View Full Version : Ammo cost and scarcity

03-23-2013, 12:10 PM
Anyone know when ammo is going to rebound? I don't know why they are not making more. I absolutely refuse to pay the prices I see online. No gun shop has ANYTHING. Is there a sign of us seeing more ammo and cheaper prices in the near future?

03-23-2013, 12:32 PM
Not soon soon. I think muggsy said a contact of his in the industry said we are looking at 18+ months before things MAYBE return to normal. There have been a number of articles around about it, all the manufacturers seem to be running full tilt trying to produce stuff. They just can't keep up w/ demand w/in a reasonably soon time period.

03-23-2013, 12:37 PM
I have found availability to be up but most of the deals and choices are on-line. I won't consider anything over $1/round and I've picked up a good bit of Hornady Critical Duty JHP's, Remington Golden Saber JHP and Speer Gold Dot JHP's in the range of 75-82 cents/round and Speer Lawman FMJ's and some off brand TMJ's for 40-60 cents/round. I think we can kiss the days of "inexpensive ammo" goodbye.

This site works well for me and if you log in you can set up a flag for a price you like and it'll alert you with an audible when it updates with anything new.

03-23-2013, 12:45 PM
No flames from Wally World haters please... I have found that being friendly with your local Walmart sporting goods people can sometimes bring good results. I call our local store in the evening and ask what is on the truck and slated to be on the shelf the next morning - they have been more than happy to tell me. Then, if what I want is going to be available, I make sure that I'm at the store by 7:30. Last week my bride and I each scored 3 boxes of Winchester white box (100's) for $24 and change each. I prefer Lawman rounds but these will allow me to visit the range without using up my stash. We also were able to obtain 400 rounds of 45 ACP for a friend at Fred Meyer. YMMV but I've found the local big box stores to be cheaper than online during this crazy time. Since many customers come in with an attitude, they respond nicely to someone who shows understanding and respect. Of course, that's what most on this forum would do anyways. :cool:

03-23-2013, 01:44 PM
The hardest to find for me is .22 lr

03-23-2013, 01:57 PM
The hardest to find for me is .22 lr

I've got over 5,000 of 22lr, if I could just get some decent price .223/5.56 I'd be happy. 85 cents per is absolutely retarded. Shooting .22 only gets old

Matthew L.
03-23-2013, 02:10 PM
What I have bought recently for the most part has been from private sellers. I don't pay sky high prices. Some people will actually sell it at a good price. I do check the local Walmart from time to time and get lucky occasionally. Luckily I was stocked up heavily on 9mm before this ammo scare hit. I don't see things getting any better this year.

03-23-2013, 02:26 PM
I remember a 20 or 30 gal. Drum full of .556 ammo at my lgs. You could get a full scoop for so much $ or buy a whole drum. I forget the prices but it would be nice to have one of those kegs!

03-23-2013, 03:06 PM
I think what southsound is doing is the best route right now.

You need to know the truck schedules for local stores (big box and local). Then be there when they open. It's hard, but right now, that's about the only way to get anything at a reasonable price. I'm making morning runs on the way to work at Walmart and Sportmans Liquidators. My father does the same on the other side of town at Gander and Sportsmans Warehouse.

Doing it that way, you can score stuff on occasion and so far its been enough to keep us in ammo during this nutso period. I've still got my range stash that I had built up prior to last fall and I've been able to get enough to shoot thru the winter so as not to dip into the 'stash'. Not sure if that'll hold when the weather gets warmer and I want to go more, may find myself fishing or buying a crossbow or air rifle.

I also don't plan on paying premium prices to folks that are doing this for double/triple profit right now. I'm not going to complain about capitalism, long live the republic...but capitalism and supply and demand is a two way street and my personal choice is NOT to engage in it as long as I can keep my head above water w/ the current methods. If I were totally out, you bet I'd pay it right now, not gonna be w/o ammo. But it'd just be SD rounds and I'd end my range visits for the time being.

03-23-2013, 03:32 PM
I talked to my neighbor's best friends, cousin's, father and he said he had no idea whatsoever!:D

03-23-2013, 04:04 PM
I've heard gander mtn gets a truck every Friday and people start lining up at 7 am to get first dibs. I'm not that desperate yet.

