View Full Version : Chambering Question

03-14-2013, 10:04 PM
First off...love my CM9! 400 rounds....ZERO issues or fails!

I carry either Hornady CD or Speer GD's and have noticed a lot of deformation of the hollowpoint cavity loading with the slide release as per Kahr's suggestion. The feed ramp flattens them out a little even on the first chambering of a new round. Maybe I'm just being anal, but it bugs the hell out of me (accuracy and aerodynamics effected?) Usually I will rotate a chambered round to the bottom of the mag when I de-chamber it but it still bugs me. With the ammo situation nowadays I just can't get myself to fire these rounds so I tend to have them ending up in the bottom of my mags.

What is the general opinion on hand loading a round into the chamber and then easing the slide home onto the round? Not talking a slide release onto the round but riding the slide home and easing the extractor over the round.

Will the extractor be okay with this method?

Ammo is so scarce here that I want to preserve as best I can what I have. Tired of wonky hollowpoints!

Thanks all

03-14-2013, 10:20 PM
I noticed a little of this as well with my JHP ammo in cm9. I had not given it a second thought until now. I'm really not worried about it. As for your hand loading idea...It is generally not recomended. Plus, round 2,3,4,5,6,7 would still get deformed as they load anyway.

03-15-2013, 06:37 AM
This is the problem with 9mm single stack.I have been fighting the same issue with my cm9, are you using the 6 round mag? If so when you load the mag full do you have a gap between the top round and the 2nd round? If you do this is part of the problem as the top round is stripped the nose dives down hitting the ramp at a steep angle. Try and load say 2 rounds in the mag and see if it feeds better. If it does then I would say do the follower mod that will drop the back of the rounds as you load the mag.I have been using 8 round mags in my cm9 they are the hardest to feed, the 9mm round single stack is the hardest to deal with being a tapered case. Do the follower mod and make sure the feed ramp is polished and what work for me and don't laugh but I use some johnsons paste wax on the feed ramp just put a small amount on with Q tip and buff it off. It is usually the first round that fights the most,I have been using this method for some time and I can get 8 round mags to run reliable. Give it a try and do the follower mod I think you will see a improvement. I have tried different waxes and Johnson paste wax works the best.Good Luck

03-15-2013, 07:08 AM
First off...love my CM9! 400 rounds....ZERO issues or fails!

I carry either Hornady CD or Speer GD's and have noticed a lot of deformation of the hollowpoint cavity loading with the slide release as per Kahr's suggestion. The feed ramp flattens them out a little even on the first chambering of a new round. Maybe I'm just being anal, but it bugs the hell out of me (accuracy and aerodynamics effected?) Usually I will rotate a chambered round to the bottom of the mag when I de-chamber it but it still bugs me. With the ammo situation nowadays I just can't get myself to fire these rounds so I tend to have them ending up in the bottom of my mags.

What is the general opinion on hand loading a round into the chamber and then easing the slide home onto the round? Not talking a slide release onto the round but riding the slide home and easing the extractor over the round.

Will the extractor be okay with this method?

Ammo is so scarce here that I want to preserve as best I can what I have. Tired of wonky hollowpoints!

Thanks all

and u said it. UR ANAL.

shoot the fokker and quit worrying about it. U ain't gonna shoot any kahr enoough or good enough to compalin about the accuracy part. When u load that first round or the gun does it by its own cycling action that round is not be stripped out of that magazine like a pu$$y footin round. It is coming out with alot of recoil spring energy behind it and alot of these HP rounds are certainly gonnaget alittle deformed but it ain't gonna make a hill of beans difference.

U ask, I just give u my opinion YMMV.

to me anytime u recycle any defense round ur upsettng tyhe bullet a tad soemhow

03-15-2013, 07:58 AM
Just a thought for you guys that can't get rid of the deformation problem and think it is bad.
Load up your self defense Hollow Points in your magazine up to the last round and make that one a round nose FMJ. Load the FMJ into the chamber the way you normally do and if you ever need to use your gun, all the rest of the bullets after the first shot will be your Best Self Defense Ammo Undamaged. When you have not used the gun and you want to unload, just take out and replace the round nose bullet, if necessary. ;)

03-15-2013, 08:23 AM
What is the general opinion on hand loading a round into the chamber and then easing the slide home onto the round? Not talking a slide release onto the round but riding the slide home and easing the extractor over the round.

