View Full Version : striker block loose?

03-15-2013, 11:18 AM
Hi all,

Just recently bought a K-9. Nice gun! I cleaned it per jocko's recommendations to others. There WAS metal shavings that came out of the striker area when i sprayed it.

My question is that i put 75 rounds thru it at the range this week and when cleaning it last nite i found that when i pulled the striker back, there was a little free play with it before the spring tension started. It wasn't there when i originally cleaned it, it was tight like my cm9 was. Only when i hit the striker safety did the pin pop out through the hole as if to hit the primer on a round. So there is no issue there.

I called Kahr and Ian answered! He told me that the metal pistols will have a little looseness to them where the poly ones won't. I have never heard of this before. Does this make sense to all of you?

I traded my cm9 due to poly and spring screw loose issues. I read some of you recommended the metal Kahrs so I went with one.

I just want to know if the gun is o.k. I am also seeing alot of nicks and wear marks already on the slide and frame from firing. Never owned an all metal gun before. Hope i'm not over worrying.

thanks for your input.


03-15-2013, 12:00 PM
Congratulations on your new K9. You've got yourself a great gun.

I have a K9 and a MK40. I spray the striker area everytime I shoot and all that ever comes out is tiny flakes of brass from the primers . . . no metal shavings. I have shot almost 2000 rounds through the K9 and over 1000 in the MK40. There are no nicks. Just polishing where the metal parts rub. I have never noticed the back plate being loose. I'm sorry you are having problems with your K9. Hopefully they are minor or even non-issues.

Shoot and enjoy your K9. These issues you are having may dissappear.

03-15-2013, 12:08 PM
I read the OP post several times trying to figure out exactly what is loose?

I wasn't thinking back plate. But travel in the striker itself, like beyond the limit of the striker spring but I'm still not clear.

I sometimes a little slow grasping stuff though so that could be the issue.

Pictures of these nicks and stuff might be beneficial. You can't post pics till 30 post but you can link to a photobucket or similar service.

03-15-2013, 12:43 PM
not a damn thing wrong with ur K9, Just shoot it like u stole it

If ur seeing knicks , no doubt they were there when u bought it. any wear marks are metal to metal contact. Lube it and ur good to go.

My advice is now stop worrying and just the gun. It is kahrs best..

03-15-2013, 03:58 PM
Welcome to Kakrtalk!
I have a cw9 and a k9. From what I can remember there is a little play before you feel spring tension in my k9 and my Cw9 has spring tension as soon as u start to pull the striker back. I also noticed that the striker pin does not stick out quite as far as my cw9 after releasing the internal safety and moving it forward. I've dealt with Ian before and if he's not sure about something he will ask one of the kahr gunsmiths. If he says it's okay I'd be good with that unless you are having trouble. Don't know about the scuff marks.... post some links for some pics if you can.

03-16-2013, 08:21 AM
Thanks for the advice. i made sure i had lube on the metal to metal wear areas. I will be going to the range tomorrow and will be shooting it like i stole it! (thanks Jocko) I am glad to hear that i can depend on what Ian advises and not be concerned that i'm getting a bunch of lip service.
Again thanks for the comments and advice.

Worcester boy from way back,