03-23-2013, 08:04 PM
Our local Bass Pro (it is the HQ, Springfield MO so that MIGHT help) has been getting all calibers of ammo in. .22, 9mm, .223, etc. You get there when they open, and it's gone within the hour. The prices aren't bad (I bought a brick of federal 22 - 525 rounds - for $23). The local Academy sports has also been getting in ammo. Same deal, they have a line when they open and sell out, but at least they have it. The local Walmarts have been stocking ARs (Colt, Bushmaster, S&W) too. Things are getting better as far as stuff showing up, but people still strip the shelf bare.

03-24-2013, 01:10 AM
From my understanding they are making it as fast as they can. From what I have heard if you want ammo you pretty much gotta be there and in line an hour or so before it hits the shelf and hope to be lucky enough to be close enough to the front of the line that what you want aint already gone by the time it is your turn.

03-24-2013, 05:19 AM
I have not joined the lemmings. In my town, groups of retirees have a route to find out which stores have ammo and clean them out.

At my range I might post a sign that says, "gone fishing."
Obama is not creating the shortage , ammo hoarders are doing it. They are the most effective agents of gun control.

03-24-2013, 06:37 AM
I think another reason for the shortage is new gun sales. We all know about record sales of firearms, and when you get a new gun the first thing you want to do is take it to the range!

Matthew L.
03-24-2013, 09:36 AM
I also believe the government has a little something to do with the ammo scarcity.

03-24-2013, 10:11 AM
I bought 45 acp from local Walmart yesterday for $20 a box of 50, Federal brand.

Longitude Zero
03-24-2013, 10:14 AM
For me the availability is low, you need to be there at the store opening. Prices have gone up very slightly. Now when it comes to guns forget it. They are gone within an hour of arrival. Even then very little is arriving.

Zippo Guy
03-24-2013, 10:19 AM
Our local Walmart seems to have a steady supply coming in. If you call in the morning they will tell you what calibers and how many boxes of each are coming in over night. I have been buying .22 Winchester 100 rounds for $6.47; 9mm Federal 100 rounds for $21.47 and 9mm WWB for $23.77 per box; .223 50 round boxes of WWB are $25.47; 100 round WWB .45 is $34.77, etc. You do need to be there before 7:00 now as a lot of out-of-towners are now showing up. The ladies are friendly and seem to enjoy the early morning company.

03-24-2013, 11:06 AM
I was looking at CTD and they had 22lr for 149.00 a brick and 9mm for 59.00! Are they kidding? Guess I will have to buy a bb gun!

03-24-2013, 03:42 PM
I bought .22LR for $22 for a federal 525 round box at bass pro last week. not too bad for bass pro.

Got 2 - 100 round boxes of .45 ACP for $40.xx each at Walmart yesterday since I've been shooting that lately. You just have to be at the good places when they have it.

No 9mm anywhere.

03-24-2013, 03:48 PM
Got 2 - 100 round boxes of .45 ACP for $40.xx each at Walmart yesterday since I've been shooting that lately. You just have to be at the good places when they have it.

Ditto. My Walmart had .45 WWB too. Earlier in the week, they had .40. Things appear to be loosening up a little.

03-24-2013, 06:26 PM
I was looking at CTD and they had 22lr for 149.00 a brick and 9mm for 59.00! Are they kidding? Guess I will have to buy a bb gun!

CTD gouging....what a surprise. :cool:

Hope everyone remembers this. I stopped doing business with them years ago.

Longitude Zero
03-24-2013, 06:40 PM
Everything and everybody that has anything to do with CTD can burn in hell far all I care. The profiteered when they should not. SCREW'EM!!!

03-24-2013, 06:59 PM
I went to two Walmarts today and ONE had two boxes of .45 Colt. It was after 5PM so kind of late. It's like fishing, I didn't get up with the fishes to try to catch them... with predictable results, but I did like to cruise around in my boat.


Longitude Zero
03-25-2013, 08:46 AM
i went to two walmarts today and one had two boxes of .45 colt. It was after 5pm so kind of late. It's like fishing, i didn't get up with the fishes to try to catch them... With predictable results, but i did like to cruise around in my boat.

