View Full Version : An MK9 Duo Tone Odyssey

03-17-2013, 04:16 PM
I saw this on Armslist and thought I would post it here ...


The guy seems pretty firm about not wanting to entertain a sale, but maybe somebody here on the forum has an extra Glock they don't need and might want to trade.

Man I can't wait until I get my permit. I don't want to be spending all kinds of money on a bunch of different guns and have Connecticut tell me my eye twitches the wrong way or something.

03-17-2013, 04:39 PM
actually if one has a G19, this would bne a very fair trade, more than fair for the karh buyer IMO.

03-17-2013, 07:59 PM
Before today I had never seen or heard of one of these, and in one day I discover two of them. Here's another one that just showed up on Armslist ... only this one is for sale.


03-17-2013, 08:05 PM
New to me also, never heard or knew they even sold a duo tone. Usually the other way around too, a stainless slide on a black frame.

03-17-2013, 08:17 PM
they are realy cool loking and that price of 600 is fair IMO

03-17-2013, 08:38 PM
My first post here was about a MK9 two tone I had found online, guess its going on 3 years now that I posted about it and then went ahead and bought it then. Because of that one I have bought 2 more MK9s and a CM9. Sold one MK to buy a S&W M&P9c, so now its just the two tone an Elite and the CM.

The M&P9c might see daylight once a month, hard to beat how easy these Kahrs are to carry.

By the way, my two tone was $400 with box and 2 mags, looked new at the time.

03-17-2013, 10:06 PM
I got the itch for a MK9 Elite real bad, but that two-tone doesn't do anything for me. I have the g26 to trade the one seller, and the $600 seems reasonable for the other.

I'll have to keep looking.

03-17-2013, 10:15 PM
I asked my wife, do you have a glock 19, 19c 26 etc etc. To trade for this awesome kahr mk9?
She replied
I have a vagina, are you interested in that.
I am, in fact, interested in that.
Then we both laughed.
Too bad she doesnt really have a glock to trade.

03-18-2013, 12:10 AM
When did Kahr make these?

03-18-2013, 09:29 AM
When did Kahr make these?

The following is something I found on another forum from a Google search I did. I can't speak to it's truthfulness, but the post I read said that the info came from the Kahr website at the time. The serial number info does match with the KahrTalk sticky thread (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14745&highlight=kahr+serial) which indicates that Kahr did run a limited edition of of an MK9 with serial numbers starting with LKD1xx in August 2001.

"Kahr Arms has started shipping the Limited Edition Kahr MK9 with a Duo Tone finish. This MK9 features a matte stainless steel frame and on ordnance steel (4130 chrome moly) slide plated with the exceptional Black-T® finish by Walter Birdsong. This limited Edition run will consist of 400 units with the serial numbers LTD 001 through LTD 400. Black-T® is a proprietary black coating developed to add lubricity as well as greatly increasing corrosion properties of the base metal. It exceeds the ATSM (American Standard Materials) 177 specifications for salt water corrosion resistance by more than 4000%. It is the only permissible coating used on many components on nuclear submarines and is the coating of choice by the elite FBI hostage rescue team."

03-18-2013, 10:06 AM
If I could go out and buy another GL19 I'd trade him mine. But I would need a replacement carry gun, don't wanna give that up right now with the uncertainty of finding another.

03-18-2013, 10:27 AM
The following is something I found on another forum from a Google search I did. I can't speak to it's truthfulness, but the post I read said that the info came from the Kahr website at the time. The serial number info does match with the KahrTalk sticky thread (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14745&highlight=kahr+serial) which indicates that Kahr did run a limited edition of of an MK9 with serial numbers starting with LKD1xx in August 2001.

"Kahr Arms has started shipping the Limited Edition Kahr MK9 with a Duo Tone finish. This MK9 features a matte stainless steel frame and on ordnance steel (4130 chrome moly) slide plated with the exceptional Black-T® finish by Walter Birdsong. This limited Edition run will consist of 400 units with the serial numbers LTD 001 through LTD 400. Black-T® is a proprietary black coating developed to add lubricity as well as greatly increasing corrosion properties of the base metal. It exceeds the ATSM (American Standard Materials) 177 specifications for salt water corrosion resistance by more than 4000%. It is the only permissible coating used on many components on nuclear submarines and is the coating of choice by the elite FBI hostage rescue team."

I remember hearing that Kahr did in fact use a Black T Birdsong finish, I didn't know it was a two tone deal. Maybe they did some all Black T as well. I don't know.

I have a Hi Power that I'd love to send off to Birdsong one of these days. Guys here have had a couple things done and it's a very nice very durable finish.

03-18-2013, 11:22 AM
There are at least 3 of these two-tone MK9s for sale right now, plus one all black "elite 2000." None have the serial number visible. I wonder how many of these are user created two-tones? There are more of these rare two-tones listed than all stainless MK9s listed!

03-18-2013, 12:03 PM
It is odd o doubt about that. Ihave never seen a total dlc MK9 from the factory,but we seem to be learnin sumpin new every day here to..

someone wrte and actualy stated that they have proof that diane einsteinnand Pegosia are actually women, just disguised as B!tchs though...

03-18-2013, 12:54 PM
If it's from the factory the lable should say "Duo-Tone" the LTD's have a nice rubber grip like the ones on the K's.

Think i'll give the Mother Ship a call and see how much info I can get out of them and post it.

Be back soon....

Waiting for Kahr to pick up, surfing around and found a few old post on other forums, thought I would post for ser# info if anyone interested...

from Nov 30th 2003 post half way down guy said he bought his used, ser# GC16xx ...... http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-52263.html

Post of one for sale end of last year ser# GC2871 http://www.theoutdoorstrader.com/threads/245082-Kahr-MK9-Carry-Package-For-Trade-North-East-GA

Mine ser# GC2907

This post 7-7-08 guy selling one with ser#GC3010 http://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=7&f=88&t=560809

Can you tell Im bored.....

03-18-2013, 01:06 PM
oh yes the rubber grip is the best grip ever for kahrs. a shame they stopped that to..I would think thgat also would indicate an early model MK to, as the all rubber grip has not beeon on the K series for 4 or 5 years to my knowledge....Aslo doest mean kahr didnot have a hundred of the MK rubber grips sitting around either and decided to make a dandy two tone MK avalable. A nice find IMO

03-18-2013, 01:21 PM
I have a G27 I'd trade him but it sounds like he wants to stay 9mm. Oh well, I am happy to keep it as .40 is easier to find around here.:D

03-18-2013, 01:36 PM
updated last post with some ser# info from other forums, "edited" so didn't show up here as new post, hate for anyone to miss out :D

Look above 3 post for info... still waiting on phone by the way.

03-22-2013, 11:38 AM
My first post here was about a MK9 two tone I had found online, guess its going on 3 years now that I posted about it and then went ahead and bought it then. Because of that one I have bought 2 more MK9s and a CM9. Sold one MK to buy a S&W M&P9c, so now its just the two tone an Elite and the CM.

