View Full Version : New cm9 so far so good.

04-14-2013, 08:20 PM
Hey guys put 200 rnds down range with a new cm9 with no failures.

I followed the break in procedures list here & I already have a p380 so I knew what to look for.

The frame or the (slide back) were out of spec & I had to file the (slide back) to get it in & out easily. I barley got it out & you would have had to hammer it back in if I did not file it.
Link to part they call (slide back).

I can see some big finish difference between the P & C Series.

I did notice it seems to shoot about 4" to 6" low at 10 yards is this just me or the gun. It shoots lower then my p380 for sure but it has the night sights on it so that might make a difference.

I also tried tried some Hornady CD & cheap remington JHP both function well.
I have some Federal 147 HST +p but they appear too long so I did not even try them. I may later.

What other SD ammo works well in this model?

Do the winchester 127+p Ranger Ts work in this gun?

What about the Gold dot 124s?

04-15-2013, 08:44 AM
Welcome to the forum. I use the Critical Duty +p and I hear that GOld Dots work well too.

04-15-2013, 09:48 AM
The 124-gr Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel are what I carry... engineered for 3-4" barrels. They are bonded and perform well. I use the +P version, too.


04-15-2013, 01:22 PM
I just tried some Federal Guard Dog in my CM9 and they worked fine.

04-15-2013, 02:11 PM
Welcome to the forum, smokenjoe1222! There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area and the Kahr-Tech sections of the forum.

And welcome to the CM9 Owners Club! Our official symbol is the wide grin smily because we are so happy with our purchase that we can't wipe the smiles off our faces!

Here is your club badge.

Oops! The bugs infesting the forum are preventing me from posting pictures. I'll give you your badge later.

The best holster I have found for forget-it-is-there comfort 24/7 with my CM9 is the PJ IWB Holster. There are so, so many members here that will concur. Paul is a great guy and a real gun lover, and he performs magic with kydex - making the holster incredibly comfortable to where you can't tell it is there whether sitting, standing or moving about. It is like the mass of the gun disappears, becoming one with your body. I carry mine with a 15° cant just behind my hip - the sweet spot. I prefer the one linked above with the over the belt clip. I normally wear the above under a loose shirt.

04-15-2013, 06:26 PM
Thanks for the feed back guys. So far the Critical duty feeds well, & I can manual rack the first round. I usually use the federal HST in 9mm but I am not tied to them for this gun. I have not seen any gold dots around here latly but will keep an eye out.

Anyone have their gun with the stock sights shoot so low? I will have to remedy this one way or another. I am not expecting a 6 clock hold but want better then this

I will eventually switch to some sort of night sights but it may be a month or so.

I ordered a couple magazines, & a new slide back. Will be interesting to see if the part or the slide is out of spec.

Thanks Joe

04-15-2013, 10:21 PM
There have been several sight picture for accuracy posts. I was disappointed with my cm9 shooting low too when I bought it and then someone posted to hide the bullseye behind the front sight dot. I'd been sighting with the bullseye on top of the front sight dot.

04-16-2013, 07:51 AM
After I replaced my CM9's lost front sight with a Dawson precision FO sight, I was shooting low. The dot is smaller and I was lining it up too close to the top of the white bar on the rear sight. I started lining it up a little higher, and that solved the problem. I think I would really rather have properly aligned 3 dot sights on it. I guess I'll have to pop for the extra $50 to get the DP rear FO sight.

04-16-2013, 09:26 AM
I just posted a thread on my pm9 shooting low. I have factory 3 dot night sights and have been using a 6 o'clock hold. Shoots about 8" low at 20 feet. I am on a mission to hit with this gun and am going to try a different hold this weekend. I love the gun but if I can't hit my target I may have to consider a replacement.

04-16-2013, 09:59 AM
I just posted a thread on my pm9 shooting low. I have factory 3 dot night sights and have been using a 6 o'clock hold. Shoots about 8" low at 20 feet. I am on a mission to hit with this gun and am going to try a different hold this weekend. I love the gun but if I can't hit my target I may have to consider a replacement.

I am far from a Kahr expert but do own two now. They were not designed to shoot with a 6 clock hold. It seems in my limited experience that most small compact carry guns are hold the barrel on what you want to hit. I love my glocks but they are just are not small enough for summer carry down here on the gulf of mexico. I wear shorts & light shirts when I am not working. The weight alone is to much for the shorts I like to wear. LOL

I do not mind if a gun shots a little low but when you use a 7.5" bullseye & the gun shoots 4" low your barley on the target & it's annoying. I plan to go shoot some today see what I can come up with.

I can shoot pretty dam good and it is not my technique. I have dry fired this weapon at least 300 times & shot it around 220rnds. I have very good trigger control.


04-17-2013, 12:55 PM
WEnt to an indoor range today & fired off another 150 rounds most cci brass & a box of PPU no failures. Yay.

I seemed to shoot a little better today but hard for me to be precise at this range as there is not enough light. I am still shooting an average of two inches low at 10 yrds but I can live that. The next range session will be outdoors and I shoot better there. Much easier to define the sight picture. Indoor the black of the sights & black of my target meld together too much.
