View Full Version : Breightbart article...DHS Ammo Stockpile Myth

04-05-2013, 11:25 AM
An interesting article...read the comments following... hmmmmm


04-05-2013, 11:41 AM
An interesting article...read the comments following... hmmmmm


An excellent read. Thanks for posting that!

Some of it has been things I've said to friends/family all along. Others, good points to consider in the wake of all the foil hat stuff. I'm still a little bothered by it and we'll just have to see how it all ultimately shakes out. Early on, I was more along the lines of thinking w/ this article and the points it makes. Lately, in the face of more and more, I've found myself not so sure and wondering what in the world this many orders in these quantities were needed for. If they are not really taking delivery of the total order and all the recent sky is falling numbers are basically just 'locks' on pricing up to a certain level, then things may not be as bad as they sound.

I would very much be interested in knowing how many rounds the gov't takes delivery on over the next couple of years. It would be interesting, just to compare.

Definitely a good read though.

Longitude Zero
04-05-2013, 11:58 AM
Excellent read. My only issue is the "G" gets to move to the head of the line before ordinary citizens. ONLY THE MILITARY should move ahead of us. ALL other "G" agencies should wait in like like us.

04-05-2013, 12:43 PM
I think LE should hold a place early in the line but only real LE, not IRS, Secret Service, and even the FBI is questionable.

I'm talking community patrolling type LE and deputies. They generally don't get near enough practice and range time as it is and it's even tougher when with tight budgets they couldn't stock pile.

I was lucky and surprised that I got my last requisition, I didn't figure I'd see it for a year or more but I got it in a few months.

Last time it was over a year.

Longitude Zero
04-05-2013, 12:46 PM
As an LEO I would kinda agree. Local agencies should get a bit of help but not to stockpile, only to get what is needed for quals and practice. The FEDS stand in the back of the line one and all.

04-05-2013, 01:11 PM
If BHO can't grab your guns.... Suck up the ammo and tell the gun owners to learn how to throw their handguns a the BG. It IS a conspiracy one way or another....
Who is this writer? BHO press corps? Why then is the no ammo then?
Even from reloading companies like Georgia arms? There's plenty of brass- no gunpowder, no primers. I don't believe this baffoon, there's been no reply from Janet "Bring your girlfriend around" Napolitano with multiple request from senators and congressmen Typical stonewall. There's been many, many article 100% contrary verses this ONE BS justification. You LEO's can't get ammo so WHERE is it???????? We blowin' off in Afghanistan? I don't think so.....

04-05-2013, 05:22 PM
Thanks to the author for helping to bring reason to bear, calm the hysteria, and get us back under the radar.

04-05-2013, 06:26 PM
I can attest to folks "stock piling" ammo as I see it every day. The same folks come into the store when the doors open, head straight back to the ammo to see if anything had been put out during the night, buy what they can (limits in place), bring said purchase to the car and head back to buy more until all is gone or a manager steps in.

This is an every day occurrence but it is getting better since limits have been placed. Most customers understand and have no problem. Others still feel the need to hoard as much as they can.

04-05-2013, 07:54 PM
I myself have a huge stockpile of ammo, but I need it for my large arsenal of weapons. I've got at least a half a brick of .22LR alone. But, the government is definitely buying up all the ammo. I saw Janet Napolitano over at Walmart just the other day. At least I think it was Janet Napolitano. I get her and Janet Reno mixed up sometimes.

04-29-2013, 03:01 AM
Oh is it really a Myth?


04-29-2013, 05:38 AM
It must be true. We saw it on the internet. You can post something that isn't true on the internet. I read that on the internet and I'm a French model. :)

04-29-2013, 08:21 AM
I think LE should hold a place early in the line but only real LE, not IRS, Secret Service, and even the FBI is questionable.

I'm talking community patrolling type LE and deputies. They generally don't get near enough practice and range time as it is and it's even tougher when with tight budgets they couldn't stock pile.

I was lucky and surprised that I got my last requisition, I didn't figure I'd see it for a year or more but I got it in a few months.

Last time it was over a year.

Why the hate for the FBI?

04-29-2013, 10:27 AM
Feds. Not to be trusted. Individual agents probably ok but in the over all big scheme of things not to be trusted.

04-29-2013, 10:51 AM
Of course it's just a myth. I am so comfortable with our fearless leaders I have taken the tin foil off my hat and vest, wrapped my Kahr in it and beat it into a plow shear. Enrolled in Columbia U (free birth control) to learn how to be a good radical left wing farmer.

04-29-2013, 11:43 AM
Feds. Not to be trusted. Individual agents probably ok but in the over all big scheme of things not to be trusted.

That's a very broad brush to paint with my friend. Could you give first hand experiences?

If you are not comfortable with relating personal experience on the forum; I can be reached via PM or email, or telephone.

04-29-2013, 12:01 PM
It takes a very wide brush, a big roller would be far more effective.
I have no first hand experiences, (well I do vaguely) working with individual agents that didn't impress me with common sense skills but all agencies have those.

One example, going to a raid/stake out and forgetting his gun.

Government is very big, it and all of it's myriad of branches and agencies is not to be trusted. It's too big, it's too diverse and too subject to corruption.