The M&P9c might see daylight once a month, hard to beat how easy these Kahrs are to carry.

By the way, my two tone was $400 with box and 2 mags, looked new at the time.

I used to teach my kids "... it's a sure bet, that if you don't ask, nothing will happen." Some of the stories that I could tell from the two of them putting that principle into practice are extremely interesting ... in the best sort of way.

So, with that in mind, Bootlegger, I don't suppose you would consider parting with your MK9 Duo Tone, would you?

03-22-2013, 12:40 PM
I tell my kids "you'll never know until you try"

No, i'm keeping mine but I did a quick look around and I found a guy who has what looks like "5" of them for sale, 2 are like mine, he has consecutive serial numbers and then he has "3" of the LTD with consecutive serial numbers.

Difference between mine and the LTD's are they have them nice rubber grips and ser# start with LTD also only 400 LTD's made.

here is the link to his auction.... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=333490149

03-22-2013, 02:10 PM
BIY is $685 but he paid $932 new. This is NIB. The price of firearms has skyrocketed the past few months. Why is he taking a $250 bath? That's crazy!

If it wasn't such a jerk move, I'd buy it just to flip it!!!

03-22-2013, 02:20 PM
I think the 932 is MSRP. I think he's optimistic at 685. Doubt anyone would look at 932.

Its very nice but its just finish and the same as any other MK9.

03-22-2013, 03:39 PM
I tell my kids "you'll never know until you try"

No, i'm keeping mine but I did a quick look around and I found a guy who has what looks like "5" of them for sale, 2 are like mine, he has consecutive serial numbers and then he has "3" of the LTD with consecutive serial numbers.

Difference between mine and the LTD's are they have them nice rubber grips and ser# start with LTD also only 400 LTD's made.

here is the link to his auction.... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=333490149

Thanks for the info, Bootlegger. They must be fairly new listing because I didn't see them yesterday. And of the 5 you mentioned there only appear to be 2 left. I've never used Gunbroker.com, so if I'm going to do something, it will probably have to be quick.

03-22-2013, 03:42 PM
he has 2 listings, one with 2 the other with the 3 LTD's

03-22-2013, 03:43 PM
Its very nice but its just finish and the same as any other MK9.

I hear what you're saying, Bawanna; but that's pretty much the difference between most things in life isn't it?

Take Feinstein and Beyonce ... they're both women ... the difference is just the finish.

03-22-2013, 03:48 PM
The pistol looks real cool! I too have never seen or heard of one of these either. First for everything I guess. I was wondering if it could be a custom slide job?

03-22-2013, 03:50 PM
Oh god I just puked in my mouth...

03-22-2013, 04:10 PM
The pistol looks real cool! I too have never seen or heard of one of these either. First for everything I guess. I was wondering if it could be a custom slide job?

Nope. The sticky with all the serial numbers indicates there really were MK9's with black slides made.

03-22-2013, 04:13 PM
Oh god I just puked in my mouth...

I get that all the time.

03-23-2013, 06:42 PM
he has 2 listings, one with 2 the other with the 3 LTD's

I emailed the guy to ask him exactly what he has, and it turns out he has nine (9) of them for sale. All BNIB ... I asked him how he came to have so many BNIB MK9's that were 10+ years old, but he didn't answer me.

Here are the serial numbers ...


03-23-2013, 07:20 PM
It looks like a good buy to me. Cool markings and 1 in 400 has to be special.

03-23-2013, 07:51 PM
I hear what you're saying, Bawanna; but that's pretty much the difference between most things in life isn't it?

Take Feinstein and Beyonce ... they're both women ... the difference is just the finish.

don't put einstein in a classifcation of a woman, She walks like a man, she talks like a man, she sits on top.She stands to pee,,WTF she is a man. She is the reason today we have MAN CAVES. I bet her husband is in that MAN CAVE 24/7.:Amflag2:

03-26-2013, 07:31 AM
Do any of you who been around Kahrs for a while have any idea why there's been no action on either of these Gunbroker listings?

Also, does anybody have any thoughts on how a dealer could end up with nine BNIB 13+ years old guns? He has four of one listing and five of the other available.



03-26-2013, 08:12 AM
Do any of you who been around Kahrs for a while have any idea why there's been no action on either of these Gunbroker listings?

Also, does anybody have any thoughts on how a dealer could end up with nine BNIB 13+ years old guns? He has four of one listing and five of the other available.



I wanted to copy the photos here below for when the gunbroker listings expire, we will still have record of the photos.

The first listing is this one with the nicer rubber grips...

The second gunbroker post you listed is this one with plastic grips...

03-26-2013, 08:24 AM
The first gunbroker listing you have there says the slide is 4130 chromoly steel.

RevRay, Buds has a new all stainless MK9 with night sights right now for $694 (cash discount price). This is factory new, so you would get the warranty (not sure about warranty on the gunbroker listings).

So my thought is... For $100 more go with the brand new one with night sights and a warranty! This is a great deal if you want an MK9. Maybe that is why those older MK9's are still around.


03-26-2013, 09:59 AM
I wanted to copy the photos here below for when the gunbroker listings expire, we will still have record of the photos.

The first listing is this one with the nicer rubber grips...

The second gunbroker post you listed is this one with plastic grips...

The description for the grips on both listings says "wraparound, textured hard nylon"... neither one says rubber?

--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--

03-26-2013, 10:47 AM
Descriptions aren't always accurate I find. Those first ones are definitely the preferred rubber. You can see it clearly. The second are the harder less flexible material. Still a good grip but not as nice as the rubber in my feeble opinion.

Large shops do occasionally just find forgotten stock, distributors occasionally do the same thing and a dealer scoops it up and sells them.

New / Old stock isn't uncommon.

Crazy Horse
03-26-2013, 01:49 PM
Hey guys a little late to the party but new member and new to kahr. I just picked up a used duo tone this weekend. Are these a rare mk? I found this one after my wife picked up a mk9 a few weeks ago at a local shop and i really like the fit and finish. Its going to replace my lc9 so hope its a good decision.

03-26-2013, 01:52 PM
Personally I think it was a great decision. We've suddenly just in the last couple weeks heard of these duo tones around here. I never heard of them before.

I sent you a PM a bit ago.

03-26-2013, 02:01 PM
Hey guys a little late to the party but new member and new to kahr. I just picked up a used duo tone this weekend. Are these a rare mk? I found this one after my wife picked up a mk9 a few weeks ago at a local shop and i really like the fit and finish. Its going to replace my lc9 so hope its a good decision.

Give us some details. Where did you find it, how much did you pay (if you don't mind my asking), and what's the serial number? As Bawanna said, they have not been heard of much around here, so we're trying to get some kind of sense of how they fit into the current market.

Crazy Horse
03-26-2013, 02:13 PM
Found it on a local trader in florida. Serial number starts gc.

