View Full Version : Reloading for the M-1 Carbine

03-08-2013, 12:19 PM
Does anyone have experience using the Kahr M-1 with reloaded ammo? Thanks.

03-08-2013, 01:23 PM
M1 Carbines are not overly sensitive to gas pressure at the port (as say, the M1 Garand can be).

They ARE finicky about what powder type - and prefer crushed spherical powder (from memory...)

I seem to recall that H110 was pretty good in the M1 Carbine

03-08-2013, 04:00 PM
Thank you for your response. My specific problem is that the reloaded cartridge gets stuck in the chamber and is very difficult to retract the bolt to remove it. Factory ammo can be cycled very easily. Could a very tight chamber be the problem? I shoot reloads in a different M-1 carbine with no problem. I love the rifle but I also love reloading!

Captain Crunch
03-08-2013, 05:15 PM
Does .30 carbine require case length trimming?

03-08-2013, 06:12 PM
have a close look at the case just ahead of the extractor groove... measure it carefully with good calipers, and compare it to an unfired case

make sure your CARBIDE die is properly adjusted.

make sure your crimp is not belling the top of the case

its not the chamber - its your reloads...

03-08-2013, 06:47 PM
The brass is below the max case length so that part is ok. You must be right about the chamber because factory ammo cycles through with no problem. The die is not resizing enough to function in the Kahr although the die does resize enough to function in the IMI carbine. There must be some difference between the two rifles that allows one to work with the reloads and the other to find them unacceptable. It sounds like I need a small base die but RCBS does not make one for 30 Carbine. Thanks again for your insight and advice.

03-08-2013, 08:03 PM
You need to see WHERE the cases are oversized for the chamber, and make corrections as needed.

There are two things that help the "Case bulge" at the head.

1. Shave the shellholder - if its a single station press, thats possible.


2. Shave the sizing die. Most sizing dies have a generous lead in for the case. That lead in also makes sizing that spot of the case impossible. If you reduce the lead in by shaving the bottom of the case, then you'll effectively size the case further down (at the head). I did this to our 9mm dies when I was reloading commercially on automated (STAR) equipment, and it solved the mixed brass / bulged case problems.

Here's the catch - on #2 above, if you have a carbide die, you'll need to go to a machine shop with a diamond wheel to shave it. Its not impossible, but... you'll need a better shop than some in order to get it done.

03-09-2013, 05:02 AM
Fantastic answer and explanation. I really appreciate your ability to clarify what is happening with the reloaded ammunition. Now I can rest. Thank you.

03-11-2013, 12:21 PM
Sorry to bother you again but where is the best place to modify the shellholder? Gunsmith? Machine Shop? Thank you.