View Full Version : Your Dr. would be able to take your guns away

04-12-2013, 04:38 PM
Under the Toomey-Manchin proposal, Dr.s would be able to take your 2nd amendment rights away, for minor symptoms, feeling depressed over the death of a loved one? Dr. fills out a form and you are blacklisted. Have to take some medicine with psychological side effects? Your Dr. can fill out the form and you are blacklisted. Any signs of mental distress and your Dr. can screw you over. This is not necessarily a bad thing, if it keeps genuine psychotics from acquiring weapons, but you know there will be the overzealous gun grabbing Dr.s filling out the forms over minor circumstances.
See the article below for more information.

The number one thing you can do to protect yourself is to make sure your Dr. is a 2nd amendment supporter and not a gun-grabber.

04-12-2013, 05:31 PM
Witch Doctors I say.
Haven't had a family physician since I was a young boy.

Nobodies taking my guns.
Not today.
Not while I'm still breathing...

Live Free or Die

04-12-2013, 06:20 PM
I like their bill, Toomey-Manchin proposal, and so does the NRA, despite the required posturing. The background checks as currently proposed are fine with me given today's society. It expands some gun rights....most notably protecting travelers with ccw's traveling through communist countries such as IL/NY/CA/et al. It also, at last, begins to attack the mental health gun possession issue whih imo, is at the core of our problem.

04-12-2013, 07:04 PM
The universal background checks can't work without a national gun registry. If the government doesn't know you have a gun how can they tell if you sell it? In every instance gun registration has led to gun confiscation and in some cases to mass exterminations. Anyone who accepts universal background check is a fool of the highest order. You are giving up the freedom for which millions of men have sacrificed their lives. Freedom once lost is seldom regained. Toomey and Manchin are a pair of delusional A-holes. Punish the criminals, assist the mentally ill and leave the law abiding citizen alone.

04-12-2013, 07:37 PM
The universal background checks can't work without a national gun registry. If the government doesn't know you have a gun how can they tell if you sell it? In every instance gun registration has led to gun confiscation and in some cases to mass exterminations. Anyone who accepts universal background check is a fool of the highest order. You are giving up the freedom for which millions of men have sacrificed their lives. Freedom once lost is seldom regained. Toomey and Manchin are a pair of delusional A-holes. Punish the criminals, assist the mentally ill and leave the law abiding citizen alone.

f'n A right. fool is a strong word though. perhaps "wishful" is a better word. I dont think that the antigunners are gonna walk away from this without something though

04-12-2013, 07:41 PM
Lest I be viewed as too soft. Violent criminals and the significantly mentally ill should be put on a non age dependent version of the soylent green plan....period! Do that and I agree nothing beyond and probably less than GCA '68 is needed.

04-12-2013, 07:51 PM
In NJ there already is a mental background, drugs alcohol so this fed plan is redundant with severe power given to people that I don't want to have that power.
When Bloomburg applauds it you know it's bad!
Sadly there is NOTHING in this further restrictions/infringements that would have prevented Newtown. A maniac is hell bent, if not by gun then by any other means. ie knife fertilzer bomb car etc.
The NRA's offer to arm a guard was laughed at, but that or an armed teacher would have been the ONLY thing to curtail this. Like the aurora theater (POSTED NO GUNS) when there were concealed carry holders there.... unarmed. Why they followed the law.The BG never read the sign! Don't get Gaslighted!

The only thing they can't take from you is your ability and willingness to use the guns you have to defend yourself against all enemies, foreign and domestic so make sure YOU ARE TRAINED.

Responsible, sane Americans are being mentally abused.

Have you ever heard the term gaslighting?

Check it out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory, perception, and sanity.

Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim (Dorpat, 1994).

You are being told repeatedly by anti-gun advocates, politicians, and the media that they support the Second Amendment and that no one really wants to take your guns, yet the President is pushing Congress for more restrictive gun control legislation that will substantially impact your gun rights.

