View Full Version : Federal back-room deal?

04-05-2013, 04:30 PM
From: Dudley Brown <dudley.brown@nationalgunrights.org>

Dear xxxxx ,

I heard the news just minutes ago.

Behind closed doors in Washington, D.C. there's a new smoky backroom "deal" in the works.

And while no one will say so on the record, according to my sources in both the House and the Senate, the NRA is secretly right smack dab in the middle of it.

I'll give you the details in just a moment . . .

But xxxxx , with only four days until the U.S. Senate goes back into session, please realize this is crunch time.

New developments in this fight are going to come fast and furious.

Politicians in BOTH parties in Washington, D.C. are working feverishly to trick gun owners into trading more of our Second Amendment rights for a shiny chunk of fools' gold.

And without your action today, I'm afraid they may just succeed.

That's why I've created a new Emergency Fax Petition, urging your Senators to oppose any "deal" and instead "Stand With Rand" to prevent any gun-related bill from reaching the floor.

What the gun-grabbers want as part of their deal is no surprise -- ATF Witch hunt legislation.

Sold as a bill to supposedly stop "gun trafficking," this legislation would dramatically ramp up penalties on Americans who sell firearms to "prohibited persons" -- if the seller "should have known."

The legal definitions of both of these phrases is so vague, they're an anti-gun ATF agent's dream come true.

This scheme is designed to get gun owners to start screaming FOR a national gun registry because ultimately the only way you'll be able to protect yourself from ATF goons is to get prior federal approval for every gun transfer.

So xxxxxx , should this ATF Witch Hunt legislation ever become law, it would be an outright DISASTER.

But aren't you and I supposed to "get" something as part of this deal?


So-called "National concealed carry reciprocity."

Sounds nice doesn't it?

Like you, I believe the Second Amendment means what it says, and it's the birthright of every American to exercise their God-given right to keep and bear arms.

But there's a BIG FAT catch . . .

President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and all the rest of this anti-gun administration would get the names and addresses of every permit holder in the country so they can "properly enforce" the new scheme.

Worse, instead of your State Legislature setting the concealed carry laws for your state, now Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and all the rest would get a say in setting up new "common sense standards."

xxxxxx , so-called "National Concealed Carry Reciprocity" is hardly a step in the right direction.

Instead, it's a thinly-veiled attempt to stop the progress you and I have been making working through State Legislatures in recent years.

Today, only a few states in America deny citizens the ability to carry concealed in some fashion.

20 years ago, it was 14.

Not only that, but through successes like passing Constitutional Carry in Arizona and Wyoming -- which simply states that if you're legal to own a firearm, you're legal to carry it –- state laws are getting less and less restrictive every year.

Should this "deal" pass, I'm afraid it will be the end of all of our progress!

So when I first heard the news, the NRA is quietly working behind the scenes for this "deal" with weak-kneed GOP Senators, I was shocked and saddened.

Even despite the horrific "merits" of the "deal" being discussed, it will get much, much worse before it's all said and done.

As I told you before, any "deal" that gathers the 60 votes needed to overcome Senator Paul's filibuster and reaches the floor for debate will only serve as a vehicle for Harry Reid and his anti-gun cronies to pile on with amendments.

Magazine bans, the Feinstein Gun Ban and national gun registration under the guise of "universal background checks" could be in the works.

In fact, just days ago, Asa Hutchison -- director of the NRA's National School Shield Task Force -- said he was "open" to expanding "background checks."

Of course, the NRA immediately backed off his comments.

But why is the NRA STILL refusing to back Senator Paul's filibuster?

Is it because they're going to try and break the Paul filibuster with their own misguided "deal" and play right into the gun-grabbers' hands?

I sincerely hope not.

But as I mentioned, this first vote on the motion to proceed to debate on ANY gun-related bill is where you and I must win -- "deal" or no deal.

And blowing this scheme wide open RIGHT NOW before the Senate goes back into session gives you and me a fighting chance.

That's why it's absolutely critical you sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY, urging your Senators to oppose any "deal" and instead "Stand With Rand" to prevent any gun-related bill from reaching the floor.

And if possible, I hope you'll agree to your most generous financial support.

Fortunately, since I last wrote you, more Senators are now publicly agreeing to "Stand with Rand."

xxxxxx, the pressure from NAGR members is clearly working.

The list stands now stands at eight -- Paul (R-KY), Cruz (R-TX), Lee (R-UT), Inhofe (R-OK), Rubio (R-FL), Burr (R-NC), Moran (R-KS), Enzi (R-WY) and Johnson (R-WI).

