View Full Version : A head scratcher.

03-08-2013, 05:36 PM
Obama wants to ban so called "assault weapons" and high cap magazines. The result is no .22 rimfire ammo. The ammo hoarders are the real gun controllers at this time.

I am glad local stores are now limiting ammo sales so the ammo hogs are being limited.

The sad part is that a couple people that I know wanted to join the NRA and our local club but due to no ammo they adopted a wait and see attitude.

03-08-2013, 05:52 PM
You must be one of those people who thought they would always be able to pick up what they need on the way to the range... planning ahead.


03-08-2013, 05:54 PM
Suddenly, obscure calibers are king. I can find ammo that I've never heard of before, but unless I want to pay double what it's worth, no .22, 9, .40, .357, 10, .45, 5.56, 7.62, .308, etc etc

03-08-2013, 05:56 PM
I have a small supply for what I need. Self defense and pest control. I am not one of those people who park in front of my LGS and wait for the truck and try to buy everything that arrives before it is unloaded and act belligerent.

03-08-2013, 06:06 PM
Well, hopefully, we won't have to contend with anything close to WTSHTF and have to defend what we have against the unprepared ones who want to share our stuff... ALL of OUR stuff!:eek:

A few days ago I had made about four trips by a couple of Walmarts and then after talking with the clerk at the closest one, went back just to check on what might have come in on the truck that was being unloaded. He said that there was no telling when it might hit the shelves... 10 or 11PM or the next morning, but it would go fast. I went over around 11 the next morning and only saw one thing that was NOT there the day before... a box of Winchester .45 JHP, which I didn't NEED. So I left it for someone else as I did other ammo that I had seen at the other store... not the FMJ or caliber that I wanted.

Our range will only sell one box per day per customer to shoot at the range... at decent prices, too.

I've been checking all of my usual places online for 9mm and .40 FMJ... with decent prices, but none out there. I don't need any kind of SD ammo at $1.50 or $2 a pop!


03-08-2013, 06:07 PM
Me neither but it's coming to that it seems.

Things have to get better and I won't pay scalper prices, can't afford to mostly. I'll build up a more suitable inventory when / if things ever head back toward normal.

I stocked up on reload stuff for 45 and I'm in pretty good shape, I never dreamed 22's would enter the fray.

03-08-2013, 06:23 PM
When I bought my prepper 10/22 from Wallymart, I went online in a world of plenty and got good deals for some .22, but I was thinking LONG-TERM for survival... hunting and defense... so I bought a lot of sub-sonic in several brands and a bunch of that Federal 525 Value packs and put a lot of it in vacuum bags and ammo boxes for long-term storage. I didn't keep anybody from getting anything then... in a time of plenty.

I would rather know that I have enough ammo if things really get bad than resell any for multiples of what I paid... especially in ever-devaluing paper money!


03-08-2013, 06:51 PM
There is nothing wrong with stocking up in times of plenty.

03-08-2013, 06:52 PM
I have bought no stocking up ammo during any of this chaotic mess and have a very nice supply of everything stocked up........ that being said I will only go to the range and shoot if I can buy enough to replace what I shot which is getting harder and harder to find...... I keep thinking it is going to let up but it is getting worse and worse which is cutting into my range time and pissing me off!

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03-08-2013, 07:14 PM
From what I've been seeing, the ammo craze is slowly returning to normal. We had over 30,000 rounds of .223, in various makes, out on the shelves a couple of weeks ago. This supply lasted for about 4 days, whereas it would have been gone in less than a couple of hours a month or two ago.

Yes, we have been limiting ammo purchases to 10 boxes per customers. But many customers just put what they bought into the car, came back in and went to a different register. That's not happening these days. We have a pretty good selection of rifle ammo in most calibers compared to other stores, or so I'm told. .308 seems to be the most scarce as we don't get it in. 5.56/.223 lasts for a while. Plenty of 7.62X39.

Handgun ammo is getting better. Been getting in 9mm range ammo, along with .357 mag, .40 S&W, .45 ACP and they will spend of few days on the shelf. .380 seems to be hard to get for some reason but we do have SD/HD in that caliber.

But has been stated, .22lr doesn't stay on the shelf but for a few minutes after the doors open. We had a couple of bricks of .22lr from some company named Aguila with a 20 gr bullet. Never even knew you could get a 20 gr bullet or why one would want it. Never heard of Aguila either.

