View Full Version : BAD AMMO from American Eagle

04-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Over the past year, I've shot mainly PMC and Blazer Brass target rounds, as well as 3 or 4 reputable self-defense brands through my CM9. No problems.

But because of the ammo drought, my range now has only American Eagle 147-grain FMJ flat point on hand.

While shooting a box of this last night I had two stovepipes, something that never has happened with my CM9.

But even worse was the appalling inaccuracy of this ammo. At 7 yards, I was getting patterns 8 inches across, even though my normal is maybe 3 inches. Doublechecked my grip, my trigger control, my sight picture and stance and still kept getting hits all over the target. And yes, I keep my guns scrupulously clean and lubed.

I've read forum posts about inaccurate ammo, but this was my first experience with something so obviously awful.

Hope my range gets in a supply of PMC and Blazer again, or the CM9 might have to go on hiatus until it does.

04-04-2013, 11:47 PM
I'm sorry to hear your having a problem. I am surprised. Not doubting you, just surpirsed. American Eagle is made by Federal and is great ammo. In fact Les Baer used to use it (may still be true) to test their new custom guns before shipping. I typically keep a couple boxes on hand just to test with because it is reliable and accurate.

Have you always used 147gr? I'm trying to be helpful and I'm fishing for another reason for the problems your having.

04-05-2013, 02:25 AM
I shot some American Eagle a few years ago and thought it was underpowered. If so, it could cause problems in a small pistol like the CM9 because the recoil might be too weak to properly cycle the gun. I don't recall any problems, but I was using it in a SIG P225 and a Browning HP which are full sized guns.

04-05-2013, 04:19 AM
I'm sorry to hear your having a problem. I am surprised. Not doubting you, just surpirsed. American Eagle is made by Federal and is great ammo. In fact Les Baer used to use it (may still be true) to test their new custom guns before shipping. I typically keep a couple boxes on hand just to test with because it is reliable and accurate.

Have you always used 147gr? I'm trying to be helpful and I'm fishing for another reason for the problems your having.

Thanks. I've probably shot mostly 115 grain and 124 grain. I know bullet weight will change the point of impact, but what I experienced was not just a different POI, but the grouping was all over the map, despite doubling down on grip, trigger control, etc. I wondered if the flat nose on these bullets had an effect. Also wondered if it was inconsistency in the gunpowder charge of each round. Will shoot another box of these tonight and see if the same thing happens.

04-05-2013, 05:21 PM
Let us know how it goes.

04-05-2013, 05:34 PM
At D!cks grand opening today, I saw some .40S&W AE Value Pack 100 and asked the price... $44.99! That didn't sound like a deal... they had Blazer 165-gr Aluminum-Cased for $19 or $20 and I thought that was high.:rolleyes:
