View Full Version : Robar finish for PPKS?

03-20-2013, 05:23 PM
I recently bought an Interarms ppk/s that has some carry wear on the slide. I am a little picky about my guns and i would like to get it refinished. I didnt want to go with a new smith and wesson model because i havnt heard to many good things about them.

Has anyone sent a pistol to Robar before? How did it turn out? Im not looki g for anything fancy but i want it to basically look like it is back to new. How about their pricing?

03-20-2013, 05:28 PM
they say their work is absolutely excellent.

03-20-2013, 06:57 PM
I've been considering both Robar and CCR Refinishing (http://www.ccrrefinishing.com/) as options to refinish a pistol. Have not tried either yet, been too busy buying guns to refinish guns. But CCR has two options and one is a bit cheaper than Robar and for the average gun owner probably just fine. They have the cheaper finish called cerahide and then one called ceraplate that seems to offer similar qualities to Robar's NP3 (self lubricating, corrosion resistance, etc). So, no direct experience w/ either yet, but just thought I'd toss out another option that might be a bit cheaper than Robar w/ similar quality and specs.

I was considering cerahide due to the price.

03-20-2013, 08:20 PM
Chrish- thanks for the tip i will check that out. I hear you on being too busy buying guns to refinish guns... I have that exact same problem! Lol

03-20-2013, 10:01 PM
Yea, I've been ITCHIN' to make my TP9 all black. I want to do the CCR CeraHide in matte black. But giving it up for weeks and putting that money out there vs toward another gun has been hard. Still haven't done it. But it's coming sooner or later.

03-20-2013, 10:45 PM
Ive almost been thinking about just blueing the ppks slide and make it two tone. Not sure though. Might look a bit weird

03-20-2013, 11:26 PM
I dunno, that reverse two-tone looks is pretty slick on a lot of stuff. With black grips (which I assume your PPKS has) maybe a bit odd, but w/ wood grips, black slide stainless frame is a pretty bad looking combo. Try some photoshop first.

I don't know about ceraplate, would have to look. But cerahide DOES come in different colors, so you can stay stainless, or go black.

The house black cerahide MIGHT look better on the PPKS than matte. Yes, I definitely think so...if you decide to go w/ that reversed two-tone look. A PPK shouldn't look dulled down. Most folks seem to do the house black anyway, not many picts out there of the matte black.

03-20-2013, 11:33 PM
This...looks bad assery!


Check out the one from searcher451, two toned (frame darker), wood grips (or maybe G10, hard to say). One good looking PPK.