They were gone as soon as the quickest folks saw them.

I've still have a few bricks that I bought a few years back that I haven't even touched. Been shooting some loose .22's I have laying around for the past year or more and still working on them.

I don't understand the .22 thing, either.

03-08-2013, 08:06 PM
Our gun club cannot get any shotgun shells! They have always had pallets of them. They said they didn't know when they could get any either.

03-08-2013, 08:31 PM
It's coming up on two years since the garage sale where I put some ammo in the ad and had several guys waiting for us to open. The newspaper had changed my ad to say "guns" instead of "gun stuff", too and there were some disappointed people. Advertising ammo now could cause a mob or guys coming days before, if not an hour or so!

The first guy took all of the 9mm SD ammo that I had. I had switched brands/types and $1 or so a bullet is too much for range use. I sold a couple of UMC .22 LR bricks for $9 or $10 each! Too bad I didn't wait a little longer.:rolleyes:

The popular calibers are still short around here and guys are having to pay $10 for a limit of ONE box of regular high-speed .22LR... 50 bullets... and NOT Stingers. Of course, that's IF they can find any. Shooters was only allowing gun purchasers to get up to 5 boxes of .22 and had .223 for $20 a box of 20 FMJ.


03-08-2013, 10:31 PM
Shotgun shells is one thing there has not been a run on, in the least. We have cases and boxes of any type you want. Can't understand why you can't get them at your local range.

As a side note, through my discount, I brought home 100 rounds of 00 buck and 250 rounds of #8 field loads for a whopping total of $47. And my wife still got mad at me?!?

03-08-2013, 11:01 PM
I got 45 rounds of Remington Express 00 at Wallymart back when it was just over $10 for 15 rounds and I got a 10-round box of Fiocchi slugs... not much and after that I have 150 to 200 various trap and skeet loads... heavy trap loads because the Charles Daly Tactical Semi-Auto needs a big kick to cycle. It was strictly single shot with skeet and regular game loads. I was thinking of opening some of the heavy birdshot up and putting some #4 buck in them. I think that I could rig some kind of recrimping tool with stuff on hand. It was a real pain trying to find non-defense stuff that would cycle the SA. I was shooting some skeets to see how the gun worked. It sure swings fast with the short barrrel, especially after I put a regular wide open cylinder choke in it to replace the ugly doorbuster thing that came with it... a bit bizarre at the skeet range.

Oh! That's quite a deal! I haven't seen any good SD ammo... did see a box or two at Gander, but too pricey.


03-09-2013, 09:41 AM
I haven't seen any 9mm at our local Wallyworlds or Academy stores, and very little .45 ACP.
Some dude scooped up the last 10 boxes of .45....when I wanted just one box to replace what I had shot up. He said "sorry". :mad:

03-09-2013, 10:07 AM
Man! I just couldn't do that! I would definitely let you buy a few boxes! And it wouldn't be outside for triple the price!


03-09-2013, 10:37 AM
I am sorry to hear that story armybrat. That is exactly what I am talking about. Basically screw the other guy mentality. That is one reason antigunners can succeed. They at least try to stick together.
I had a box of 9mm at a local store and someone was looking for some 9mm to shoot in gun he just bought at a different store. There was no more on the shelf and I offered it to him to purchase. He said thanks but did not take it.

03-09-2013, 10:46 AM
Here's the mentality today, great for me, screw you.

During the last ammo scare, a guy posted online on another forum that he walked into a local Walmart before going to work one morning. They had just put 4/100 packs of WWB .45 ACP on the shelf. His comment was, "I bought all four boxes before anyone else found it. I'll check back each morning to see if they restock and grab more."

Now this is OK but the attitude sucks IMO.

03-09-2013, 10:52 AM
You must be one of those people who thought they would always be able to pick up what they need on the way to the range... planning ahead.


10-4 on that...about 6 months before the storm came I was buying 100 rounds each every couple weeks of 9mm and .223 at Academy. I don't know what it was that made me decide to do that but sure glad I did. Now I'm being selective when I go shoot until the prices come back down.

