View Full Version : Pictures

03-13-2013, 11:00 AM
Let us be a bit more selective in included photo's in our post. I've received comments that many find them distasteful and offensive.
Granted in many ways they are applicable.
The Hitler type photos are specifically mentioned. I believe written comparisons between that evil bastard and his clone in the White House are not a bad thing, enlighten the unenlightened anyway we can but lets do without the pictures. No need to sensationalize the bastard.

This is in no way related to the Scoundrel grievances. If you have pics of Michelle looking like a missing link, well don't post those either but they haven't executed millions YET so I don't think we need to be so critical of the current political subject matter.

03-13-2013, 11:58 AM
I think the author of the pix mentioned is trying to make the point that our rights and freedoms can be removed so quickly if we are not vigilant about protecting them. Hitler is the poster boy for that subjugation of freedom. His image selection reflects his deep concern and screams to get our attention.

03-13-2013, 01:10 PM
Just my opinion here, so take it as you wish.

America as a whole is teetering on the edge of a cliff. On solid ground, we have reasonable thought, beliefs, and open-mindedness (to an extent). Over the edge is a sea of political correctness that has been growing deeper and more turbulent in recent years.

We're in real danger of falling over the edge... and the displacement of our fat American bodies is gonna cause that sea to overflow... right up onto our solid ground.

Kids are being suspended for anything even remotely related to implied violence (including innocent playing) or the shape of a gun.

There are people who (it seems) focus all their time just looking for something to complain about and draw attention to, then initiate a lawsuit, call CNN, spread their PC propaganda on social media, etc.

We are losing control of our own free will...wherein some innocent act/speech/thought/etc draws condemnation from the public eye. And allowing that to happen, and catering to those instances, only adds to the already growing PC "sea."

My point... some people seriously need to lighten the hell up and get a damn life.

If this offends anyone, you have every right to be offended. I, and I'm sure many others here, served our country so you could have that right. However, I also have the right to not really give a damn if someone is disgusted or offended by something they saw on the internet. There are unpleasant things in life. Life goes on.

I will also apologize in advance to anyone who might have found this offensive... but this is one of my pet peeves, watching how society is devolving into a mass of whiny little children... and it pisses me off that the remainder of society seems more than willing to let that happen.

--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--

03-13-2013, 01:22 PM
Just my opinion here, so take it as you wish.

America as a whole is teetering on the edge of a cliff. On solid ground, we have reasonable thought, beliefs, and open-mindedness (to an extent). Over the edge is a sea of political correctness that has been growing deeper and more turbulent in recent years.

We're in real danger of falling over the edge... and the displacement of our fat American bodies is gonna cause that sea to overflow... right up onto our solid ground.

Kids are being suspended for anything even remotely related to implied violence (including innocent playing) or the shape of a gun.

There are people who (it seems) focus all their time just looking for something to complain about and draw attention to, then initiate a lawsuit, call CNN, spread their PC propaganda on social media, etc.

We are losing control of our own free will...wherein some innocent act/speech/thought/etc draws condemnation from the public eye. And allowing that to happen, and catering to those instances, only adds to the already growing PC "sea."

My point... some people seriously need to lighten the hell up and get a damn life.

If this offends anyone, you have every right to be offended. I, and I'm sure many others here, served our country so you could have that right. However, I also have the right to not really give a damn if someone is disgusted or offended by something they saw on the internet. There are unpleasant things in life. Life goes on.

I will also apologize in advance to anyone who might have found this offensive... but this is one of my pet peeves, watching how society is devolving into a mass of whiny little children... and it pisses me off that the remainder of society seems more than willing to let that happen.

--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--

F'n A

03-13-2013, 01:25 PM
Your talking to the king of NON PC and I agree completely. PC is what is ruining us.

That being said we can speak our minds and speak the truth without visual aids that will probably be used against us by the sensitive PC folks.

I wouldn't want some misunderstood liberal left winger to associate us with Hitler or his ideals. Some of them don't have a full grasp on the english language and rely on visual aids.

I love pictures, post pictures of guns, knives, or Annette Funnecello.

Not so much Nancy Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, or Al Sharpton, if you get the flow of my creek.

03-13-2013, 01:27 PM
I don't believe I've seen the pics referenced above, but I agree with Bawanna that the pics have been at times a bit raunchy, like one trying to outdo another. Some are downright helirous and not nasty, some nasty ones are funny but still inappropriate. I guess it's like they said about porn, you can't define it so much as know it when you see it. This is the most free flowing forum I've seen since Al invented the internet and nobody's saying starch your shirts but can't we tone it down a tad?

03-13-2013, 01:38 PM
Well said, that's what I tried so hard and failed to say, you done it way better.

03-13-2013, 01:52 PM
I don't post any pictures because they might offend someone. However I will NOT call a spade a "wooden boomed steel tipped excavational device". The damned thing is a spade and always will be. We are fighting loosing our freedom and had better recognize it. Seems right now we have elected people totally involved in taking our legal firearms away from us when our economy and foreign policy among other important things are going down the drain. WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA!
If I caused a lily to wilt, please accept my insincere apology.
P.S. This is the best run forum on the net. Thank you.

03-13-2013, 01:55 PM
Good points one and all including mine in a weak sort of fashion.

Many of the points are addressed or are addressable in other areas. This really wasn't posted as a discussion and certainly not chastising (that means arse chewing Jocko) of anyone or any group.

Shoot straight, speak the truth and use restraint on the photos.

This one is done.