View Full Version : so typical
04-15-2013, 04:09 PM
New Yorkj marathon is a good example of lack of Homeland security that we spend billions on.It seems we only can ract after they bomb and kill people,but yet we gotta this fokking senate vote overwith to ban our 2nd amendment rights while Janet Napoletona sits on her fat ass ...
04-15-2013, 04:14 PM
Whispering:its was Boston......but youre right.maybe instead of blocking us from ammo they couldve spent some of that $ on bomb detection,security,intelligence gathering ,etc..
04-15-2013, 05:54 PM
The worst mass killings in a school occurred in Bath MI and it was a bombing!!!
I do believe 38 kids and 6 adults were killed.
I guess it's easier to ban guns than bans BOMBS!
04-15-2013, 06:19 PM
I have an alibi and I've never been to Boston. No plans to visit any time soon neither.
If they need any help profiling I'm your guy. Bedding on your head. That's a clue.
04-15-2013, 06:47 PM
when they were interviewing the comissioner of the Boston police, they allowed questions from the media.
1rst the mayor spoke after leaving the hospital were he was admitted this morning then leaving to come to the scene, then the govenor of mass spoke, then the comissioner of the Boston police if anybody seen that part.
1 of the questions from the media was that they heard there was some extra training this morning for a bomb or explosion, the comissioner explained that yes there were some extra time invested on such a situation.
with this being said there had been some kind of a tip or rumor that something of this sort could possibly happen sometime today @ the marathon.
the ultimate question is HOW did this happen even with extra percautionary measures taken & WHY was the marathon allowed to go on with no notice to any members involved???????
04-15-2013, 06:59 PM
probalby because the presidnet was playing golf and smokin Joe biden was still fokking around with the gun ban bullsh!t speechs.and Napletoni was playing with herself.
She looks like a damn full back...
the marathon reminds me of the pearl harbor attack. "asleep at the wheel" Pisses me off big time. but hen lets ban guns, makes no difference here that at least 2 are dead and over 120 injured. They weren't kids so fokk um, those people lived their lives already. Maybe theliberalmedia willgive this some coverage but not much. Next bigracewillbein London and u watch, u won't be able to fart over there and they will have it baggedup and analyaze before u can smell it even. they wn't have any troubles over there, as these pricks only want to kill Americans, b ut hell lets find oput who they are and send us some more foreign aid.We are the biggest suckers in the world for IMO we have a leader here with absolutley no balls, or at least two undeveloped balls. He could care less about this cuntry..
04-15-2013, 07:16 PM
I hope the bad guy doesn't turn out to be a christian, living in the woods, with a cabin full of guns. The media would go crazy with that.
It would be best if it was a liberal left wing wacko with an obummer bumper sticker on his car.
04-15-2013, 07:30 PM
[QUOTE=jocko;236648]probalby because the presidnet was playing golf and smokin Joe biden was still fokking around with the gun ban bullsh!t speechs.and Napletoni was playing with herself.
She looks like a damn full back...
the marathon reminds me of the pearl harbor attack. "asleep at the wheel" Pisses me off big time. but hen lets ban guns, makes no difference here that at least 2 are dead and over 120 injured. They weren't kids so fokk um, those people lived their lives already. Maybe theliberalmedia willgive this some coverage but not much. Next bigracewillbein London and u watch, u won't be able to fart over there and they will have it baggedup and analyaze before u can smell it even. they wn't have any troubles over there, as these pricks only want to kill Americans, b ut hell lets find oput who they are and send us some more foreign aid.We are the biggest suckers in the world for IMO we have a leader here with absolutley no balls, or at least two undeveloped balls. He could care less about this cuntry..[/QUOTE
04-15-2013, 10:03 PM
Products of society. I'm not siding with em. But instances like this are indicative of the state of our society. Its deteriorating. Morals and values are being discarded increasingly with the generations and more and more people are disenfranchised and pissed off. Our rights are being systematically eroded as the government yields more and more control over every aspect of our lives while siding with the interests of corporations. I try to maintain a balanced perception of sh!t like this, not leaning too far either way, but its hard not to have a reaction along the lines of "I told you so". I for one believe that tensions will continue to rise and we will see many more atrocities. I mean, people can only be pushed so far. Myself, I'll continue to hold fast to my morals, values and means of self protection.
