View Full Version : Republican Senators that must be removed from office.

04-11-2013, 01:30 PM
The following is a list of Republican lawmakers who voted to advance the gun legislation in the Senate Thursday:
New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte
Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss
Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn
Maine Sen. Susan Collins
Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake
Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson
Arizona Sen. John McCain
Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker
North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr
North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven
Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham
Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker
Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey
Nevada Sen. Dean Heller

WR Monger
04-11-2013, 01:39 PM
Being from AZ, this makes me sad.

04-11-2013, 01:45 PM
I'm proud that mine aren't on the list. They probably weren't there that day or they would have been.

04-11-2013, 04:48 PM
Two from my state. So proud. First,they both vote for the internet tax and now this. Guess who got calls and tweets today. And lots of them.

04-11-2013, 04:53 PM
RINO's. I respect McCain for what he went through during Nam, but he sure isn't much if any help to the Republican cause.
Speaking of Nam, anyone seen Mega B!tch Hanoi Jane going around apologizing for her actions in N.V.? Saying she was just kind of moved around from photo op to photo op, not knowing what was going on. Probably higher than hell on that china white heroin going around, but I still say she should have been shot as a traitor. What a fake a$$ B!tch.

04-11-2013, 05:00 PM
And be replaced with...:confused:
The oldest bloviating loosers for presidential office, who have gotten all of their extended family and friends government jobs and are planning to retire are ALWAYS the one's to jump ship and screw the people in their district who elected them, along with the rest of us...sad
Term Limits for the slime

Speaking of slime, does John Kerry have a botox IV drip going into his chin or what??

04-11-2013, 05:06 PM
Mine aren't on the list either. Oh, wait, mine are !$#%$$^ Democrats. And not the two that defected and stood against this w/ the sane Republicans.

04-11-2013, 06:32 PM
Thanks for posting this list, Barth.

I am not happy to see my state senator on the list. I hope readers of this thread will contact their elected officials to express their displeasure with the vote.

Here's the text of an email I just sent my senator:

Dear Senator Ayotte,

I was pleased to receive your reply to my letter about proposed gun control legislation. In your letter, you said some things which led to me believe Kelly Ayotte really understands the issues surrounding violence, shooting sports, and Second Amendment rights.

Here is a sampling of your comments which were very reassuring to me:

1. "Moving forward, we need to be careful to ensure that we do not infringe on the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans."

2. "First, any discussion about reducing violence must begin with our Constitution. Our Bill of Rights clearly protects the right to self-defense. The Second Amendment to the Constitution states: "... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

3. "Based on my experience as a prosecutor, I do not believe we will stop criminals or mentally ill individuals intent on illegally obtaining and misusing firearms by restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens."
And finally, you closed your letter with this:

4. "While I believe there is much we can do to improve our background check system and enforce existing laws, I do have concerns with "universal" background check proposals that retain the records of law-abiding citizens in a way that could be used to create a firearms registry that would infringe on privacy rights."
Because of your response, received just a few weeks ago, I am perplexed by your actions, today.

I do not understand why you supported a comprehensive "universal" background-check bill, which does "retain records of law-abiding citizens" and which Harry Reid promises will be amended to include bans on certain semi-automatic rifles and magazines!

Please, Senator Ayotte, do not support any legislation which will make criminals of law abiding citizens.

I entrusted you with my vote, Kelly, and I am hoping you will do what is best for the people of NH.



04-11-2013, 06:50 PM
Thank goodness mine wasn't one of them. I have a lot of faith in him. He is very pro constitution and pro life. Has stood his ground on all these issues.

04-11-2013, 06:58 PM
I have got to say I am proud of our Democrat senator. He was one of the few who voted no. He said he would and did. Kudos.

04-11-2013, 08:54 PM
Rob Portman is my republican senator and he isn't on the list. You have no idea how upset I am at those Republicans who are on the list, particularly John McCain. I wrote to the RNC listing the names of those senators as the reason I will not be contributing to the RNC this year. I don't want one penny of my money going to candidates who can't live up to their oath of office to protect and defend the constitution, particularly our 2A rights.

04-11-2013, 09:30 PM
I just wrote to RNC also Muggsy for all the good it will do.

04-11-2013, 09:51 PM
Everyone calm down. They voted for cloture to begin debate on the bill. They did not vote to pass the bill. When the time comes, they will do what is right. And there will be Democrats that join them.

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04-11-2013, 10:05 PM
Everyone calm down. They voted for cloture to begin debate on the bill. They did not vote to pass the bill. When the time comes, they will do what is right. And there will be Democrats that join them.

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I agree with this but it still scares me terribly that they even want to look at it.

04-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Everyone calm down. They voted for cloture to begin debate on the bill. They did not vote to pass the bill. When the time comes, they will do what is right. And there will be Democrats that join them.

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What the hell is there to debate. Nothing that the democrats have proposed will do anything to reduce crime or mass murder. The problem isn't an inanimate object. The problems are mental health and low life scum. The time is now and they voted to talk. They could have voted to end the bullsh!t.

04-11-2013, 10:21 PM
Everyone calm down. They voted for cloture to begin debate on the bill. They did not vote to pass the bill. When the time comes, they will do what is right. And there will be Democrats that join them.
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Sure, but it would have died right there, without those votes...
Slimers all

mr surveyor
04-11-2013, 11:18 PM
I don't think it would have died

04-12-2013, 12:10 AM
Huge back-pedaling by both of my senators trying to play all sides and give reasons for their actions today:

Sen. Corker - http://www.corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2013/4/corker-statement-on-senate-proceeding-to-debate-on-s-649

Sen. Alexander - http://www.alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=PressReleases&ContentRecord_id=cd89b8ab-5096-4552-9c22-36eacff59e8e&ContentType_id=778be7e0-0d5a-42b2-9352-09ed63cc4d66&Group_id=80d87631-7c25-4340-a97a-72cccdd8a658

Think they have gotten a few messages from constituents today? You should see the replies on their Twitter feeds! 2014 cannot come soon enough for me to show my displeasure for Alexander at the ballot box. I will have to wait four more years for Corker.

