View Full Version : Awb - doa
03-19-2013, 01:19 PM
Di Fi's assault weapons ban dead.
03-19-2013, 02:20 PM
We can't let our guards down. This will not be the last time this is brought up. It could also get slipped into another bill.
Also watch for what the revised bill has in it. The mags and universal registration, could easily be rammed through without the AWB in it and get more support.
03-19-2013, 02:23 PM
Ever vigilant. That's my motto.
03-19-2013, 02:25 PM
I want to be the first one to say that Muggs said it would never pass. He was right.
03-19-2013, 04:34 PM
Am I the only one noticing that article is 2 months old?
--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--
Longitude Zero
03-19-2013, 05:00 PM
Like killing cockroaches. It is a never ending process.
03-19-2013, 06:08 PM
I heard on the radio on the way home that the Senate did a vote count and couldn't even get 30 votes. They needed 60 to get it through.
It's way too early to pop the champagne cork.
Clearly there was insufficient support to pass an AWB. Any gun control bill that included AWB was doomed. The democrats knew that. However, by dis-aggregating high capacity magazines ban and universal background checks from the comprehensive gun control bill, they now have a much better chance of passing.
The NRA is still our best defense. This would be a good time to renew your membership, or join if you're not a member. There is strength in numbers. Stand up and be counted. Politicians want to be re-elected and the more voters join NRA, the more cautious they'll be to mess with our freedom.
mr surveyor
03-19-2013, 08:44 PM
don't forget... that kind of crap can still show up as an amendment to other bills.
03-19-2013, 11:06 PM
ditto, double ditto. keep your eyes peeled. it'll come back in another form. mag limits, registration, taxation, yadda yadda. it will never be over until they are successful or we divide the country and part ways.
Longitude Zero
03-20-2013, 10:24 AM
Considering how badly the "D's" want to expand their Senate majotrty and take control of the House, in 2014 I am surprised they are pushing hard instead of lying low. If they get control of the House and expand the Senate majority by even one or two votes this country is sunk for good.
03-20-2013, 11:01 AM
never under estimate the top Prick at the top. When this QWB si history and really nuttin gets done is this Pr!c gonna execute executive power and madate things that will ultimatyely be over turned by the supree court, just to show the NRA and gun supporters that he can do what ever he wants to do. Harry Ried did the right thig to, with only 40 votes at best, he knew it was not gonna go anywhere but also he knew that if the vbote was taken it would them label thise that was for it and those who were against it and with elections coming up, I am not sure either side wanted that out there. He also knew it would not make it through the house. I also give alot of kudos to the NRA. They went to work pronto on the politicians who were sway votes. Hell even the NRA suported Reid in his last election, so he was indebetted to them some what. It ain't over until it is over but aybe we are now seeing a light a tthe end of the tunne Now what we don't need is anutter mass type shooting..
03-20-2013, 11:29 AM
like LZ said it never really is over.
We won a battle but not the war. So lets not start slapping backs yet. This ban will get repackaged and tacked onto another piece of legistlation or ?? to get it through.
Like Muggsy says, we have to be on guard all the time.
03-20-2013, 11:35 AM
I say we have a little back slapping. We won this battle and we just don't get enough back slapping time around here.
It'll never be over as long as there's non thinking idiots left in the world and we know there will never be a shortage of those. Already 47% and increasing like rabbits.
Don't toss your tinfoil hats or empty out your bunkers, it ain't over but we're in that quiet peaceful time where everyone sits around and reloads.
Savor it.
03-20-2013, 11:54 AM
This was just one battle... a skirmish... the "War" remains to be lost without constant vigilance.
Those sneaky b@$tards will try to sneak all kinds of crap into other bills to make any gains possible in the "War Against Guns"... those EVIL guns!
Don't forget that GRANDFATHERING is one of their favorite and most successful tactics... letting YOU keep what you have now... until they get back to your stuff and finishing their "job" of eliminating all private firearms!
03-20-2013, 12:08 PM
The war is certainly not over. Colorado's Democrat governor just signed their new law requiring background checks for all firearm sales and no more than 15 rounds.
03-20-2013, 12:29 PM
What Jocko said is my fear as well....If we have another mass shooting before the dust settles on this whole mess we may be in big trouble...I really am not a conspiracy theorist but it seems we have another big shooting with an Assault Rifle that makes the news every 6-8 weeks or so and always at a pivotal time during the gun control talks...
This last kid James Seevakumaran who was planning a mass killing at Central Florida University would have been a very bad one had he gone through with it....He evidently wanted to hurt as many students as possible but chickened out and thank goodness pulled the trigger on himself before any harm was done but my question is why the sudden increase in this kind of mass shooting violence and mostly with the same age group, early 20 something college kids?????
I just don't get it and only hope to God that there isn't something more sinister going on here causing these kids to suddenly nut up and act out in this way....I started thinking about this after Sandy Hook and how messed up the coverage and information was coming out in the days afterward.....I hope I'm wrong but I just don't know anymore....What I do know is that I don't trust the current White House and the administration any further than I can throw the building....It would be so easy for them to be behind this kind of stuff, find a loner kid with no friends and provide the means for them to carry something like this out and add in some special cocktail of exotic behavior modification drugs then disappear and let it all happen....
