View Full Version : New CW45 adventures

03-12-2013, 04:03 PM
This may well belong over in "Reloading" but I'm going to try here first. About a week ago I wrote up a gleeful report on my new CM9, which by the way remains flawless and absurdly accurate. I was so impressed with its overall goodness that when I spied a well priced CW45 in my local gun shop just a few days later, I jumped on it. The very next range trip involved two Kahrs. The two Kahr trip, sad to say, fell significantly short of expectations.

About one in five shots with the 45 required that I tap the slide forward perhaps a sixteenth of an inch to lock it into position. I know some of you are thinking, "Wait until you're fired 200 rounds through it before you come around complaining." This, however, is a somewhat different story. First of all, given the current ammo insanity I was shooting my standard cast bullet reload load using a Lyman 225 gr round nose bullet that duplicates old GI hardball. This load has worked flawlessly for me for decades in seven different pistols ranging from a Jim Clark Custom 1911 bullseye gun built in the 60's to a brand new S&W M&P 45c.

To see what was going on I pulled the CW45's barrel and started dropping rounds into it. A lot of them didn't make it all the way in. The ones that hung up seemed to have a ridge around the case at the base of the seated bullet. Ugly I'll admit, but they were well within SAAMI specks. Hmmm. So I got out my pin gage set and set to measuring my Kahr's chamber. It turns out to be about .002 inches undersized in diameter.

My sized cast bullets are .452 inches in diameter. The majority of my cases have a neck thickness of .010 inches. So if you stick a .452 bullet in a case like that the outside of the case should measure .472 inches. Most of my loads do. Unfortunately brass thickness varies and a significant minority of my rounds are bigger than .472 in. Loads measuring .473 in are a problem in my Kahr. While I was doing all this measuring, I also slugged the barrel and happily discovered it was .450 in across the groves. That meant a .451 cast bullet should work just fine. A quick call to Midway started a new sizing die my way.

It arrived today and a brief test (15 hurried but faultless rounds fired in my back yard) suggests that my problem may be solved. I'll know with a bit more certainty in a couple of days. My .451 sizing die was accompanied by a new Lee 200 grain round nose flat point bullet mold. I quickly ran off a small test batch oh those and loaded up a few. I'm pleased to report that another brief back yard blitz indicates they'll do just fine.

A visit to the factory may still be indicated for this pistol but since (I think) most jacketed 45 bullets are .451 in in diameter, it may not be. Things are looking up.


03-13-2013, 06:39 AM
Kahr chambers do indeed appear to be a bit tighter than most factory barrels. One of the quickest cure is to do your crimping as a separate step with a Lee Factory Crimp die. This ensures that your finished product is sized (brass and all) to minimum dimensions. I use one as a matter of course since my Wilson and Brown barrels in my 1911s have tight chambers and it works very well for loads in my CW45 too.

Longitude Zero
03-13-2013, 08:46 AM
Kahr tolerances are definitley tighter. As such reloads need to be perfect to SAAMI specs or trouble will be the result. IMHO until you get at least 200 factory new rounds there is no reason to send it back to Kahr. Many manufacturers specifically exempt warranty coverage when reloads are fired.

03-13-2013, 12:23 PM
If factory ammo works then u have no complaint and u just need to adjsut ur reloads. Kahr will not accomadate any issues involving reloads sounds like u already figured that out though..

03-13-2013, 12:42 PM
Good to see a shooter that can think his way thru an issue and not just start complaining on some forum.

03-13-2013, 02:07 PM
indeed hardluk1, we need more of these guys....Just sayin

03-23-2013, 07:35 PM
Not only has this fellow thought his way through his problem, but he has given others of this Kahr shooters fraternity some very valuable information about the pistol. I'm glad to get this sort of information, since I'm looking at buying the CW45 myself, that is, if I can get ahold of one and the money to buy it. Things are tight right now monetarily for us. Love this kind of stuff.

03-24-2013, 07:49 AM
Thanks for the kind words AutoBob. My CW 45 is now approaching 300 rounds and the last 75 have been flawless. I'm shooting a Lee 200 grain RNFP cast bullet sized to .451 inches over 6 grains of Unique. Length overall of the round is 1.158 inches. (This load works great in a S&W M&P and a Sig too.) I had to experiment with the crimp a little to get everything in order but I'll still using a standard crimping die (my taper crimp die will be here tomorrow). I pulled my barrel and stood it on end in a loading block and kept changing the crimp and dropping dummy rounds into the chamber until I found a combination that fell in smoothly. I'll update this after I've had a chance to mess with the taper crimp die.


03-24-2013, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the info. :yo:

03-29-2013, 07:56 AM
I've fired about 100 rounds of reloads using my new Lee factory crimp dies. The loads have functioned perfectly. An added bonus is that they are surprisingly accurate too. Here's my best target from yesterday. (No, I was not aiming at those little bullseyes at 25 yards. They are some old targets someone gave me and I was just shooting for "center of mass" on 'em.)


03-29-2013, 10:23 AM
Dang, that's cool! And making your own, not getting robbed for factory ammo! Super cool! :D

03-29-2013, 09:11 PM
Nice picture too!

03-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Nice going, Boris!

I will not load for any of my autoloaders now without the Lee Factory Crimp die. Wonderful invention, and I've used them for many years. It adds an extra step, but it's worth it.

I have a few hundred rounds through my new (January) CW 45 now, nearly all handloads. Wrung 100 rounds through it yesterday, 230 RNL and 230 XTP. Love this pistol!

The 230 XTP over 6.4 Unique is an accurate load in mine, and though it does thump it is comfortable to shoot. With these factory sights the 200 gr loads I have tested (200 XTP and 200 LSWC) do not shoot to point of aim, but I can live with that. I still may change sights since I prefer 3 dot.


05-11-2013, 07:56 AM
if you like; you can take the rear sight off and turn it 180, dremmel 2 small divots (carefully), then a dash of white, and make it a 3 dot. harrylee helped me do this on my cw45 and i like it! (after just five minutes out of the box i new i would not like the "dot the i".
ps: gotta get me a lee die.;)