04-12-2013, 03:51 AM
Everyone calm down. They voted for cloture to begin debate on the bill. They did not vote to pass the bill. When the time comes, they will do what is right. And there will be Democrats that join them.

Yeah, that's the attitude. We should all keep quiet and trust politicians to do the right thing. They won't let us down. :rolleyes:

04-12-2013, 07:24 AM
Everyone calm down. They voted for cloture to begin debate on the bill. They did not vote to pass the bill. When the time comes, they will do what is right. And there will be Democrats that join them.

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They better do what is right. I fear that some of them are limp and will do something that we will not find out about until after a bill is passed. It will never make it through the house anyway though.

04-12-2013, 07:29 AM
Huge back-pedaling by both of my senators trying to play all sides and give reasons for their actions today:

Sen. Corker - http://www.corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2013/4/corker-statement-on-senate-proceeding-to-debate-on-s-649

Sen. Alexander - http://www.alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=PressReleases&ContentRecord_id=cd89b8ab-5096-4552-9c22-36eacff59e8e&ContentType_id=778be7e0-0d5a-42b2-9352-09ed63cc4d66&Group_id=80d87631-7c25-4340-a97a-72cccdd8a658

Think they have gotten a few messages from constituents today? You should see the replies on their Twitter feeds! 2014 cannot come soon enough for me to show my displeasure for Alexander at the ballot box. I will have to wait four more years for Corker.

Good buddy, Tennessee is getting more liberal, at least in the capitol anyway. I grew up in your city and I can't believe how much it has changed in the last 30 years. Didn't Nashville even elect a NY'er for a mayor a few years ago? and look at their native child ALGORE.

04-12-2013, 09:36 AM
I don't think it would have died

As I see it, it would have died, it's procedure, if it failed that vote to take it out of commitee that bill would have been drt.

Otherwise why would they even vote?
The vote was to bring it to the floor to be debated, amended, rewritten, etc.
Tweeked to bring more (or less) senators onboard in support.

Even those quick back peddlers used double speak to give themselves an out, I would not count on their votes now, or ever.

I have to laugh at those who jump in with "whew not my senator"...they are ALL slime, even YOUR senator.
If anything passes whether YOUR senator voted up or down, YOU will have to obay the LAW, in every state, in every district.

The ones who vote for it will quote some touchy/feely warm and fuzzy language in the bill and ignore the parts that will be used to further limit our rights with reach around bovine scat requirements, delays and or added cost$$$ to buy/own a gun.

Calm down...your kidding right, that's what they expect you/me to do rationalize it all while they take away our 2A rights.
calm down, you've got to be kidding.

04-12-2013, 09:45 AM
I would hope that everyone does not believe that our arguments for our 2nd amendment rights are so weak that we should not openly debate and reveal the lies of the left when it comes to guns and violence. We need to debate this openly in front of the public to sway the minds of those who might be on the fence. Not debating and trying to avoid the issue will not help our cause in the long run. Continue to contact your Senators and let them know that you will hold them accountable when the time comes if they do not vote to uphold our constitutional rights.

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04-12-2013, 09:57 AM
I would hope that everyone does not believe that our arguments for our 2nd amendment rights are so weak that we should not openly debate and reveal the lies of the left when it comes to guns and violence. We need to debate this openly in front of the public to sway the minds of those who might be on the fence. Not debating and trying to avoid the issue will not help our cause in the long run. Continue to contact your Senators and let them know that you will hold them accountable when the time comes if they do not vote to uphold our constitutional rights.

Assuming you are even close to correct that the Senate is going to debate this in a manner that will shed a miniscule amount of light on the 2A and what it means (none of them get it, I mean N O N E) ...

Which voting block watches CSPAN and will catch it?

But, they will not debate it in that way. I have never heard ONE senator, not ONE, say the 2A was to protect the other 9. I've never heard ONE senator say the 2A was to protect from a tyrannical government. At best you will get the 'gun culture' argument or 'hunting' argument or if there is a God in heaven MAYBE you'll get the 'self defense' argument.

Congress does not get the Constitution. They haven't in well over a hundred years.

Find another venue, Congress is not it...least of all the Senate. You might have better luck in the House, but not likely.

04-12-2013, 10:12 AM
Yeh, know they renamed it something like 2A preservation bill.
The warm and fuzzy words I mentioned earlier, lipstick on a pig reach around, bovine scat (bullshit).

Openly debated in public, when has that happened...healthcare?
Lamestream media will just continue to spew NRA hate and lies and beating the "poor children drum".
Anything to get what the want, nothing will be "exposed" in any debate, because nobody cares but us...legal gun owners.
"I would hope" too, but know it won't happen that way.

04-12-2013, 10:30 AM
Yeh, know they renamed it something like 2A preservation bill.
The warm and fuzzy words I mentioned earlier, lipstick on a pig reach around, bovine scat (bullshit).

Openly debated in public, when has that happened...healthcare?
Lamestream media will just continue to spew NRA hate and lies and beating the "poor children drum".
Anything to get what the want, nothing will be "exposed" in any debate, because nobody cares but us...legal gun owners.
"I would hope" too, but know it won't happen that way.