03-09-2013, 10:59 AM
Yes, people's attitudes suck. But you have to keep in mind that you can't control, stop, or change that. Therefore, you have to do what you have to do. I'm not going to be caught w/ my britches down again (been there once a few years back) and had to pay thru the nose for what I could find. So I stocked up when there was plenty at decent prices. But, and now for the big butt. I have to replace what I shoot to maintain that level, and if that means buying the last X boxes on the shelf then so be it. I'm not buying up and reselling at stupid prices, I'm not selling anything in fact. But I have to replace my stock and make sure I'm able to maintain a level of ammo that I'm comfortable with.

In fact, I just traded 1000 rounds of .22lr for some dry boxes. They were a good deal (4 used pelican 1300 boxes) and I have been successful at locating around 500 rounds of other .22lr during this fiasco. So I'm 'down' 500 rounds with the transaction, but I'm OK w/ that. The other guy was ecstatic because 1000 rounds would have cost him double or triple what he had paid for these used dry boxes. He had $60 in the boxes and I had $50 in the ammo (pre-nuts price on this particular bulk 1000). We both got a good deal.

You can only control yourself, but when the rest of the world goes nuts you may or may not have to go nuts w/ them depending on how well you prepared up front. I don't begrudge those that didn't prepare, hopefully they are learning their lesson, but if they run across the last of the boxes, then by all mean, they should buy them. You shouldn't look at it that they are screwing the next guy in the door, they are taking care of themselves.

Now, people with plenty of stock that are buying .22lr, 9, whatever...and selling it for triple or quadruple...well, GO CAPITALISM I suppose, evil can be found in all good things from time to time. Don't throw the baby out w/ the bath water.

03-09-2013, 11:35 AM
BUT... unfortunately, the next guy would probably buy all of the remaining ammo... maybe for resale at 3-5 times the price he paid. That's why some kind of limit in scarce times is good. People will still make multiple trips in and out of the store, but it gives someone else a chance for a short bit.

I've seen too many people who seem to have NO ammo at home trying to get some caliber... any... to have at least one weapon loaded at home!

I just can't imagine allowing myself to run out of ammo. I may run out of FMJ for the range, but I have a lot of SD ammo for Self Defense!

I need to get ready and get going. There's supposed to be a third "brand" of gun show at the old main location at the Morocco Shrine Temple. I think that it was last at the Armory on the far west side of town... pretty small, but maybe this will be a bigger deal.


03-09-2013, 12:14 PM
I agree completely w/ the 'limits' going on right now in stores. It serves a number of purposes. Gets more ammo into the hands of more people (can't be a bad thing). Keeps customers happy (more people get something). Helps control the supply (good old economics). So I think its a good thing right now. Hopefully things start to ease up soon.

03-09-2013, 03:02 PM
Last Wednesday I called Walmart to see if a truck had come in on the previous night. The lady said no because of the snow storm and it would be there that night and the ammo would be available Thursday morning at 7:00 AM. She said they were expecting ten bulk boxes 555 Winchester and two bulk boxes of 1000 of which brand I forget. I figured if I got there a little early I might get some 22LR to replace what I shot in trying out my new Ruger SR22 (great gun BTW).

I get there at 6:30 AM. Lo and behold there are four people already there. The first two in line were the same two fellows who were there a week ago on Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM. Number one guy is a short obscenely obese guy with squinty eyes and nerd glasses. Number two is a tall lanky guy. Turns out they are buddies for they mentioned texting each other. Numbers three and four were an elderly couple in their 60s. I figured the old man was there to get some ammo and the wife was going shopping afterwards for she was leaning on a cart.

Soon after I got there another fellow came up a (number six) and we got to talking. He was there to purchase some 22LR for his boy. He had gotten his boy a 22 rifle for Christmas and the boy hadn't got to shoot it yet for the shortage of 22s. I figured if there were two or more boxes of 22s left I'd leave some for number six's boy.

At 7:00 AM Mr. Walmart Manager brings out the ammo. By this time four or five more people had joined the line. Anyway, he broke out the ammo. Some 45s, 38s, some other calibers, and the aforementioned 12 boxes of 22 bulk ammo. Mr. Walmart asked if everyone knew their order and we all agreed so he let us have at it.

Fatty took the two 1000 bulk boxes and a box of Winchester 555. (Limit is three boxes.) Then his friend (tall and lanky) took three boxes of 555 Winchester. The old man took three boxes of the 555 Winchester. I figured I'd get a box or two. But NO!!! Fatty calls the old lady "mom" and tells her to get the last three boxes of 555 Winchester. She looks perplexed and didn't seem to know the difference between the assorted, different boxes of ammo so Mr. Tall and Lanky proceeds to put the last three boxes of 555 Winchester into her cart. So now I know the old man was his dad, step dad or something.

