View Full Version : update: Help Please...mag pops out

03-30-2013, 05:45 PM
Hey guys, I know it's been awhile but could use some help. Had this issue before and Kahr sent me a new mag release that I installed several months ago. Took care of the problem I thought but now it's happening again; the mag pops out after first shot, usually only on first shot at range, and only with +P Golden Sabers. Then no more. And not with WWB FMJ. The PM9 is rated for +P, right? I don't think I'm hitting the mag release; I've had the PM9 for almost 3 years now and I have small hands so it fits me well. Any ideas?

03-30-2013, 05:49 PM
I'd take the slide off, and strip a mag and just insert the tube, no spring or follower. Then you can look down from the top and see how much interface you have between the mag release and the mag cut out.

Sounds like you don't have enough either because the mag release has too much material and isn't going in far enough or not machined right to enter the slot. Maybe it was soft or something and it's worn or sheered off?

03-30-2013, 06:25 PM
I'd take the slide off, and strip a mag . . .
+1 . . . And, early next week, get Kahr started on sending you a replacement catch. It will probably solve the problem again. If not, replacing the catch again will be a good first step toward Kahr fixing the problem if something is worn on the frame.

I don't suppose you have added a pinky extension to your magazine? If you have, you might want to ensure their is sufficient clearance between the bottom of the grip and the extension. Been there. Done that. No longer use pinky extensions on my PM40 at any time. :rolleyes:

Best of luck!

03-30-2013, 07:05 PM
Hey guys, I know it's been awhile but could use some help. Had this issue before and Kahr sent me a new mag release that I installed several months ago. Took care of the problem I thought but now it's happening again; the mag pops out after first shot, usually only on first shot at range, and only with +P Golden Sabers. Then no more. And not with WWB FMJ. The PM9 is rated for +P, right? I don't think I'm hitting the mag release; I've had the PM9 for almost 3 years now and I have small hands so it fits me well. Any ideas?

check to see if kby change the floor plate on the magazine is going up very tight against the bottom of the grip itself. There should be a tad of paly between the floor plate and the bottom of the grip. Next insert the fully loaded magazine and look on the right side of the grip and see how thgat mag relase button looks. It sholdbe as flush as it was before u inserted the magazine. If not, then the mag catch is not fully locking up in the magazine cut out. If it is flush like it shold be, then now try like hell to pull the magazine out of the gun, If u cannot and allthe above it ok, then someone is hitting the mag relqaswe button by accident. A good test is to shoot it left hanbded to see if this goes away.

report back.

03-30-2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks all. Cannot pull mag out no matter what; right side of mag catch is flush to frame. No pinky rest on bottom of mag, and Kahr plastic mag plate is and has been sanded down so there is a little gap between it and the bottom of the frame. Also did the stripped mag with slide removed check. Looks like mag catch is all in correctly. Will try shooting lefty next time out and see. Thing is, I never remember it happening with the WWB FMJ so was thinking perhaps the +P. I hope not though. If it happens again, will call Kahr and chat again. Will report back what happens next range trip. Also have a new 6 round mag on the way so can compare them. Thanks again gents.

03-30-2013, 11:29 PM
Based on your clarifications, I am betting on the magazine catch being a little short where it engages the magazine. I say that because one of my PM40 catches, in a newly replaced frame courtesy of Kahr, started dropping the magazine consistently on the last round of every magazine just about the time I started shooting some hotter ammo from DoubleTap. It was only an issue with the hotter stuff, but it made me a little anxious.

Stripping everything down and inspected carefully. It all looked good. Kahr told me it was "my problem" because it was only happening with one choice of ammo. Eventually, I talked them into sending me a new catch, even though they had literally just rebuilt the gun with a new frame. That fixed the problem instantly and I have not experienced any issues since.

Looking at the two catches side by side at the time I installed the replacement, you could hardly tell the difference. I'll bet it was no more that 0.003" longer in the area that engages the magazine and they were both the same shape in every area I could see. But, the replacement mag catch solved the problem. Go figure. :rolleyes:

03-31-2013, 08:39 PM
Thanks Tucson. Going to do some more testing. Other thought I had was perhaps the holster might be pushing on the mag catch so I'm checking it throughout the day. Will likely be next weekend before I can shoot again and I'll keep the mag release in mind. Already replaced it last summer/fall sometime but perhaps that's it. Kinda frustrating but at least I have a few things to look at now. I really like how this one feels and don't want to trade it for anything else.

03-31-2013, 08:48 PM
I've had to use a needle file on the magazine slot on a magazine in the past... to allow full engagement of the magazine catch. A light pass or two perpendicular to the tube vertically... to maintain the squared off edge, but allow fuller insertion of the mag catch... on the upper edge of the slot, might help. Turn the mag tube upside down and rest it on something level and just use a couple of light strokes.

I got a cheap set of 10 or 12 needle files from Harbor Freight... all kinds of sizes and shapes, but small.


04-02-2013, 02:45 PM
I'm waiting for Kahr to come out with a model that will lock back the slide and eject the empty mag for those tactical reloads. I'm gettin' lazy in my old age. :)

04-02-2013, 06:06 PM
My garand did that..

04-02-2013, 06:23 PM
Oooooo, nice one Jocko, that was wicked quick thinking. Mine does that too.

I got to experience it for the first time last summer on vacation. Darn ranges around here only let ya load one round at a time so I could never experience the clip flying out. It was magical. I enjoyed it immensely.

04-02-2013, 06:49 PM
Ihave been known before to be qicked quick, so this is nuttin new for me, evidently it surprised u and I wondered after i wrote it if anyone would pick up my saying magazine ove what realy is the clip in the garand. I can see u picke dup on it or aqccidently stumbled into the clip word urself or with help from utters . Probalby the utters... Justs sayin

I try not to agive credit where due either.

semper volgare!!

04-02-2013, 06:58 PM
Old Goat!

04-06-2013, 11:56 AM
OK. Got back to the range today. Had sanded just a wee bit more from the mag base-plate and paid close attention to grip. No issues at all. New mag performed great too. Next time will do the same after carrying in holster to rule that out. Thanks for all the input guys.