03-26-2013, 03:20 PM
From what little I know or have found out, there was only a GA series and a GC series so yours is the later version. I don't know any dates for sure when that transition happened.

I do know that the grips apparently don't interchange.

03-26-2013, 04:21 PM
RevRay, every once in a while I have seen distributors have some new old stock on items. A few months ago, before the "banic" my main supplier had 2003 Elite K9s and MK9s in stock. At one time I think there were 25 2003 K9 Elites in stock. Also I am a member of an FFL only forum and have seen dealers closing their doors and selling off their inventory. There was a guy in upstate New York recently who list $100,000 worth of inventory and a lot of it was older items. He was just tired of the game.

Crazy Horse
03-26-2013, 05:05 PM
The spent case is dated 2005 if that helps

03-26-2013, 09:35 PM
Wow! One of the two Duo Tones on Gunbroker went for the "Buy It Now" price of $655. It was the one with the GD0002 serial number ... which was the one I had my eye on.


03-26-2013, 11:47 PM
GD huh? Well that's a lot of research and information down the drain. I thought there were only two.
Back to the drawing board.

03-27-2013, 03:14 PM
The 2nd one of the Duo Tones on Gunbroker just sold through the auction process for a price of $634. It was the one with the LTD173 serial number. This means the one that was actually listed cheaper went for more.

Also, there were only two bidders listed in the bid history. Which makes me wonder how easy it will be for the seller to sell the other seven that he has left.

03-27-2013, 03:28 PM
I suspect there are a lot of folk watching and testing the water. These aren't all over the place and they are probably like us, doing some research and soul searching to see how badly we want one.

I sense you weakening and giving into the temptation. You might even contact the seller and just make an offer on one of the others. I like to ask a question or otherwise feel out the seller anyhow so I have an idea what I'm dealing with.

03-27-2013, 04:38 PM
Here RevRay, a little push over the edge.


Call him up and just buy one!!

03-27-2013, 04:51 PM
I second that motion, hell I'll chip in, just a second..................I got thirteen dollars and 37..38 cents, it's all your pal. Send me an address and I'll contribute.

What day is this, heck I get paid next week or the week after, have to ask the wife, I might be able to help more.

Don't let her know I mentioned anything or we're both dead.

03-27-2013, 05:05 PM
I've spent $20 on a bad meal, I have $20 in a paypal, you want it, you got it if you buy one of them Duo Tones!

I got such a good deal on mine and the Elite 03 I just bought, maybe this would help me sleep at night knowing I helped someone get a Kahr and not TAKE their Kahr :Amflag2:

03-27-2013, 05:33 PM
I second that motion, hell I'll chip in, just a second..................I got thirteen dollars and 37..38 cents, it's all your pal. Send me an address and I'll contribute.

I've spent $20 on a bad meal, I have $20 in a paypal, you want it, you got it if you buy one of them Duo Tones!

Thanks, guys ... you're too kind. My problem is I don't even have my permit yet. But I think I will contact the seller and ask if he might hold one for me until after I get my permit if I put down a $33.38 deposit.

03-27-2013, 05:49 PM
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed is all the permit you need!!


03-27-2013, 05:58 PM
Thanks, guys ... you're too kind. My problem is I don't even have my permit yet. But I think I will contact the seller and ask if he might hold one for me until after I get my permit if I put down a $33.38 deposit.

Can't hurt to ask, I've even been known to beg if the want is strong enough.

4 post to go and we get to have a 100 post party. Bootlegger is nominated to supply beverages since he has such a fat Pay Pal account.

I bring some tasty deer sausage and jerky and try to show up wearing one of them All American Dr. Quinessential barbecue CW45 guns.

I had to use a calculator to figure where you came up with 33.38. Your good.

03-28-2013, 03:26 PM
The Arizona seller has posted another Duo Tone. Serial # GD0003. He's raised the Starting price and Buy It Now price by about $20, even though this one doesn't look as nice in the pics as the previous one. This one has some obvious scratches on the blackend slide.


03-28-2013, 04:12 PM
That Arizona seller has probably been reading KahrTalk posts and knows he has a fish on the line, that has swolled the hook, so he raised the price.
However, I wouldn't buy the one pictured in your last post unless you could get at least $100 discount for wear and tear. ;)

03-28-2013, 04:52 PM
I agree, pass on that one, it's been rode hard and put away scratched which is ok but it's best if you do the riding and the scratching yourself.

It's character best applied by one's own self.

Keep looking, we're all routing for you and I got almost another 20 bucks, so time is on your side but that could change at any second.

04-04-2013, 02:07 PM
The Arizona seller has posted another Duo Tone. Serial # GD0003. He's raised the Starting price and Buy It Now price by about $20, even though this one doesn't look as nice in the pics as the previous one. This one has some obvious scratches on the blackend slide.


As it turned out, no one bid on this one ... even though he ended up dropping the Starting Bid by $109 down to $450, and the Buy It Now price by $156 down to $499. It was listed as Used, though, and not as New Old Stock. Still, it doesn't seem like a bad price for a used MK9. I'll keep my eye on these and maybe do something once I get my permit ... which should be any day now.

04-04-2013, 02:49 PM
The one that is posted now, the LTD, would be really hard for me to pass up if I was in the market for one only because of the rubber grip it has, I would love a pair of them to replace the hard plastic ones on mine.

So call the fella up, offer him what the last LTD sold for, you cut me a deal on the grips (my grips + cash) and man we are all happy happy happy.

My Grandpa use to say "I wish I had that ______ and he had a feather up his butt, we both would be tickled to death" :D

Keep us updated!

04-08-2013, 05:10 PM
19 hours to go with 1 bid at $619 on the LTD, if that's you I sure hope you win it

04-08-2013, 06:39 PM
19 hours to go with 1 bid at $619 on the LTD, if that's you I sure hope you win it

It's not me. I'm a cheapskate at heart, so I'm biding my time to see things play out. He still has 5-6 more he needs to try and sell. Also, I'm not going to do anything until I have my permit we'll in hand.

04-12-2013, 03:35 PM
I don't mean to be beating a dead horse, but sometimes things can just get strange. I've been watching the MK9 Duo Tones that a dealer in Scottsdale, AZ, has been trying to sell for a couple of weeks now. He had 9 to sell and I think he still has 6 left that he's trying to sell one at a time.

Anyway, here's a link to one that he's trying to sell with a serial # LTD 173 ... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=336291545

And now a dealer up in Kalamazoo, MI, has listed one with a serial # LTD172 ... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=336793591

How weird is that?

04-12-2013, 03:51 PM
I dont feel you beating a dead horse, I love when a thread go's this long, it's like reading a book, you know where it starts and ends, if a new thread gets started the story my get lost!

As far as the ser# go, if I have learned anything from collecting Rugers it's you never know when or where you'll find the consecutive number.

