View Full Version : I'm Selling My Guns....

03-17-2013, 09:05 PM
.....and buying a few. My goal is to cut my collection of around 55 firearms to a dozen +/- quality shooters plus a few collectibles. Involves buying a couple as well as selling. Hope to get this down to as few as 20. May not make that but it's the goal.

03-17-2013, 09:14 PM
Hey if you can't find any buyers and need to make shelf room I would be happy to take a couple off your hands to help you out. Can't afford to buy any but I would be happy to help a fellow forum member out :)

03-17-2013, 09:33 PM
I've had similar thoughts lately myself. It's darn tough. I got through and make a keep pile and a sell pile and a want list. About the only progress I make is the want list gets bigger and bigger but both the keep and the sell piles go back in the toy box and I get no where.

KIND of like picking which child is your favorite.

03-17-2013, 09:35 PM
I thought about doing this a while back. My old Bear safe was full and I was needing to thin the herd to make space.
So I took out all the guns in there and laid them out oun the bed. Each and every one was reveiwed, re-elauated and rated as keep or go. In the end, they all went back in the safe as I owned no guns that were not purchased with great thought and logic before purchase or given to me by folks or the estate's of freinds that made them too highly prized to exit the collection.
My plan now...???
Try that and stay happy.

mr surveyor
03-17-2013, 09:49 PM
On a bit "smaller scale", I've been doing that for the last 3-4 years. I've culled the herd down to about 50% in that time, and all new acquisitions involved trade (some 1+cash, some 2 for 1, and even 2+cash for one). I'm now down to nothing that I consider to be pure trade fodder. The M92 .44 cal rifle I bought last week is the first new purchase I've made with "new money" in over 3 years. Being the practical thinker type, I have no firearms now that don't serve a definate "practical" purpose, and I reload for all but the Kahr 9's and the shotguns (even though I could). I haven't had a true "wish list" for several years other than the CM9 last February for a "boot gun", although a snubby fits just as well.

I suppose that when you feel like you got your own bases covered with just enough good quality hardware, it's best to focus more attention to the software side of the equation..... and dressing up the current herd with the best grips and sights and ......


03-18-2013, 04:19 AM
Well, I hope you give fellow members first crack..... regardless of how crazy the price.

03-18-2013, 08:20 AM
I have thought about doing the same thing. I'd like to get down to a few handguns and take the proceeds to buy some other things. The only thing is if I trade something the wife gets upset because she thinks i should keep everything (CW9 was the last thing I traded for a CM9.) It's a good position to be in but increases the expense when I want something new. Mainly because if I but me a new gun I have to buy her something of equal or greater value.

03-18-2013, 08:52 AM
I have thought about doing the same thing. I'd like to get down to a few handguns and take the proceeds to buy some other things. The only thing is if I trade something the wife gets upset because she thinks i should keep everything (CW9 was the last thing I traded for a CM9.) It's a good position to be in but increases the expense when I want something new. Mainly because if I but me a new gun I have to buy her something of equal or greater value.

your wife gets upset if you sell a gun to buy another ... because you didn't keep the one you traded. I'm very envious.

I'm trying to think of how I can use that for golf vacations and such .....

MW surveyor
03-18-2013, 09:47 AM
Mainly because if I but me a new gun I have to buy her something of equal or greater value.

^^^^^^This is the main reason she's upset! :D

03-18-2013, 11:33 AM
I've whittled my collection down to 15 guns. At least three were spirited away by my #1 son. The rest were sold off. I'm now going for quality over quantity.

03-18-2013, 11:35 AM
Well I see that series 70 Gold Cup still on the menu, if that's headed for the trash, probably unsellable, I know a fella that would give up a kidney for it.

Kind of a jerk but I do have good days, I mean he has good days.

03-18-2013, 12:15 PM
I know of a local (to me) pawn shop that has a Gold Cup. If any one is interested I can find out more about it.

03-18-2013, 12:22 PM
Wonder if they take internal organs? I'd love to have one someday but not nearly enough marbles at the moment to even think about it.

If Barth (Please check in pal, people are asking about you?) would have just sent me the money instead of buying that new truck and all them new toys, everything would be alright, but NOOOOOOO, he's gotta bogart the loot all to hisself.

Crap, I sound like a demorat.

03-18-2013, 01:29 PM
I did the same thing a few years back. But that was before I bought my first Kahr. Now I want a few more Kahrs !! So the fun'll never end, except instead of 28 handguns, I will easily be able to keep the inventory down to a 1/2 dozen collectible safe queens, and a handfull of top quality shooters.

03-18-2013, 02:34 PM
.....and buying a few. My goal is to cut my collection of around 55 firearms to a dozen +/- quality shooters plus a few collectibles. Involves buying a couple as well as selling. Hope to get this down to as few as 20. May not make that but it's the goal.

So, was this just a passing thought ... or will a list of available guns be appropriately distributed sometime in the near future?

And if so, would a Glock 19 or 19C or 26 or 26C be among the mix?

03-18-2013, 07:37 PM
So, was this just a passing thought ... or will a list of available guns be appropriately distributed sometime in the near future?

