View Full Version : The letter that needs to go viral! I got this sent to me

03-31-2013, 04:34 AM
I do not support any bipartisan gun control bill that includes a ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Especially pistol magazines because most pistols were designed to use around 15 rounds. If you want to know how many bullets I think someone should have to defend themselves I would say one more bullet than the bad guy has. As I said I don't support banning magazines over 10 rds, but if demanded I think there should be an exception made for pistols that states the magazine has to be flush fitting inside the grip and only magazines that protrude in length outside the grip would be banned. Additionally I don't support making any exceptions for police or security / body guards because the police are not above the law. " We the people " created the govt. and the people can't delegate any powers to the govt. or police that the average people don't posses themselves. It's common sense you can't give something you don't have. If people think the police need a certain type of gun or ammunition magazine capacity to defend themselves then the citizens need the right to defend themselves with the same things because the people are exposed to the same criminals in public as the police are. How is a citizen's life any less valuable than a police officer that can carry more than 10 rounds ? What's going to happen next time some mass shooter uses only 10 round magazines to kill a dozen people ? Are you then going to reduce it to 7 rds and then 5 rds in a magazine? Where will it lead ? This is only punishing the good people and not the criminals who will have more bullets anyway. If someone has to defend themselves with a gun they're going to find themselves in a very stressful situation where they lose fine motor skills and get tunnel vision. Having only 10 rounds in a magazine might not be enough to stop the bad guy, especially if there are multiple attackers or if they're pumped up on drugs. Most criminals don't act alone so the chance of there being multiple attackers is high. Limiting people's ability to protect themselves, their loved ones or the people around them is the wrong thing to do. Please stop passing laws that only effect good people who have not done anything wrong. If any limitations for magazines are passed into law I think grandfathering in the ones that people already own is very important. Registering them should not be needed as long as the person retains the original dated sales receipt and they should always be allowed to sell them out of state at any time without keeping any records of the sale.

If you're going to use Sandy Hook as motivation to pass more gun control laws you better pass a law that would have prevented it. The simple solution is that Adam Lanza's mom should have been required by law to keep her guns out of the hands of her son. The only gun control measure I support is a law that would require safe storage if someone lived in your home and met certain criteria like Adam Lanza as long as the law did not require home inspections without a warrant signed by a judge based on sworn testimony or actual evidence that there was a violation of the safe storage law in that home.

I also don't support changing the criteria of what is an assault weapon. According to the FBI more people are killed every year with hammers and baseball bats then all types of rifles combined. Including bolt action hunting rifles. I doubt you're going to ban hammers and baseball bats even though they kill more people than all kinds of rifles. Just because someone uses a car to mow down 20 people doesn't mean we're going to ban cars. When the Army staff sergeant, stationed at a U.S. base in Kandahar, Afghanistan killed 16 people, mostly women and children, and then burned their bodies we didn't blame his gun. We blamed his mental condition and all the psychotropic prescription medications he was taking. The same thing goes for Adam Lanza. I personally don't own an AR15 rifle, but I noticed in SB 1076 that there was an exception when it came to rifles. It specifically said " centerfire " rifles, but the other section that pertained to pistols did not say " centerfire " pistols so rimfire 22 caliber rifles are excluded from being considered an assault weapon, but rimfire 22 caliber pistols could be considered an assault weapon. That's not consistent at all. A rimfire pistol that's used to shoot at soda cans, rabbits or squirrels should never be considered an assault weapon. That's just ridiculous. Banning the sale of rifles like the AR15 also violates the state constitution because it infringes on the people's ability to " defend the state " and in case you didn't know " the state " is not the govt. it's the people. If a large scale natural disaster or another terror attack happened there is not enough state or federal forces that can be used to maintain order if the crisis encompasses a wide area. You'll be very happy if a good person in your neighborhood has a rifle like an AR15 so they can keep the looters or other violent criminals from doing harm in your area. An example is how average people were able to do exactly that in their own communities after hurricane Katrina or during the LA riots. Even though I don't own an AR15 I know they are very popular so they also can't be considered " unusual. "

When the department of homeland security ( DHS ) or local police departments order rifles like the AR15 they call them " personal defense rifles " and not " assault weapons " The DHS even stated that the AR15 is suitable for self defense. If a rifle like an AR15 is suitable for self defense by the police then the average person should have the right to buy one for their own defense. My past statement about why the police have to obey the same laws as everyone else holds true when it comes to rifles too. If it's illegal for CT residents to buy an AR15 type rifle, then it should be illegal for the police too. Especially considering the fact that you're 8 times more likely to be shot by the police than a citizen gun owner.