It makes me happy knowing I am not alone with my so called "obsessions" as my wife likes to call them. :)

04-12-2013, 03:58 PM
It makes me happy knowing I am not alone with my so called "obsessions" as my wife likes to call them. :)

I think your wife would probably enjoy meeting my wife ... that is the precise word my wife has used on me.

04-12-2013, 04:21 PM
Should I feel good or bad, I don't recall my wife ever using that one on me. Many others but never obsessed.

04-12-2013, 04:28 PM
I don't mean to be beating a dead horse, but sometimes things can just get strange. I've been watching the MK9 Duo Tones that a dealer in Scottsdale, AZ, has been trying to sell for a couple of weeks now. He had 9 to sell and I think he still has 6 left that he's trying to sell one at a time.

Anyway, here's a link to one that he's trying to sell with a serial # LTD 173 ... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=336291545

And now a dealer up in Kalamazoo, MI, has listed one with a serial # LTD172 ... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=336793591

How weird is that?

Those both look real good. The used one looks better than the NIB but it's probably lint or just a lousy picture.

Since these were limited I assume they probably went out in small lots or individually to distributors. Has to be a line some place so the next serial number in sequence could easily be opposite end of the country.

I'd watch for awhile, throw in a bid a day or two before it ends and try to nail it. I don't like last minute snipers but again there is a 15 minute rule so that helps.

My crystal ball sees one of these in your future, might as well not dink around, just make it happen since I feel it in my cells.
See if the wife buys that one. If she does, no charge I do this as a public service.

04-12-2013, 06:53 PM
My crystal ball sees one of these in your future, might as well not dink around, just make it happen since I feel it in my cells.
See if the wife buys that one. If she does, no charge I do this as a public service.

I expect you're right, Bawanna, but I'm actually enjoying dragging it out. Once I pull the trigger ... that's it.

04-12-2013, 06:59 PM
FYI, the one with serial number LTD173 is the same one that sold (by the same seller) a couple weeks ago...


Crazy Horse
04-12-2013, 07:25 PM
Hey Rev have u checked gunsamerica.com they have a used duo on there with 4 mags, holster and a wolff guide rod. I've never bought from there site but maybe someone here has. I thought I'd help in your search.

04-12-2013, 07:35 PM
kinda odd that all of a sudden we are seeing alot of MK due tone's for sale. I wonder if this is a special run lately by kahr or that they found these back in storage and now are releasing them. I sure would liketo see some in Jeepster09 green finish

04-12-2013, 09:16 PM
Hey Rev have u checked gunsamerica.com they have a used duo on there with 4 mags, holster and a wolff guide rod. I've never bought from there site but maybe someone here has. I thought I'd help in your search.

I am aware of that listing, and in fact I just emailed the seller earlier today just to make sure it was still available. I have to say I'm somewhat on the fence on that one. I'm not sure I want to spend the extra money for the holsters and mags that I'm not sure I need yet.

I'm new to all this stuff ... heck, I've only had my permit and gun for three days. And when you count the cost of my permit, the ammunition I've collected, and my gun which I haven't even fired yet, I'm already into this by about $1,800. So part of me is not ready to lay down hundreds of more dollars just yet. However, I'm pretty sure I'll end up there at some point down the road.

04-19-2013, 08:44 PM
Update # Lebendy-Seven ...

There are currently 5 MK9 Duo Tones for sale right now ...

$400+ http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=336793591

$450 http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=337848837

$535 http://www.armslist.com/posts/1482326/salem-oregon-handguns-for-sale-trade--kahr-mk9-

$559 http://www.gunsamerica.com/973808340/Kahr_Arms_MK9_MK_9_Compact_Pistol_Two_Tone_Stainle ss_9m.htm

$650 http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=337250689

04-22-2013, 09:41 PM
Not only am I a new member...........I happen to be a new owner of an MK9 with birdsong slide. By the way, those weren't scratches, it was lint.

05-14-2013, 05:58 PM
Not only am I a new member...........I happen to be a new owner of an MK9 with birdsong slide. By the way, those weren't scratches, it was lint.

How did I miss this post? Which one did you end up with? Your reference to the scratches would have me believe you bought the GD0002 one? If so ... good for you.

05-25-2013, 09:57 AM
No, I bought one of the birdsongs..............took it to the range, it was a beautiful thing...........150 rds. of Fiocchi without a hitch, 50 rds. of Blazer.....3 fte's with the Blazer.......was either me getting tired or the Blazer was a bit weaker, or both. Payed a bit more than I wanted, but I was suprised at the accuracy. Polished up the ramp a bit. It replaced a Bodyguard that I carried. No comparison.
How did I miss this post? Which one did you end up with? Your reference to the scratches would have me believe you bought the GD0002 one? If so ... good for you.

06-21-2013, 08:58 PM
Occasionally, I Google "Kahr MK9 Duo Tone" images ... I did that tonight, and look what showed among the photos of the guns. It's kind of small, but in the upper-right quadrant is my avatar.


06-21-2013, 11:13 PM
That is awesome! I am about to start the RevRay MK9 Duo Tone Foundation. Anyone want to step in and help RevRay get this gun? It is a good cause for a good man.

06-21-2013, 11:35 PM
Occasionally, I Google "Kahr MK9 Duo Tone" images ... I did that tonight, and look what showed among the photos of the guns. It's kind of small, but in the upper-right quadrant is my avatar.


That is awesome... and scary at the same time!

06-22-2013, 07:46 AM
That is awesome... and scary at the same time!

I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right ... now all the liberals in this state know that there's a reverend named Ray who owns a gun. Or at least they can know if they ever have a mind to Google "Kahr MK9 Duo Tone".

07-11-2013, 07:46 PM
So, I finally did it. I was going to wait, but for now I will post this one picture, and come back with details later. My wife wants to watch something on my laptop.

It's not real beautiful, but it is mine.


07-11-2013, 08:11 PM
Looks beautiful to me. I can see some different woods on that that might make ya cry.

Whats the prefix on the serial number of that thing. GA? GC?

07-11-2013, 08:28 PM
Warms my heart. Congrats! Prettiest pistol in this thread...just sayin. ;)

07-11-2013, 08:42 PM
Actually, I held out for an LTD ... the limited run of 400 with the titanium blackened slide finish made in August 2001.

07-11-2013, 08:51 PM
Very Nice RevRay! Welcome to the MK9 family.

I like shooting my MK9 way better than shooting my PM9. The guy I bought mine from swears the MK9 is the best Kahr pistol they make. Of the two I own, I have to agree.

07-11-2013, 10:41 PM
Way to RevRay! Glad you finally got the mk9! You will love the gun. My mk9 is my favorite. It is a joy to shoot.

07-12-2013, 12:50 AM
Congrats! Finally! ;)
Looks very cool with the black slide.

