View Full Version : Ruger Bearcat back from repair

03-19-2013, 07:49 PM
I'll snag a picture or two later.... but, very please with Ruger's service of the defective revolver they manufactured.

The good - they replaced the transfer bar, which is a weird twisted bit of metal on a Bearcat. Not like the transfer bar on a Blackhawk/Single-Six or any of the DA revolver transfer bars at all. Apparently it takes a bit of fitting, because its a factory only part, whereas the other single action are drop in, and not factory only. Also replaced the cylinder pawl, spring and retainer, and the cylinder latch spring.

The very good - and, they performed some sort of factory magic micro polish job to the action. I wish I had the defective transfer bar... I'd stick it in the other Bearcat and send it back, just to get an action job like this. Before, the Bearcat was typical Ruger-gritty. They wear in, and it takes a good deal of time and shooting to slick them up. This one came back totally slicked up in feel. I cant see what or where they did it, but its one very glass smooth action to cock and fire. You can't feel the the trigger move, even though it has the generous Ruger engagement. You just put pressure on it, hold the pressure on it, it breaks and the hammer comes down. Like its made of icicles.

The bad - I'd gotten the gun to about 85% full polish, and Ruger restored the factory brushed finish on the frame (but not the cylinder). It has a sort of two tone effect. I'll just buff it back out, no problem. They probably thought they were being helpful.

Also fixed - besides the snagging transfer bar - was the loose ejector rod housing. They said they made the barrel hole "to spec", which to me was they deepened the hole so the screw would fit and hold the housing tight. Whatever, its tight.

So, well pleased in Ruger's service. Kudo's to them.

(of the pair, before I polished one of 'em)

03-19-2013, 08:11 PM
Those Bearcats are neat little single actions. Wouldn't mind having one in my collection.

The first handgun I bought new was this Single Six in 1959. Still have it, and it's as solid & tight as ever after thousands of round over the past half century:


mr surveyor
03-19-2013, 08:54 PM
that's still a nice pair, even if they aren't identical twins now.

I've been hoping to run across an older, well patina'd Bearcat (obviously in perfect shooting condition) for a long time. I'm not shopping, but some magic day.....

03-20-2013, 05:47 AM
Very nice looking set of pistols!

03-20-2013, 03:42 PM
So Shiny!!!...Glad they got it fixed up for you there CJB......A Bearcat just like yours was the first handgun I bought when my kids got old enough to teach how to shoot safely....Never had any problems with it at all and it's pretty accurate for having just a blade sight....Did I understand you to say that Ruger has discontinued the Bearcat .22 SA???...Not sure why they would do that unless they don't sell many but to me it's the perfect little rim fire for fun plinking or to carry on a hiking trip...Glad I picked one up when I did...

03-20-2013, 04:55 PM
didn't the original bear cats have a brass trigger guard lower??? Seemed I remember them that way and they seemed smaller than the cjb's pictured,coure photos can be deceiving.

Just ask D. einstein or Pegosie, they will both tell yo that they are uch uglier than what the photos show. Just sayin

03-20-2013, 04:58 PM
My aunt has a very early Bearcat as you describe. It's blued with a brass trigger guard. The size looks close but like you say from a picture it's hard to tell for sure. I saw it recently and it's still mint condition. So far she won't part with it, it's a great gun for her to practice and plink with. I don't blame her a bit for not wanting to let me get my grubby hands on it.

I don't ever recall seeing a stainless Bearcat in the early versions but that of course don't mean they didn't exist, I just never saw one.

03-20-2013, 05:15 PM
not to my knowledge either. they were never good sellers to be honest. cute but that was about it. They worked fine though,but again most we eversold were shot very seldom.they were bery small IMO compared to the Ruger single six's.

do any of u jerksrememberwhatthebearcatsoldfor??? drum roll pleaSE.

EARLY 60'S 49.95, THEN even later on they droped the rpcie to $39.95.the first models like allRuger SA guns had no transfer bar either. I might be off a tadhere but I think thesuper bear cats were with the transfer bar..:Amflag2:

03-20-2013, 06:33 PM
I was told by someone I cant mention, that there were no current production orders in house, or pending, for the Bearcat. That is to say - no jobbers are asking for them. If that state of affairs continues, then Ruger might well say "its out of production". They tend not to say "discontinued" unless the product is superceded.

Original Bearcats had a gold anodized aluminum guard, not brass. Ever wonder why they're still bright gold color? Yup, they don't tarnish!

I've yet to shoot either... will get a pic of the shiny one tonite tho... its almost full polish bright.