I also don't support requiring background checks for private sales because it creates a de facto gun registry which world history shows always leads to confiscation down the road. A better idea would be to require the private seller of a long gun to only sell to someone who produces a valid state pistol permit because the people who posses those have already passed a background check and have been trained in gun safety. No paper work should be required because like I said it creates a de facto gun registry..

As far as requiring a pistol permit or rifle permit to buy ammunition. I don't have a problem with that as long as there isn't an ammo sales registry created and as long as the person can buy ammo for a gun they don't own. Simply requiring the cashier to visually see the person's permit is all that should be needed. It's none of the government's business knowing how many bullets or what rifles a person owns because like I already stated - world history shows that always leads to confiscation down the road which opens the door for the possibility of an oppressive govt. no matter how slim that possibility might be. It's not a risk a free society should take and history shows it's a mistake free people can only make once.

I don't support any extra taxes on ammo or any required liability insurance for gun ownership because that disenfranchises and infringes on the poor from being able to defend themselves.:Amflag2:

03-31-2013, 08:28 AM
Requiring safe storage is an infringement on our second amendment right.

03-31-2013, 08:44 AM
In the context of the writer's letter... that would be common sense prudence. No?
would you keep a loaded gun within reach of you grand child? No of course you wouldn't. That's common sense, not an infringement.

Longitude Zero
03-31-2013, 10:23 AM
In the context of the writer's letter... that would be common sense prudence. No?
would you keep a loaded gun within reach of you grand child? No of course you wouldn't. That's common sense, not an infringement.


03-31-2013, 10:29 AM
In the context of the writer's letter... that would be common sense prudence. No?
would you keep a loaded gun within reach of you grand child? No of course you wouldn't. That's common sense, not an infringement.

We do not need ANY new laws to pile on top of the mountain of existing laws every one of which violates our second amendment right of no infringement! Existing law, not even gun law, says that if a grandparent lets a grandchild get hold of a loaded gun and kill himself he will be prosecuted for negligent homicide. And if I want to put a 32 round mag in a Glock 26, that should not be outlawed. No, there is nothing "reasonable" about his suggestions regarding any new laws!

03-31-2013, 11:13 AM
Too hard to read, not enough breaks/spaces, try and use the enter key some more...
just sayin'

03-31-2013, 11:19 AM
Too hard to read, not enough breaks/spaces, try and use the enter key some more...
just sayin'
That's how the letter was written.....

03-31-2013, 01:01 PM
"Grandfathering" is just a way to lessen opposition from present owners... getting the "camel's nose under the tent"... just another form of gradualism. Before long, all of the first batch of gun-control goals are achieved, then they start on the remaining ones... gradualism... mine's exempt... for now!:rolleyes:

I can remember studying under several different subjects about the pitfalls of "common sense"... depending on the viewpoint of the one claiming to have it. It's easy to have negative opinions about things you don't like or like to do, but you shouldn't try to ban everyone else from doing the things you don't like... as long as they don't infringe on anyone else's rights... as their idea of the pursuit of happiness... whatever form that may take. That's liberty and freedom.

It's just like the the saying attributed to Ben Franklin... the one about the two wolves and a sheep deciding on lunch! It depends on your point of view.

Grandfathering present owners is a very dangerous step to separate the haves from the have-nots, at the expense of the have-nots... but sooner or later, the "haves" rise to the top of the list and must be dealt with... usually in a much weaker position... as with diminished magazine capacities and scarcity of ammo... but leaving the government with overwhelming superiority instead of any kind of parity in small arms.