You're being told that the gun control measures they want to take are "reasonable" and reflective of "common sense," yet your own common sense makes it clear not a single measure being suggested would have prevented any of the mass shootings we've seen.

You're being told that civilians have no need for an AR-15 or 30-round magazines, yet the people who seek to ban them are routinely protected by the same weapons with the same high-capacity magazines, along with their families.

You are being told that gun registration can help reduce violent crime; yet we know criminals are not going to register their guns, and every modern despot who came to power used gun registration to ultimately disarm the public before invoking tyrannical policies.

You will soon be told that the actions being taken are necessary to stop the senseless violence and murder of innocent children. Yet, effective solutions like armed security in schools or the elimination of gun-free zones where mass murders tend to occur, are dismissed outright, all while armed security protects the halls and residences of those in power.

To the weak minded these reforms will seem acceptable. Rest assured, however, that when the next mass murders occur, directly as a result of more gun control shifting the balance of power further into the hands of criminals by disarming the law abiding, the government will insist the changes did not go far enough and they will come after the remaining guns.

The Nazis understood the effectiveness of using authority to manage average people who were reluctant to believe that the regime would ultimately harm them. The Warsaw Ghetto, where the Nazis segregated Polish Jews before sending most of them to die in Treblinka during WWII is a good example. Initially the Jews vastly outnumbered their Nazi overlords yet these people complied with the edicts imposed upon them, thinking it wise to do so - until it was too late. The same was true of the Russians who were murdered under Stalin, the Cambodians under Pol Pot, the Rwandan Tutsis under the Hutus, and every other example of the imposition of tyranny.

Don't think it could happen here?

You are being Gaslighted. You are being told lies about the true intentions of those who seek to take your gun rights by attrition and they have much history to show them how to do it. 170 million people have fallen for this tactic and were eventually killed by their own governments.

Those who suggest this is happening are branded as paranoid conspiracy nuts, a tactic of the gaslighting process. The approach is as clever and effective as it is diabolical and many in America are falling prey to it.

Those who recognize it for what it is will face difficult choices -- comply or resist both of which carry adverse consequences.

We study history to understand where the future is likely to carry us and now you are living it. Either you are going to be a part of deciding your own destiny or you will allow others to determine it for you. I choose the former.

Make no mistake. ANY politician who introduces, supports, or votes for ANY gun control is either uninformed and uneducated on the subject or is knowingly violating our Second Amendment rights.

Either way, whether an idiot or a traitor, THEY NEED TO BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE. Make sure they know, each and every day through an e-mail, a call or a letter that YOU ARE WATCHING THEIR EVERY MOVE on the gun issue.

(I took some of this from a letter well written by
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute)

mr surveyor
04-12-2013, 08:32 PM
I'm getting old. I say no compromise. If anything, repeal every damned gun law on the books and just prosecute the crap out of murderers, robbers, rapists, muggers .......

Firearms are nothing more than tools like knives, scissors, screw drivers, hammers, and even pointy sticks. We have laws on the books that supposedly represent a set of human values (which, like it or not are based on the Ten Commandments). If we enforce the actual value based laws it wouldn't matter what tool the violator used. If the proscribed punishment it to fry their a$$ in petroleum jelly, then git 'er done.

04-12-2013, 08:37 PM
The problem w/ the mental health problem is that they'll take it WAY beyond a reasonable level. You already have activities going by state and federal authorities where they are determining people cannot have a firearm WITHOUT being adjudicated by a court to be of a mental state incompatible with firearm ownership. When left to those methods of decisions, they can determine ANYONE is unfit based on their opinion, some shrink's opinion, some judge's opinion. That's not right. That's not how this country was setup. Period. End of discussion.

04-12-2013, 09:20 PM
I'm getting old. I say no compromise. If anything, repeal every damned gun law on the books and just prosecute the crap out of murderers, robbers, rapists, muggers ......
Firearms are nothing more than tools like knives, scissors, screw drivers, hammers, and even pointy sticks. We have laws on the books that supposedly represent a set of human values (which, like it or not are based on the Ten Commandments). If we enforce the actual value based laws it wouldn't matter what tool the violator used. If the proscribed punishment it to fry their a$$ in petroleum jelly, then git 'er done.

