View Full Version : Early release at school and a trip to the range...

04-10-2010, 12:49 AM
My son had early release today and I was able to pull away from work early. I loaded up a few goodies and we were off to the range.

I was shooting my newly acquired PM9 and he was shooting our Browning Buckmark.




These are my first few rounds 10, 20 and then the box of 50.




Here is the BHP...Not much better than the PM9. The picture with the head shots is from my P9 with the ported barrel.



04-10-2010, 12:50 AM
Here's a couple more of my boy and his zombie eradication skills.




This is a picture of the soup dejour's...All in all we burned through about 400rnds.


04-10-2010, 01:32 AM
Thanks for sharing. Nice pictures and shooting. Are you perchance left-handed? I ask because your POI seems a hair right of center and mine is a little more left of center, and I'm right-handed.

04-10-2010, 01:36 AM
Excellent way to spend the afternoon; thanks for sharing it with us.:cool:
Looks like the young man can defend himself pretty well against zombies:)
You didn't do too poorly yourself :D
Nice arsenal:33:

04-10-2010, 04:28 AM
It's all good. Looks like that PM9 is a keep for sure. Quality father / son time. Apparently it's already warm where you are. Ya just gotta love every bit of it..

04-10-2010, 08:13 AM
I love it. It doesn't get any better then that. Father/Son and some great targets. These are the things that they will remember for ever. Thanks for sharing your day.

04-10-2010, 08:24 AM
Thanks for the kinds words fellas we had a great time. I am indeed left-handed and need to work on my POA. As you can see with all the guns I shot yesterday I'm drifting to the right ever so slightly.

I've been shooting with both eyes open and it takes some getting used to because it's a little more distracting. I'm learning as I go along.

I do feel that I shot better with my BHP but not by much. The only thing I don't care for at this range is the setup for pistols. As you can see it's two strings top and bottom to hold the target. Yesterday was a little breezy and it was making the targets bounce up and down constantly. As in real life your targets aren't stationary so I guess it's good practice.

The weather here in South Texas is almost always warm. Although this year we've seen and exceptional amount of cooler/cold days but that's all behind us. We will have 70-mid 80's for the next month through the end of May.

I put about 100rnds through the PM9 yesterday and it ran like a champ. I even did some rapid dump sessions and I was happy with how quick I could get back on target.

04-10-2010, 09:54 AM
Thanks for the info. Yeah, I was noticing that the POI was kind of like mine, but on the opposite side. Yours is much tighter and closer to vertical center, though. I use both eyes and my right eye is dominant, thank goodness. I don't try to line all the little dots up for each shot, but when I do and I squeeze slowly the shot hits right where I'm aiming, but I'm not looking for the smallest grouping, 'cause that takes too much time. Most of my shots are pointing the whole gun, hands and all, while trying to maintain the sights generally lined up.
I'd like to have some place I could shoot at cans... that's where centerfire beats .22's cause the can doesn't stay still when hit. With the .22, the can might not move unless you hit a rim or the dirt just in front.
I'm trying to remember if I shot anyplace in San Antonio, but I have some vague memory of maybe shooting on the south side of town. I know I did, because I have glimpses of it in my memory. I reloaded a lot there and did something with the ammo, but evidently, it wasn't memorable, I guess. I can remember driving south on a paved road and there were trailers and stuff.
After my wife got a one year remote tour to Korea in early '91, I moved down alone from Maine late that year and found a house... middle of a cul de sac on Roveen Trail which is about 3 miles west of Randolph AFB where we did a lot of shopping. I thought we would be there permanently for retirement because of all of the military bases and hospitals, but she had other ideas and March '97(she retired from Brooks AFB Sept. '96) we bought a lightweight 25' travel trailer that I overloaded the heck with way too much stuff, and we headed east. I wanted to be on the ocean, not the Gulf and we wound up in Jacksonville which was just a lateral move economically. The cost of living was the same here.
The bad thing is that we're so far from all of our family, and with her working, we can't spend a lot of time driving anymore. And flying, I can't haul an arsenal and ammo along.
Next time we fly out to Colorado, I'm taking something along and I will impress her brothers. None of us shot worth a darn standing in the snow and cold last Christmas. At that point I hadn't shot in 3 or 4 years or more! I'm so glad to have found this forum and gotten back into shooting, though it's not a cheap hobby. We've gotten out of debt except for the mortgage and can pay off the CC's each month now. Which is a good thing, 'cause I sit here and shop a lot... a lot more, now that I'm looking for ammo all the time.:D
Well, here I go getting carried away again.
I think the place to shoot was just off Pleasanton Road near the Horizon Airport. Yay, Google!

04-10-2010, 10:14 AM
Good times, good times...thanks for sharing!:photo:

04-10-2010, 11:09 AM
Ahh soon my daughter and I will be doing that same thing, then maybe the ole' lady too ;). That is if I can get a weekend off.

04-10-2010, 11:40 AM
You got it Wyn...It's called A Place to Shoot. It's been there many years. I live close to SeaWorld and there's a range close by called The Bullet Hole. They have great facilities. They also have private bays where you can let loose with an AR-15 or AK-47. I get the bays so that I don't have to risk my life on the line of the pistol range.