View Full Version : Kahr Under Water
Okay, I know that before most even clicked on this post the title alone made many roll their eyes, but I feel that this is a legitimate question.
I'm going to be on the coast for a few weeks and thought I haven't picked it up yet I'm attempting to snag a CM9 to carry long term, there and at home. In case you haven't heard Alabama tends to get hot and humid so I'm looking into something lightweight. Right now I'm carrying a P229 so in all honesty, I can't get much heavier!
First things first on this one. I've come across a honey of a deal for a CM9 - $350 for the gun and two magazines from a local guy. I think it's a good deal but I need some feedback from other owners. I had two CW9s once upon a time, say about 3 years ago, I liked them fine but they weren't what I wanted at the time. It was winter and concealment wasn't an issue with big coats and the like. Well, I was very short sighted because I've been trying to scratch the itch for awhile now for a good EDC gun. The Sig is fine but I find myself taking it off the moment I reach the office and putting it in my locked drawer (which doesn't make it that useful if its REALLY needed) and when I get home it hits the top of the dresser where it sits until I go to bed. I'll wear it out and about and I'll deal but for tuckable use I could do much better. I'm not going to get rid of the Sig because I got an amazing deal on it - P229 with 3 magazines for $350. No, there was nothing wrong with it!
First, does the CM9 sound like a good deal to you fine folks here.
Second, considering the aforementioned situation would it be POSSIBLE to fire the Kahr under water if need be.
Let me clarify that second part. Sig firing pins have little cut outs in four positions around them to allow water to flow through in the event that it does need to be fired underwater as well as allowing water to drain easier if it has been under water and is brought out of the water to be used. Glock has the maritime spring cups for their 9mms that are for pretty much the same purpose. Now if I go deep sea fishing, fall off the boat, and am assaulted by a shark (it COULD happen, though unlikely), would I be able to fire my Kahr (with FMJ ammo only of course) underwater to modify the potential outcome of the situation.
In this I'm not talking about having a "hey guys watch this moment" nor am I considering joining the underwater IDPA/IPSC circuit but I'm thinking perhaps two shots at contact range, not at any distance. Would I walk away with the gun in tact or would I create a nice bloody nub for more shaky types to snack on.
I'm serious on this though. If you live near any body of water you might need to know something like this as well.
MW surveyor
03-19-2013, 11:23 AM
Ok, (roll eyes) at least this is an interesting take on the CM9.
I have no knowledge in this matter and will sit back and enjoy the responses.
03-19-2013, 12:08 PM
I also have no first hand knowledge but I'd be will to bet that it would shoot once under water. I don't know if it would cycle and fire a second shot without manually racking the slide.
I always thought that was marketing genius for Glock to advertise that they would shoot under water, I even have some striker spring retainers with holes in them to improve their underwater capability.
But I think any gun will shoot under water at least once.
The chances of needing to do so are probably only found in Hawley Wood but I was a Boy Scout so being prepared isn't anything new to me.
03-19-2013, 12:10 PM
Ok, (roll eyes) at least this is an interesting take on the CM9.
I have no knowledge in this matter and will sit back and enjoy the responses.
HEY (duck dynasty) 1hr and no wise guy's yet... :19: it goes along with the question at hand :D
Guess if it were me I would contact Kahr direct and see what their take on it would be.
03-19-2013, 01:03 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk nass, First off if the CM9 you are looking at is in good shape with a low round count then $350 is a decent deal...I currently have a PM40 that I pocket carry in jeans and it has become my only carry gun...I tried a CW40 but it was too big for pocket use and if I am going to be forced to use a belt holster I would rather carry a pistol with more rounds available but for pocket carry the PM/CM pistols can't be beat ....
I love my little .40 and it does everything I need in a CCW handgun although if I had it to do over again I would go with a PM/CM 9mm but thats water under the bridge and since the PM40 is so far 100% reliable I'm sticking to it...