07-12-2013, 02:26 PM
O My Goodness! I took the "new to me" Duo Tone to the range today, and I absolutely love it. I shot better with it right out of the box than I do with my CM9. For some reason the trigger feels even smoother with the MK9 than the CM9. Is that possible? Being a newbie I thought they were all the same, but I could swear I could feel the difference.

I tried all kinds of different reloads and makes of ammo with absolutely no hiccups whatsoever.

The only downside is that it is a bear to rack. Compared to the CM9, the MK9 was really tough to get the first round in by hand racking the slide. It's going to take some practice, that's for sure ... and probably some blisters.

All things considered I cannot believe that the previous owner(s) ever got rid of it in the first place. I liked it so much I might make it my carry pistol, and use the CM9 with CT laser as my bedside nighttime gun.

07-12-2013, 02:36 PM
OK, now that the first range report is finished I have a question for all you experts out there. According to something I read elsewhere, this limited edition MK9 has a slide that is plated with a Black-T® finish by Walter Birdsong.

I assume that this means it is not your standard Cerakote or Duracoat finish. Does anybody have any idea where I could go to get it re-finished? If possible, I think I would like to try and bring it back to it's original beauty.

I think I just found the answer to my own questions ...


07-12-2013, 02:41 PM
Birdsong is still alive and well and they could refinish it for you.

The Black T is a good finish. The FBI I think made it famous with some of their guns.

I sent an officers personal rifle back to them for that finish and it looks great.

I think they also have a couple of other options available now too but been awhile since I've looked.

I have a Hi Power that if I ever get it running 100% I hope to send to them.

07-12-2013, 03:18 PM
For some reason the trigger feels even smoother with the MK9 than the CM9. Is that possible? Being a newbie I thought they were all the same, but I could swear I could feel the difference.

we all get smoother with age...

07-13-2013, 06:23 PM
The one that is posted now, the LTD, would be really hard for me to pass up if I was in the market for one only because of the rubber grip it has, I would love a pair of them to replace the hard plastic ones on mine.

So call the fella up, offer him what the last LTD sold for, you cut me a deal on the grips (my grips + cash) and man we are all happy happy happy.

Keep us updated!

Bootlegger, I think I've decided to keep the Hogue grips. I really like their feel in my hand.

07-14-2013, 04:21 PM
OK. Let me start out by admitting that I'm pretty much the only person who reads this thread any more. But as someone said on here earlier, long threads can become interesting if you stick with them, because over time they tell a story. So, on that premise, I'm going to keep moving forward for a little while longer. So here's an honest update of something that has come from my MK9 Duo Tone fetish.

It begins with a confession ... up until yesterday I had never carried with one in the chamber. I know, I know, that's like kissing your sister and all that kind of stuff. So what can I say, I'm a pastor, which means I must be a wuss (sp?), right? Anyway, like I said, until yesterday ... so what changed?

Well, yesterday I decided that I wanted to carry my new Duo Tone. I was in the process of trying to sell my MINI, and yesterday was the day I was going to exchange the money for the car. So I decided that for sure that should be a time to be carrying. But like I said, I decided I wanted to use my MK9. The problem is, like I said earlier, the MK9 is not easy to rack ... in fact it's down right hard.

So I had a choice to make ... carry my CM9 without one in the chamber, because I can rack it pretty fast as I pull it out ... truly I can. I know, I know, but anyway, that's the way my head had been previously thinking, ok? Or, I could carry my newly acquired Duo Tone, but if I did then I would have to carry it with one in the chamber. So that's what I decided to do.

The rest is history. I went to pick up the young couple that was buying the car, went to the bank with them to pick up the money, and then back to my office to sign and copy the paperwork and give them the keys. All the while carrying AIWB with one in the chamber.

What I discovered is once you've done it once it's a piece of cake. Although, I did notice that I handle the gun much more carefully taking it off and putting it away for the night than I did before. Now before you guys get all up in arms because I tucked it away for the night, I say that because right now the MK9 is my downstairs pistol. I was tucking it away downstairs, so that it wasn't just sitting out in the open. My CM9 is my upstairs pistol which I take out when I get ready for bed.

So there you have it. I've now told my story which no one will read because everyone thinks this thread should have been shelved a long time ago ... and I will shelve it when it reaches 100 posts ... promise.

07-14-2013, 06:28 PM
I read it. I'm not really even here and I still read it. Sometimes reading is enough without meaningless comments such as I usually make. Do knock off that empty chamber carry crap though. Kahrs are especially safe and no one is fast enough loading an empty chamber when you really need it.

07-14-2013, 07:15 PM
I read it. I'm not really even here and I still read it. Sometimes reading is enough without meaningless comments such as I usually make. Do knock off that empty chamber carry crap though. Kahrs are especially safe and no one is fast enough loading an empty chamber when you really need it.

That's the point, Colonel ... I don't empty chamber carry anymore. I just needed to do it once to get over the angst, which I've now done.

07-14-2013, 07:54 PM
Hey Rev

I read your thread! I'm interested in what you have to say about your MK9.

One thing bothers me though. You said that now that you are carrying with one in the chamber, you are much more careful when you take it off. Huge mistake!!! You should always use the same care whether you think it is loaded or not. The one time you are less careful because you think it is unloaded will be the time something tragic will happen. If you always treat it as if there is one in the chamber, you will avoid an unintentional discharge.

Just my opinion.

BTW, my 14 y.o. MK9 is easier to rack than my 1 y.o. PM9. The MK9 has new factory springs and the stainless guide rod. Maybe the previous owner put beefier springs in yours. Again, just guessing.

Stay Safe.

07-15-2013, 06:36 AM
OzKahr, I know you are right ... and I realized as I was writing what I wrote that someone could come back with that very point. And I'm glad you did, because it never hurts for me and anyone else (especially other newbies) to be reminded of that fact.

07-15-2013, 06:45 AM
One thing I haven't mentioned is the price. I started looking at these Duo Tones way back in March before I ever got my permit. That's one reason why I didn't do anything back then ... as I thought I should wait until I had my permit in hand before spending more money on a second gun. Then I waited because I knew I would have a hard time justifying a second one to my wife ... which I know some of you can relate to. Anyway, the list of MK9 Duo Tones (Limited Edition models) which have sold over the last few months is below. I'm one of those kinds of people who prefers to pay as little as possible for things, so you can see that good things come to those who wait.

Gunbroker (Sold in April) - MK9 Duo Tone LTD #173 for $650

GunsAmerica (Sold in April) - MK9 Duo Tone LTD #??? for $550

Gunbroker (Sold in May) - MK9 Duo Tone LTD #236 for $599

Gunbroker (Sold in May) - MK9 Duo Tone LTD #237 for $599

GunsAmerica (Sold in May) - MK9 Duo Tone LTD #??? for $550

Gunbroker (MINE Bought in July) - MK9 Duo Tone LTD #xxx $380

07-17-2013, 11:16 AM
Here's a pretty nice one (not one of the LTD models though) for sale on Gunbrokers for $475. It went for a week at $500 with no one taking the bait. One of the reasons mine went as cheaply as it did is because I don't think the seller knew what he had ... and he mis-labeled it ... so it didn't really get the attention it might have gotten otherwise.


