View Full Version : Mossberg or Remington?

03-22-2013, 06:32 PM
I am hoping to add the first shotgun (12ga) to my collection soon and have narrowed it down to the two most popular: Remington 870 or Mossberg 500 (or 590). The indented use is home defense. A rifled barrel not a requirement as I plan on loading bird or buck shot. I want an 18 inch barrel and plan on adding the ATI tactical 6 pos stock, pistol grip and forend. Any advice on which one or positives/negatives of each are appreciated. Thanks.

03-22-2013, 06:46 PM
I'd go with the 870. The police and military use it

03-22-2013, 06:58 PM
I'm partial to 870's, but either will work. I've had two Mossberg 500s over the years...sold them both. Partially a manual of arms thing as my 870's ain't goin' nowhere.

03-22-2013, 07:08 PM
I've got a Mossberg 500 and Rem 870 20 gauge. I like them both, but if I had to sell one, it would be the Rem. Not because of it being a 20 gauge but because something in it bites my finger when I load it.

03-22-2013, 07:22 PM
Ford or Chevy? One could make an argument for either. The 870 and 500 are both good choices with well established track records. You can't make a bad choice, if these are your options.

I own both. I like both. I prefer the location of the safety on the Mossy, but that's not a big deal.

In my opinion, the older guns were better quality than the new. If I were you, I would buy an old Mossberg. It doesn't matter what condition the stock is in if you're going to replace it with a tactical outfit. New, 500s are selling around $300. Used models are abundant in the $150 range. Even if the used gun doesn't come with the short barrel you want, you could buy a new 18.5" barrel and still have less invested than a new gun. (Note that it is legal to cut a barrel, as long as the finish length is no shorter than 18" from breech face to muzzle.)

If you decide to buy new, pay attention to the choke. The last time I looked, the Mossberg came with multiple choke tubes, but the 870 only came with a single choke.

03-22-2013, 07:34 PM
I like the controls on the Mossberg better. It's what I'm used to.

I also question anything law enforcement and the military do, probably because LE seems to feel obligated to follow suit of the military, weather it's right or wrong.

I'd also look at the Blackhawk stock, can't remember the name of it, I don't have one but Melissa and a couple others do and it gets pretty good reviews.

03-22-2013, 07:45 PM
Knoxx Spec Ops...you can get them with recoil reduction or without.


mr surveyor
03-22-2013, 08:28 PM
ditto on what Bawanna said about the controls. I'm very partial to the tang safety on the 500. I absolutely hate cross bolt safeties.

03-22-2013, 08:36 PM
Only down side of the thumb safety is they don't work great with a pistol grip which I keep forgetting. On those the cross bolt is better but I too don't like cross bolt safeties at all.

When I get my Knox stock I'll deal with it I reckon.

03-22-2013, 08:36 PM
The only 12 gauge I've ever owned is a Mossy 500 pump gun.
Never wanted or needed anything else...

03-22-2013, 08:49 PM
Either one would suit you well. The 870 might have more accessories available, the either has everything you need accessory wise. I don't mind the safety on the 870. never seemed to matter much if it was on the tang or crossbolt.
I got a good deal on an 870 20 guage youth model at a gun show, and it stays close to my bedside. It's small enough to manuever around the house with, without buying a folding stock or anything anything else for it. My son used it quite a bit when he was younger. I have and open cylinder choke in it right now, and is loaded with 3" shells with #2 steei shot in it.

03-22-2013, 09:23 PM
Well for home defense, you may want to think about a 20 guage....
I have a Mossberg "510 mini" 20 guage which I think is pretty slick. Very lightand handles well with light kick.
I also have an 870 12 guage, but the 510 is better for the job.

03-22-2013, 09:37 PM
Only down side of the thumb safety is they don't work great with a pistol grip which I keep forgetting. On those the cross bolt is better but I too don't like cross bolt safeties at all.

When I get my Knox stock I'll deal with it I reckon.

I actually prefer the thumb safety as well... 'cept that I feel better about cross bolt if using the safety at all. Plus I've been doing 870s forever and that's the platform my two custom defense shotguns are built on. Again, it's also a common manual of arms thing for me.

03-22-2013, 09:40 PM
Lots of great input. Locally the 500 seems to be $100 or more cheaper than the 870. Seems that is the case online as well. The price difference should pay for the upgrades. I think I have made my choice. Now I have to check out that Knox tactical setup and compare to ati. Thanks all for the input.

03-22-2013, 10:02 PM
As has been stated, either is a great choice.

My advice, though, is buy on older model of whichever you choose. Both have cut corners in recent years and are not the same as their namesakes deserve.

03-22-2013, 10:13 PM
I am partial to the 870 as I have seen them take a tremendous beating on the catwalks at the prison I used to work at. Bawanna brought up a very good point about the tang safety and the pistol grip stocks. Both are very good shotguns with a ton of options for either.