Now for underwater use I'm not so sure...I'm thinking it would fire once but unless it was point blank range it wouldn't do much....Sharks are like alligators and have a very small spot on top of their head where a gunshot will kill them instantly which is great if you happen to hit him there but not so great if you're in the water with him while he is munching on one of your body parts...If you shoot him it better work or son you're SOL and now instead of a shark biting on your arm you got a VERY PI$$ED OFF bleeding shark with a bullet in him biting on you and now his friends are thinking about lunch too....:eek:
Here is what I would do....Go shoot the CM9 and make sure it functions and that you like it and if so buy it and learn to shoot it well....Carry it with you everywhere and enjoy....As for shooting at a shark underwater, thats another story...If it were me I would tie myself to the boat, drink lots of beer and catch a mess of snapper for dinner and leave the shark hunting for somebody else....:cool:
03-19-2013, 01:10 PM
Guess if it were me I would contact Kahr direct and see what their take on it would be.
Gonna have to roll my eyes too and say I want to see that email thread once it's finished.
Regarding the question. What kind of shark are we talking? If you are attacked, you are going to have ahold of the business end of that fish. Depending on the size, I don't think a handgun is gonna do you much good. Presence of mind, not shooting yourself in the process, etc. The pain would probably make you drop the pistol almost instantly, if it didn't come loose in the fall and head to the bottom of the drink. Too many 'ifs' to rely on a firearm in that situation. Granted, having every tool available is the way to go in most situations. Just sayin'.
I think a big freakin' knife is the way to go.
mr surveyor
03-19-2013, 01:24 PM
I always carry a spear gun with a high capacity clip when I go down to the creek to fish
03-19-2013, 01:30 PM
Welcome nass I think I like the knife idea better. I think Kahrs response will go something like are you Nuckin Futs.
03-19-2013, 01:38 PM
Shooting a gun under water is a fools task. Water does not compress. It's very similar to firing a gun with a bore obstruction. You may be able to get away with it, but you could also damage the gun and various parts of your anatomy. Not for the feint of heart, nor for anyone with any common sense. Yes it's been done on You Tube, but I don't consider a torture test as part of the normal break-in procedure.
03-19-2013, 01:40 PM
I always carry a spear gun with a high capacity clip when I go down to the creek to fish
Is that a tacktical assault spear gun and is is blackery? Scary. I'm gettin' a visual of Dana Carvey doing George Bush Sr w/ his night vision on...
...or better yet, the 'Little John' character in Robin Hood Men in Tights that falls in the drainage ditch / creek and screams his drowning in 3 inches of water.
Guess if it were me I would contact Kahr direct and see what their take on it would be.
Yeah, I know what response I'll get out of them. Of course no manufacturer suggests using reloads, making modifications, or doing your own work yourself. That's why I asked.
03-19-2013, 02:04 PM
Anyone who would shoot a gun under water would break wind in a bathtub just to see the bubbles. :)
03-19-2013, 02:57 PM
Anyone who would shoot a gun under water would break wind in a bathtub just to see the bubbles. :)
thats a no no. WTF is next, farting in chruch I guess is banned to??? Just sayin
boy u sur eruin an ol mans day
03-19-2013, 03:22 PM
If your talking sharks, then you're probably talking salt water. Why would you want to subject any gun to regular submersion in salt water on the off chance that you might get attacked by a shark? I'm pretty sure a knife would be a better choice.
03-19-2013, 04:05 PM
indeed a knife would be best and one should be sure to inseret it between ones 2 and 3rd rib, that would be a quicker death that what the shark might deal u. Just sayin. Or if ur with a buddy, knife him and get alot of blood flowing and just swim away
mr surveyor
03-19-2013, 05:00 PM
indeed a knife would be best and one should be sure to inseret it between ones 2 and 3rd rib, that would be a quicker death that what the shark might deal u. Just sayin. Or if ur with a buddy, knife him and get alot of blood flowing and just swim away
that would be akin to you and a partner being attacked by a big grizz, and all you had was a NAA Mini 22 .... you don't have to outrun the bear if you shoot your partner in the knee
03-19-2013, 05:20 PM
To quote Rodney Dangerfield, "This is a tough crowd"....:19:
03-19-2013, 05:22 PM
that would be akin to you and a partner being attacked by a big grizz, and all you had was a NAA Mini 22 .... you don't have to outrun the bear if you shoot your partner in the knee
very similar results, I would think. Just sayin. Its good to have friends are u i time of danger.:Amflag2:
I would consider the colonel as my good friend but if we were attacked by a grizzly and I got away and later they found just his chair with a tree limb stuck in the wheel spokes, Well such is life and I would be the first to tell the news media when interviewed that the colonel gave his lfie so I could live. Just sayin:Amflag2:
03-19-2013, 06:28 PM
I have seen handguns fired underwater on you-tube. The bullet will only travel about 20 feet & then sink to the bottom.
