View Full Version : another new member with a disheartening problem...
03-06-2013, 06:37 PM
I've bought a few pistols in the last couple months and had zero issues. I had been dreaming of a kahr cm40 though and finally got it a couple days i'm having a nightmare.
I can't get this dadgum slide off! The shop owner couldn't either the other day, but i was in a hurry and told him that i'd figure it out. Well, after trying everything the internet and I can think of, i'm at my wits end. I don't want to have a negative opinion of this thing this quickly but i've tried everything people have mentioned online.
I've pulled the trigger as i've pulled the slide, not pulled the trigger, wiggled the trigger (and the slide), and even turned it upside down to reset the striker as someone on a forum had mentioned. I've also pulled the trigger before i've pulled the pin being careful so the striker wouldn't reset.
Is it possible this was assembled wrong from the factory? The slide lock pin pulls out correctly, but when i pull the slide forward it only goes 1/4" or so and then stops. It feels like something solid is holding it, not like it's a burr issue.
I haven't shot this pistol yet either. Any ideas???
03-06-2013, 06:45 PM
take it back to the selling dealer, maybe they screwed it up to. Let them figure it out,if it has togo back let it beon their dime. witht he gun all together, can u rack the slide like a normal semi would rack???
03-06-2013, 06:49 PM
yes, racks and holds open fine. I did notice that with an empty mag I can close it with the slide release lever. I've handled a pm45 where that was impossible.
03-06-2013, 06:51 PM
he took it out of the box in front of me and tried to disassemble it. I don't think the dealer had it apart prior to that. If there's a problem with assembly, it happened at the factory i'd say.
03-06-2013, 06:51 PM
why not take it out and shoot it to see how it performs, maybe what is holding it back might fix itself to. I assume u can rack the slide kand pull the trigger and feel the striker going forward etc.
03-06-2013, 06:57 PM
yes, everthing functions as it should. i thought about shooting it, but they recommend cleaning prior to that. I don't know what the big deal is...seems like the oil in the gun is decent.
03-06-2013, 07:02 PM
it can't do no more than not go bang, so go shoot it and see what transpires. About the only thing that shold be holdig that slide up os the cocking cam and if it is releasing the striker, then I have no clue.
03-06-2013, 07:03 PM
On my CM9 the trigger has to be "worked" a little to get the slide free but not a issue, it has always released.
03-06-2013, 07:14 PM
i've worked the trigger quite a bit...hits that same wall and won't release.
03-06-2013, 07:19 PM
shoot the fokker like u stole it. .. report back..:Amflag2:
03-06-2013, 07:50 PM
I'll try. worried about the follower issue too after spending some time reading. Is this an issue with all CM40's or is it more common in certain serial number ranges? Seems from reading that many models are having the issue, but it's most common on the CM40. thanks for all the help btw
03-06-2013, 08:23 PM
My new CM9 is sometimes difficult to get apart. My K9 Elite is super easy: pull trigger while moving slide forward and it comes off nice and smooth like butter. My CM9: sometimes I have to work it. One time it took several minutes, and I was beginning to think I was not going to be able to get it off. It's weird, for sure.
I know most love their CMs. But I have not been too impressed as I continue to have issues after 800 rounds (ie couple hundred bucks worth if ammo and range costs). Another peeve is the fact that the plastic internals are quite unfinished and snag my patches during cleaning. Just annoying.
03-06-2013, 08:58 PM
Dang! Did you watch the Kahr Take Down video!???
Welcome to the Kahrtalk forum supported by Kahr Arms.
Here are a few essential links and things to do BEFORE you take your new pistol to the range, and ESPECIALLY BEFORE taking it apart and trying to re-assemble it! The Kahr is a different design… 6-7 unique patents cover the Kahrs. I’m not trying to imply that you don’t know anything about guns, but many don’t know anything about the Kahrs and some of the things you can do to damage or cause malfunctions of your new, or new-to-you Kahr pistol.
First, if you don’t have a manual, yet, or one didn’t come with your pistol, you can download the pdf file here:
Impatient? Watch one of these videos FIRST! These videos can point out possible problem areas and emphasize correct procedures!
Take down and re-assembly videos:
T, TP, CW, P, & PM/CM Series: (
MK series: (
K series:
There are many links on fixing problems listed in several places… under the New Member or Kahr Tech sub-forums.
A very handy one is the Kahr Lube Diagram:
Many of your questions can be answered in these areas and you can learn how your Kahr works and not damage it with improper handling.
Frequently asked questions:
One very important bit of advice: Hold the Kahr pistol firmly when firing OR CHAMBERING a round. These compact pistols need all of the force they can get from the slide to get a round into the chamber successfully. If you don't hold the pistol firmly, part of the needed momentum is transferred to MOVING THE PISTOL and the top round will DIVE and jam into the right side of the feed ramp. The weak hand, over hand rack method gives the best grip and a firm rack will give you the best chance at chambering a round.
