View Full Version : BALD EAGLE an amazine bird

03-28-2013, 12:45 PM
thought u might enjoy this:


03-28-2013, 12:54 PM
I did.

03-28-2013, 01:05 PM
Jocko, very nice. I grew up in Davenport and do not remember many bald eagles on the Mississippi there, certainly not nesting. Glad they are returning.

03-28-2013, 01:34 PM
InIndianapolis atop their tallest building theyhave had a video camthere for at leat 4years and rthe same family of Pergrine falcons have their nest there on one of the balcony ledge. It is alwayts abletobe view loeve any day of the the week.this year I tink we have two eggs in the process of being hatched.

If the birds ever left, the state has a pair of Illegals already to sit on the nest. Hose and Juan..

every year about this time . wehave a bunch of bald eagleswho come here and stay around one of our power plants about 15 miles north of whereI live.Theyperch along the Wabsh River right below where the power plant puts their hot water back into the river.At this time of the year there is a shock effect to the shadin that one area ad they float to the top for easy pickens forthe bald eagles. Very nice to watch them work the river area. Comespring they seem to move on.. Just sayin

Wedon't have any fokking Injuns around here to shoot um to get their damn eagle feathers, so they have a good chance of seeing spring to.

Wyoming Native American tribe gets rare permit to kill bald eagles | Fox News

03-28-2013, 01:41 PM
Thanks Jocko, thats way cool and beautiful!!!....Sometimes I think animals are the vastly superior species and humans should be the ones at the bottom of the tar pits.....