07-25-2013, 04:11 PM
Hmmm dual color on a Kahr...neat concept.:D

http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/jeepster09/IMG-20120202-00111.jpg (http://s691.photobucket.com/user/jeepster09/media/IMG-20120202-00111.jpg.html)

http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/jeepster09/IMG-20120601-00002.jpg (http://s691.photobucket.com/user/jeepster09/media/IMG-20120601-00002.jpg.html)

07-27-2013, 02:58 PM
"Here's a pretty nice one (not one of the LTD models though)"

You were right RevRay!

I was the guy who bought that gun after seeing all the cool pictures of these two tones. A+ for the seller, very nice shop to deal with. The gun came with the original box, papers, factory fired casing, and magazines. Insides looked as though it hadn't even been broken in, maybe fired a box or two at most. Outside had some minimal edge wear, but not much. A few mag fulls later I found out why the gun hadn't been shot much, the slide locked back prematurely about every 3-4 rounds! Didn't matter what I fed the gun, warm loads, mild loads, JHP, 124gr, 115gr, even lead truncated. No, it wasn't my thumb hitting it, didn't matter if I shot it left or right, one handed or two. Good news was it fed absolutely anything I gave it with no feed issues. Well long story short I fixed the gun and fired about another 100 rounds of mixed ammo with no premature lock back, so I believe she is cured now. Probably bounced from owner to owner over the last 9 years with this annoying problem. Very accurate for its size but after my test rounds yesterday and another 100 rounds today, I'd say she has a little bite to her.


I believe the fired case info says "2004" Does anyone know how many non-LTD two tones were made during that run? Just wondered. I believe they all had "GC" serial prefixes for that run as I've seen a few for sale with those letters, but could be wrong.

07-27-2013, 03:33 PM
"Here's a pretty nice one (not one of the LTD models though)"

You were right RevRay!

I was the guy who bought that gun after seeing all the cool pictures of these two tones. A+ for the seller, very nice shop to deal with. The gun came with the original box, papers, factory fired casing, and magazines. Insides looked as though it hadn't even been broken in, maybe fired a box or two at most. Outside had some minimal edge wear, but not much. A few mag fulls later I found out why the gun hadn't been shot much, the slide locked back prematurely about every 3-4 rounds! Didn't matter what I fed the gun, warm loads, mild loads, JHP, 124gr, 115gr, even lead truncated. No, it wasn't my thumb hitting it, didn't matter if I shot it left or right, one handed or two. Good news was it fed absolutely anything I gave it with no feed issues. Well long story short I fixed the gun and fired about another 100 rounds of mixed ammo with no premature lock back, so I believe she is cured now. Probably bounced from owner to owner over the last 9 years with this annoying problem. Very accurate for its size but after my test rounds yesterday and another 100 rounds today, I'd say she has a little bite to her.

I believe the fired case info says "2004" Does anyone know how many non-LTD two tones were made during that run? Just wondered. I believe they all had "GC" serial prefixes for that run as I've seen a few for sale with those letters, but could be wrong.

Good for you, Ultona. I'd have to read back through the whole thread to be sure of the exact number, but I know that there are at least three of us now who have bought these MK9 Duo Tones since I first started the thread. And I am especially glad that you knew enough to simply take her through the full break-in in order to work out the kinks. Now you have a good looking and a good working gun to carry around or set by the bed.

As for your question about how many were made, I can't answer that one for you. Perhaps a question put to somebody at Kahr could give you those details. I only know the details about the limited edition (LTD) ones that I bought; but if you do ask them, please be sure to post their answer here.

Also, the blood sort of begs the question ... what happened there?

07-27-2013, 03:42 PM
Hmmm dual color on a Kahr...neat concept.

http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/jeepster09/IMG-20120601-00002.jpg (http://s691.photobucket.com/user/jeepster09/media/IMG-20120601-00002.jpg.html)

Jeepster, those are quite cool indeed. May I ask where you got them colored ... I really like the results ... I must say.

07-27-2013, 05:46 PM
The blood is just where the corner of the frame started to wear a hole on my thumb joint. Doesn't really hurt, I've got a few little guns that kick enough to do that to my hand if I shoot enough rounds in a row. I usually don't, but wanted to make sure the slide stop issue was fixed. I should post in the tech section exactly what I did to fix the premature lock back, it wasn't breaking in the gun that solved it, it would have never self corrected unfortunately.

07-27-2013, 05:56 PM
The blood is just where the corner of the frame started to wear a hole on my thumb joint. Doesn't really hurt, I've got a few little guns that kick enough to do that to my hand if I shoot enough rounds in a row. I usually don't, but wanted to make sure the slide stop issue was fixed. I should post in the tech section exactly what I did to fix the premature lock back, it wasn't breaking in the gun that solved it, it would have never self corrected unfortunately.

Definitely post your fix there and post it here as well. I sort of realized after re-reading your post that it wasn't simply a result of breaking it in. But being a newbie (i.e. I've owned a gun less than four months) I didn't quite pick up on that point the first time.

07-28-2013, 04:47 PM
My slide stop had a little bit too much material on the bottom pad (bright square area) that dictates its at rest position.


With no mag in the gun, the slide stop had NO verticle play up and down at all and was actually rubbing on the under side of the slide during some of its travel. Under recoil it would just manage to catch the notch in the slide and lock it open. Took just a few thousandths off that pad with a jeweler's file to give it some clearance. I also checked the slide lock spring, at rest the little arm should be pushing on that little shelf in the frame, but mine was just a hair above it.


I carefully gave it just a slight tweak and it was back where it should be supplying the right amount of tension. I think the slide stop clearance issue was the main factor in my problem but this wasn't helping either. Another 50 rounds with zero issues today, so she's running fine now. Checking that spring was a no brainer, but if your spring is ok and bullet noses aren't causing the issue, it doesn't hurt to check your slide lock/slide/frame clearance if you are still having premature lock backs.

07-28-2013, 08:45 PM
http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/jeepster09/IMG-20120601-00002.jpg (http://s691.photobucket.com/user/jeepster09/media/IMG-20120601-00002.jpg.html)

Jeepster, those are quite cool indeed. May I ask where you got them colored ... I really like the results ... I must say.

www.ahlmans.com (http://www.ahlmans.com) does all my guns.

08-14-2013, 11:27 AM
I sent my MK9 Duo Tone out for refinishing yesterday. Since it's one of the Limited Edition models that was originally coated by W.E. Birdsong (http://www.black-t.com), I decided to send it to them to have it refinished with it's original Black-T coating. I completely stripped the slide before sending it & the back off, so in the meantime I've been polishing the barrel and the extractor pin. I think that if they have a real nice shine, it will contrast just right with the new Black-T finish. I don't know how long it will take to get the slide back, but I will post pictures of the refinished product as soon as I get it all put back together.