Too often, the NRA has made "deals with the devil" where their members are allowed to keep their present weapons and magazines, but future purchases of those items are banned and prospective new owners of those items are banned from acquiring them. That's a big reason for the current scarcity of weapons and magazines and ammo that might be banned or harder to get. People want to get those things before they no longer have a choice to do so!

Giving up someone else's rights to "keep what you have" will surely lead to the loss of yours eventually... because those who want no civilian ownership of weapons will get to yours sooner or later... give them an inch... and they'll want it all!


03-31-2013, 01:59 PM
That's how the letter was written.....

Brilliant...just continue your cut and paste routine then.

I'll just add you to my ignore list:D
by now

03-31-2013, 02:08 PM
Dang, Tilos, lighten up. I'm pretty "anal" about spelling and stuff, but re-posting articles or letters, I don't always spell check THEIR work and try to improve grammar and spacing, etc. But then, you probably don't like when I do that to keep from typing the same stuff or mixes for each new guy or guy with a problem, either!


03-31-2013, 02:21 PM
Brilliant...just continue your cut and paste routine then.

I'll just add you to my ignore list:D
by now
Happy Easter!
I didn't write it I put it out there for thoughts and comments. Don't like lit ignore it.
It's "BYE" now... if you want to give english and typing lessons.

03-31-2013, 03:12 PM
It's "BYE: now... if you want to give english and typing lessons.

I believe you intended that colon to be a quotation mark. And, you didn't hold the shift key down long enough when you intended to capitalize the "E" in English. :D

03-31-2013, 03:43 PM
I do not support any bipartisan gun control bill.:Amflag2:

Fixed it for ya.

03-31-2013, 03:58 PM
Just asked for some breaks so it was easier to read, not hard to do, even to a copy and paste to fit this forum's format...nothing about spelling, grammar,etc.

"you probably don't like when"...if I didn't, I would tell you too:D
Your stuff is easy enough to read.

Ol' jocko responded similarly, when I asked him to break up his prep/lube post for easier readability, but eventually he did it:yo: .

Kind of mute now, unless someone quotes those on my list:tongue:


03-31-2013, 05:17 PM
In the context of the writer's letter... that would be common sense prudence. No?
would you keep a loaded gun within reach of you grand child? No of course you wouldn't. That's common sense, not an infringement.

I gots no problem with doin' that. But then she's old enough to go buy one herself.

03-31-2013, 06:06 PM
Like ltxi, both my granddaughters have Glocks. Not Kahrs. Bad genes on the inlaw side I guess.

03-31-2013, 06:31 PM
We do not need ANY new laws to pile on top of the mountain of existing laws every one of which violates our second amendment right of no infringement! Existing law, not even gun law, says that if a grandparent lets a grandchild get hold of a loaded gun and kill himself he will be prosecuted for negligent homicide. And if I want to put a 32 round mag in a Glock 26, that should not be outlawed. No, there is nothing "reasonable" about his suggestions regarding any new laws!

+1 Exactly, JFootin. I don't need mandatory seat belt or helmet laws, either. And don't limit the size of my soft drink. I'm a free American who can think for himself. Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

03-31-2013, 06:33 PM
WTF is going on with some of us? Do we have nothing better to do than sit around and pick apart people's posts? I think the frustration people are feeling over these new laws being proposed, and the limited availability of ammunition has us frustrated and we are taking it out on each other.
New laws are likely to be passed whether we like it or not, that was just one man's approach at proposing a compromise that would have a lesser impact on us, than some of the laws being proposed. How about we quit attacking the messenger, and write our congressmen, and other leaders.
We can agree or disagree with the message, without slinging mud at the messenger. I agree with JFootin, that any almost any new law will infringe on our rights, but we are preaching to the choir. All the nitpicking does is cause discord among us at a time we should be sticking together, and exchanging ideas.
I hope everyone is having a good Easter.

03-31-2013, 06:36 PM
Dang, Tilos, lighten up. I'm pretty "anal" about spelling and stuff, but re-posting articles or letters, I don't always spell check THEIR work and try to improve grammar and spacing, etc. But then, you probably don't like when I do that to keep from typing the same stuff or mixes for each new guy or guy with a problem, either!


Grammar, punctuation? We don't need no stinking grammar or punctuation. :)