I truely hope this isn't the case but I'm a cynic and very skeptical of the folks in DC and there have been way too many coincidences in the last year or so to make me comfortable that something isn't up behind the scenes....
03-20-2013, 12:53 PM
I'm not a conspiracy theorist either but I think the government dreamed the whole thing up. Just like Sandy Hook and the others. Way too many discrepancies in all the events to be real and not staged.
Huge- Yes
Evil- With out question
Be afraid, be very afraid.
03-20-2013, 12:57 PM
I find it very odd that these jplanning mental pr!cks do all ths planning, and buying ad sotring of explosives but their chicken sh
!t game plan it so kill themselves in the end. How chicken sh
!t and cowardly can this be>. Just sayin. no doube expense wise and jury wise andlegal wise it is best they blow their heads off to but again they are cowards in the worst way.. I don't trust obummer ine bit, or einstein either. They have protection , , we don't have.. Would have been my one wish that obummer's dad (who ever in the fokk he is)_ would have had on PROTECTION the night he was made.. Just sayin
03-20-2013, 01:00 PM
This was just one battle... a skirmish... the "War" remains to be lost without constant vigilance.
Those sneaky b@$tards will try to sneak all kinds of crap into other bills to make any gains possible in the "War Against Guns"... those EVIL guns!
Don't forget that GRANDFATHERING is one of their favorite and most successful tactics... letting YOU keep what you have now... until they get back to your stuff and finishing their "job" of eliminating all private firearms!
Grandfathering...yep watch for it! +10000
03-20-2013, 01:04 PM
I'm not a conspiracy theorist either but I think the government dreamed the whole thing up. Just like Sandy Hook and the others. Way too many discrepancies in all the events to be real and not staged.
Huge- Yes
Evil- With out question
Be afraid, be very afraid.
A thread pointing out line by line why you feel this way or if you feel do it here. I dont disagree, I just want to get what you know so I might join you in similar thought.
03-20-2013, 01:37 PM
I don't know if I have the capability to do a line by line as it's just a multitude of deceit and unmatching stories.
Ponder for a moment the size of the United States government and all that they control both here and abroad. It's hard to even comprehend how many people are involved from the misguided President all the way down to the elevator inspector in a town that has no elevators.
To put this into perspective in my own admittedly small mind I think of my city. Under 50,000 people and the amount of waste, the information that is provided to the media, the jobs that really don't need to exist, the equipment purchased just because it's budgeted and if they don't buy it the budget won't be as large next year, still with me?
Now step up to County government, all of the stuff I mentioned times probably at least 100. More unneeded and unaccountable jobs, more vehicles, more equipment, more administrators, more deceit from little white lies to out and out bald faced misinformation.
Now step up to State government and again mulitply county by probably 500.
Now go Federal and you have state sized government 61 times? How many states did Obummy say we had now, I forget. In this mix you have FBI, CIA, lots of agencies that don't even have initials, and organizations that most probably don't even know exist, both foreign and abroad. (Jocko, that means like in other countries, not like a woman).
It's mind boggling that it works at all and with the right people at the top IE: not the people we have now, it works very well but look at the opportunities for deceit, and misinformation especially for those who don't care as long as they get their government check and free cell phone. The ones causing problems for the folks running things now are people like you and I who don't want the free ****, don't want the free phone, just want to live a free and honorable life without being told what we can and can't do and not paying taxes to pay an elevator inspector in Iowa with no 2 story buildings.
In spite of this long diatribe I'm really ok, I'm not even wound up today. I'm at peace with myself. A tiny little blob of grease in a huge old machine that truly needs a major overhaul.
03-20-2013, 04:04 PM
Ever vigilant. That's my motto.
My extensive (5 minutes) Google Fu tells me your motto is "Semper Vigilare" in Latin. If you shorten that in the USMC style, you get "Semper Vig". Unfortunately, that sounds more like the motto of Guido the loanshark. :D
Funny how things work out sometimes.
03-20-2013, 04:08 PM
Using that logic, Jocko's Latin Motto is Semper Sordidi (Always Vulgar)
03-20-2013, 04:20 PM
My Daddie used to say "the weasel never stops trying to get into the hen house" actually it was about navy men and hore houses....
03-20-2013, 04:35 PM
You are right. These clowns are not going to stop until we get them out of office. Or will we. I have kind of lost faith in the American people's ability to see through the smoke and mirrors. "Come here little girl. Wanna cookie?" By all means join the NRA. I have put it off for years. This whole thing inspired me to join.
03-20-2013, 05:29 PM
well it is evident ur not one of the 47%er either..
03-20-2013, 07:18 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that the only thing that will pass in both houses and will be signed into law is heavier penalties for straw purchases. I also think that we'll see mental health reforms and federal funding for armed guards in schools. Nothing else will fix the problem and no one in congress wants to jeopardize their reelection chances. I don't even see universal background checks passing, because the Department of Justice is on record as saying that it won't work unless we have universal gun registration and that just won't fly. At least, that's how I see it.
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