This little enclave took all twelve boxes of bulk 22 ammo. :eek:

I immediately walked away seething. I hadn't been that pissed off in a very long time. :mad::mad::mad:

MW surveyor
03-09-2013, 03:18 PM
That really pisses me off!

I would have definitely said something to the Walmart employee about that kind of behavior.

03-09-2013, 03:26 PM
I'm in pretty good shape with 6000+ rounds most of which is 45 ACP and split about even between ball and HP. I have four calibers, 380, 9mm, 40 S&W, and 45, but only have one 380, one 9, two 40, and eleven 45 guns.

BTW, I've never bought in large amounts especially locally, but have accumulated the stock over years.

03-09-2013, 05:20 PM
Last Wednesday I called Walmart to see if a truck had come in on the previous night. The lady said no because of the snow storm and it would be there that night and the ammo would be available Thursday morning at 7:00 AM. She said they were expecting ten bulk boxes 555 Winchester and two bulk boxes of 1000 of which brand I forget. I figured if I got there a little early I might get some 22LR to replace what I shot in trying out my new Ruger SR22 (great gun BTW).

I get there at 6:30 AM. Lo and behold there are four people already there. The first two in line were the same two fellows who were there a week ago on Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM. Number one guy is a short obscenely obese guy with squinty eyes and nerd glasses. Number two is a tall lanky guy. Turns out they are buddies for they mentioned texting each other. Numbers three and four were an elderly couple in their 60s. I figured the old man was there to get some ammo and the wife was going shopping afterwards for she was leaning on a cart.

Soon after I got there another fellow came up a (number six) and we got to talking. He was there to purchase some 22LR for his boy. He had gotten his boy a 22 rifle for Christmas and the boy hadn't got to shoot it yet for the shortage of 22s. I figured if there were two or more boxes of 22s left I'd leave some for number six's boy.

At 7:00 AM Mr. Walmart Manager brings out the ammo. By this time four or five more people had joined the line. Anyway, he broke out the ammo. Some 45s, 38s, some other calibers, and the aforementioned 12 boxes of 22 bulk ammo. Mr. Walmart asked if everyone knew their order and we all agreed so he let us have at it.

Fatty took the two 1000 bulk boxes and a box of Winchester 555. (Limit is three boxes.) Then his friend (tall and lanky) took three boxes of 555 Winchester. The old man took three boxes of the 555 Winchester. I figured I'd get a box or two. But NO!!! Fatty calls the old lady "mom" and tells her to get the last three boxes of 555 Winchester. She looks perplexed and didn't seem to know the difference between the assorted, different boxes of ammo so Mr. Tall and Lanky proceeds to put the last three boxes of 555 Winchester into her cart. So now I know the old man was his dad, step dad or something.

This little enclave took all twelve boxes of bulk 22 ammo. :eek:

I immediately walked away seething. I hadn't been that pissed off in a very long time. :mad::mad::mad:

That is the crap I can't stand!

03-09-2013, 06:19 PM
That really sucks that people can be so selfish like that... really working hard at being a$$holes!

I went by two Walmarts on the way to the gun show today. This is our third in rank GS and the first time at the Morocco Shrine Center... where #1 used to be held until the Shriners got too greedy and started charging for parking in addition to a raise at the gate which got them more money. That show moved to the big convention center downtown and parking is free there.

Prices on some guns might have been down, but ammo was higher than previous shows. There was some lower-priced .223 if that's your need. I just looked at everything... kind of hesitated over a Gen 4 Glock 21 with 3 mags, but it was $670 thereabouts. It's not something I NEED, but if I get the urge to get a carbine, I might be interested in a lower at some time.

I bought nothing there and went shopping for groceries and then the Harbor Freight Tool Store where I finally bought one of those 45-watt solar kits for just under $150 after taxes... the lowest I've ever seen it. I couldn't use the danged 20% off coupon, though, the price was already at lowest on sale.

I still need to get a 12-volt on-demand pressure pump for our well and the backup water pressure rig I'm putting together... just in case.