I wouldn't bother. The important function is whether the round loads correctly and will fire. A small amount of deformation won't have a large enough effect on accuracy at defensive distances.

I do wonder why you're unloading often enough to notice this? Do you unload regularly?

In the same theme of Harrylee's post, I usually load my CCW with one round in the mag. This does two things; it allows me to know the round is chambered when I remove the mag, then secondly, it takes some spring pressure off the case and mag lips, allowing for easier loading. Then I insert a full mag. Perhaps it will help lessen deformation.

03-15-2013, 09:22 AM
I wonder if the follower mod will eliminate the dives and the deformation?


03-15-2013, 06:22 PM
Not the exact same problem, but my CM9 leaves a flat spot at the front of the brass on every round. I haven't worried about it as it shoots perfectly. I don't reload but I don't believe it would work with the brass being dented on the end like that. New to semi's. Is this a the same problem or something different?

03-15-2013, 07:13 PM
Not the exact same problem, but my CM9 leaves a flat spot at the front of the brass on every round. I haven't worried about it as it shoots perfectly. I don't reload but I don't believe it would work with the brass being dented on the end like that. New to semi's. Is this a the same problem or something different?
Flatening of the case mouth is normal and they are fully reloadable. It happens on ejection.

03-15-2013, 07:30 PM
Damage to the nose of a bullet has no effect on accuracy. Damage to the base of a bullet will destroy accuracy. If you can keep all of you shots in an 18" square at 21' that all the accuracy needed in a defensive concealed carry pistol. Loading as you suggested can damage the extractor.

03-15-2013, 07:35 PM
everyone is different in how they carry and how they store guns, but my two cents. If u have o kids keep it totally loaded,none of this reusing the same round time and time again. If you have kidds, get a gun safe and keep it totally loaded.

Kahrs extractor is the most wellbuilt extractor around, I have ye tto see one broke but again I think one is goin agaisnt the grain to drop a round in the chambe rand then closing the slide. Ur forcing an extracotr to do what it really is not designed to do..

YMMV just sayin

03-15-2013, 08:16 PM
No nosedives....just hollowpoint deformation.

And damnit Jocko! Only my wife is allowed to call me ANAL...just sayin :)

Only time I de-chamber is when I clean it or playing with snapcaps and dry firing while couch surfing.

Some get so deformed that I do worry about proper expansion in the unlikely and hopefully never event that I have to use my weapon in SD.

I will just quit worrying about it and enjoy my great pistol!

Oh yeah...had an interesting day at work today....heading over to general discussion to post it.

03-15-2013, 08:30 PM
just thrown that deformed round n ur RANGE box . I don;'t worry about the deformed part but I would worry aobut possable set back happeing. error on the side of caution,shoot it in paper.

sorry about the ANAL part, I certaily dont want to butt (oh damn I can't beleve I said that). in on ur wife, she outta know better than anyone just how ANAL u are ? I am just the messenger. Just sayin

03-15-2013, 08:47 PM
Here’s my thought on this, yes I unload my mags a lot just to go to the shooting range and to have a couple of mags. So that does mean I have to reload the mags with SD ammo when I am done. I look at it this way if you can make a machine work better why wouldn’t you? If you take some time and look at what is going on, then with time you can make things work the way they should. As I have stated in the past it’s winter here and I carry 8 round mags, I’ve got the mags working so well all I need to do is pull the slide back and SLOWLY let the slide go forward easier than my 1911. You are not fighting anything, The less brut force that is needed the less the damage. To me that sounds like a fine oiled machine. I am not a gun smith or designer what I am good at is looking at something that does not work at 100% and try to make it work as close to that mark as possible. After a day at the range that gun is broke down to pieces every hole and port is cleaned I don’t leave any residue behind if you are going to depend on that firearm you better make sure it will work and this is the same way I feel about the mags. I don’t want to argue with anyone on this,things should work if not you make them work

03-15-2013, 09:18 PM
Thanks Ikeo74. A feller can learn a lot here. I won't have to worry now.