04-10-2010, 02:46 AM
My just-retiring-California-correctional-officer little brother's wife sent me this email... had to share:
Subject: Fw: Coolest Mailbox in Oklahoma
I don’t think these are allowed in California, but I think the mail man might not leave you all that junk mail.
I would venture a guess that they are conservative Republicans.
Those were her comments(?) She works (worked?) at the same place the San Luis Obispo Men's Colony(?)
Hey, I had to load that neat sign in the yard again, too.
Subject: Fw: Coolest Mailbox in Oklahoma
I don’t think these are allowed in California, but I think the mail man might not leave you all that junk mail.
I would venture a guess that they are conservative Republicans.
Those were her comments(?) She works (worked?) at the same place the San Luis Obispo Men's Colony(?)
Hey, I had to load that neat sign in the yard again, too.