03-19-2013, 06:42 PM
very similar results, I would think. Just sayin. Its good to have friends are u i time of danger.:Amflag2:
I would consider the colonel as my good friend but if we were attacked by a grizzly and I got away and later they found just his chair with a tree limb stuck in the wheel spokes, Well such is life and I would be the first to tell the news media when interviewed that the colonel gave his lfie so I could live. Just sayin:Amflag2:
Well I reckon everybody has a purpose in life, I guess we just found out what mine is.
03-19-2013, 07:57 PM
I'll cut to the point, buy the gun. It's perfect for Alabama weather from Mobile to Ft. Payne.
03-20-2013, 12:01 AM
Kahr has tried to keep it a secret for national security and to honor their contract with the NSA Special Seal Units. Seems that the Kahr is spectacularly effective underwater because it shoots a special round that is supersonic and projects the shock wave forward so the bullet isn't affected by water density. They have been using it in action for over 4 years with great success.
If your talking sharks, then you're probably talking salt water. Why would you want to subject any gun to regular submersion in salt water on the off chance that you might get attacked by a shark? I'm pretty sure a knife would be a better choice.
Its' not going to be a regular thing, it's going to be a never thing if I can help it.
indeed a knife would be best and one should be sure to inseret it between ones 2 and 3rd rib, that would be a quicker death that what the shark might deal u. Just sayin. Or if ur with a buddy, knife him and get alot of blood flowing and just swim away
Yes, because taking time to feel for the 2nd and 3rd ribs is something I'll be up for. I'm talking 1-2-3 shots right in the eye, tell me that wouldn't do some sort of good.
Also, I remember seeing videos where divers had a long pole (approx 4-6 feet) and it had a mechanism on the end that when pressed against the sharks head fired a .38 special blank. They were hitting different sharks all over the head, not just in one spot and the sharks would just double over and die. If a blank in a random area of the head will do that I fail to see where a few FMJ rounds wouldn't accomplish the same goals.
I know it probably had more to do with the massive change in pressure inside the cranial cavity but I tend to thing a 9mm bullet at contact distance would do the same thing.
03-20-2013, 02:08 PM
My personal policy on boats and water is never to go any further out in the boat than I can swim or touch bottom. I don't swim too good and swim way better in 5 ft of water than I do in 8 ft of water, don't think I can swim in 12 ft of water at all. I don't understand it myself but it's a fact.
I never had much use for salt water at all, even living here near Puget Sound and not to long a trip to the big water. (I can't see Russia from my house though).
Have a scuba diver detective here that volunteers and works at the acquarium on the Seattle water front, had no idea they had so many sharks in Puget Sound. He had video's of them going down in cages and marking them and doing scientific stuff. Fun to watch but I ain't going in there.
Sharks are in the same family as snakes and bees to me. Don't want no part of them.
03-20-2013, 02:30 PM
Yes, because taking time to feel for the 2nd and 3rd ribs is something I'll be up for. I'm talking 1-2-3 shots right in the eye, tell me that wouldn't do some sort of good.
Also, I remember seeing videos where divers had a long pole (approx 4-6 feet) and it had a mechanism on the end that when pressed against the sharks head fired a .38 special blank. They were hitting different sharks all over the head, not just in one spot and the sharks would just double over and die. If a blank in a random area of the head will do that I fail to see where a few FMJ rounds wouldn't accomplish the same goals.