Well, wrt the bold, I disagree. They should all be simply summarily executed.

04-13-2013, 04:32 AM
I'm surprised that so few people are weighing in on this subject....

04-13-2013, 07:40 AM
Well, wrt the bold, I disagree. They should all be simply summarily executed.

They should have gallows outside of every court building, AND USE THEM! None of this constructing more and more jails and spending millions of $ housing and feeding them 'til they die a natural death. The bible makes it clear: there are certain actions for which people should be executed. Our society would be in enormously better shape if we were still doing that.

04-13-2013, 08:00 AM
I'm getting old. I say no compromise. If anything, repeal every damned gun law on the books and just prosecute the crap out of murderers, robbers, rapists, muggers .......

Firearms are nothing more than tools like knives, scissors, screw drivers, hammers, and even pointy sticks. We have laws on the books that supposedly represent a set of human values (which, like it or not are based on the Ten Commandments). If we enforce the actual value based laws it wouldn't matter what tool the violator used. If the proscribed punishment it to fry their a$$ in petroleum jelly, then git 'er done.

+1 on all points mentioned. You said it all.

04-13-2013, 08:21 AM
I'm getting old. I say no compromise. If anything, repeal every damned gun law on the books and just prosecute the crap out of murderers, robbers, rapists, muggers .......

Firearms are nothing more than tools like knives, scissors, screw drivers, hammers, and even pointy sticks. We have laws on the books that supposedly represent a set of human values (which, like it or not are based on the Ten Commandments). If we enforce the actual value based laws it wouldn't matter what tool the violator used. If the proscribed punishment it to fry their a$$ in petroleum jelly, then git 'er done.

Maybe we should take a page out of the old Soviet Union, and bring back the Gulags. Send them all up to Alaska. I bet the misfits won't think there're so bad then!

04-13-2013, 08:26 AM
Nah, don't ruin Alaska, send them to England. It's ruined there anyway and they don't have any guns. Send Pierce Morgan with them and he can show them how a country should be ran.

04-13-2013, 08:33 AM
I'm getting old. I say no compromise. If anything, repeal every damned gun law on the books and just prosecute the crap out of murderers, robbers, rapists, muggers .......

Firearms are nothing more than tools like knives, scissors, screw drivers, hammers, and even pointy sticks. We have laws on the books that supposedly represent a set of human values (which, like it or not are based on the Ten Commandments). If we enforce the actual value based laws it wouldn't matter what tool the violator used. If the proscribed punishment it to fry their a$$ in petroleum jelly, then git 'er done.

+1 I like that thinking. :)

04-13-2013, 11:54 AM
I'm surprised that so few people are weighing in on this subject....

I love that sign, it could be applied so many times to so many things.

04-13-2013, 01:07 PM
I was referring to the "Gaslighting" no one commented on it....

04-13-2013, 02:27 PM
I was referring to the "Gaslighting" no one commented on it.... Great post! The VFW sign is pretty funny, too.
RE: Background checks. One big problem is indeed "mental health". I won't repeat the points made but from what I see,
#1. They really don't know what they are doing in the mental health field, lots of trial and error, constantly making up new syndromes as well as expanding parameters for old ones. There aren't concrete tests for these conditions like we have for medical problems.
#2, there are the HIPPA privacy rules. I know something about what various caregivers go through to comply and it is ridiculous at times.
Who will legally be able to compile this information and who will legally get to see it?
I don't trust them, smoke and mirrors to get more power. As usual a good opportunity to make a bad law.

04-13-2013, 07:22 PM
Nah, don't ruin Alaska, send them to England. It's ruined there anyway and they don't have any guns. Send Pierce Morgan with them and he can show them how a country should be ran.

