View Full Version : Obama Trying To Lower US Military Superiority?

04-07-2010, 07:39 PM
In a move seen by many to be foolish, our fearless leader is trying to sign a treaty with Russia to lower our nuclear arsenal by 1/3. Is this a good idea? Are we giving up our military superiority? He wants to ban all nuclear weapons, is this realistic? Is his inexperience hurting us all?

President seeks push from Russia arms pact - White House- msnbc.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36220817/ns/politics-white_house/?GT1=43001)

04-08-2010, 06:55 AM
During the Soviet era the Russians would sign such agreements and then violate them. Western democracies were held to task by local interests who would protest failure to adhere to accords. The Soviets clearly used such negotiations as an opportunity to tie Western hands and hobble our defenses.

Are they still doing such things? My security clearances have long ago expired, so I have no idea. There is an old saying "walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...."


04-08-2010, 08:10 AM
Why don't we just eliminate all weapons or things that can be used as weapons. No more pens or pencils because they are just a little to sharp. No more rope cause that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. For that matter, maybe we should get rid of all the water cause someone could possibly fall into it and drown. The U.S. is a country of soft liberal know it alls that think the rest of the world is just like it is at your momma's house. You would think they could recognize the things going on elsewhere as proof of mankinds lack of humanity, but no, that wouldn't fit into there agenda of turning us all into government dependant children who can no longer feed, clothe, shelter or protect ourselves. Rant over, need to go shoot something now.

04-08-2010, 08:31 AM
In a move seen by many to be foolish, our fearless leader is trying to sign a treaty with Russia to lower our nuclear arsenal by 1/3. Is this a good idea? Are we giving up our military superiority? He wants to ban all nuclear weapons, is this realistic? Is his inexperience hurting us all?

President seeks push from Russia arms pact - White House- msnbc.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36220817/ns/politics-white_house/?GT1=43001)

I did not vote for Obama, and I disapprove of most of his decisions. I do, however, welcome this move. I believe that with the reduction we'll still have a significant deterrent and warfighting force of nukes. Additionally this should save us some money by not having to maintain and secure those nukes which we'll eliminate.

I remember another President who took action to reduce our nuclear arsenal. I did vote for him, twice. His name was Reagan.

04-09-2010, 06:37 AM
Yes, but unfortunately this president is not coupling that with other creative efforts to weaken our nuclear capable rivals. President Reagan had a comprehensive strategy to destabilize the Soviet Union and its power in Eastern Europe. It worked. We will see if Obama can direct any effective efforts at Iran, North Korea, China.....