03-10-2013, 05:23 AM
Last Wednesday I called Walmart to see if a truck had come in on the previous night. The lady said no because of the snow storm and it would be there that night and the ammo would be available Thursday morning at 7:00 AM. She said they were expecting ten bulk boxes 555 Winchester and two bulk boxes of 1000 of which brand I forget. I figured if I got there a little early I might get some 22LR to replace what I shot in trying out my new Ruger SR22 (great gun BTW).

I get there at 6:30 AM. Lo and behold there are four people already there. The first two in line were the same two fellows who were there a week ago on Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM. Number one guy is a short obscenely obese guy with squinty eyes and nerd glasses. Number two is a tall lanky guy. Turns out they are buddies for they mentioned texting each other. Numbers three and four were an elderly couple in their 60s. I figured the old man was there to get some ammo and the wife was going shopping afterwards for she was leaning on a cart.

Soon after I got there another fellow came up a (number six) and we got to talking. He was there to purchase some 22LR for his boy. He had gotten his boy a 22 rifle for Christmas and the boy hadn't got to shoot it yet for the shortage of 22s. I figured if there were two or more boxes of 22s left I'd leave some for number six's boy.

At 7:00 AM Mr. Walmart Manager brings out the ammo. By this time four or five more people had joined the line. Anyway, he broke out the ammo. Some 45s, 38s, some other calibers, and the aforementioned 12 boxes of 22 bulk ammo. Mr. Walmart asked if everyone knew their order and we all agreed so he let us have at it.

Fatty took the two 1000 bulk boxes and a box of Winchester 555. (Limit is three boxes.) Then his friend (tall and lanky) took three boxes of 555 Winchester. The old man took three boxes of the 555 Winchester. I figured I'd get a box or two. But NO!!! Fatty calls the old lady "mom" and tells her to get the last three boxes of 555 Winchester. She looks perplexed and didn't seem to know the difference between the assorted, different boxes of ammo so Mr. Tall and Lanky proceeds to put the last three boxes of 555 Winchester into her cart. So now I know the old man was his dad, step dad or something.

This little enclave took all twelve boxes of bulk 22 ammo. :eek:

I immediately walked away seething. I hadn't been that pissed off in a very long time. :mad::mad::mad:

Like I said earlier...

Here's the mentality today, great for me, screw you. :mad:

03-11-2013, 10:22 AM
use the situation as an educational opportunity. When stuff gets back to "normal" (it will) stock up slowly. It doesn't make sense for everyone to buy a case at a time or even 500 rds, but I "trained" my wife to buy a minimum of a 50rd box of .22 or something else @ Wally World EVERY visit for the past 6 years. When we started, .22 was $.97 for 50 rds. Sometimes we bought 1 box, sometimes a bulk pack. Sometimes it was 9mm, 12g, .223, whatever. If I ran in to get a qt of oil, I always got at least one box of 50rds of .22lr or 20rds of .223 or of something. Yes it was a pain in the @$$ and it turned some trips that should have been 5 minutes into 15-20 mins because of waiting for the key, but that was well worth it now! I don't have nearly as much as I want (in my prepper mind), but I have thousands of rds of each caliber I own and 10's of thousands of .22, and it never broke the bank. Maybe I will shoot it all in my lifetime, maybe not, but it will never be worth zero and it is a lot easier to spend $2 here, $5 there etc., than to have to spend $75 on a bulk pack of .22 now.

I know it doesn't help anyone in their current situation, but let it help you in the future...

03-11-2013, 07:32 PM
There are five local gun shops, 3 Walmarts and one Academy in my area. I've nearly given up on finding ammo at the big box stores. Most of the mom and pop stores have .40 and .22 at prices that aren't too inflated. A couple of weeks ago I went into a local shop which had a good supply of .223 at the going rate of $1 a shot. The last time I saw any 9mm it was $55 for a box of 50 Winchester Silver Tips. Other than 9mm and .308 I'm starting to see ammo stocks last a bit longer at the local stores, not so much at the big box stores. I think things are slowly beginning to return to normal. I think it's a combination of people not willing to pay the jacked up prices and understanding that their isn't a reason to act as crazy out of FEAR as they have been. It's supply and demand. Economics is a social science after all.

Although I only shoot .40 and .22 right now and have plenty of it I still try to pick up one box of each every time I get paid. However, if I can't find it at a price that's close to reasonable I pass.

03-11-2013, 07:40 PM
i have no doubt some people are buying ammo that they don't even have guns for,just because it is there.

stupid is as stupid does: forrest gump.