03-22-2013, 10:15 PM
Before you buy, just check out the IAC hawk http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/GUN-981 I have an old 1964 870 LE wingmaster, and purchased the IAC after reeding all the good reviews. It is an 870 clone and it is every bit as sturdy and wll built as the 870, and takes 870 accessories. I don't have a pic but I got the gun, knox recoil reducing stock, and verticle foregrip with laser and light for the cost of a stock 870. I couldn't be happier with the gun.

03-22-2013, 10:45 PM
My 2 cents.
I have a rem 870. Never a hiccup never a problem. I put a speed safety on mine. I like it a lot. Just finished a combat gun class which had some shotgun work in it. I was just thinking what a workhorse that 870 is.

03-22-2013, 10:53 PM

03-23-2013, 08:06 AM
Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun! Who do I sound like? :)

03-23-2013, 08:20 AM
8015. This is like a pm where the mossy is the CM

03-23-2013, 09:20 AM
I prefer the Mossberg. I like having the safety on the top where it's in plain site. Just my preference. For HD I also like the 20 Ga with #3 buck.
I've had this Mossberg Cruiser protecting my home and family 24/7/365 for almost 16 years. I shoot it about every 6 months or so to recycle the ammo that's in it. It has never failed to fire chamber or eject a round. The LED light on the end of the barrel is a light/laser combo that has a pressure switch on it. It's enough to temporarily blind a person it the dark. That thing is beyond bright. It doesn't take a lot of aiming when woken out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night. It very easy to see where the round is going to go between the bright white light and the red laser dot should I decide to pull the trigger. There's just something about 20 .25dia .053 oz pellets coming out of the end of the barrel at about 1100 fps that really appeals to me.

03-23-2013, 10:35 AM
Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun! Who do I sound like? :)


03-23-2013, 10:46 AM
I have have had both - the 870 is the one I have left. The safety is poorly located compared to the Mossberg for me as mentioned. I would try to find an 80's version of either shotgun. The later Mossberg's used plastic in trigger group and the part failed - not sure if they still do or not. I have a Winchester 1897 trench shotgun for my indoors protection - http://www.winchestercollector.org/guns/1897shot.shtml - I like the hammer, bayonet lug, barrel shroud and the fact if you hold the trigger back it will fire as fast as you can pump.

mr surveyor
03-23-2013, 11:05 AM
..... I have an old 1964 870 LE wingmaster.....

now, THAT is a real 870 worth having!

Personally, I don't care for pistol grips on a shotgun so the tang safety just "fits" me better. For that matter, I really don't see much need in hanging a bunch of stuff all over the gun either, whether it's a HD gun, SD gun or hunting gun. I figure if you can pop a 30 mph dove outa the air at 30-40 yards with the gun, box stock, you can hit a boogie man sized target. But, my guns are all "multi-purpose" in some way or another. Actually, after many years of bird hunting and trying several thousand dollars worth of bird guns, I've found my favorite in an inexpensive Mossberg 500 Bantam 20 ga. Shorter LOP, which makes it quite fast to the shoulder, and even with a bit longer barrel the OAL is very close to standard 870 or 500 tactical guns. Never thought I'd pick a 20 over a 12 in anything, but that little shotty along with an old Marlin 336 .30-30, and a simple .357 SP101 have become my "old man" picks.

Instead of playing Barbie with my guns and dressing them up, I've tended to trade and swap until I find what fits ... then customize them with honest bumps, bruises and scratches and try my best to wear them out.

That's just my M.O., but then again I'll be 60 in another few short months which makes me almost as old as Jocko was back when he was 60. :D


03-23-2013, 11:50 AM
now, THAT is a real 870 worth having!

Personally, I don't care for pistol grips on a shotgun so the tang safety just "fits" me better. For that matter, I really don't see much need in hanging a bunch of stuff all over the gun either, whether it's a HD gun, SD gun or hunting gun. I figure if you can pop a 30 mph dove outa the air at 30-40 yards with the gun, box stock, you can hit a boogie man sized target. But, my guns are all "multi-purpose" in some way or another. Actually, after many years of bird hunting and trying several thousand dollars worth of bird guns, I've found my favorite in an inexpensive Mossberg 500 Bantam 20 ga. Shorter LOP, which makes it quite fast to the shoulder, and even with a bit longer barrel the OAL is very close to standard 870 or 500 tactical guns. Never thought I'd pick a 20 over a 12 in anything, but that little shotty along with an old Marlin 336 .30-30, and a simple .357 SP101 have become my "old man" picks.

Instead of playing Barbie with my guns and dressing them up, I've tended to trade and swap until I find what fits ... then customize them with honest bumps, bruises and scratches and try my best to wear them out.

That's just my M.O., but then again I'll be 60 in another few short months which makes me almost as old as Jocko was back when he was 60. :D


This is me nearly to a T as well. I don't know how many officers have brought me shotguns and a box of Barbie accessories to install. Usually after one range trip they want most of it taken off. Same thing with AR's too. Everything but the kitchen sink hanging on the gun, makes em tough to clean, 3 times heavier than they need to be and just a general pain.

Salty. I LOVE 97's. I don't have one but I've shot a ton of them and like an idiot I gave a really nice one to an officer who was a 97 fan.

Surv, I'll be 60 in a few long months too, think we're twins?

