View Full Version : Function of Self-Defense Knives:
04-04-2013, 10:29 PM
Hello Members,
Martial artists trained in the use of a knife use variations of a parry-and-cut technique. The object is to disable the attacker as quickly as possible so that you can get away. Knife self-defense is not flashy or intricate like in the movies. Knife fights do not last long and it is virtually impossible to block a knife with a knife. Instead, trained martial artists block or move out of the way of an attacker's weapon, then strike gaps in his guard. The knife fight is usually over after the first blow. Since it is likely that both fighters will be cut in a knife fight, it is imperative that anyone carrying a knife be trained in its use. You must have the confidence to know what to do in a real life-threatening situation and not panic if you get a little cut. An untrained person will likely have his knife taken from him and used against him in a real fight. It is better to not carry a knife if you do not know how to use it.
Thanks and Regards,
Henrik Popowski
04-04-2013, 11:58 PM
thank you for your narrative. I agree except the part of " a little cut". Is that possible? I carry a knife for weapon retention. I look at a knife as a tool to help even the odds against a younger faster unarmed attacker and nothing more. A tool to establish working room so I can get to my primary weapon. I do not think you have to get fancy with it to be effective against an untrained attacker.
04-05-2013, 05:49 AM
This can be said of any weapon. Retention is a big problem if you're not paying attention and have low situational awareness. I carry a pistol with a round in the chamber and IWB at about 4 o'clock because I can sweep my untucked and voluminous polo's shirttail out of the way and draw one-handed ready to fire without any additional actions... and have my left arm for blocking, if necessary. I also carry a Gerber F.A.S.T. Draw clipped in my left front pocket as a backup. I know that it's best to not pull any weapon until you can present it and use it effectively... and to not let the BG get close enough for contact. I know that I can pull the trigger if need be and won't have to agonize in any lengthy decision making about defending myself. Some people haven't made those kinds of decisions... really... and indecision can be fatal.
I also know enough not to try to fight anyone with a knife if I can avoid it, but stuff happens... and you have to at least think about the possibilities and the consequences. I've at least figured out what leg to have forward for lunges and the like... and how to hold my knife... but I would choose any other alternative that keeps me from an antagonist's blade reach. One slash and you can be incapacitated and dealt with at the BG's leisure. We try to encourage +1 carry here because of these very real possibilities... not having TWO hands to rack your UNLOADED pistol.
04-05-2013, 06:55 AM
I carry a knife for utilitarian purposes and as a last ditch back-up to my primary and secondary firearms. If I have to go to the knife the stuff has really hit the proverbial fan. Hope I never have to go there.
04-05-2013, 07:02 AM
I carry a knife to open the seemingly never ending flow of boxes of accessories that I order for my guns.
--Bionic - Tapatalk 2--
04-05-2013, 08:13 AM
MW surveyor
04-05-2013, 10:00 AM
I've seen one real knife fight in my life and it wasn't pretty.
04-05-2013, 10:38 AM
Did someone call the resident raccoon?
04-05-2013, 10:45 AM
This can be said of any weapon. Retention is a big problem if you're not paying attention and have low situational awareness. I carry a pistol with a round in the chamber and IWB at about 4 o'clock because I can sweep my untucked and voluminous polo's shirttail out of the way and draw one-handed ready to fire without any additional actions... and have my left arm for blocking, if necessary. I also carry a Gerber F.A.S.T. Draw clipped in my left front pocket as a backup. I know that it's best to not pull any weapon until you can present it and use it effectively... and to not let the BG get close enough for contact. I know that I can pull the trigger if need be and won't have to agonize in any lengthy decision making about defending myself. Some people haven't made those kinds of decisions... really... and indecision can be fatal.
I also know enough not to try to fight anyone with a knife if I can avoid it, but stuff happens... and you have to at least think about the possibilities and the consequences. I've at least figured out what leg to have forward for lunges and the like... and how to hold my knife... but I would choose any other alternative that keeps me from an antagonist's blade reach. One slash and you can be incapacitated and dealt with at the BG's leisure. We try to encourage +1 carry here because of these very real possibilities... not having TWO hands to rack your UNLOADED pistol.