Isn't this why the Brits invented Australia? Not to be picking on civilized, current day Aussie's, but they still have a lot of unused outback

04-13-2013, 07:51 PM
Isn't this why the Brits invented Australia? Not to be picking on civilized, current day Aussie's, but they still have a lot of unused outback

True, and they took away most of their guns too several years ago.

04-13-2013, 08:25 PM
True, and they took away most of their guns too several years ago.

All the more reason to send them untamed subhuman predators. Perhaps they could become a global case study in why strict gun control/citizen disarmament is a really bad idea.

Summarily deporting the scum to foreign soil would have political hurdles but those could be overcome by craft and money. Picture a large, rented Gitmo in the middle of the Outback with all the security features of Lompoc.

Lot better idea than trashing Alaska and much fun to watch.

mr surveyor
04-13-2013, 09:43 PM
lots of uninhabited land in Iraq .... and besides, they owe us

04-15-2013, 02:50 PM
Under the Toomey-Manchin proposal, Dr.s would be able to take your 2nd amendment rights away, for minor symptoms, feeling depressed over the death of a loved one? Dr. fills out a form and you are blacklisted. Have to take some medicine with psychological side effects? Your Dr. can fill out the form and you are blacklisted. Any signs of mental distress and your Dr. can screw you over. This is not necessarily a bad thing, if it keeps genuine psychotics from acquiring weapons, but you know there will be the overzealous gun grabbing Dr.s filling out the forms over minor circumstances.
See the article below for more information.

The number one thing you can do to protect yourself is to make sure your Dr. is a 2nd amendment supporter and not a gun-grabber.

It would be easy for my doctor to to take my guns. He's usually shooting his in the stall next to me at the range. He's twice my size and a better shot. :)

05-24-2013, 12:45 PM
'Last time I visited my Dr. for a checkup, I mentioned that I'd been 'working out' at the gun range. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he also is a strong supporter of responsible gun ownership and the RKBA!

I then commented that, besides the misuse by criminal elements, IMHO, the REAL problem with guns today is ready access to them by folks with mental issues. He then briefly mentioned that he has a patient who's convinced his brain is being re-programmed every time a satellite passes overhead!

I asked him if he felt this guy could buy a gun and he replied that 'unless you query him about satellites, he looks and acts perfectly normal!' In other words, he probably could go right in to his LGS and purchase an assault rifle and as many boxes of ammo as he can haul out to his car!

THAT, my friends, goes to the heart of the problem! How we, as a society, are going to deal with it is anybody's guess, but it most-assuredly will become quite messy before it's all over!

... 'just my 2¢ and I'm gonna' stick by it 'til someone changes MY mind!

Longitude Zero
05-24-2013, 01:45 PM
My Primary Care Physician and my Cardiologist shoot at the range with me. Their income level affords me the access to their VERY nice guns.

05-25-2013, 07:14 AM
I like their bill, Toomey-Manchin proposal, and so does the NRA, despite the required posturing. The background checks as currently proposed are fine with me given today's society. It expands some gun rights....most notably protecting travelers with ccw's traveling through communist countries such as IL/NY/CA/et al. It also, at last, begins to attack the mental health gun possession issue whih imo, is at the core of our problem.

I agree. There's a lot of positives in that bill.

Concerning doctors taking away your guns. Way too much overreacting on this forum. Doctors are supposed to report patients that are no longer capable of driving, but how often do you hear of that happening. Besides, even the NRA blames mental illness as the biggest problem with gun violence. How else do you identify nut jobs and keep them away from guns.

05-25-2013, 07:58 AM
I asked my old dr about he views about obamacare. He towed the company line. I have a new dr. I asked him and he went off.

I do not trust this type of government (big brother, regardless of right or left) and feel much more comfortable dealing with like minded folks. See The IRS. even if the Pres or his cabinet did not instruct or nudge the irs what to do they knew or thought they knew what their leader would want them to do. Cannot trust them. Jmo