I know it probably had more to do with the massive change in pressure inside the cranial cavity but I tend to thing a 9mm bullet at contact distance would do the same thing.
and we are always considering that a shark will just come at us head on for us to see na d have a half hour to prepare for. they are just like our kig obummer. sneaky, and they will come at u when ur not looking.they don't fight fair. Fokk if they were coming head O I woud just smile at them and they would leave pronto. and thenb we have 3 sharks circliling the wagon, what then. I still say a good and bloody BUDDY' is the best escape mechanism, or ur soon to be x-wife that u heavily insured a few seeks earlier. Just sayin:Amflag2:
The best shark repellant is a wet suit and face mask that looks like Michelle obummer or oprah, orRosie O'Donnell, and to show I am not racist. even D. einstein and Pegosie. any wet suits made like those will protect u without any knives, guns , spears or spray.. Just sayin
03-20-2013, 03:12 PM
Yep a wet suit with a Feinstein head would scare away Godzilla....Those sticks with the charge on the end are called bang sticks and they use a 12 Gauge 00 Buck Shotgun Shell and when set off point blank on a sharks head it doean't matter much what part of the head it hits, it's lights out, day over for Mr. Sharkie
03-20-2013, 03:32 PM
I have seen handguns fired underwater on you-tube. The bullet will only travel about 20 feet & then sink to the bottom.
great way to save on bullets for reloading:p
03-20-2013, 03:38 PM
Yep a wet suit with a Feinstein head would scare away Godzilla....Those sticks with the charge on the end are called bang sticks and they use a 12 Gauge 00 Buck Shotgun Shell and when set off point blank on a sharks head it doean't matter much what part of the head it hits, it's lights out, day over for Mr. Sharkie
Reckon they'd work a harder skulled target like Feinstein? Just wonderin.
03-20-2013, 04:32 PM
Yep a wet suit with a Feinstein head would scare away Godzilla....Those sticks with the charge on the end are called bang sticks and they use a 12 Gauge 00 Buck Shotgun Shell and when set off point blank on a sharks head it doean't matter much what part of the head it hits, it's lights out, day over for Mr. Sharkie
my ol girl friend used to call my tool that printed alot. BANG STICK:Amflag2: brings backol memories
Semper sordidi:Amflag2:
03-20-2013, 04:36 PM
Sounds like an early warning sign of dementia to me, not to be confused with Ahlzeimers I don't think. Can't remember.
Suspect it was probably more like right knee, left knee and wee knee.
OMG the Obummer look alike on the bible is calling me, I'm going down for that one I'm sure. Imagine obummer for life. Yup that's hell boys and girls.
03-20-2013, 04:44 PM
You know the other term/name for a bang stick is a "Power Head"...Don't know why I bring that up but thought I would throw a alley oop for you toy with....:bump2:
03-20-2013, 04:52 PM
never used that term around this area. Normally we would give that name to a sleezy gal. I think wild Bill called Monica a power head. Just sayin
semper sordidi!!
03-20-2013, 08:34 PM
Power Heads or Bang Sticks are made in different calibers I have found them in 22 mag all the way up to 500 S&W Mag. Never heard of one the uses a blank.
1. get a bang stick in .410 or 12 gauge
2. shooting underwater is well documented. you need to get ALL the air out of the barrel to make it safe. If there's any trapped air, the air will compress, and that will cause problems. The moving bullet, pressing upon a column of air being held back by a column of water will create pressures in excess of those ordinarily encountered - since gasses are compressible, and liquids are not.
The bang stick works - because it has no barrel to speak of. Get one in 12g for sharks. Forget the .44mag bang sticks. They are ineffective on sharks that will do you bad. You need the 12gauge.
03-21-2013, 06:54 AM
So I can shoot him in the eye 1-2-3 times. Good God that is funny I don't care who you are .:D My little Cairn terrier is sitting on the desk top next to the computer,and even she laughed at that when I read it to her. Man the internet can be so entertaining at time. ROTFLMAO.
I've got to go you guys have a great day...........
03-21-2013, 06:58 AM
How quickly these posts degenerate into mindless sexual inuendo. I love it.
MW surveyor
03-21-2013, 10:40 AM
if you can shoot this one in the eye while you're trying to climb the ladder. :D
mr surveyor
03-21-2013, 12:58 PM
things like what's in that picture is exactly why I always carry my concealed speargun with high capacity mags anytime I'm near water.
for the record, them rubber duckies in the bathtub don't stand a chance
MW surveyor
03-21-2013, 03:31 PM
the shark related stuff. Sometimes, they sneak up on you :eek:
03-21-2013, 04:03 PM
Melts in your mouth not in your fin...:D
03-21-2013, 04:19 PM
If I turned and saw that it would be all over, forget the spear gun, forget the rubber duckies, Lizza this is the big one, I'm coming home.