08-14-2013, 07:46 PM
... and I will shelve it when it reaches 100 posts ... promise.
Sorry Rev....you're over your limit.:9: Just kidding with you. Can't wait to see it!:D

08-14-2013, 08:09 PM
Sorry Rev....you're over your limit.:9: Just kidding with you. Can't wait to see it!:D

I was wondering who would eventually call me out on that. When I made the promise I actually thought I would have to work hard to get there ... obviously, I was wrong.

However, I do intend to leave this thread alone once I have posted the pictures of my refinished Duo Tone.

08-14-2013, 08:14 PM
Seriously...I was only kidding. Let it run. You can update how that new finish wears. That's what I am doing in a thread on another forum for the place that Cerakoted my MK9. People want to know if it is worth the time and money. Leterrun!!!!!

One other thing...my post above just proves that I read this thread!;)

08-14-2013, 08:24 PM
For various reasons I still try to track what kind of prices MK9's are getting on Gunbroker and Armslist. So, that's how I came across the listing for the Duo Tone shown below. Is it just me, or is the modification that someone made to the handle ugly, or what?

For the full listing, here's the link ... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=359898180


08-14-2013, 08:35 PM
not just ugly...BUTTUGLY!

08-14-2013, 10:08 PM
It's ugly for 2 reasons...

1. Grip job = ugly...

2. Wood + black = nice...
2a. Wood +stainless = nice...
2b. Wood + black + stainless = ugly.

08-16-2013, 03:35 PM
OK. Let me start out by admitting that I'm pretty much the only person who reads this thread any more. But as someone said on here earlier, long threads can become interesting if you stick with them, because over time they tell a story. So, on that premise, I'm going to keep moving forward for a little while longer. So here's an honest update of something that has come from my MK9 Duo Tone fetish.

It begins with a confession ... up until yesterday I had never carried with one in the chamber. I know, I know, that's like kissing your sister and all that kind of stuff. So what can I say, I'm a pastor, which means I must be a wuss (sp?), right? Anyway, like I said, until yesterday ... so what changed?

Well, yesterday I decided that I wanted to carry my new Duo Tone. I was in the process of trying to sell my MINI, and yesterday was the day I was going to exchange the money for the car. So I decided that for sure that should be a time to be carrying. But like I said, I decided I wanted to use my MK9. The problem is, like I said earlier, the MK9 is not easy to rack ... in fact it's down right hard.

So I had a choice to make ... carry my CM9 without one in the chamber, because I can rack it pretty fast as I pull it out ... truly I can. I know, I know, but anyway, that's the way my head had been previously thinking, ok? Or, I could carry my newly acquired Duo Tone, but if I did then I would have to carry it with one in the chamber. So that's what I decided to do.

The rest is history. I went to pick up the young couple that was buying the car, went to the bank with them to pick up the money, and then back to my office to sign and copy the paperwork and give them the keys. All the while carrying AIWB with one in the chamber.

What I discovered is once you've done it once it's a piece of cake. Although, I did notice that I handle the gun much more carefully taking it off and putting it away for the night than I did before. Now before you guys get all up in arms because I tucked it away for the night, I say that because right now the MK9 is my downstairs pistol. I was tucking it away downstairs, so that it wasn't just sitting out in the open. My CM9 is my upstairs pistol which I take out when I get ready for bed.

So there you have it. I've now told my story which no one will read because everyone thinks this thread should have been shelved a long time ago ... and I will shelve it when it reaches 100 posts ... promise.
Glad to read that you broke down and purchased what I consider to be the best small carry firearm out there. I am the owner of a birdsong MK9. I think it's kind of a shame, that your changing your firearm. The finish is one of the reasons that I bought mine. One in the chamber is the ONLY way I have ever carried ANY firearm. Mine is all broke in, and runs like a Deere. Filled with Federal HST 147 gr. JHP's. Used my Dremel and polished up the feed ramp, which I do with all of my firearms. Love the trigger...buttery smooth.

08-16-2013, 03:37 PM
Glad to read that you broke down and purchased what I consider to be the best small carry firearm out there. I am the owner of a birdsong MK9. I think it's kind of a shame, that your changing your firearm. The finish is one of the reasons that I bought mine. One in the chamber is the ONLY way I have ever carried ANY firearm. Mine is all broke in, and runs like a Deere. Filled with Federal HST 147 gr. JHP's. Used my Dremel and polished up the feed ramp, which I do with all of my firearms. Love the trigger...buttery smooth.

RevRay sent his to Birdsong for replacement of the original finish so it should be the same as original.

08-16-2013, 03:38 PM
not just ugly...BUTTUGLY!

thats why it is for sale. He fokkeditup so bad and he can't go backwards.

No I have seen BUTTS that look much better than that.

course my PMJ9 is not a looker either, but its not for sale.:Amflag2::blah::blah:

08-16-2013, 03:49 PM
RevRay sent his to Birdsong for replacement of the original finish so it should be the same as original.
I'm confused.................so it was originally a duo tone(not birdsong) and now it will have the Birdsong finish?

08-16-2013, 05:14 PM
I'm confused.................so it was originally a duo tone(not birdsong) and now it will have the Birdsong finish?

In all likely hood it was originally a birdsong finished slide from the factory. He's just getting it refreshed due to apparent wear and tear.

08-16-2013, 08:57 PM
I'm confused.................so it was originally a duo tone(not birdsong) and now it will have the Birdsong finish?

It's like Bawanna said, it's one of the original 400 LTD models made in August 2001, with the Birdsong finish. I just sent it back to Birdsong to have them re-finish it with the same Black-T finish. I'll post pictures when I get it back.

08-16-2013, 09:19 PM
I thought that the finish was a bit tougher than that..................was it really that bad, and how would it get that bad?

08-17-2013, 05:16 PM
I thought that the finish was a bit tougher than that..................was it really that bad, and how would it get that bad?

The finish on mine wasn't horrible, it's more that since I can afford to I wanted to simply see it restored to what it used to look like 12 years ago when it was first made. It had probably been carried quite a bit once upon a time as the finish had worn off on a lot of the edges. Also, it had definitely not been treated like somebody's baby as it had a good number of nicks and scratches. On the other hand, I only paid $380 for it, so I can't complain too much.

08-18-2013, 10:07 AM
Well then, I think you did good. If you don't mind me asking, about how much is the cost to send them a slide to refinish?

08-18-2013, 12:23 PM
Well then, I think you did good. If you don't mind me asking, about how much is the cost to send them a slide to refinish?

On my end USPS with insurance was $13. They said it should run about $60-70 to refinish with about another $25 to ship back by FedEx. So altogether around $100. I can give you an exact amount when I get it back. BTW, before I sent it off, I completely stripped it down and only sent off the slide and the slide back to be refinished.

