View Full Version : And they're buying even more!

03-27-2013, 05:46 PM
DHS who are they arming up to shoot? MRAPS? Are they declaring a war or simply gonna wage one?


If you think there's nothing to worry about.....I have a bridge for sale connects Brooklyn to Manhattan.

03-27-2013, 08:41 PM
If you haven't figured it out yet, DHS is preparing for armed combat against American citizens. The Feds are afraid of insurrection, they're preparing for it.

Why is DHS heavily arming local police? They're supplying armored vehicles, and heavy weapons, and drones to police. Why is that? They're also providing specialized training to local police. Why is that? And they're making sure local police can coordinate with DHS themselves, in case of a "national emergency". Why is that?

Don't believe me, I'm an extremist... I must be with thoughts like that.

Do the math. The amount of ammo they've purchased (and have committed for additional purchase) that they say is "for training use", is enough ammo to train every DHS employee there is, for about 100 years, given 50 rounds per week, every week, all year, per every employee, for the entire 100 years. Nobody trains like that.

Just sayin.... somethings up, we know it, and we're turning a blind eye to it.

The flip side of all of their ammo purchases is that it leaves less for us, more for them. They know that too!

03-27-2013, 08:54 PM
They learned from the Cold War, to win the arms race, intimidate and bankrupt the enemy, and you won't have to fire a shot.

But they haven't learned what the Japanese knew, there's an armed American behind every blade of grass.

Anyone else think all the ammo is being bought by community activists with George Soros' money?

03-27-2013, 09:49 PM
What Palin wrote was exactly right:

“Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest.”

03-27-2013, 10:53 PM
When all this started w/ the DHS, the early reports...I did the math and said it wasn't enough to train with for more than a couple years and that it was just foil hat stuff. At that point, those were the numbers.

Now, the numbers just don't add up anymore. It's way over the training limit. As CJB said, nobody trains like that. Congress better get w/ the program and start asking some questions and getting some answers. I know, good luck w/ that.

03-27-2013, 11:24 PM
They know we are headed for a financial crisis in this country. They are going to have to either tax the crap out of everyone, or quit giving away money. I don't think the taxes will fly so the takers will be on their own. I think this will result in a really unstable situation short term but when people realize they will have to be producers hopefully this country will rise to the top. otherwise we are messed up. I do have some hope.

03-27-2013, 11:37 PM
Have you written to your co guess critters and asked them what it was for and what they planned to do about it? It's no harder than posting here and probably likely to not get a reasonable response, but if enough of us ask maybe something will happen.

03-28-2013, 03:08 AM
I think everyone of you are right on point!
I recall a lot of "Tin Foil Hat" notes about a year ago with this kinda stuff. Is it still Tin Foil, now?
I recall a lot of "That's really not so much ammo"
Is it enough yet?
I mentioned before, that it will start when the freebie Machine breaks. It will start in the inner cites and spread outward. Spontaneous combustion as if it's a coordinated plan, but it won't be planned. tick tick tick tick.....
GWB told us after 9 11 to "Have a Plan"
I say have a commune, a group, a platoon... on your own?
Just walk to the local authorities and surrender...as most americans will do.

03-28-2013, 05:52 AM
We will be meeting with our State Rep on 29 April. She is pro second amendment so our tactics will be different. We want her opinion and cooperation on several fronts:
1 .She's already with us on legislation ban's .....
2. But we want her to insure that guns don't become too expensive for the common man to own, i.e. tax, license fees.......
3. What is her take on DHS? Will she insist on answers over ammo. buys?

03-28-2013, 06:16 AM
If they want a war I say bring it on.

03-28-2013, 06:51 AM
The collapse could be starting. The Cypriate bank situation may be the first domino. Some said the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency will be the trigger, and that's starting. Slow and incremental, but starting: http://www.ibtimes.com/so-long-yankees-china-brazil-ditch-us-dollar-trade-deal-brics-summit-1153415

It's giving me a chill up my spine.

03-28-2013, 07:00 AM
Our dollars value is falling so fast its not even funny. Hey, but as long as they have paper and ink they'll keep those printing presses running......

03-28-2013, 09:52 AM
Easy mugs they are younger stronger and faster than most of us.....
I'd rather shoot paper targets with my ammo.....

03-28-2013, 10:40 AM
I'm Schocked! It was a New Jersey Congressman that started the inquiry...


03-28-2013, 12:04 PM
I think the Government realizes the financial end is near and the DHS is preparing for massive citizen unrest when it happens and believe me when the free Gov money well dries up there WILL be unrest....

Look at the numbers, We are in DEBT almost 17 Trillion Dollars...It's hard for our mind to realize just how much money that really is but think about it like this, a stack of One Hundred dollar bills 67.8 miles high would equal 1 Trillion Dollars....Our Deficit income spending is 1.5 Trillion dollars and is projected to continue upwards every single year....When asked about the National Debt the Democrats will always turn the conversation back to the Deficit and how they are working to reduce it (a lie) but they will not engage in a conversation about THE MASSIVE DEBT...Very important to not confuse The Deficit and The Debt...I don't know about you but if I ran my business or household budget like our Government is doing how long would it be before the bubble burst????

With the recent rumblings between North and South Korea and a VERY possible all out war breaking out between the two we will be obligated to fight the North which means CHINA so technically we will be at war with our Landlord/Banker who will definitely be calling in all their loans to America...

