View Full Version : Slide drops when magazine inserted

03-29-2013, 04:20 PM
Hey Guys and Girls,

After a range trip I was putting my cw-9 away and put a full magazine in it and the slide dropped. Tried it three times and the slide drops every time. This does not happen with a empty magazine.

Seems like the sharp blow to the butt of the pistol is causing this. Tried it several times and now seems to be fine. This is not quite right and was wondering if anyone has an idea. I have a defensive handgun course Im taking soon and this will be a problem.

Thanks in advance, Mark

03-29-2013, 04:29 PM
Check to see if the screw holding the washer over the slide lock spring is tight. Those get loose sometimes, but DON'T use too much torque... steel screw into plastic threads... and those can be easily stripped.

Also, make sure the top round is fully to the rear in the magazine.



03-29-2013, 04:47 PM
if u slam a loaded magazine in the gun, sometimes it will release the slide. I can do it every tme with my glock 19. Some shooters like it, as it release and loads automatically. I would recheck what wyn showed u, also, The enertia of the smalling part is actually causing the slide to move upward enough to release. Again, some love their guns to do that, some don't. Try normal insertion and see how it works?

why would that be an issue in a defensivie handgun course?? Just askin, but it seems like if u insert a loaded magazine and then either use the slide release lever or rack the slide, that these two things will be eliminted by the slide closing and loading a live round..

when one slams an unloaded magazine in the gun, it will not do that because the slide lock lever now has to also push down the follower, where as with a loaded magazine the slide lock lever does not have to do this at all, It never touches the follower even, so the only thing that makes that lever release is the little spring that wants to always pull the lever down ward unless an empty magazine is in the gun which then the follower moves the slide lock lever upward. :amflag:

03-29-2013, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the quick reply,

Its tight. Looking at the picture you posted the end of the spring,the red portion,is at about 3 oclock, mine is more of a 3:15 to 3:30 attitude. Also the blue vertical part of the spring, on mine is more straight up and down. Hard to tell if it is slightly pusded in from the pin or if just got a little wear. Tried different mag also.

03-29-2013, 05:24 PM
Hi Jocko,
The class is part of the sherriffs safety and range class, weapon inspection. I never noticed it before. I would hate to have it not pass the safety inspection and have to take another class. I have waited 5 months for this. Last step for ccw in california.

03-29-2013, 05:32 PM
If the screw is loose or either side of the spring is damaged or bent, you can have problems. The left side can possibly not hold the SL pin in place and it can walk out a bit or the right side can be bent inward or under the actuator and give you problems. I would say just keep your finger off the trigger and maybe not "slam" the mags home. Some pistols just may more prone to releasing the slide like that than others.


03-29-2013, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the quick reply,

Its tight. Looking at the picture you posted the end of the spring,the red portion,is at about 3 oclock, mine is more of a 3:15 to 3:30 attitude. Also the blue vertical part of the spring, on mine is more straight up and down. Hard to tell if it is slightly pusded in from the pin or if just got a little wear. Tried different mag also.

You might want to just loosen that screw and rotate the spring just a bit counter clockwise. If yours is at 315 to 330 it's applying more downward pressure on the slide stop and a little less might help keep it from cycling with the mag bump.

If you can load briskly but without slamming the mags and it stays open I'd leave as is. I avoid messing with that screw as much as possible to avoid possibly striping it out.

03-29-2013, 05:38 PM
Hi Jocko,
The class is part of the sherriffs safety and range class, weapon inspection. I never noticed it before. I would hate to have it not pass the safety inspection and have to take another class. I have waited 5 months for this. Last step for ccw in california.

just don't slam in the magazine. I dont think this class ur taking is any sort of a speed contest, so error on the side of caution. I never slam magazines, I just see no need to do so. slamming magazing is asking for mag release button wear. I have for years gotten in the habit of inseritng my mag and pushing in on the mag release button so it glides right past that button and no wear is encurred. I don't carry a spare either, so speed is not that important to me..

03-29-2013, 05:41 PM
That's a good idea right there Jocko. I subconciously do that myself, just to save wear and tear.

Guess this proves even and old goat can come up with a ******* jack idea from time to time. I might have to retire my blind hog gets and occasional acorn statement and use this new one exclusively.

03-29-2013, 05:43 PM
With the slide back, the mags should lock into place easily. If the slide is forward, as in mag capacity + 1 loading, then I might even put my gun hand thumb on top of the slide and exert extra force with my fingers to make sure the magazine is seated and doesn't pop out!:eek:


03-29-2013, 06:37 PM
Okay, no more slamming mags home. Dont know why I didnt think about pushing the mag release button in. The mags slide in easy. I may just try and clock that spring ,being aware of steel in plastic. Or try not and fix something that isnt broke. Sometimes I wonder how I got so old and stupid at the same time.Duh.... On another note the Foxx trap holster I just recieved is pretty nice, and got it in a week.