Also, in the meantime I've been working on polishing my barrel & my extractor pin so that they will really stand out against the black when it's done. I think it's going to really look nice. At least I hope so any way.

08-18-2013, 02:12 PM
Birdsong does have some gunsmiths and they do other stuff along with the finishes.

So if a person wanted one of their finishes and different sights or didn't want to strip the slide etc, they are more than capable of doing so on their end.

08-18-2013, 05:34 PM
I posted a pic of mine on the kahr picture thread..................more gray than black.....

08-18-2013, 06:08 PM

11-05-2013, 01:24 PM
I just received my refinished MK9 slide back from Birdsong here at the church office. I can't wait to get home and put the slide back together and see how she looks all cleaned up. Hopefully I'll be able to post a couple of pics later tonight.

11-05-2013, 04:47 PM
This thread has more life inside her than a whooore at a frat party. Look forward to those pics Rev. Will you post before and afters?

11-05-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm not sure the photos do it justice, but here are the pics. The top one is the refurbished take, and the bottom one is when I first bought it. While waiting for the slide to come back, I polished the barrel and the extractor pin and detailed cleaned the frame. I still need to put some paint on the sights, but I like the refinished look.


11-06-2013, 10:27 AM
No pics of the barrel? You know us MK lovers need all the pics we can get........gun porn...................

11-06-2013, 06:58 PM
Looks good Rev. Thanks.

11-13-2013, 09:13 AM
If anybody is interested ... there's a Duo Tone on Gunbrokers right now. No Reserve with a decent starting price of $400. Besides the fact that I like the look, most of these sell for a lower price than the all stainless ones, so personally, I think they're a great deal for an MK9.


07-17-2015, 12:12 PM
Maybe I need to revive this old thread.

I just picked up a duo tone MK9 in a trade. Serial number GD05xx. It has a little finish wear at the muzzle but shoots great. No box, just one 6 round magazine with a Pearce pinky ext.

If I were to sell it, what's a good price?

07-17-2015, 02:34 PM
Check the gun auction sites, and you'll get a general figure................otherwise, it's what you and the other person can live with:o

07-17-2015, 03:05 PM
Maybe I need to revive this old thread.

I just picked up a duo tone MK9 in a trade. Serial number GD05xx. It has a little finish wear at the muzzle but shoots great. No box, just one 6 round magazine with a Pearce pinky ext.

If I were to sell it, what's a good price?

A couple years ago they seemed to sell for about the same price as other MK9's. There didn't seem to be any extra added value because of their unique color scheme.

08-14-2016, 10:52 AM
I just picked up a used MK9 duo tone yesterday(LTD 1XX). Even though Kahr is a MA company, and the MK9 is technically on the Attorney General's Approved Firearms Roster, you can't buy one from an FFL here. We're left to search for a used one already in the state. I got lucky.

08-15-2016, 11:04 AM
Jay at Kahr is great! I emailed him about my serial number and night sights and he got back to me asap!

My MK9 duo-tone was manufactured in November of 1998....so it's older than my teenage son.

Meprolight night sights go on it this week. There's a Garrett Industries Silent Thunder GT holster on order and should be here in 3 weeks. Next up will be the aluminum followers from Lakeline for at least 3 of the 6 mags that came with the pistol(2 - 6 round & 1 - 7 round).

Man, I wish the Lakeline G10 grips would fit, but the gun frame won't accept them.....

08-15-2016, 12:08 PM
Sometimes old is a good thing. I try to use myself as an example of this very thing.

Sadly the people I provide this example too rarely have any respect for my examples.

Have to wonder what it would take to make them Lakeline grips fit. I'll check with Al in a bit. Maybe there's a work around.

08-15-2016, 12:14 PM
The relief in what I will call a strut where the upper screw threads are in the later frame models isn't there on his and GA series frames. I would have to compare it to a newer one, but it might be a very simple milling step to add that relief to the frame. Again, I would want to inspect and make sure that nothing would be compromised by such a step. If that is all it takes, after doing that any of the grips for the newer models should fit.

The newer grips are thinner (.050") than the earlier ones. If the boss is removed from the G10, or any of the newer grips, the amount of material left to hold the screw in isn't enough.

08-15-2016, 08:00 PM
I just picked up a used MK9 duo tone yesterday(LTD 1XX). Even though Kahr is a MA company, and the MK9 is technically on the Attorney General's Approved Firearms Roster, you can't buy one from an FFL here. We're left to search for a used one already in the state. I got lucky.
If you look at the sticky "Kahr serial number history" under Kahr Tech, you will notice that your particular serial number LTD 1XX, according to this info, dates your firearm to 2001, not 1998. Unless they made them for more than one year, which I don't believe they did, one of your numbers/dates is off. I own the same serial numbered firearm.

08-15-2016, 09:56 PM
If you look at the sticky "Kahr serial number history" under Kahr Tech, you will notice that your particular serial number LTD 1XX, according to this info, dates your firearm to 2001, not 1998. Unless they made them for more than one year, which I don't believe they did, one of your numbers/dates is off. I own the same serial numbered firearm.

I saw that, but I emailed Kahr and Jay got back to me with November 98. My 1xx is a fairly low number. I don't know what to make of that.

08-16-2016, 11:38 AM
I don't believe they made a large number of them. Pretty sure it was 400. Putting all of that aside, I love mine...........carry it about 70 present of the time. Just a nice compact firearm. Too heavy for many. The guy I bought mine from had mine and another new one with in sequence serial numbers. I'm still kicking myself in the shins for not purchasing both. I've been pocket carrying it for 5+ years now, and am used to it. My trigger just keeps getting better............................................ .......When I originally started investigating my MK, I always believed that the 98 date was the correct one. It wouldn't surprise me that a Glock group would/could get it wrong, because, well, Gluck you know.:p I can attest to the fact that you may as well forget about different grips for the firearm. Been there and done that. How is the slide finish holding up on yours?????????????????

08-17-2016, 08:33 AM
My slide looks pretty darn good for a gun this old. There's some minor wear around the muzzle end of the slide. It's been carried, but obviously not that much. The first owner didn't carry or shoot it much. I bought it from the second owner. He carried it some, then used it in back up gun competitions for a while, until it found its way into his safe for an extended period of time. I lucked out. I put a wanted to buy ad on a local forum and the owner reached out to me in under 6 hours. I plan to carry it a lot in the warmer months.

08-17-2016, 10:00 AM
That's where mine is wearing a bit also. That Birdsong coating works very well.......................

08-17-2016, 12:37 PM
I'll be interested to see if the Garrett Industries(kydex outer/leather inner) holster maintains the finish.

08-17-2016, 12:45 PM
I have a PM9 with the DLC coating. It has what sounds like similar wear on the finish. It has been used some in Kydex holsters. It looks fine to me and doesn't sound like it wears any differently.