgun;)

03-10-2013, 12:02 PM
Yes... I've gone up into the attic with my H&R 9-shot revolver looking for rats... didn't find any, but d-CON works a lot better! That CCI ratshot is too loud. A cop lives behind me in the park and this one isn't my buddy! :D We don't have a working relationship. The previous... well several officers back, and I watched over the park and I would go out there several times a night when walking my dog... which has been "gone" for 9 years next month! Time sure flies, but not the memories!

I had a P12 and a fierce K9... well... a very friendly and curious max-sized MinPin!:D I did my own neighborhood watch and called in anything out of the ordinary. I was really just walking the dog, but I did keep my eyes open!