Others have signaled tepid support.

But time is running out, so it's vital you and I turn up the heat even more to reach the 41 votes necessary to win.

04-05-2013, 07:41 PM
Do you have black helicopters flying over your house or something? ;)

04-05-2013, 08:05 PM
Do you have black helicopters flying over your house or something? ;)

This letter is from The NAGR National Association for Gun Rights
I didn't write it, my name is Not Dudley.
Being in the flight path of Ft Dix/ MaGuire airbase, yes I have a lot of stuff that flies around, Ripley. Believe it or not.

04-05-2013, 09:20 PM
First and foremost, if a back room deal is in the works the NRA isn't in the middle of it. I trust Rand Paul and his cohorts about as far as I can throw them. Rand Paul is as wacko as his old man. And I'm a good judge of character. I like Bawanna and Jocko, don't I?


Longitude Zero
04-06-2013, 08:17 AM
First and foremost, if a back room deal is in the works the NRA isn't in the middle of it.

I hope you are correct however I will take a wait and see position.

04-06-2013, 08:41 AM
My take on this is "CALL YOU REPRESENTATIVES!" Mine's Jon Runyon, former Philadelphia Eagle.
I did....

04-06-2013, 10:19 AM
I just received this from Gun Owners of America:

Gun Owners of America
Your Activism Is Getting Noticed
by the Power Players on Capitol Hill!
GOA thanks its grassroots for making the difference

“Gun Owners of America, with its war chest, membership and lobbying strength dwarfed by the National Rifle Association, is emerging as an influential force as a series of gun control measures heads to the Senate floor.” - New York Times, April 4, 2013

The Senate was supposed to be taking up gun control next week. But now it looks like the outpouring of grassroots opposition from GOA activists has forced Harry Reid to push back his plans for at least a week.

Said the New York Times, “The group [GOA] has already been successful in both freezing senators, particularly Republicans, who have appeared to be on the fence about supporting bills to expand background checks and [has been] empowering those who have a strong gun rights background.”

The article cited GOA’s work in bolstering the resolve of several Senators, but especially that of Tom Coburn of Oklahoma who has been frequently wooed by anti-gun Senator Chuck Schumer.

Your backing of GOA is what’s making all of this possible!

Thanks for supporting GOA and standing with us ... for spreading the word ... and for continuously taking action.

To date, no compromise has been reached. And that means Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just doesn’t have the votes yet.

Here’s why:

More Senators have committed to support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster, including James Inhofe (R-OK) and Marco Rubio (R-FL). There are even more Senators who are joining this list, and we will share those names with you next week.
A plurality of Senators voted for a GOA-supported Lee amendment, two weeks ago, requiring a super-majority vote to pass gun control. While the amendment failed (as it needed support from 60% of the Senate), it nevertheless sent a “shot across the bow” of the gun controllers ship.
On March 23, a majority of Senators voted to bar the Obama Administration from signing onto an anti-UN treaty. This was an important development, seeing as that the United Nations General Assembly approved the Arms Trade Treaty earlier this week.
More Congressman are joining the fight in the House to put pressure on House Speaker John Boehner to support the Hastert Rule - a rule that would kill all gun control. The number of Congressmen supporting the Stockman-Broun letter is now up to 30.
GOA has still been lobbying the House, even while we’ve been asking you to mostly focus your efforts on the Senate. To that end, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked Rep. Peter King yesterday about the influence GOA is having in the House.

“The New York Times has a report on the Gun Owners of America,” Andrea Mitchell asked. “What are members saying about the impact of lobbying groups such as them [GOA]?”

King, who is, ironically, F-rated with GOA, said that, “Larry Pratt with the Gun Owners of America is effective. I don’t deal with them myself, but the fact is, they are effective.”

As we noted above, the New York Times quoted Senate aides on Tuesday as saying that “gun issues would probably slip to the week of April 15 - a setback considering that Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leaders, had pledged that it would be the first issue to come up when Congress returns from spring recess next week.”

We’ll let you know what’s happening next week. But for now, enjoy your weekend knowing that Reid doesn’t yet have the votes.

Thanks for supporting GOA and standing with us ... for spreading the word ... and for continuously taking action.

04-06-2013, 02:23 PM
I don't trust any organization that takes pot shots at the NRA. I've been a life member since 1972. I've seen the dedication of the leadership and membership in protecting our 2A rights. No other organization has worked at it longer or has gone at it harder than the NRA.