View Full Version : First time at the range; 157 rounds

03-22-2013, 04:33 PM
Ahhhh, the smell of gunpowder. How I missed that, not having fired ANY of my firearms in over 6 years. And the CW9 that I purchased mid-January hadn't been fired until today.

42 rounds of 115gr Speer Lawman TMJ
100 rounds 115 gr PPU FMJ
7 rounds of 124gr Remington Golden Saber JHP
8 rounds of 135gr Hornady Critical Duty JHP

Flawless, except I can't hit the broad side of a barn. I guess I need to work on my grip and stance. About 80% we're pulling left and of those, a little more than half were low.

This was at a retention pit that people go to in the area and it was littered with shotgun shells, old targets and other crap. 2 cops pulled up and I stopped and they told me I was ok but since it's illegal and a no trespassing area, they'll have to come back and chase me off IF they get a disturbance call. Darn cool of them...

And the follow-up cleaning went fine, too. :)

03-22-2013, 04:35 PM
and I wold bet ur a right hand shooter to. which your groupsa are so typcal of a right hand shooter with kahrs looooong trigger system..It will get better the more rounds u shoot to but kahrs trigger is not a target trigger, so accept somethings as just the way it is. noce report thoughl..

03-22-2013, 04:38 PM
Great! No problems... you'll get used to that smooth trigger. Shooting at stuff on the ground doesn't give you a good idea of how low or high you're hitting. I sure get tired of shooting at paper targets, but don't want to drive 40 miles or so.


03-22-2013, 05:04 PM
Yep, I'm a righty and I know that my trigger finger was the likely culprit. But I was mainly out just to see what she'd happily eat. Heck, I was just happy to get 6 out of 8 on the paper at 20 yards. I did better at 15 yards after swallowing my pride... or was that 10???:o

03-22-2013, 05:10 PM
yup no problem, u will get better. Kahrs trigger system is just so smooth and loooong by design that it takesw awhile but reliability has to be #1 and the the accuracy part will come in time. My opinion, is these kahrs are defense guns. TRAIN THAT WAY.

03-22-2013, 05:12 PM
one thing that helped me with cw9 on the grip was placing index finger of my off hand in front of the trigger guard. I have large hands and helped with my groups, my biggest problem being new to pistols is shooting with my bifocals. I am farsighted, so this was biggest obstacle to over come with short sight radius. price of ammo and range time it about 3 trips and 100 rounds each time to perfect my grip, may not work for you. Bob Munden shot with off hand like I said and he was unbelievable.

03-22-2013, 05:47 PM
I was the same way anticipating the recoil and all, low and left a lot. this is my 1st pistol as well. After like 300 rounds it all started to click. In addition to that, I mostly point shoot now. The long trigger system is not an issue when you are practicing as if you need to squeeze off rounds with a BG coming at you. It's really fun to see my accuracy is actually good without even aiming. Enjoy and keep at it. Hopefully you can find the ammo to keep firing away. I'm running out! Yikes....

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03-22-2013, 05:49 PM
Oh yeah and dry fire the heck out of it... especially while watching tv or something. Get used to that trigger

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03-22-2013, 05:50 PM
Nuke, for what's if worth (and I'm not an instructor...) my best groups happen when I just let my trigger finger pull smoothly at a constant speed and disassociate the trigger pull from expecting the pistol to fire. I started out at 1 second for the pull and now have it at about 1/2 second.

With the smooth, constant speed pull removing anticipated flinching and being now second nature, all I have to do is concentrate on keeping the sights on target. Groups at 7 yds are normally less than 4", good enough for personal protection. I haven't shot seriously in over 35 years since getting our Kahrs this winter.

(Were/are you a Navy nuke?)


03-22-2013, 06:39 PM

(Were/are you a Navy nuke?)


Not navy; commercial nuclear power. But I worked with quite a few ex-navy nukes early in my career.

As far as my groupings (which I was only mildly worried about), toward the last 24 or so rounds (I was shooting mostly 8 round mags) I was doing more point-and-shoot and noticed a bit of an improvement.

I've been finding FMJ for in the 40 to 60 cents/round but was hesitant to buy in bulk, not knowing what this CW9 liked/disliked. I have about 600 rounds of JHP which is fine now that I know she'll feed them fine. But I'll bulk buy some more range ammo. I was happy the gun had no issue with the PPU. I was a little concerned but all was well.

deputy tom
03-26-2013, 03:47 PM
nuke, great report. I always start out at the 7~10 yard range and once happy move out a little further. Good luck with your new pistol. tom.:cool:

03-27-2013, 06:26 AM
Great to hear! Must be nice to have that much ammo!

03-28-2013, 07:13 PM
... Must be nice to have that much ammo!

I'm finding a lot that comes available online but it sells out fast (my alert went off for one deal and I went to the site where it showed 47 boxes of 50 rds available. By the time I filled out the order form they were out of stock). I've been finding Remington and Blazer FMJ for the range anywhere from 27 cents/rd on up. It's out there. I've had orders delivered almost every 3rd day for the past 2-3 weeks. JHP's have been in the 40-60 cents/rd range.