View Full Version : Will I Ever Carry my CM9 Again?

03-28-2013, 01:45 PM
For a while, my CM9 in a paddle holster was my EDC, except when weather and clothing made it too hard to conceal and I had to switch to my Kel-Tec P3AT. And then I bought a Springfield XD-S .45. The size and weight of the two are close enough that I do not notice a real world difference, so I have been carrying the XD-S daily. I switched back to the CM9 for a couple of days to see if I could notice any advantage over the XD-S, but I couldn't.

So, I am wondering if I am ever likely to carry the CM9 again. I'd appreciate your thoughts.

03-28-2013, 01:50 PM
To each his own. If you have the ability to make quick, controlled follow-up shots with the XD-S and you're comfortable carrying it, then you've got the right pistol for you.

I find my CM-9 in a Blackhawk Check Six very comfortable. A Pearce grip extension adds a lot for shooting comfort without impacting concealment in that holster.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.

03-28-2013, 02:00 PM
it is a ice gun no doubt but lets not confuse the facts of both guns.

weight 21.5 oounces WEIGHT 15.9 OUNCES WITH MAGAZINE
hEIGHT 4.4" hEIGHT 4
lENGTH 6.3" lENGTH 5.4"

imo ONE HEH OF A DIFFERENCE FOR SURE IN ones pocket, if ur gonna waiste band carry it, then that extra everything the xd has should mean nadda. I don't put the kt 380 in either of those two classes of guns either.. Just sayin

03-28-2013, 02:06 PM
A fairer comparison will be when the CM45 hits the street. My son has an XDS. I've held and fondled it extensively but have not shot it YET. I like it a lot, it feels good in hand but there's not enough pros to it to set my PM45 aside to get one of my own. I may get one just cause but seriously doubt it will replace the PM45.

I'm sure right now your desire for a major caliber is the overriding factor and rightfully so.

Why carry pebbles when you can carry cannon balls.

Personally I have no use for pocket carry, if God would have intended pocket carry he wouldn't have invented belts and cows and horses for holsters and gifts or warnings.

03-28-2013, 02:31 PM
cannon balls. oh my,, give me a fokking break here.I gonna give u a break on this and assume u were making reference to that super kel tek gun..

03-28-2013, 02:44 PM
The XDS is a nice gun .Loaded it weighs 26 oz. that's the same as my Glock 26.
I have carried my CM9 in my pajamas[No belt] The weight difference is ssignificant
to me.

03-28-2013, 03:04 PM
I think that if I were pocket (or pajama :D) carrying, the size/weight differences would be significant. However, with a paddle holster, snug-fitting jeans and a decent belt, I don't really seem to notice them, which I find kind of surprising based on the numbers. :001_huh:

03-28-2013, 03:12 PM
The Pm45 is a lot smaller and lighter and soon we'll have the CM45 at a cheaper price. Then you wouldn't have to have an XD. I traded my XD45 on a Kimber. The XDS is about the same size as the CW45 but the CW is lighter.

03-28-2013, 03:17 PM
I considered waiting until the summer to get a CM45 and decided not to because 1) I didn't want to wait, in case our wonderful government made it more difficult for me to get it by then, and 2) take-down on the XD-s is astonishingly easier than on the CM/PM guns (where you need 3 hands).

03-28-2013, 03:46 PM
The XDS is a nice gun .Loaded it weighs 26 oz. that's the same as my Glock 26.
I have carried my CM9 in my pajamas[No belt] The weight difference is ssignificant
to me.

PMJ9 loaded with corbon powerball weighs in at 18 ounces.:Amflag2:

03-29-2013, 08:15 AM
I have the CM9 but also just bought an XDS.. i find that i carry the XDS more. i am not sure why, maybe because its a 45 but i do notice a difference in weight. The CM9 is lighter and more comfortabe. but it is still winter here so i can conceal the XDS pretty well. i have a feeling i will be carrying the CM9 more in summer. but the XDS is a fantastic piece no doubt about it. I actually enjoy shooting it more than my CM9. I really like them both but right now the XDS is the shiny new object. Springfield did a fantastic job with this gun. There is something about a 45 that i just can't pass up.

03-29-2013, 07:08 PM
now before i say this dont get me wrong, i LOVE my CM9 and it is very comfortable to carry and i trust it with my life. but my friends parents just got an xds 9mm that i got to shoot a couple times and i just loved it. its a little wider and heavier but it carrys like 15-17 rounds instead of the cm9's 6-8rds.

so if you can carry your xds .45 as comfortable as your kahr then by all means have at it and dont look back

03-29-2013, 07:24 PM
now before i say this dont get me wrong, i LOVE my CM9 and it is very comfortable to carry and i trust it with my life. but my friends parents just got an xds 9mm that i got to shoot a couple times and i just loved it. its a little wider and heavier but it carrys like 15-17 rounds instead of the cm9's 6-8rds.

so if you can carry your xds .45 as comfortable as your kahr then by all means have at it and dont look back

I think that the XDs 9 is a single stack version of the XDs in 45? I'm not sure that It's available yet? I may be mistaken...

03-29-2013, 07:28 PM
I bet he meant the XDm

03-29-2013, 08:21 PM
ya sorry its the xdm subcompact which is why i was thinking s probly.

idc not my gun i dont have to know the model:p

03-29-2013, 08:23 PM
ya sorry its the xdm subcompact or just compact which is why i was thinking s probly.

idc not my gun i dont have to know the model:p

My Son has a XDm 9, and he loves it. But his carry gun is a CW45...

03-29-2013, 08:24 PM
My Son has a XDm 9, and he loves it. But his carry gun is a CW45...

theyre both GREAT guns. basically just comes down to personal preference. id trust either with my life which is what really matters

03-30-2013, 12:13 AM
I'm not super ammo sensitive, but I found the XDS .45 to be pretty brutal to shoot--especially quick and one-handed...and I love most small guns. Of course, I felt the CM40 was a pretty rough and floppy gun, though the hogue grip helped tame it (the XDS I shot had no grip sleeve).

04-02-2013, 02:31 PM
now before i say this dont get me wrong, i LOVE my CM9 and it is very comfortable to carry and i trust it with my life. but my friends parents just got an xds 9mm that i got to shoot a couple times and i just loved it. its a little wider and heavier but it carrys like 15-17 rounds instead of the cm9's 6-8rds.

so if you can carry your xds .45 as comfortable as your kahr then by all means have at it and dont look back

XDS 9mm is not out yet.. either you were looking at the XDm9 or XD9 with those capacities.