Getting ate wouldn't hurt a bit, I'd already be on the far side of the river.
03-21-2013, 07:42 PM
Melts in your mouth not in your fin...:D
Mmmmm, shark fin. One particular restaurant we used to go to in Japan, we always got the shark fin gyoza for an appetizer. :thumbup:
--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--
03-21-2013, 07:50 PM
If guns and knives don't can always try tickling the shark..:rolleyes: (
Reckon they'd work a harder skulled target like Feinstein? Just wonderin.
Nah, wouldn't get the desired penetration.
Then again, we can only hope her husband didn't either.
Power Heads or Bang Sticks are made in different calibers I have found them in 22 mag all the way up to 500 S&W Mag. Never heard of one the uses a blank.
I thought they were blanks, I wasn't 100% sure.
So I can shoot him in the eye 1-2-3 times. Good God that is funny I don't care who you are .:D My little Cairn terrier is sitting on the desk top next to the computer,and even she laughed at that when I read it to her. Man the internet can be so entertaining at time. ROTFLMAO.
I've got to go you guys have a great day...........
Why is that funny? I don't see why so many are so critical of a legitimate question. I've never had an encounter with a shark, and never intend on it to be honest. We never intend on using our guns unless the need arises and I would say that a shark biting my damn leg if I fall out of a boat because I get bumped or what not is a pretty stinking good reason to ask the question. Ever been deep sea fishing? You kinda end up with sharks around your boats - at least in the gulf. I don't own a spear gun and considering I go down there once a year I don't see it being a wise purchase. What is your suggestion for me to do if I fall out of the boat and this hypothetical situation arises Popeye? Flail, say my goodbyes and sink? Hell, I know it's not big sharks, it's a bunch of little sharks that sink their teeth in and remove large pieces of flesh. If you think for a second that I'm not going to use whatever I've got to alter the dynamics of the situation you're insane. I'm not going for a leisurely swim with the sharks - so no bite suits. I'm not going shark hunting - so no spear guns or bang sticks. The intent is to set foot on a boat, drop hooks in the water, catch fish, get back to the dock, and set foot on land. Are you a marine biologist that specializes in sharks and their behaviors (that's an ichthyologist - had to look it up)? Don't laugh at what someone asks because I'm quite sure you're in that boat (no pun intended) with people that don't know everything.
03-23-2013, 01:05 AM
Nass, your still kind of new around here. It won't take long to realize that it doesn't take much to set people off in multiple directions, threads will go adrift, return to the original subject only to drift off again.
We try to keep it loose and friendly and it's easy to get a little ticked off when your serious and everyone else doesn't grasp that fact.
I'm sure no one here had any malice intent.
I didn't go back and read the whole thread again, I might be as guilty as anyone, I usually am.
I just try not to get to worked up on hypothetical questions, kind of an opinion, gray type area.
Stick around, you'll soon understand what I'm saying.
Has anyone considered the rights of the shark? He could have a good lawyer. And I'm sure you'll catch some flack from the water conservation folks regarding lead and gunpowder contamination. That would be a whale of a story but would likely move through the courts at a snails pace and would probably flounder. The whole idea gives me a haddock.
03-23-2013, 08:46 AM
Sorry. But I've got to be honest I find this whole going fishing and falling in the water with a $350 to $400 Kahr CM9 in salt water just in case of a Shark attack funnier than a Road Runner cartoon.
Now I know we all seen videos of pistols shot under water, and the round maybe went 10',give or take a couple feet. Most of these videos were done in fresh water, and the pistol was put in the water and taken out right after it was fired. These pistols were also full size duty type pistols not small personal SD pistols like the Kahr CM9. Which are known, like other small pistols to be a little more finicky over a full size pistol.
Have you ever seen a shark attack it's pray? It's not like it just swims up and calmly takes a bite and holds still so you can shoot it in the eye a couple three times.. It violently flails around ripping and tearing at it's pray. You'll be lucky enough to keep your head above water using both hands, much less shot him.