And if so, would a Glock 19 or 19C or 26 or 26C be among the mix?

Much more than a passing thought....and surprised to discover I'm not the only one.

I've been thinking about this for a long while and kept putting it aside. A couple things pulled it back to the forefront of my attention and put it in the most probably gonna do this pile. One was the recent thread about Wilson and my thoughts about consolidating a handful of good 1911s into a couple of excellent 1911s that I'd actually enjoy shooting regularly. The second, companion, bit is that I'm gonna be 70 in a couple of weeks. I've been acquiring (collecting would be too generous), selling, and trading firearms for over 50 years. I have a few guns I've never even fired and some that haven't been fired in decades. At this age I think it's time to cut the crap and pare down to arms I will actually do the courtesy of using in the maybe 15 years on the outside I have left.

I would be happy to share a list with anyone who might be interested....after I actually put one together. As to the Glock question....I only have two. A Gen2 23 not for sale and a Gen3 27 with a separate 9mm conversion bbl and mags that I'm not totally in love with. Also, fwiw to those with suspicious minds, I'm not the least bit interested in taking advantage of current market conditions. I already have enough money.

03-18-2013, 07:43 PM
I've had similar thoughts lately myself. It's darn tough. I got through and make a keep pile and a sell pile and a want list. About the only progress I make is the want list gets bigger and bigger but both the keep and the sell piles go back in the toy box and I get no where.

KIND of like picking which child is your favorite.

Aw, crap. Can't resist. That would be my 18 year younger wife.

It was a much bigger deal though back in '74 when she was 13 and I was 31....just sayin'

03-18-2013, 07:49 PM
Well, I hope you give fellow members first crack..... regardless of how crazy the price.

That's a great picture of my sister!

03-18-2013, 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by yqtszhj
Mainly because if I but me a new gun I have to buy her something of equal or greater value.

^^^^^^This is the main reason she's upset! :D

No. That's the main reason I'M UPSET! :(

03-18-2013, 08:21 PM
Much more than a passing thought....and surprised to discover I'm not the only one.

I've been thinking about this for a long while and kept putting it aside. A couple things pulled it back to the forefront of my attention and put it in the most probably gonna do this pile. One was the recent thread about Wilson and my thoughts about consolidating a handful of good 1911s into a couple of excellent 1911s that I'd actually enjoy shooting regularly. The second, companion, bit is that I'm gonna be 70 in a couple of weeks. I've been acquiring (collecting would be too generous), selling, and trading firearms for over 50 years. I have a few guns I've never even fired and some that haven't been fired in decades. At this age I think it's time to cut the crap and pare down to arms I will actually do the courtesy of using in the maybe 15 years on the outside I have left.

I would be happy to share a list with anyone who might be interested....after I actually put one together. As to the Glock question....I only have two. A Gen2 23 not for sale and a Gen3 27 with a separate 9mm conversion bbl and mags that I'm not totally in love with. Also, fwiw to those with suspicious minds, I'm not the least bit interested in taking advantage of current market conditions. I already have enough money.

I've have very similar thought in all areas except of course the part where I have enough money. That's kind of foreign to me but I'm used to it. I'm more into guns than money which is good. I got a few guns but very little money.

I'm the same in that I have many guns I've never shot, some only shot one or two trips, some shot lots years ago but haven't went bang in 20 years.

Usually when I sell something the money goes someplace, I think if gets sucked into a black hole or something and I don't have the loot to buy whatever I wanted in the first place, that happens often.

Still hard to part with anything.

A wife 16 years younger, that's nice.

03-18-2013, 08:46 PM
I've have very similar thought in all areas except of course the part where I have enough money. That's kind of foreign to me but I'm used to it. I'm more into guns than money which is good. I got a few guns but very little money.

I'm the same in that I have many guns I've never shot, some only shot one or two trips, some shot lots years ago but haven't went bang in 20 years.

Usually when I sell something the money goes someplace, I think if gets sucked into a black hole or something and I don't have the loot to buy whatever I wanted in the first place, that happens often.

Still hard to part with anything.

A wife 16 years younger, that's nice.

No intent to aggrandize...point was only that I have no need nor desire to take financial advantage.

Now, the fact that my wife is 18 years younger, not just 16 is something worth pointing out. Fact is, however, it used to be nice. Over a quarter century later it's just a significant energy drain. :cool:

03-18-2013, 09:59 PM
If a list of available pieces is ever published, I'd like to see it. Thanks...

05-08-2013, 06:58 PM
Just to see if there's any interest, as this isn't the for sale section.....

Haven't done up a list yet and probably won't for a few months as I'm still wrapped up in the job until late summer, but.....I have maybe a half dozen plus guns I know I'm going to be getting rid of that could be possibly made available, no paper, private, ftf only to "qualified" Colorado members before the new background check laws kick in on 1 July.

Qualified by my determination and this is in no way a firm offer to sell anything nor an attempt to subvert any law..

05-08-2013, 07:52 PM
I have about 40 modern shootin' guns and maybe 30 antiques.

They are going to be divided up amongst my three sons.

Two of my boys have kids, so they will be passing them down to them.

I'll let them decide what they want to keep.