All I have to add is - Tueller Drill.
And that even trained edged weapon disarming techniques are high risk at best.
Anyone should be trained in any weapon they carry for self defense.
And hand to hand combat training complements weapons training.
04-05-2013, 11:29 AM
the knife i carry is mainly for everyday task or as a last resort rescue/defense weapon. i have not had defensive knife training yet but the defensive training place that i attend does offer a class in knife defense, which is on my list of classes to take.
I hate knives for self defense. Messy. But I always carry one and well know how to use it.
It is better to not carry a knife if you do not know how to use it.
I've used a knife to protect my own life and property exactly two more times than I've used a firearm to do the same.
Glad I didn't know I wasn't supposed to carry a knife!
I've used a knife to protect my own life and property exactly two more times than I've used a firearm to do the same.
Glad I didn't know I wasn't supposed to carry a knife!
ltxi - I see we're both in the Benefactor league. Nice to know there's company here!~
Seriously, I carry a knife for the times when the proverbial poo hits the turbine.
One time - guy was stealing my fishing stuff, another time, guy hit me with his SUV, then got out to "beat my ass" - his words.
Both times, the presence of a knife prevented things from going any further. There was one other occasion... where things got rather heated, but no blood was spilled, and everyone went home intact.
A knife can often be carried in places where a firearm cannot be carried.
My one instance with a firearm was in my own kitchen... sad. Nobody got hurt. One person took a ride, but it was a short ride and short stay. Just enough to teach him a lesson. That person wasn't me!!~
I have a lot of knives, but u&c edc is and has been for about 15 years a Benchmade 812SBT Mini-AFCK. The just under 3.5 inch blade fits neatly into some carry restrictions, it's ergonomically correct clip point works well for me, and the Black T blade easily wipes clean of food and blood.
As are you....I'm a benefactor because I care and support. Always have. Nice side benefit in today's world is that demonstrated commitment leverages a bit more cred when my opinion diverges from the mainstream. Just talk is cheap.....
Rock on brother! :cool:
04-06-2013, 07:36 PM
This guy is named Chuck Cadell, one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and one of the most dangerous. He teaches edged weapon use and weapon retention and is flat out scary. Glad he is a friend!
04-06-2013, 09:22 PM
I think the Bawanna Katana would be a good place to start for edged weapon protection - There is no such thing as a small knife cut.
04-10-2013, 02:54 PM
While I agree with most of the stuff, having studied on it quite a bit, I do think the Dog Brothers have worked out very effective blocks and parries for your typical attacks. The sewing machine prison style attack is still what I'd use (as opposed to the more Filipino type stuff), though I'm about to look into Libre style knife defense.
I ALWAYS have a knife on me (and if I'm in my car I have a baton and a bigger knife), but I only carry the gun after dark for some reason--statistical probability I suppose.
04-10-2013, 03:02 PM
I'm w/ lxti and others, do not carry a knife for self defense. I have one for utilitarian purposes, as a tool.
I'll go a step further. Knives and blades scare the ever lovin' crap out of me. I'd rather be shot. Never have liked them, they make me nervous. I'd take a beating before I'd pull one in self defense and end up cutting myself or having it taken away and used on me. No thanks! No interest in an up close and personal fight. I'll just stick to my well trained situational awareness and my ccw pistol.
Ick. Just the thought of it makes me light headed. Gonna go grab a soda to feel better. Should have not read this thread and stayed well enough away...I feel woozy.
04-11-2013, 10:39 PM
I think the main problem with defensive knives is that people respect them less than defensive pistols in that they don't train/know how to use them. Having a knife in your pocket (or a pistol in your holster) doesn't do you much good if you don't know how to use it.
mr surveyor
04-11-2013, 11:10 PM
uuuhhh.... has anyone else noticed that the OP of this thread hasn't made another post since his total post count of 2.
04-11-2013, 11:35 PM
uuuhhh.... has anyone else noticed that the OP of this thread hasn't made another post since his total post count of 2.
The whole post seemed bizarre IMHO.
04-12-2013, 12:01 AM
Bizarro and just a plug for his website. I think that's all it was.