03-23-2013, 12:06 PM
I'm used to the crossbolt safety, asi it's what I grew up with on my shotguns, the tang safety always seemed out of place, until I got my O/U Now I am fine with either one.
I like the crossbolt safety, as that gives the trigger finger a conveniet index to keep it on, and with one quick motion you can turn off the safety and move your finger to trigger. But that's just what I am used too. You will get used to the Mossberg tang safety, as I did when I was using a 9200 semi auto Mossberg. That's an inexpensive semi if you are looking for a semi.

03-23-2013, 05:06 PM
I see a lot of guys liking 20 gauge guns over 12 gauge for HD. What's the appeal? Less recoil?

03-23-2013, 05:22 PM
Easier clean up and smaller wall repairs.

03-23-2013, 05:53 PM
Easier clean up of what, bad guys?

03-23-2013, 05:54 PM
Easier clean up of what, bad guys?


03-23-2013, 06:29 PM
Tissue and brain matter

03-23-2013, 07:08 PM
yep...but I ain't putting more $$ for another/more shotguns and ammo. Rather pay more for the occasional more extensive drywall repair and spatter clean-up. Usually cheaper in the log run.

03-23-2013, 08:00 PM
20 has about 1/2 or 2/3 the recoil of the 12 and hits about 2/3 as hard. Good trade off for a lot of folks.

03-23-2013, 08:20 PM
I am considering a 20 guage tactical semi-auto shotgun. Something like this Weatherby. (Click it to see details.)

http://www.weatherby.com/_images/products/shotguns/semiauto_tr/profile/large/sa_459_tr.jpg (http://www.weatherby.com/product/shotguns/semiauto_tr/sa459_tr)

I want the reduced recoil. (This gun has a ported barrel, too.) And I want a gun that is ready to fire when I pull the trigger, not after racking a pump. Mossberg and a couple of other manufacturers make similar guns.

03-23-2013, 08:27 PM
Tissue and brain matter

no brain matter in Bad Guys. Just sayin:Amflag2:

03-24-2013, 12:44 AM
Initially I was leaning towards the 500, but I have learned some of the models don't have removable forends. That plus adding a pistol grip makes the safety difficult to reach has me thinking the 870 may serve my purpose better. If I were leaving it stock I think I would choose the 500, but for a tactical build the 870 seems like the way to go.

03-24-2013, 08:12 AM
A good old double can be very intimidating and effective...

No click-clack of the rack, but tell me if the picture below does not say "get out of my house NOW!!" louder then I can yell it?

And it's K.I.S.S.

03-24-2013, 08:53 AM
On the 12 vs. 20 debate here...

in 12gauge, a 1oz load of shot = 437.5 grains. Assuming you shoot it at 1100fps (a common birdshot loading) you see a yeild of 1175.4 ftlbs of energy on the target.

In 20gauge, a 7/8th oz load of shot = 382.813 grains. Assuming again 1100fps (another common birdshot load) you see a yeild of 1028.4 ftlbs of energy on the target.

At an inside-the-house-like 5yds (15ft-ish) range, with an improved cyl choke, the spread of shot from either would be less than a 9in paper plate (tested by me one day last year).

For the express purpose of short range SD home defence, the 20 does not give up much to the 12 in effectiveness. If you move the range out from say 7yds to 25yrd, well then you have alot of difference. So the question becomes "what is the max range I expect to need my shotgun for in my home's defence? The police tend to use their shotties in a more offense oriented way (they have to charge into the fight) and so they use the 12gauge exclusively. In my mind, my SD shotgun is to keep the BG out and away. 10yrds is my number for my house and my property.
Of course everthing about range changes going to slugs...
What do I keep? A 12gauge skeet gun, but thats more a product of having it, being uber-comfortable shooting it and having over 2500 rounds of shells for it very handy.

Look out Zombie hordes...:rolleyes:

03-24-2013, 09:02 AM
Also think either brand makes a great gun. I like Mossy and DO NOT like pistol grip at all. I have a breacher barrel on mine (probably useless) and AFG2 with hand break added. I prefer a full stock too. The handbreak and AFG really work for me. If you buy the Knoxx, make sure you get the one with recoil reduction, because they make one without. A lot of people replace the safety on the Mossy, because they do feel cheap. Make sure you pump with gusto!

03-24-2013, 09:02 AM
Initially I was leaning towards the 500, but I have learned some of the models don't have removable forends. That plus adding a pistol grip makes the safety difficult to reach has me thinking the 870 may serve my purpose better. If I were leaving it stock I think I would choose the 500, but for a tactical build the 870 seems like the way to go.

y gun dealin days the ossert was considered the poor mans gun. We didn't seall alof of them either but those little bastards worked perfect. Inever heard a complaint ever from them.

Today just not to sure of the above. Mossberg has come a very very long way with their shotguns, they make super tacxtical shotgun, even our Military has some of them. again the bastards work when asked to do so. It seems to me that Mossberg offers more in the tactical versions than Remington does. I would not hesitate ina second in buying aMossberg..:Amflag2: