View Full Version : Nypd k9?

03-23-2013, 05:11 PM
I am looking at buying a used K9 but I do not want the NYPD version. How can I tell when looking if it is a NYPD k9 or a standard K9?

03-23-2013, 05:38 PM
There is no difference between a NYPD k9 or a standard K9 unless the pistol is a Elite model. This is so marked on the slide.

03-23-2013, 06:03 PM
I was asking because I had read that there was a difference with the trigger reset. Is this not true?

03-23-2013, 06:24 PM
No difference in the reset, both require you to allow the trigger to go fully forward to reset.

The NYPD is a slightly longer pull but you most likely wouldn't be able to tell. I have a new K9 with a NYPD trigger in it and I sure can't tell the difference. The pull weight is the same, just slightly longer but hard to tell.

03-23-2013, 07:10 PM
There is no difference between a NYPD k9 or a standard K9 unless the pistol is a Elite model. This is so marked on the slide.

but today it is not. all k9's todayt are witht he elite trigger system, unless special ordered with the nypd triger, which about ayear or so ago was the opposisite, but being the city of NY has now dropped the K9 off of their approved carry list, kahr just pulld out their armors and dropped the nypd trigger..

If u buy a new K9 today it willhave the elite trigger in it. unless other wise makred.

what bawanna stated is dead on target, the difference anyhow is 1/8" more trigger travel in the nypd over the elite trigger 1/2" vs 3/8". which again as he stated most cannot tell the difference. I have the nypd trigger in m\yused K9 and love it. If I didn'tknow it had it in there I sure in hell could not tell the difference.:Amflag2:

03-23-2013, 08:01 PM
I knew this subject wagon to get a response from Jocko!!!!!

03-23-2013, 08:31 PM
all k9's todayt are witht he elite trigger system...

Reports seen here of recent purchases of new K9s are that the same longer trigger is still installed. If Kahr has gone to only one trigger in the K9, I can't find that stated anywhere.

03-23-2013, 09:40 PM
I did not state that. My post was basicaly a year ago, most every K9 was with the NYPD trigger and the elite trigger was a special order. today they ship all new K9 with the elite trigger in them but no doubt one can order the nypd trigger as an option, .

Possably some of the recent purchases are of the old stock possably . aK9 today with the NYPOD trigger would be 9093C and I don't even see that offered iin their line, but t can be ordered so I am told.

03-23-2013, 10:19 PM
Whataya call the original 1995 early K9 model trigger? The Pre-NYPD? :rolleyes:

or THE OLD STANDARD, I'll guess...#2.

Maybe the standard-standard? :D

What year did they start actually producing the "Elite" K9 model sidearm?

Feels great to me, works fine. Heck; It's ALL good!

03-23-2013, 10:32 PM
Well not really knowing when kahr actually installed the nypod trigger in the beginning. If u have the carboh steel version andit doesn't have the nypd trigger in it, then I would call it the elite trigger as to my knowledge kahr only made two trigers. the 1/2" travel which was designed for the nypd and used in most all K9 for years and the what we call today the elite trigger which is 3/8" travel. The trigger poundage of both has always been the same from kahr and that was around 6-7.5#. From what I was told kahr and NYPD parted ways when the NYPD said they wanted a 11- 13# trigger in the K9's and kahr said NO and that was that.. There was alot of politics in that to. It always seemed that the NYPD was never pease witht he way any factory made thier guns and when ur talking aobut a force of 40K officers and a contract that big, most any gun company will do what NYPD ask of them, whether it makes sense or not. I.E. We have two different NYPD triggers for the glocks. Both of which were 11# ubt one increased trigger pull for 5.5# to 11# befor ethe boom thing happened and the NY2 trigger increased trigger pull wieght from 7# to 11# before the bang thing happened.
I am sure that if NYPD wanted their glocks to be t1tty pink, glock would have obliged..

Kahr K9 were only authorized for off suty use and supposably they had about 5K of them with the NYOD back then but for some reason polictics stepped in as they used the K9 for many years with the NYPD trigger. Thats when we seen a flood of them hit the secondary market as super great buys for us K9 owners..

03-23-2013, 10:57 PM
Thought that I read here somewhereabouts that 1997+/- was when NYPD versions were adopted into the ranks, so to speak.

I'm often wrong; just ask the ex. :D

Be well,

03-24-2013, 05:37 AM
Well Kahr and Kimber should move out of NY State as big F YOU to that weasel andrew cuomo!