Even with the unreliable and distorted media information we are fed it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that funny things are going on.
Political correctness will finish us, fear of speaking the truth or not speaking at all when the powers that be overstep their bounds will be additional nails in the coffin.

I'm bawanna, I'm a tinfoil hatter and I endorse this message.

PS- For what it's worth I love Criminal Minds and love those guys. It's amazing how they put all that info together and always get there in just a nick of time. Those guys are good. T.J. I love you.

04-29-2013, 12:09 PM
Muggsy you keep those blinders on. Baseball Apple Pie and Mom! These were the good OLD days
Pappy I'm not sure what you're sayin'
Bawanna your a tough dude! You have MY respect!

04-29-2013, 12:31 PM
It takes a very wide brush, a big roller would be far more effective.
I have no first hand experiences, (well I do vaguely) working with individual agents that didn't impress me with common sense skills but all agencies have those.

One example, going to a raid/stake out and forgetting his gun.

Government is very big, it and all of it's myriad of branches and agencies is not to be trusted. It's too big, it's too diverse and too subject to corruption.

Even with the unreliable and distorted media information we are fed it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that funny things are going on.
Political correctness will finish us, fear of speaking the truth or not speaking at all when the powers that be overstep their bounds will be additional nails in the coffin.

I'm bawanna, I'm a tinfoil hatter and I endorse this message.

PS- For what it's worth I love Criminal Minds and love those guys. It's amazing how they put all that info together and always get there in just a nick of time. Those guys are good. T.J. I love you.

The Agents that didn't meet your standards; do they have names? Or do you have a case number on the raid so that we can check through the FOIA, for the Agent's name and get him to respond? I'm sure that he or she would love to respond here and join us in a good laugh at his/her expense.

I'm really surprised and disappointed that you would demean an agency
with a large number of decent, hard working folks.

04-29-2013, 12:58 PM
The Agents that didn't meet your standards; do they have names? Or do you have a case number on the raid so that we can check through the FOIA, for the Agent's name and get him to respond? I'm sure that he or she would love to respond here and join us in a good laugh at his/her expense.

I'm really surprised and disappointed that you would demean an agency
with a large number of decent, hard working folks.

Perhaps my brush is too broad in hind sight. I don't have case numbers or names that I would share nor would I if I did.

For a little humor related to the forgotten gun, immediately afterwards there was an after action report meeting with several of his FBI supervisors in attendance.
He made a valiant effort to hide the "Borrowed" gun as they are very strict on what firearms they can carry and are only allowed their issued gun.

I don't recall what that was now, Sigs I think, he was loaned a Beretta.

To his credit it was an O dark Thirty call out and who can think at that time of the morning.

I will try to contain my distrust and I'm disappointed that your disappointed in me for it.
When I make a run for President I hope I can make amends and secure your vote, even though I was born here in the geographical center of the United States of America in Bowling Green Missouri. With documentation to prove it.
Probably not qualified, I better stick to wood.

04-29-2013, 03:46 PM
On a slight tangent from the current FBI discussion, but back to the subject of the scarcity of ammo ... I'm wondering if we're not beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There was time 2-3 months ago when I could walk into an LGS and not even come close to being able to find any 9mm. However, I've been into that store once a week for the last 3 weeks, and they have had a pile of 9mm. They're still limiting you to 4 boxes, but it's there to be had. I have so much stockpiled now (keeping in mind that I didn't even own a gun until 3 weeks ago) that I only bought one box to supplement what I fired at their range. Some of you would probably consider my stockpile peanuts, but too me it seems like a lot.

04-29-2013, 04:03 PM
As long as we're drifting this thread, (hardly ever happens on Kahrtalk), I have a serious question:

Immediately following the Boston Bombing, the FBI SAIC for Boston DesLauriers made a big splash at the press conference about the FBI being in charge of the investigation and all efforts would be coordinated by his office.

Fast forward through some infrequent and generally late press conferences and he trots out again with the fill in "informing the press" statements. And the wild day at the Federal Courthouse with the bomb scare and rumors flying.

Fast forward again to the drama that played out Thursday night into late Friday Evening, you didn't see anything from the FBI. All conferences were given by the Governor, Mayors and Police Chiefs of the respective cities.

Finally once it was in the bag and they had the mutt in custody, the FBI SAIC trots out again to give another halting speech about the FBI's involvement.

My question is, did the command of the case revert to the State and City officials during the Shelter in Place debacle or did the FBI merely lay low during the search and 4th Amendment violations? Who called those shots if the FBI was in charge of the case?

04-29-2013, 04:06 PM
It's just the "perfect storm" type deal, you have the agencies buying up ammo, causing the people to buy up and hoard ammo, and a finite production capability that can't keep up with the demand. I imagine it will settle down soon. I'm already seeing CDNN flyers with AR-15 style rifles back in stock, for under $1k. It does say Limited Quantities, and Act Soon on them, but at least they are getting a few in and not price gouging too much.