Thanks again, Mark

03-29-2013, 07:11 PM
I really jdon't think their is anything worng with ur gun either Sometimes one has to adjust toa guns pecuralties. Nuttin wrong in gettin old either. u know the alternative to that is not good either.. We are older but indeed we are wiser to. Course when I look and hear Mean Joe biden and Nancy Pegosie, I sometimes hav eto bite my tongue on that wier statement..

03-30-2013, 02:09 AM
just don't slam in the magazine. I dont think this class ur taking is any sort of a speed contest, so error on the side of caution. I never slam magazines, I just see no need to do so. slamming magazing is asking for mag release button wear. I have for years gotten in the habit of inseritng my mag and pushing in on the mag release button so it glides right past that button and no wear is encurred. I don't carry a spare either, so speed is not that important to me..

Hey Jocko, we finally found something to agree on. I always push the button and ease in the mag for the same reasons. Now that we've found a point of agreement, let's talk Hondas and Harleys. ;)

03-30-2013, 05:51 AM
gee u mean thats the only point we ever agreed on??? I will pass on that utter part..

MW surveyor
03-30-2013, 07:47 AM
friggin holleywood and tactical wannabees.

quit "slammin" the mag. press the mag release as you insert the slide. no need to "slam".


03-30-2013, 07:53 AM
I'm one of those tactical wannabees. I'd pay good money to have the slide release when I slammed the magazine home. That's called a tactical reload and a lot of good competitive shooters use it. See the video.


03-30-2013, 10:20 AM
just don't slam in the magazine..... slamming magazing is asking for mag release button wear.

The slide stop would tend to move downward as the butt of the gun is smacked upward to seat the magazine....

The whole notion of slamming home the magazine I think dates back to the Jeff Cooper days. Cooper/Gunsite used to (maybe still does) teach this way. And, in the days of Colt Government Model and Commanders being the only thing on the market, that way worked, and sometimes was sometimes needed... when, and only when.... the slide was already closed. This is because the top round in the magazine would be forced downward against magazine spring pressure as that round contacted the surface of the bottom of the slide. Magazines being flush with the base of the frame made that problem worse.

These days, any pistol with some sort of protruding base on its magazine does not need such methodology, and... if the slide is open, that sort of magazine "insurance" is not needed at all - even with a flush fit magazine.

03-30-2013, 10:40 AM
I don't have that problem with any of my wheelguns. :p

MW surveyor
03-30-2013, 05:52 PM
As long as you don't do the "wrist flick" tactical method for closing the cylinder into battery, you'll go to revolver heaven.

03-31-2013, 12:27 PM
Happy Easter Everyone,

Hey its not that Im slamming it in, Im giving it a little bump. Any ways, I pulled the screw, washer and the small spring off. Lets see if I can exlpain this. There is the small plastic post that the spring slips over and one end goes into a hole to keep it in place. the other end rides in the 3 olclock position.

What it noticed is that the plastic post itself at the 5 to 7 oclock position is looking a little chewed up. The area that the washer would lay on is not fully supportsd. Once adain at the 5 to 7 position. If I could fiqure out how to take and post a picture I will. Will call tech support anf talk to them.

Tweaked the spring ever so slightly and seems to be fine now. Order another one just because.
Thanks again, Mark

04-01-2013, 10:40 AM
So I called tech support and really what could they say. Since the weapon is functioning correctly now. My real concern is that post appears to be chewed up. Going to try and get a picture off it and I will post it here nd send it off to Kahr for one of there smiths to kook at.


04-02-2013, 01:52 PM

Im hoping this works. Here is the picture of the post that holds the slide lock spring on my cw9 . That 4 to six oclock looks chewed up to me.. Sent this to Kahrs service dept. What do you guys think? Thanks for looking

04-02-2013, 02:25 PM

Im hoping this works. Here is the picture of the post that holds the slide lock spring on my cw9 . That 4 to six oclock looks chewed up to me.. Sent this to Kahrs service dept. What do you guys think? Thanks for looking

I don't see that there is anything there to tear it up. I think yer good to go. Shoot it like you stole it.

04-02-2013, 03:33 PM
I emailed the photo to Kahr. Jeff the gentleman in tech support took it back to one of the gunsmiths. Kahr wants me to send it in. Im thinking that it will need a new frame. Dont see how you could fix it.
They are sending a Fedex lablel. Two to three week turn around time. If it needs a frame it will have to go to a dealer and more than likley a 14 day waiting period and whatever dros fees if any. Wont be back in time for ccw range day. Just hope the slide does not drop when a mag is put in