04-10-2013, 11:35 PM
While I DON'T KNOW if any of these things would affect the reliability or longevity, I looked at the gunstore's CW9 that was in the case, and then asked if he'd bring out 3 more in the box for me to choose--I told him I wanted to see if any looked better than the others, but that I was going to buy one if I liked what I saw (they were on sale for $339).
What I didn't expect was how much variety was in this sample of four.
All of the three I didn't choose had MAJOR tooling marks in various places--mine had some VERY minor marks (not scrapes) on the feed-ramp (it's so steep it shouldn't be called a ramp--it's more like a "feed-wall"), but I could only see them in the right light, and after a super slight touch with the dremel and a bit of Flitz, they're gone.
The worst was the feed ramp on one had 6-9 slightly indented scrapes in it; on another, the rear-top face of the barrel (where it closes up against the slide) looked like a giant humanoid-robot had pinched it and left deep fingerprints scraped all across it (the metal at the top was even curved a bit in one corner--almost peened looking). The third had a scratched up feed ramp and some tool marks around the barrel lug area. TWO of the THREE I didn't choose had a bit more space between the slide and the frame (though I could only get one to wiggle any--they're VERY tight guns, that's for sure). Again, loose can be good for reliability, so I'm not judging.
Two were very gooey inside with what looked like brown grease and some dark powder residue, one looked unfired--it was pristine (mine had a little grime, but was the second cleanest).
*** I'm wondering (A) if the gun-sales craze hasn't caused some slipping in quality control, or (B) if my gunstore somehow got a batch of blems for cheap, and put them on sale for $339 (I've seen Kahr's labeled "blem" for sale at BUDSGUNSHOP, so it's not impossible). I don't think anyone who saw the feedramp I saw would have let it out into the world, and perhaps if people payed closer attention there might be fewer guns sent back (or they might at least get a discount for the "blems"). ***
IF I had a decent camera on my old crap phone, I would have taken pics...I think it would have been an interesting thread, getting opinions on who thought what was acceptable or not.
What I didn't expect was how much variety was in this sample of four.
All of the three I didn't choose had MAJOR tooling marks in various places--mine had some VERY minor marks (not scrapes) on the feed-ramp (it's so steep it shouldn't be called a ramp--it's more like a "feed-wall"), but I could only see them in the right light, and after a super slight touch with the dremel and a bit of Flitz, they're gone.
The worst was the feed ramp on one had 6-9 slightly indented scrapes in it; on another, the rear-top face of the barrel (where it closes up against the slide) looked like a giant humanoid-robot had pinched it and left deep fingerprints scraped all across it (the metal at the top was even curved a bit in one corner--almost peened looking). The third had a scratched up feed ramp and some tool marks around the barrel lug area. TWO of the THREE I didn't choose had a bit more space between the slide and the frame (though I could only get one to wiggle any--they're VERY tight guns, that's for sure). Again, loose can be good for reliability, so I'm not judging.
Two were very gooey inside with what looked like brown grease and some dark powder residue, one looked unfired--it was pristine (mine had a little grime, but was the second cleanest).
*** I'm wondering (A) if the gun-sales craze hasn't caused some slipping in quality control, or (B) if my gunstore somehow got a batch of blems for cheap, and put them on sale for $339 (I've seen Kahr's labeled "blem" for sale at BUDSGUNSHOP, so it's not impossible). I don't think anyone who saw the feedramp I saw would have let it out into the world, and perhaps if people payed closer attention there might be fewer guns sent back (or they might at least get a discount for the "blems"). ***
IF I had a decent camera on my old crap phone, I would have taken pics...I think it would have been an interesting thread, getting opinions on who thought what was acceptable or not.