View Full Version : early K9 front sight (pics)

03-19-2013, 11:13 PM
ok; here we go...as requested;
Kahrasaurous K9 Jan 1995

For educational purposes only;
see pics below.

Front sight appears to be pinned to slide IN a dovetail groove. Spring holds front sight UP, into dovetail. Pressure placed down on top of sight causes sight to go to bottom of dovetail slot. Pin through slide does not move with pressure applied downward compressing spring as sight bottoms out in dovetail.
Seems; pin was placed through slide & spring (topside) into sight. Seems like a "smith" with a cutting tool may be the only way to remove/replace...won't! happen, just fine for intended purpose, although experimenting with glow in the dark paint! I'll be back!

Notice the "light" between slide and sight in pic #1..spring relaxed.

That's it for now; might get all this text bumped off before posting it?


03-20-2013, 06:00 AM
wow that is certainly different and unique. Seems like kahr went to alot of trouble for the front sight. In ur opinion would that dovetail accept our modern front sights today.. Probalby best toleave it just like it is also.

03-20-2013, 09:54 AM
I thought that they were all pressed in; not so........even the rear sight on this gem is only held in by a set screw.
According to my research; there are/were a coupla different dovetail inlettings used old/new. I can only assume that this would be the original "old" angle. Would like to believe that it would accept the old style replacement offerings anyway.

Of course we all know about "assuming" anything! :+)


03-20-2013, 06:01 PM