03-24-2013, 07:25 AM
Thought that I read here somewhereabouts that 1997+/- was when NYPD versions were adopted into the ranks, so to speak.

I'm often wrong; just ask the ex. :D

Be well,

I think ur pretty close to the birth date of the NYPD trigger system. so anything before that then might be considered having the elite trigger in them, Not sure kahr had a name for any of that stuff before makng the NYPD trigger..:Amflag2:

03-24-2013, 07:34 AM
I really like my Ex-NYPD K9 (built November 2001) as it was a great value. The trigger issue is a zero to me as it pulls just like the double action revolvers I often shoot. I do plan to try the 5# spring talked about in other threads to see if I like it, but I currently have a nice, smooth. six and a half pound trigger pull as is.

We have another show in Ft. Worth in a couple of weeks. If my favorite vendor has another batch for the same money I paid for mine ($325) I may have to get a second and carry a NY(PD) reload...

They had 13 to pick from at the New Years show. You can't beat the price. Good Luck and enjoy whatever K9 you buy.

03-24-2013, 08:12 AM
ur so right planedude. WE tend to make alot more of this nypd trigger than it realy is. In actuality we are talking about 1/8" more trigger travel and that is all. Most (myself for sure ) can't even tell that difference, let alone to complain about it. and no doubt also that the striker springin the nypd after having some rounds through it, the poundage will drop jsut like all kahrs do. IT IS THE SAME EXACT SPRING.

Certainly when the nypd guns hit the secondary market there was hundreds of gret buys on used K9' that somemight look like crap but certqainly most had very few rounds throough them. The one I had bought from a leo looked really great and has never beleched once time. Only thing I did was install the 5# striker spring. Mine had the super duper rubber Hogue grips on it also, but like a dumb sh!t I thought I just hadto have the wooden ones. Bad move, I hated them, made the gun thicker in that area and the ruber just looked and felt so great. Sold the wood grips.

When one thinks about the nypd K9's other than some certainly were neglected by the owner, most every one worked perfect and that is because besides being approved for off duty carry kahr actully had an armoroer within the department, so any gun that was not right, was certainly made right, and there fore most allof us buyers got excellent reliable guns.:Amflag2:

03-24-2013, 09:55 AM
What year did they start actually producing the "Elite" K9 model sidearm?

The first Elite models were made in 1998, followed by a slightly different 2003 model Elite. These featured refinements beyond the trigger change such as beveled mag wells, polishing and such. This is why Elite models are labeled as '98 or '03 when offered for sale.

Kahr has only put two triggers in the K9. The original long trigger and the shorter so called Elite trigger. If you bought a K9 that was not an Elite model, then it came with the long trigger. The only way to get the short trigger was to buy an Elite as is or purchase and install the parts as replacement for the long trigger on your standard K9.

That is exactly what I have in my K9. It is not an Elite model, but the original trigger was replaced by Kahr with the short trigger. It is the best trigger of all my Kahrs. I suspect they did more than simply replace parts. It moves like oil on glass.

If Kahr now puts the short trigger in the K9 as it's standard trigger then that's great. If they do, they did it quietly and without announcement or anyway to differentiate the models as far as I can tell.

Sold the wood grips.

... and I bought them. Thanks. I agree they look great but the Hogue grips are for shooting.

03-24-2013, 11:13 AM
only on the box will it tell u what u have. if it has a C after the model #, u have the nypd trigger

03-24-2013, 09:29 PM
Have you guys ever fired a revolver? I spent big money to get S&W and Colt revolvers to feel as good as a KAHR trigger.

03-24-2013, 10:36 PM
Have you guys ever fired a revolver? I spent big money to get S&W and Colt revolvers to feel as good as a KAHR trigger.

Good point.
Way too much emphasis placed on trigger pull. I can cause almost any LDS to go BANG, and I'm an old guy.
At least for me; "JUST DO IT" says it all. Never gambled $ to impress on paper or @ any of the many various competitions. But heck; I've only been shootin for 49 years so far. I'm comfortable and have over the years developed sort of a eye-hand-mind confidence; I don't intend to get in too much of stupid rush to draw and fire....I don't even practice that stuff.

Although I have seen a youtube feature showing a dude shooting himself in the leg W/45 practicing that stuff.