As I said I'm sorry, but yes I do find this whole shooting a shark in the eye with a CM9 scenario just so unrealistic that It makes me laugh. However if you decide that it seems like a good idea then by all means have at it my friend. May I make a suggestion make sure you wear ear protection.:yo:
Oh and Yes I'm very familiar with the Ocean and sharks around a boat. I'm also familiar with the Gulf Of Mexico. Ever wonder why I chose the name Popeye? I'll give you a clue. It's not because I spent four years of my military life in the Air Force.:D
03-23-2013, 09:11 AM
Another take on the question.. Are subcompacts more likely to be able to fire underwater since the barrels are shorter and there is less water for the bullet to have to push out of the barrel?
Another take on the question.. Are subcompacts more likely to be able to fire underwater since the barrels are shorter and there is less water for the bullet to have to push out of the barrel?
Maybe that's what I should have asked.
Sorry. But I've got to be honest I find this whole going fishing and falling in the water with a $350 to $400 Kahr CM9 in salt water just in case of a Shark attack funnier than a Road Runner cartoon.
Now I know we all seen videos of pistols shot under water, and the round maybe went 10',give or take a couple feet. Most of these videos were done in fresh water, and the pistol was put in the water and taken out right after it was fired. These pistols were also full size duty type pistols not small personal SD pistols like the Kahr CM9. Which are known, like other small pistols to be a little more finicky over a full size pistol.
Have you ever seen a shark attack it's pray? It's not like it just swims up and calmly takes a bite and holds still so you can shoot it in the eye a couple three times.. It violently flails around ripping and tearing at it's pray. You'll be lucky enough to keep your head above water using both hands, much less shot him.
As I said I'm sorry, but yes I do find this whole shooting a shark in the eye with a CM9 scenario just so unrealistic that It makes me laugh. However if you decide that it seems like a good idea then by all means have at it my friend. May I make a suggestion make sure you wear ear protection.:yo:
Oh and Yes I'm very familiar with the Ocean and sharks around a boat. I'm also familiar with the Gulf Of Mexico. Ever wonder why I chose the name Popeye? I'll give you a clue. It's not because I spent four years of my military life in the Air Force.:D
I want it to be unrealistic and I don't ever want it to happen but stranger things do - you have to admit. You bring up the price though, do you find me getting a CM9 for that price funny? Do you have a cache of $200 models or are you stuck paying upwards of $500. I don't see what the price has to do with it, it's cheaper than a Glock and it's thinner so I say why not. Would it have sounded better to say I were to fall in with a $2000 Sig X-Five or something like that?
Think about what I'm saying though. Do people fall in the water? Do people fall off boats? I don't recall too many sharks living on land - not the kind that eat your flesh anyways. Remember, I'm not buying it in case of a shark attack, I'm buying it because I can. The shark is just another type of thug in this environment that I will be in and could potentially - however small that potential is - have to deal with. How well does a Kahr do when you're shooting upside down on your back? It's not out of the realm of possibility so give it a shot.
03-24-2013, 12:28 AM
I don't think he was making fun of the price you're talking about paying, he's talking about this thread is revolving around the idea of buying a $350 gun for shark defense. As has been stated by the colonel, things go awry here and I'm sure it has long been forgotten you're wanting a light weight every day carry gun, and the CM9 will be great for that.
As for using ANY handgun as defense against a shark no one here is going to tell you that's a good idea. In order to get a gun to function correctly under water, you have to submerge it, and move it all around to make sure and get all the air out of it. Once you've done that they will function, though not well. The bullets don't have much power, the gun may not properly cycle, etc. On top of that, if your idea is you fall out of the boat and then immediately get attacked by a shark, you probably aren't going to take the careful time to make sure your gun is out of air, etc, before then trying to take careful aim to shoot the shark in the extremely small area that will kill one....while it's thrashing you about, drowning you, and ripping you to pieces. Sorry, it isn't going to happen. It's hard enough to shoot them IN the boat with you, and we always used a 12 gauge or 30-30.
