View Full Version : CW40 first shots

03-14-2013, 04:17 PM
Well I only had this one for six days before it got the first fifty ran thru her. The first round I tried to sling shot her, guess what, it ran straight into the front and stopped right there. I had to try it. Back on track, I'm left handed and I am use to 1911s or 2011s. So I shot low and right about four o'clock about four inches, don't worry that's normal for me, I milk it, with anything else. After four mags low right and three to four inches I settled down and leaned against the car and the next four mags were two inches or less. It ran like a top and was very controllable for a small 40S&W. I was only shooting from five yards but I think I will keep this one for a while to give it a good tryout. I pickup my CM9 tomorrow and I already am looking for a CW45.


03-14-2013, 04:32 PM
you suck. I am still waiting on my CM9 and you are looking at 3???
you suck.

03-14-2013, 05:54 PM
Well, the CM9 came in today so I have it in my sweaty hand, and I mean hand this is a small 9MM. A friend has one and I liked the little gun so when I found a place that had it I ordered it. They also had the CW40 "on sale", $90.00 less so I had to buy both. I sold one of my ARs to finance these purchases. It will pay for all three guns. I prefer to say I have led a "Blessed life", that sounds better than I suck. :D

03-14-2013, 06:01 PM
I'm hoping to suck soon, too. I have a CW9 and am eyeballing at least 2 other possible additions.

03-15-2013, 09:32 PM
I have showed both the CM9 and the CW40 to several friends, without exception they all have preferred the larger CW40 due to the grip size. I can't argue with that, one friend only has room for 1 1/2 fingers on the CM9 grip at most the CW40 fits him like the CM fits me. He wants the 40 if I sell it. A CW9 might be fun, we'll see. I hope to shoot the 9 over the weekend.

04-20-2013, 05:19 PM
Well, one of my friends thought the CW40 would look better in his safe than mine. I had mentioned not wanting to start loading for the 40 being the reason I sold my last 40 so now I don't have to. I turned that money into a CW45, it is very pleasant to shoot but hates my major power 180 gr lead SWC reloads. I had several FTL or FTE but it shot well most of the time. I am going to have to dig out the 45 dies and get to work. I wish I had bought more bullets last fall. Hind sight is 45-45 or something like that.

I also got to shoot the first rounds thru the CM9 it shot great and it was very accurate at 5 yards and no malfunctions at all.

I think I might find a new home for my XDM9 and just settle in with the above and my Browning Hi-Power 9mm.