View Full Version : H&R Pardner???

Short Bus
03-14-2013, 06:44 PM
Does anyone here have one? What do you think of it? About all I know about it is that it's inexpensive and it's kind of an 870 clone.


03-14-2013, 08:32 PM
Well.....given H&R is owned by Marlin and Marlin seems to be out of favor here....

Irrespective, I'd rather have a good used 870.

mr surveyor
03-14-2013, 09:39 PM
Does anyone here have one? What do you think of it? About all I know about it is that it's inexpensive and it's kind of an 870 clone.


what's the intended use, and how much do you plan to shoot it?

Short Bus
03-14-2013, 09:39 PM
I have a 870 Wingmaster, but a 18.5' barrel is going for almost the price of the Pardner and I don't want to cheapen my Wingmaster. BTW, good luck finding a used 870 or Mossberg tactical shotgun in my area.

Short Bus
03-14-2013, 09:43 PM
what's the intended use, and how much do you plan to shoot it?
More or less range fun, maybe home defense. I would change the stock to a pistol grip or a folding stock. I like the idea of a folder the best, I just need to see what kind of deal I can find.

03-14-2013, 09:44 PM
H&R has always been a working man's firearm. Not real pretty nor expensive but something that works. I don't own one but I've never heard any complaints against them now or in the past. And I do see quite a bit of them and talk to the owner's about how they like them.

mr surveyor
03-14-2013, 09:57 PM
well.... there's not a whole lot of difference between the H&R and the Mossberg Maverick in quality. Either one can be used as a range toy and/or a house gun, but may not be able to handle as much use as the 500 or 870.

I have a Mossy Maverick 18.5" sitting by my office desk, and trust that it could handle a situation if needed, but I did "proof" it with about a hundred rounds of bird shot and a box or two of 00 Buck to make sure it wasn't already broken from the factory. No matter who made the gun, or how much you paid, at some point they will all "break" ... it's just a matter of when. I don't think my Maverick 88 could handle the number of cycles I used to put through my shotguns shooting sporting clays every weekend, but I do know it's got enough life in it to handle any situation I may need it for in my home office, as well as a couple boxes of fun occassionally to continue to give me the warm and fuzzy that it still can.

I'd imagine that the H&R is no different. Shoot a hundred or so rounds through it, and if it works and don't break right away, put a barrel condom on it and stand it behind the bedroom door:D

03-15-2013, 07:07 PM
I have a 870 Wingmaster, but a 18.5' barrel is going for almost the price of the Pardner and I don't want to cheapen my Wingmaster. BTW, good luck finding a used 870 or Mossberg tactical shotgun in my area.

That's interesting. Haven't been paying any attention to used shotgun prices lately. I have two defense 870s....both picked up used years ago. One is an old CHP gun I had rebuilt and one is a decent 24" Wingmaster I've done nothing to except change stock and barrel. Paid about $100 for the first and less than $200 for the second. Both now have Vangcomp ported 18" barrels that I don't remember what I paid for but it was a lot less than than a couple hundred each.

I agree that H&R always made good guns and what you're looking at should be fine for a kick around defense weapon and casual shooter. My initial comment was aimed at H&R is no longer the H&R I knew and loved as a kid/young adult. It's now owned by Marlin, hence Remington.

03-15-2013, 09:34 PM
I have one of those Pardners, and I have had very good luck with it. Bought it for bargain home defense, and took a shotgun tactical class with it. During the class, we ran about 75 rounds of birdshot, and 15 round of OO Buck thru the guns, and there were no malfunctions with the Pardner in any of the drills. Accuracy and function were very good. The only thing that was a negative is that the safety is down by the trigger, rather than on top for easy thumb access like some of the other models.

Based on my experience, I think that the Pardner is definitely worth taking a look at, especially for the money.

Short Bus
03-16-2013, 03:16 PM
I have one of those Pardners, and I have had very good luck with it. Bought it for bargain home defense, and took a shotgun tactical class with it. During the class, we ran about 75 rounds of birdshot, and 15 round of OO Buck thru the guns, and there were no malfunctions with the Pardner in any of the drills. Accuracy and function were very good. The only thing that was a negative is that the safety is down by the trigger, rather than on top for easy thumb access like some of the other models.

Based on my experience, I think that the Pardner is definitely worth taking a look at, especially for the money.
That sounds good :) I' watched some videos on youtube and haven't seen anything bad (whatever that's worth)

Thanks to everyone who replied.