04-29-2013, 04:16 PM
Yes, the situation on ammo is getting better. My LGS has 9mm and the local Academy sporting goods store has 9mm several times weekly, but sells out fast. My Academy(s) seems to keep some of everything else in "some" stock (as in "not my brand choice", but available).
One the note on the change, the LGS I shopped at Friday had a wall full of AR's near their pre hystaria prices as well as some AK's/AK pistols. They also had hundreds of "High cap" mags for everything you'd figure to put one in.

Me? I was just needing some Hoppe's #9 for a little aromatherapy...;)

04-29-2013, 05:59 PM
Perhaps my brush is too broad in hind sight. I don't have case numbers or names that I would share nor would I if I did.

For a little humor related to the forgotten gun, immediately afterwards there was an after action report meeting with several of his FBI supervisors in attendance.
He made a valiant effort to hide the "Borrowed" gun as they are very strict on what firearms they can carry and are only allowed their issued gun.

I don't recall what that was now, Sigs I think, he was loaned a Beretta.

To his credit it was an O dark Thirty call out and who can think at that time of the morning.

I will try to contain my distrust and I'm disappointed that your disappointed in me for it.
When I make a run for President I hope I can make amends and secure your vote, even though I was born here in the geographical center of the United States of America in Bowling Green Missouri. With documentation to prove it.
Probably not qualified, I better stick to wood.

Hey, Bawanna.....don't let him back you into a corner.

"Never argue with a fool; he will only pull you down to his level, and beat you with experience"

But, I am sticking up for the Feds. I'm just not that sensitive about it.

04-29-2013, 06:05 PM
As long as we're drifting this thread, (hardly ever happens on Kahrtalk), I have a serious question:

Immediately following the Boston Bombing, the FBI SAIC for Boston DesLauriers made a big splash at the press conference about the FBI being in charge of the investigation and all efforts would be coordinated by his office.

Fast forward through some infrequent and generally late press conferences and he trots out again with the fill in "informing the press" statements. And the wild day at the Federal Courthouse with the bomb scare and rumors flying.

Fast forward again to the drama that played out Thursday night into late Friday Evening, you didn't see anything from the FBI. All conferences were given by the Governor, Mayors and Police Chiefs of the respective cities.

Finally once it was in the bag and they had the mutt in custody, the FBI SAIC trots out again to give another halting speech about the FBI's involvement.

My question is, did the command of the case revert to the State and City officials during the Shelter in Place debacle or did the FBI merely lay low during the search and 4th Amendment violations? Who called those shots if the FBI was in charge of the case?

FBI ain't political appointees. Most of your question answered.

The rest....don't believe all you see on TV shows re FBI arrogance when dealing with local LE.

04-29-2013, 06:54 PM
In the Clinton era it was day traders propping up stock prices - in the obo era it is gun show ammo traders buying ammunition to resell every weekend. This too will end when the bubble bursts and the guys are left with a pile of ammo they paid high prices for. Sooner than later would be good for me.

mr surveyor
04-29-2013, 07:21 PM
In the Clinton era it was day traders propping up stock prices - in the obo era it is gun show ammo traders buying ammunition to resell every weekend. This too will end when the bubble bursts and the guys are left with a pile of ammo they paid high prices for. Sooner than later would be good for me.


04-29-2013, 08:00 PM
Hey, Bawanna.....don't let him back you into a corner.

"Never argue with a fool; he will only pull you down to his level, and beat you with experience"

But, I am sticking up for the Feds. I'm just not that sensitive about it.

I agree with itxi. I respect those that have earned my respect and show respect for me. So far no feds have earned or lost my respect. Federal government as a whole does not respect me? I don't trust them to protect my individual interest. Just look at the national debt and I rest my case. Those in positions of leadership are foolish.

God Bless the USA. We need it. :amflag:

04-29-2013, 08:09 PM
Hey, Bawanna.....don't let him back you into a corner.

"Never argue with a fool; he will only pull you down to his level, and beat you with experience"

But, I am sticking up for the Feds. I'm just not that sensitive about it.

I really don't consider this a fisticuff or argument. I consider Pappy a good pal and continue to do so regardless if he thinks I have to fat of a paint brush.

Perhaps I do really. When it comes to government and specifically Federal government I guess I should apply what I've discovered at work during an ah hah moment.

I determined to myself that I am not the problem, I know what the problem is and I got good ideas how to fix it but the people I need to address to apply the fix are part of the problem so I'm sort of hog tied.

I just do my job, fix what little I can, let the violets play their games, the brown nosers do their thing and wait for 5 oclock and Fridays.
It's a good job, it could be a great job but I just have to roll with it.

This isn't nearly as effective with big brother as I consider it a runaway train and we gotta get the brakes on soon or there's gonna be one hell of a train wreck.

04-30-2013, 04:58 PM
It may be the suits that they have to wear, that's limiting their true abilities.
Just trying to help out.....

05-02-2013, 06:15 AM
Oh is it really a Myth?


How dare you question the motives of the Government. Obama had the DHS buy up all of that ammo to avoid higher cost to the tax payers down the road. It's all a part of his Obamunitions program. Under his plan you'll still get to shoot your old ammo if you like it. And it will be a whole lot cheaper just like healthcare. :) You guys and yer tin foil hats.