View Full Version : NRA staged this?

04-09-2013, 01:59 PM
we are always going off on how fishy some of these shooting are. Here is a stabbing that plays into what we have been saying all along. It isnt the gun its the perp.

MW surveyor
04-09-2013, 02:05 PM
So why would you use that particular title?

This incident happened about 5 miles from my house at one of the many jr. college campuses within about a 5 mile radius of where I live. The shooting earlier this year was also nearby.

04-09-2013, 02:14 PM
I hate to say it this way, but this knofe stabbing of 14 peole puts alot of heat on senators now wo were even thinkin ofvoting for more gun contril.s. this outta show people that other weapons willbe found, no matter what lawas u pass.

so so glad it wasw a knife and not an assualt weapon, course now we will probablysee the 14 family's of these knifed students protesting that we now outlaw knoves on campus along with guns, so NO ONE HAS ANY means of protection.

Well be inteesting tosee if the liberal media picks upo on this at all even and how fast they pass over it as non coincidental.

04-09-2013, 02:19 PM
there have been rumblings that antigunners staged some of the recent shootings to promote their agenda of disarming Americans. Some here have pointed out details that make these incidents seem contrived and planned. We have never had any incident that fell onto what we have been purporting all along. Namely, it is not the gun but the perp and the gun is merely a tool that if not available will mean the perp will use something else to do his evil work.. A stabbing of this magnitude could be contrued as the oposite of an allegedly staged shooting to foster support of our argument regarding the 2A. The title repesents this and also a shock value to get readers and commenters on this thread. Nothing more. I will grant you that my title is a bit insensitive though but I am trying to be open to the conspiracy theories and point out that this way of thinking can go both ways.

04-09-2013, 02:20 PM
I hate to say it this way, but this knofe stabbing of 14 peole puts alot of heat on senators now wo were even thinkin ofvoting for more gun contril.s. this outta show people that other weapons willbe found, no matter what lawas u pass.

so so glad it wasw a knife and not an assualt weapon, course now we will probablysee the 14 family's of these knifed students protesting that we now outlaw knoves on campus along with guns, so NO ONE HAS ANY means of protection.

Well be inteesting tosee if the liberal media picks upo on this at all even and how fast they pass over it as non coincidental.
it will be gone by tomorrow or they will use it to point out that other weapons have less lethality and therefore the guns are the most lethal and need to go.

04-09-2013, 02:22 PM
Wish I could have been there. Again.

04-09-2013, 02:24 PM
just think, had even just one victim been allowed to ccw a pistol on that texas campus........

04-09-2013, 02:37 PM
there have been rumblings that antigunners staged some of the recent shootings to promote their agenda of disarming Americans. Some here have pointed out details that make these incidents seem contrived and planned. We have never had any incident that fell onto what we have been purporting all along. Namely, it is not the gun but the perp and the gun is merely a tool that if not available will mean the perp will use something else to do his evil work.. A stabbing of this magnitude could be contrued as the oposite of an allegedly staged shooting to foster support of our argument regarding the 2A. The title repesents this and also a shock value to get readers and commenters on this thread. Nothing more. I will grant you that my title is a bit insensitive though but I am trying to be open to the conspiracy theories and point out that this way of thinking can go both ways.

are free to think what ever they want. It wasn't swtaged,neithger was sandyt school. both nut cases with different weapons. No doubt had there be laws allowing ccw on campus this might not have been as big of an issue, who know either. Often times a knife wound is worse than a bullet wound. I just heard on the news tha tone studend knew the attacker and he was a studendat the unversity and that he often carried a teddy bear with him. WTF.:Amflag2: Now no knivbes allowed on campus, so we each with ur finners..

ohby the way has anyone heard from that twitt of a president over this incident... probalby not..

04-09-2013, 02:41 PM
What we need is universal background checks on knife purchases and a total ban on knives that are sharp enough to cut or stab you. Were not trying to deprive you of your right to eat. We only want to ban those cheap easily concealable paring knives, those high capacity machetes, and sets of six steak knives. Owning more than one steak knife has no legitimate eating purpose and leads to obesity. :)

04-09-2013, 02:55 PM
well one thing is for certain. we now need to take the letter I off of our alphabet as it looks like a knife.

04-09-2013, 02:59 PM
well one thing is for certain. we now need to take the letter I off of our alphabet as it looks like a knife.

What would your English College Professor think of you suggesting that? Actually he probably thunk it up.

04-09-2013, 03:02 PM
What a tragedy!

Now you know they are going to start pushing for registration of all knives.

Steak knives, butter knives, even the plastic ones!

04-09-2013, 03:26 PM
just called Albert at Seattle Edge. My knives should be ready in a couple days. They should be scary sharp. Yeeeeoww

04-09-2013, 04:24 PM
there have been rumblings that antigunners staged some of the recent shootings to promote their agenda of disarming Americans. Some here have pointed out details that make these incidents seem contrived and planned. We have never had any incident that fell onto what we have been purporting all along. Namely, it is not the gun but the perp and the gun is merely a tool that if not available will mean the perp will use something else to do his evil work.. A stabbing of this magnitude could be contrued as the oposite of an allegedly staged shooting to foster support of our argument regarding the 2A. The title repesents this and also a shock value to get readers and commenters on this thread. Nothing more. I will grant you that my title is a bit insensitive though but I am trying to be open to the conspiracy theories and point out that this way of thinking can go both ways.

Ok so some 21 YO has been captured and will get (Deep) Fried down there is the NRA gonna do the time? CT's have a place, they make you wonder but with a captured kid, just ruining his life, I think the NRA's cleared on this one....But agree with Jocko (Scary) this IS good for pro gunners, demonstrates that a maniac can find a way, always!

04-09-2013, 04:48 PM
Isn't it strange that most of these things happen in gun free zones? I wonder why?:confused:

04-09-2013, 04:53 PM
Isn't it strange that most of these things happen in gun free zones? I wonder why?:confused:

I think the gun grabbers did some studies and found no links or correlation to gun free zones or as we call them Shooting fish in a barrel zones.

Not sure how accurate the studies were nor do I know the academic background of the chimps that performed the study. I do believe one had been to the moon at one time so he might be a little long in the tooth.

04-09-2013, 05:08 PM
What would your English College Professor think of you suggesting that? Actually he probably thunk it up.

MY PROF dunfokk (that was his real name) was a pretty good professor. HGe always told me. "ol jocko, alwyas take the short cut with spelling for life is to short to be totally correct all the time. I have lived by his words now for 50 years. He had a sister I used todate, her name, DRUMM ROLL PLEASE Ima Just sayin