Your best bet is don't fall out of the boat. If you do fall out, get back in the boat. I've been in the water with sharks around and they don't just randomly go crazy biting anything near them. The gulf isn't chalk full of great white's looking to eat people. The smaller tigers and sand sharks don't tend to be as aggressive, and if you aren't shark fishing you won't be chumming and they shouldn't be getting all crazy on you.
If you do fall out of the boat, can't get back in, and happen to get attacked by a shark, if you still have your wits about you punch it directly in the end of the nose or try to gouge out an eyeball. You can also pull a good fixed blade knife and stab it a lot, hoping it bleeds out before you do.
A good way to practice all this would be find a mean pitbull, and have it attack you. You can practice punching it in the nose while it attacks, jabbing it's eyes, and eventually pulling your pistol and shooting it a few times.....once you master it on land, take it to a swimming pool and repeat.
03-24-2013, 07:50 AM
Maybe that's what I should have asked.
or you could of taken a extra minute to think about how far south this thread would go if you actually did ask the question in the OP. :confused:
either way i'm sure you have come to realise that your answer has been given in a suttle way by several members.
03-24-2013, 08:21 AM
Micotu is my kinda guy. He can come up with more senselessness faster than most of the people who post here. Of course we're more than willing to join in the fun and frolic. If you really want to protect yourself from sharks by a Glock and run it over with a truck. Works better 'n a bang stick. :)
03-24-2013, 08:44 AM
I don't think he was making fun of the price you're talking about paying, he's talking about this thread is revolving around the idea of buying a $350 gun for shark defense. As has been stated by the colonel, things go awry here and I'm sure it has long been forgotten you're wanting a light weight every day carry gun, and the CM9 will be great for that.
As for using ANY handgun as defense against a shark no one here is going to tell you that's a good idea. In order to get a gun to function correctly under water, you have to submerge it, and move it all around to make sure and get all the air out of it. Once you've done that they will function, though not well. The bullets don't have much power, the gun may not properly cycle, etc. On top of that, if your idea is you fall out of the boat and then immediately get attacked by a shark, you probably aren't going to take the careful time to make sure your gun is out of air, etc, before then trying to take careful aim to shoot the shark in the extremely small area that will kill one....while it's thrashing you about, drowning you, and ripping you to pieces. Sorry, it isn't going to happen. It's hard enough to shoot them IN the boat with you, and we always used a 12 gauge or 30-30.
Your best bet is don't fall out of the boat. If you do fall out, get back in the boat. I've been in the water with sharks around and they don't just randomly go crazy biting anything near them. The gulf isn't chalk full of great white's looking to eat people. The smaller tigers and sand sharks don't tend to be as aggressive, and if you aren't shark fishing you won't be chumming and they shouldn't be getting all crazy on you.
If you do fall out of the boat, can't get back in, and happen to get attacked by a shark, if you still have your wits about you punch it directly in the end of the nose or try to gouge out an eyeball. You can also pull a good fixed blade knife and stab it a lot, hoping it bleeds out before you do.
A good way to practice all this would be find a mean pitbull, and have it attack you. You can practice punching it in the nose while it attacks, jabbing it's eyes, and eventually pulling your pistol and shooting it a few times.....once you master it on land, take it to a swimming pool and repeat.
is right, stay in the follking boat and u won't have this issue, or at least swim with a buddy that u think is expendable and if a bunch of sharks come around, just stick a knife in his legs so he can't swim as fast as u and his blood trail will prevail and u outta be able to just dog paddle back to the boat totally un molested. Just sayin
semper volgare:Amflag2:
03-24-2013, 11:45 AM
Nass,Apparently you want to hear that shooting a shark underwater is a good idea. You seem to not be able to grasp how rediculous the whole senario is.:rolleyes: As I mentioned buy the Kahr CM9 it's a great pistol I never said anything about the price being to high. It will handle most of your SD situations. I know this because I've been CC a PM9 for about 2-1/2 years. Now let me say this as clearly as I can so there will be no misunderstanding. If you really believe that shooting it underwater at a shark is one of those SD situations instead of a knife, Then go ahead shoot away you have my blessing.
03-24-2013, 11:52 AM
Lets see, 6 pages, 59 post, been to Argentina and back and still circling the drain.
Lets just give this one a burial at sea and start over. No wrong doing on anyone's part cept maybe mine.
It's a brand new day.
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