I think the rest of us just ignored it and descended into a usual KahrTalk discussion thread to pass the time in between political rants and cool picts of guns.
mr surveyor
04-12-2013, 09:00 AM
I tried to quietly warn y'all on this guy's intro post. I smelled troll from the beginning on this one.
MW surveyor
04-12-2013, 10:00 AM
I tried to quietly warn y'all on this guy's intro post. I smelled troll from the beginning on this one.
Warning? I didn't see and warning quiet or otherwise. :D
BTW - is his web site menses
Look it up jocko!
mr surveyor
04-12-2013, 10:26 AM
I did say "quietly" in subtle. something like "this should be interesting (or entertaining) for a week or two".
I might have been, and may still be wrong.
As far as his website, I don't have any idea or any intention to find out.
On another note, I did have a very nice email correspondence with pleasant gentleman in Nigeria last Thursday. He offered to pay me 2 million dollars US within 30 days if I would send him my bank account number to make the transfer of 10 million dollars US .... and all I have to do is then transfer his 8 million dollars US to another account in Switzerland (this to save his government from tyranny). I hope he makes that deposit real soon, because I found out the other day that the bank must have really screwed up my account last Friday and misplaced all of mrs surv's Alaska vacation money. I've sent several emails General Joe Bob Mbutko this week to check on the status, but he hasn't responded. I sure hope he's o.k. He seems like such a nice fellow.
MW surveyor
04-12-2013, 11:48 AM
I've been dealing with Prince Sunday/Monday in Nigeria and he has been excellent in his responses to my attempts to get him to respond by sending a me a Western Union moneygram. For some strange reason he continues to want to put the cash into my account directly. Jeez, I wasn't born yesterday. All I need is to get that 10 million dollars deposited into my account and the feds would be all over me.
PS - He did indicate that he might have been able to get into the Alaska trip money for mrs surv but will replace it as soon as he is able.
Bad Cheese
04-12-2013, 11:51 AM
Crock Dundee
04-12-2013, 11:59 AM
trolling is posting with the supreme intent of revoking a particular reaction. like agging someone on.
this post is not trolling at all. it is spam
spam defined to a tee.
this post is a post with the supreme intent of pimping ones wares, in this case, his website.
04-12-2013, 12:09 PM
Faser's on vaporize...everybody stand back.
I'm tempted to leave this just so I can find out more about the fine Nigerian gentlemen. I'd like to help him out any way I can too ya know.
04-12-2013, 12:21 PM
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
04-12-2013, 12:44 PM
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Thank you for that lovely trip down memory lane Wilbur. Shhh, don't let that old goat Jocko know I'm about....don't want to lose my head ya know?
mr surveyor
04-12-2013, 03:44 PM
does anyone have a roadmap available that I could use this weekend. I'm thinking about driving out there to that place in Nigeria and make sure the General is o.k.
I'm beginning to smell a rat
mr surveyor
04-12-2013, 03:45 PM
does anyone have a roadmap available that I could use this weekend. I'm thinking about driving out there to that place in Nigeria and make sure the General is o.k.
I'm beginning to smell a rat
oh... and the bank called this afternoon and said I was now overdraft by $10k. I wonder if mrs surv skipped work and went shopping
04-12-2013, 03:46 PM
Has anyone seen Mr. Ed in the last 10 years??/ I know where he is at. (well part of him anyhow).
How about Mr. Peeprs. for memory lane ventures. I never meet him but I think I meet a dozen of his Mr. Peepers club members one inight in the back room at Pricilla's... Just sayin:eek::eek::eek:
04-12-2013, 03:55 PM
does anyone have a roadmap available that I could use this weekend. I'm thinking about driving out there to that place in Nigeria and make sure the General is o.k.
I'm beginning to smell a rat
oh... and the bank called this afternoon and said I was now overdraft by $10k. I wonder if mrs surv skipped work and went shopping
Those woman, I tell ya, you can't trust them. She probably went shopping.
I don't have a map but I think there's a bridge you gotta cross to get to Nigeria? I think it's down around Omaha ain't it.
I hope the General is ok too. Keep us posted.
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