03-17-2013, 09:22 AM
it's a great shotgun for the price & quality, has never given me any reason to look for a over priced model.
buy with confidence :D

Short Bus
03-17-2013, 11:02 AM
it's a great shotgun for the price & quality, has never given me any reason to look for a over priced model.
buy with confidence :D


03-17-2013, 04:53 PM
The only thing that was a negative is that the safety is down by the trigger.
safety who uses them anymore, thats the push button remote start.. :D

06-26-2013, 01:59 PM
Just bought one and so far it is awesome. Built like a tank and for the money you can't go wrong for HD/zombie apocalypse.

06-26-2013, 02:38 PM
Looks like a fine beater Truck/HD/Range Shotgun to me. I prefer the safety on the top like a Mossberg, but I'm sure I could get used to the through the trigger button safety.

06-26-2013, 04:28 PM
Don't you ever watch TV? You don't use the safety on a shotgun. You keep the chamber empty until just before ready to fire and then make a big production over racking the pump....to unsettle the opposition. It's also optionally correct to do slide racking twice if you think necessary to increase the unsettle factor. According to Uncle Joe, this may appropriately be attempted with a hunting gun plugged to three rounds.

One of the reasons I got rid of my Mossberg was a manual of arms conflict with my preferred 870s. The Mossy safety location does seem more convenient but..... And I do prefer crossbolts.

06-26-2013, 07:15 PM
Don't you ever watch TV? You don't use the safety on a shotgun. You keep the chamber empty until just before ready to fire and then make a big production over racking the pump....to unsettle the opposition. It's also optionally correct to do slide racking twice if you think necessary to increase the unsettle factor. According to Uncle Joe, this may appropriately be attempted with a hunting gun plugged to three rounds.

One of the reasons I got rid of my Mossberg was a manual of arms conflict with my preferred 870s. The Mossy safety location does seem more convenient but..... And I do prefer crossbolts.
The only thing I'm racking is amount of blood I have to clean up. :mad:
What good is a non chambered gun in a split second life or death situation, you might as well use it as a bat & swing it at the intruder.:19:

06-26-2013, 07:37 PM
The only thing I'm racking is amount of blood I have to clean up. :mad:
What good is a non chambered gun in a split second life or death situation, you might as well use it as a bat & swing it at the intruder.:19:

I know of a guy who did that once and ended up dead. Apparently he was looking for a polite, non-lethal solution to the altercation. His 12 gauge actually had a round in the chamber, he was holding it by the wrong end, it went off and he took a round to the chest.

06-26-2013, 08:27 PM
I have an IAC Hawk. Same manufacturer as the Pardner. It is my HD gun and I shoot 3 gun with it for fun. Never failed to feed, eject or go bang.

06-26-2013, 08:31 PM
I know of a guy who did that once and ended up dead. Apparently he was looking for a polite, non-lethal solution to the altercation. His 12 gauge actually had a round in the chamber, he was holding it by the wrong end, it went off and he took a round to the chest.

sorry to hear that but thats why you keep the barrel end down.
to each his own thats why there called opinions, it's like carrying a concealed weapon & not having it chambered.
when you need it, it better be ready.

all in all this perticular shot gun is the best quality for your money.

06-27-2013, 09:52 AM
Zombie thread here, but I agree from what I have seen they are decent guns. More steel that many current American competitors. I have thought about grabbing one myself as a beater pump gun, but my bad shoulder would probably remind me that I cannot run a pump anymore. :(

06-27-2013, 04:59 PM
sorry to hear that but thats why you keep the barrel end down.
to each his own thats why there called opinions, it's like carrying a concealed weapon & not having it chambered.
when you need it, it better be ready.

all in all this perticular shot gun is the best quality for your money.

Didn't bother me none. I'm all for natural selection and against polite, non-lethal solutions after the guns are drawn.

06-27-2013, 05:03 PM
Zombie thread here, but I agree from what I have seen they are decent guns. More steel that many current American competitors. I have thought about grabbing one myself as a beater pump gun, but my bad shoulder would probably remind me that I cannot run a pump anymore. :(

That, I am sorry to hear. Pump shotguns and .22 plinkers are historical always to me.

06-29-2013, 11:45 AM
Yeah I hate it. I can get through maybe two tubes and I am done. At least I can still hold up a shotgun, just have to keep my arm still. :(

06-29-2013, 02:51 PM
I shoot 3 gun with the tactical equivalent, an IAC Hawk 982. No failures ever. My Glocks and Kahrs can't say that.

Short Bus
10-26-2013, 02:22 PM
I back with GOOD NEWS!!! I got my Pardner Thursday evening. It was on sale at Cabela's for $199. I knew I would be getting one, so I had already ordered a pistol grip set (came Thursday) and side saddle (came Friday)

Here it is when I got it home


About 10 min. later