Use the weak hand fingers over the slide(clear of the ejection port), thumb along the slide and pointing to the rear. Use the gun hand to simultaneously firmly push the gun as you give a vigorous rack with the weak hand and cleanly release the slide as it reaches the rear limit and is "snatched" from the weak hand. This approximates a real rack from firing and beats the slide release method WHEN executed properly. Much more strength can be exerted when this is done closer to the body.
Here's a video on that. The first part is what I'm talking about: (
There are many helpful members here most of the time who might be able to help you, but as anywhere, there are many opinions and not all are correct. Be mindful of this before doing anything drastic to modify your pistol!
Aka wyntrout
03-06-2013, 09:12 PM
thanks for the info. yes, i did watch the videos on the Kahr site. There is something up with this gun at the moment. I'll shoot it and see what happens. Everything seems perfect except that slide won't come off. I'll talk to the dealer as well. My confidence is marred a bit which is bothering me more than know how it is when you get a new toy and have issues. I'll be patient for now.
Another peeve is the fact that the plastic internals are quite unfinished and snag my patches during cleaning. Just annoying.
Lol, I thought that it was just me, but this annoys the hell out of me as well. The patches even snag the rails on my slide and leave Lil fuzz all over. I definitely wish they would finish these guns better. I wonder if the PM9 is the same or if that has the better finish
03-07-2013, 08:15 AM
This is a good case for "Read the Owners Manual" before you attempt to disassemble the gun. I think Kahr even prints that in the front of the maunal. Sh!t Happens........."just saying" (quote from you know who)
03-07-2013, 03:59 PM
The pistols are very tight out of the factory. Both my 9 and 40 were a PIA to push the slide stop lever out the first time. But like anything else, they went together and they will come apart with a little lubricant and some persuasion. Just make sure you line up the reference marks when you put pressure on it.
Not to worry, subsequent disassy is much easier.
03-07-2013, 07:59 PM
Well, i'm happy to report that it actually does come apart after all. I dropped it off at the dealer at lunch time and he figured it out. After reading the replies etc, I feel like what i'm going to say may be a surprise....
THIS gun requires that you pull the trigger BEFORE you pull the pin. When you pull the pin, you have to be very careful not to back the slide up beyond the witness marks. If you do, the trigger resets and you're out of luck. If you don't, all you have to do is pull the slide forward while pulling the trigger.
I had tried to do that last night a couple times, but it seemed to reset every time....i guess i wasn't careful enough. Piece of cake for me now and i'm excited. I asked dealer about the mag follower issues and he said this was a newer one and should be ok...we'll see
03-07-2013, 08:08 PM
Glad to hear you got it figured out, though I am a bit far as I know, there isn't any part of the trigger assembly that connects to the slide stop lever, so I'm not sure why that would prevent you from pulling the slide stop Pin out....
03-07-2013, 08:20 PM
The slide should go forward AFTER you pull the SL pin. It should be near normal position on the frame when you pull and hold the trigger as the slide moves forward off the frame. The KAHR VIDEO is CORRECT.
03-07-2013, 08:21 PM
.......... all you have to do is pull the slide forward while pulling the trigger.
Cocked or not, push the slide stop lever thru, pull trigger/keep depressed and then go fwd/remove slide.
Glad you got her done.
03-07-2013, 08:23 PM
the slide won't come off unless you pull the trigger prior to pulling the pin. The pin will come out fine if you don't pull the trigger, but the slide won't come off.
03-07-2013, 08:24 PM
I'm with Justin on this one. Don't matter at all. If it resets with the pin out, pull the trigger again and let the striker fall and pull the slide off.
Perhaps it was just a bit more gusto pushing the slide forward.
In fact when you pull the slide back to the witness marks to pull the pin it will reset every time, so something isn't completely kosher in Denmark here.
Sometimes you don't need to know why as long as you got a handle on it and it comes apart, your set.
03-07-2013, 08:35 PM
i just tried it again...i can pull the trigger all i want when the pin is out and the slide won't come off. I have to pull it prior to the pin coming out. may be crazy, but it's true.
03-07-2013, 08:35 PM
Lol, I thought that it was just me, but this annoys the hell out of me as well. The patches even snag the rails on my slide and leave Lil fuzz all over. I definitely wish they would finish these guns better. I wonder if the PM9 is the same or if that has the better finish
I am sure in the manual it says do not clean plastic rails with patches as the poorly finished surfaces will snag and annoy you. This is right after the section that says only chamber a round via slide stop on Tuesdays during a full moon and lunar eclipse. :-)
03-08-2013, 03:44 PM
I just got back from shooting a couple mags full. No issues. both mags were tulammo steel cased. I know Kahr doesn't recommend it but it shot flawless. the gun shoots dead on as well. I have no problem chambering rounds by hand using slingshot etc either. It's no more difficult than my springfield xds .45 . I did it a bunch of times and went through an entire mag a couple times. Also, no evidence of contact on the mag follower.
LOVE my kahr so far....and thanks for the help
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