Apologies if I got too far "off Topic"

Be well ALL,

03-25-2013, 08:35 AM
Have you guys ever fired a revolver? I spent big money to get S&W and Colt revolvers to feel as good as a KAHR trigger.

Ditto. I spent a lot to get my J-frame's trigger lightened up. I looked long and hard to find a local gunsmith who is qualified to do a good old-fashioned trigger job on it, and I can't tell you how comforting it is to have such a resource to call on when needed for trigger or other smithing work, sight installation, etc. I have known folks who have done fine trigger jobs on their own pistols, but I am not handy like that.

And not only revolvers. I see where lots of people spend money to improve the triggers on their Glocks and S&W M&Ps. I see others commenting about the poor triggers on their pistols, but they just live with it. Not me. I have very weak, crippled hands, so the effect of a stiff or rough trigger is exaggerated in my shooting accuracy. I envy men with big, strong hands who can take any pistol, even a brand new revolver with the super stiff DA trigger pull, line up the sights and hit what they're aiming at. But I need a light, smooth trigger just to get 'em all on the paper.

Every Kahr comes with the equivalent of a great trigger job out of the box, and I have enjoyed it with two Kahr pistols; a CW9 that I formerly owned and the CM9 that I now value so highly for concealed carry. And I followed suit with other purchases, getting the Taurus 738 TCP 380 with it's smooth, light trigger as my BUG, and then getting the Walther PPQ with it's renowned trigger as my higher capacity home defense gun.

03-25-2013, 08:02 PM
Whataya call the original 1995 early K9 model trigger? The Pre-NYPD? :rolleyes:

or THE OLD STANDARD, I'll guess...#2.

Maybe the standard-standard? :D

What year did they start actually producing the "Elite" K9 model sidearm?

Feels great to me, works fine. Heck; It's ALL good!
Well after working on an early carbon steel K9 today (serial #: AD0000X), I can't say that it's original trigger was a "NYPD" trigger, but I can say, without hesitation, that the trigger I removed from it had a heavier pull than the trigger I installed in it. I replaced three parts: trigger, trigger spring, and trigger spacer.
The original trigger has a slightly smaller space between it's inside walls (where the spring and spacer sit).
The original spring appears (sorry didn't think to measure it) to be of thicker gauge wire and has only two coils when compared to a current trigger spring (smaller wire/three coils).
The original spacer is made of metal, has a thicker flange, but shorter post than the more current spacer (which is made of plastic).
The difference in trigger pull was immediately noticeable (while dry and live firing) to both me and the gun's owner.

03-26-2013, 10:52 PM
Well after working on an early carbon steel K9 today (serial #: AD0000X), I can't say that it's original trigger was a "NYPD" trigger, but I can say, without hesitation, that the trigger I removed from it had a heavier pull than the trigger I installed in it. I replaced three parts: trigger, trigger spring, and trigger spacer.
The original trigger has a slightly smaller space between it's inside walls (where the spring and spacer sit).
The original spring appears (sorry didn't think to measure it) to be of thicker gauge wire and has only two coils when compared to a current trigger spring (smaller wire/three coils).
The original spacer is made of metal, has a thicker flange, but shorter post than the more current spacer (which is made of plastic).
The difference in trigger pull was immediately noticeable (while dry and live firing) to both me and the gun's owner.

Fanstastic Greg...many thanks!
I'm glad to understand that those parts will swap, maybe. I didn't tear down my Kahrasaurous for the pics below. I did install the new recoil spring from Kahr (20 coils), it only took a coupla tries before I figured out that I needed to stick the tip of a retracted plastic ink pen into the hole on the rear end of the guide rod in order to get the CONTROL/steering over that long dude as I compressed things into place, slick!
Sorry not to have gotten back here sooner; I've been experiencing some infernal combustion engine challenges recently. The old wagon left me stranded a coupla times recently, not to mention the lawnmowers, ect.

Ok, removed the grips/stocks to show RH side of frame/rear. Also a coupla point and shoots FWIW of the rear frame internals visible.
One comment here; looks to me like they kept it all nice and simple.
Gotta love it! Currently more reliable than my ride! ;)

04-02-2013, 06:47 PM
FWIW, I have updated a couple of older K's just by installing current replacement K triggers. I believe this is considered the Elite trigger. Runs about $50 in parts and a bit of patience and basic mechanical ability. And it can be reversed.

Now if someone has worked out a way to shorten the reset, I'm all ears.