Now here is the kicker, We are BROKE....I and many others do not believe there is enough if any Gold in Ft. Knox to back up our currency and hasn't been any for many years as China has bought it up...Why has there not been an audit of the Ft. Knox vaults and why won't they allow one???... Seems to me there should be a Law requiring this to be done and made available for public review, every other publicly owned business has to so why not the Federal Government???? ...I think this is the most closely guarded National Security Secret we have and if the truth comes out our Nation is GONE as we know it....

I may be a fool to believe this but it would explain why DHS is arming themselves to the teeth...What will happen when all the Welfare, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing funds dry up over night along with ALL the Medicare, Medicade, Social Security and Disability benefits becoming Monopoly money????...You guessed it, civil unrest BIG TIME....If we still have electrical power and the media still exists we can watch Obummer on TV give his speach and say to all of us something short and sweet like, April Fool M F'rs...

I think it's time to start thinking about a survival situation in the near future and we need to stock up on food, water, first aid, and most importantly AMMO and GUNS....I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so......:confused:

03-28-2013, 12:04 PM
I think everyone of you are right on point!
I recall a lot of "Tin Foil Hat" notes about a year ago with this kinda stuff. Is it still Tin Foil, now?
I recall a lot of "That's really not so much ammo"

I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. While I was not nasty about it, I was one of the ones that did some simple division and called 'sky is falling' at the beginning.

Do I think there is something evil at play? There always is, but I don't think there is an active conspiracy to run around killing and rounding up Americans. Not yet anyway. I think the powers that be know that most American are still aware of pre and post WWII actions in Germany, the USSR, and China, not to mention countless others.

Do I think they are preparing for the possibility of mass hysteria, looting, and mayhem. I'm thinking what else could it be? There is no longer any plausible explanation. The same people that are telling gun owners that they are crazy for stock piling ammo and being of the 'prepper' mentality are they themselves either part of the government stockpiling, or defending the governments actions in this regard, or totally ignoring the issue like it's not happening.

03-28-2013, 01:22 PM
Easy mugs they are younger stronger and faster than most of us.....
I'd rather shoot paper targets with my ammo.....

I full expect to be taken out, but I'm pretty damn determined to take a few with me. If it a fight they want it's a fight they'll get. I 'll probably die within ten years anyway. Ain't no one leaves this world alive 'cept for the Astronauts. :)

03-28-2013, 03:29 PM
I just read Enemies Foreign and Domestic and have started the 2nd in the series. It's scary how prophetic Matthew Bracken was when he wrote these, the first over 10 years ago. It should be required reading for gun owners. Check it out.

03-28-2013, 08:37 PM
Chief Joseph, Downtownv, I, and others have tried to bring things to the attention of the forum, only to be mocked, and told that you don't want to hear about politics, and we need to wear tin foil hats, so I pretty much quit trying to bring things to your attention. I admit, I did post some old articles, at the request of friends, that I didn't research when they happened, but it was still news to some of us. Now that things are getting "real" I see many changes of heart. Bob Livingston, in his Personal Liberty Digest, said something to the effect that the Mainstream Media, is nothing but Obama's mouthpiece, and the only free uncensored news is found on the internet. Alex Jones is laughed at as being one of the biggest conspiracy theorists out there, but time and time again, his announcements are proven to be true time and time again. It may take a year or two,but it happens. He was one of tht first to break the news about FEMA camps, and was laughed at, but no one is laughing now. I don't really mind being made fun of, if that's your fun, then go for it. I just stopped trying to get through to people. I pretty much said AMFYOYO. It get's old trying to bring new ideas to people that already have their mind made up. Hell most of you probably have me on ignore anyway. Sorry for the sour grapes, but I've been watching this develop for years now, thanks to my "conspiracy theory" sources. Anyone that thinks they are going to survive a shootout with the government when they come to confiscate your weapons is being pretty damn naieve. Watch some videos of what happened during Katrina. Those troops had orders to shoot anyone that resisted. I bet they would have done it too, without a 2nd thought, following orders, just like the N@zi's. Years ago, I doubt if our own troops would have fired on us, but we have whole new generation of young soldier being conditioned for urban warfare on our own streets.

You know, there is still time to take this country back the legal and proper way, if we stick together. http://www.americaagainnow.com/ has some pretty good ideas, too bad they want money to join. There is too much talk of civil war, which will only mean our destruction, and being labeled domestic terrorists, and insurrectionists, with the full weight of the US Military being thrown at us. For one thing, we need to get rid of those damn voting machines, and put voter ID laws in place. Funny that Romney won the states with voter ID laws, and Obama won with much of the time over 100% of the votes, in places with no voter ID law, no wonder they fight so hard to get those laws overturned.

03-29-2013, 07:02 AM
You know what a coffee percolator sounds like just BEFORE it starts to end it brewing cycle?
It gets very rapid then suddenly stops.
The climate in the U.S seems like that to me. one little pebble shifting, can trigger avalanche. I don't feel well enough prepared, that's for sure.

03-29-2013, 07:12 AM
Add this in there too...

03-29-2013, 09:42 AM
Years ago, I doubt if our own troops would have fired on us, but we have whole new generation of young soldier being conditioned for urban warfare on our own streets.

Not soldiers, but Obama's new FEMA youths (Red Shirts), who he said he wanted to be as strong or stronger than our military.

03-29-2013, 05:49 PM
Sorry to break this to your JFootin, but the regular troops are being conditioned to go to war with us. Have you not been watching the news where they practice assualting cities. These are regulars, not Obama's brown shirts.

03-29-2013, 05:58 PM
Sorry to break this to your JFootin, but the regular troops are being conditioned to go to war with us. Have you not been watching the news where they practice assualting cities. These are regulars, not Obama's brown shirts.


03-29-2013, 06:02 PM