View Full Version : Parents, check out what they're teaching our children
03-12-2013, 12:23 PM
Something weird is going on in the Texas School system. They have this "lesson plan" called CSCOPE that is a liberal's dream. They teach about all sorts of liberal and communist personalities, but don't even mention Washington, and the founding of our nation, or Lincoln, or anything remotely military, or having to do with weapons or war. And of course they leave out the Bill of Rights, 2nd amendment is not mentioned at all. PLUS, the teachers have to sign a contract that they will keep this program secret from parents. The head of the Texas Department of Education was denied access to read it, due to some loop hole.
If you watch the videos, you will be outraged at what they are trying to do to our kids. They warn things like this are coming to all the States, so it goes beyond Texas. Glenn Beck does the videos and interviews the teachers and public officials.
Longitude Zero
03-12-2013, 03:12 PM
A conerstone and foundation of the program is that America and her peole ARE NOT exceptional but just another bit player on the world stage. And as such is no more responsible for the advancement of society than some ignorant aboriginals in the wilds of Borneo.
03-12-2013, 05:31 PM
Exactly LZ, turning them into Globalists, before they even know what the word means.
What really bothers me, is the way they are trying to slip it in so sneaky, with the teachers having to sign contracts not to divulge any of the information they are teaching, to parents, schoolboard members, or any other interested party. Because it's not official "Curriculam" material, the Schoolboard doesn't have to approve it or anything. They use some legal loophole and call it something else, and no one has to approve anything, maybe the schools principal. I'd be furious if I found out teachers were teaching my kids this crap. Particularly if they were doing it in secret. One of the teachers said to beware, that this stuff was hitting all over the country, not just in TX. They going to teach the kids all about some lame assed Marxists, Communists, and liberals, but not a word about Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, etc, and certainly not a peep about Robert E. Lee, or Stonewall Jackson. Nothing about any world war heros, like Pershing, Patton, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Bradley. Totally squashing any thought of being an American, only being a global citizen. I'm sure there is no Pledge of Allegience, or singing America the Beautiful, or anything like that. Those things certainly wouldn't fit into their system.
03-12-2013, 07:07 PM
And all of the above is the exact reason my daughters are being home schooled! I am so sick of the school districts cramming the left wing ideology down kids throats.
All of this recent expelling kids because a poptart looks like a gun is just subtle ways to condition the next generation to be petrified of guns and think of them as evil! Don't even get me started on the socialism that gets crammed down kids throats like telling them every person is the same and no one should fail even when you don't even try!
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mr surveyor
03-12-2013, 08:11 PM
just so y'all know..... the cscope crap is NOT mandatory (speaking of Texas). Our school districts are still "Independent School Districts", and can pick and choose the educational curriculum based on local decisions. There are obviously a lot of big city (and suburbs of same) that are so infested with liberal idiots, they do choose the cscope crap. Believe me, this crap ain't gonna last long, especially since we found out about it several months ago.
Just don't get the idea that this kind of garbage is the new normal for Texas.
03-12-2013, 10:00 PM
I keep coming across articles, about how the left is targeting Texas, particularly Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston and Austin, to get more liberals into the political system, and places of authority. Hoping to eventually gain control of the state and turn it into a "blue" state. I wonder if CSCOPE is part of that effort. It's always easiest to start with the young, and warp their minds.
I am so glad that when my kids were school age, that I was able to move out of the larger city I live near, and get them into a conservative small town school.
Longitude Zero
03-13-2013, 08:48 AM
And all of the above is the exact reason my daughters are being home schooled! I am so sick of the school districts cramming the left wing ideology down kids throats.
All of this recent expelling kids because a poptart looks like a gun is just subtle ways to condition the next generation to be petrified of guns and think of them as evil! Don't even get me started on the socialism that gets crammed down kids throats like telling them every person is the same and no one should fail even when you don't even try!
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Sadly when your kids get to college the indoctrination is even worse. College capmuses are bastions of conform to our midset or you will be flunked out.
Longitude Zero
03-13-2013, 08:50 AM
I keep coming across articles, about how the left is targeting Texas, particularly Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston and Austin, to get more liberals into the political system, and places of authority. Hoping to eventually gain control of the state and turn it into a "blue" state. I wonder if CSCOPE is part of that effort. It's always easiest to start with the young, and warp their minds.
You are 100% correct because as Texas goes so goes the nation. The Lobs/Dems/Commies know if they get Texas, conservatibe views in the political system are all but dead.
03-13-2013, 08:54 AM
I would have NEVER thought Texas would buy into that liberal mush mouthed BS!
But this is an all out war for the deems. What would this country be as a 1 party polital system? The answer is clear Democratic Socialism!
03-13-2013, 10:59 AM
My son made it thru K-State with his values intact. K-State is the more conservative college, with a lot of farm kids going there. KU (The Basketball Giant) gets more of the libs and preppy types. Some of the smaller colleges aren't too bad yet either. I don't remember Wichita State being too liberal either, but it's been awhile since I took a class there. My eldest daughter went there, and was part of a religous organization they supported, so they must not be too left wing yet.
03-13-2013, 12:24 PM
Sadly when your kids get to college the indoctrination is even worse. College capmuses are bastions of conform to our midset or you will be flunked out.
I agree with you however I made it through college and still maintained my healthy distaste for socialist ideas. I attribute that to the fact I was raised with an understanding of how wrong they were!
My hope is by the time my kids go to college they understand and are able stave off the BS being crammed down their throats by there socialist professors. I am just doing everything that I can do to keep my kids from being influenced at a young and critical age. I understand it may not work for others but I am giving it a shot.
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03-13-2013, 05:19 PM
It's up to the parents to instill values in their children. You never take what you value the most and put it in the care of a stranger.
03-13-2013, 05:50 PM
Even if they try that here I'm subverting their plan. My kids would be considered radicals when it comes to all of that, kinda like their dad and mom. Mom is probably worse than dad.
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