04-16-2013, 03:58 AM
The Most over used line by out fearless leader "Make no mistake about it...."
He can't say the words "Islamic" and "Terrorists" in one sentence!
Noooo this is called a "tragedy".....
Correction: a Tragedy is a Shakespeare play or Him winning re-election
This like 9-11 and Ft Hood was an "ATTACK" Planned and executed!
04-16-2013, 07:10 AM
Quite frankly I blame the president for the explosions in Boston. They did happen on his watch. Apparently the apology tour that he went on when he was first elected wasn't sincere enough and he didn't bow down to enough Arab leaders to convince them. I believe that all of this terrorism won't stop until we demonstrate our power to turn sand into glass in the Saudi dessert.
04-16-2013, 07:57 AM
Infowars already has a conspiracy theory meme that DHS was conducting a bomb drill as the bombs went off.
Same as how DHS had a school shooter drill scheduled on the date and location of Sandy Hook.
04-16-2013, 10:35 AM
First let me offer my heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the families of those who died and to the injured in that awful mess....
There will be so much confusion and misinformation from the lamestreet media in the next few days that we may never know what really happened there just like Sandy Hook so we are left to fill in the blanks...
Here are some of my initial thoughts....Why were the Boston Police not working the finish line with bomb sniffing dogs which is prime territory for a BG to try something with the largest crowds gathering there???...Dogs are by far the cheapest most effective way to locate explosives and had they done this with just 2 or 3 dogs this wouldn't have happened...Now the perp may have planted them after the sweep was done but from the video it looked like all the Police were on the street looking at the runners and not looking at the crowd to see what was going on behind them....
How in all the confusion and chaos after the first two went off did they find the other unexploded bombs so fast and what is the true number of those...News said one to three were found, CNN said Police defused one and Fox said they detonated one in a bomb tank but either way the Police now know exactly how they were made and what they were made of....Unfortunately they sure were fast after the fact to locate them all but we still don't know exactly what the truth is and we probably never will...
One Doctor interviewed said they found ball bearings in the victims wounds and from the video of the explosion it sure looked like a black powder blast to me with all that grey/white smoke and as more information comes out it sounds more like they were crude home made devices and not something a professional would use in an IED terriorist attack....
What worries me and with all due respect to the people killed and injured by this cowardly action is if this DOES turn out to be a domestic terror act by a sick scumbag and the bombs are found to be made from black powder that anybody can buy unlimited amounts of by buying 1 can at a time at any gun store that sells reloading supplies we can say GOODBYE to reloading as we currently know it and at best we will be looking at having to have a license and buy a permit to purchase reloading equipment and supplies... I'm very surprised they haven't done this already along with taxing the he!! out of it just for good measure....
As we have recently seen the DHS control the supplies of ammunition by buying it all up now this event opens the door to the Government controlling our ability to reload our own ammo and you know Janet, Dianne and Harry would love nothing better than to control us with more laws to take away our freedoms but not step on the 2nd amendment directly......I hope I'm wrong but you know what the libs say, Never ever let a good tragedy go to waste!!!.....
04-16-2013, 12:13 PM
They are reporting that they are looking at a Saudi man as a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings? Well, look what BO just did to encourage that!
Sorry, I can't insert those as hot links, so cut/paste them to read them. He is doing more and more outrageous things as time goes on! Is anybody going to call on him to explain this?
Edit: Oh, cool! The hot links posted! Just surround the address with "url" and "/url" in blocks. Now, let's see if I can figure out how to post a pic... (
Wa-la! Just surround the address with "img" and "/img" in blocks.
And a smily:
04-16-2013, 01:07 PM
getsome, there were bomb sniffing dogs at the race. More than usual. And spotters on the rooftops. It was also announced to the runners that the higher security evident at the start and finish was a "training exercise". See this firsthand account for an interesting perspective:
04-16-2013, 01:19 PM
Ok, next picture of Ovomit wins a 1 week suspension. A pointy hat and a stool to sit in the corner.
Remember this is suppose to be a happy place for good times, good conversation and discussion of pleasant things and bad things that we need to avoid or address like impeachments, voting out senators and congress people.
Turns my stomach to even look at that resemblance to something my dog left on the back lawn.
04-16-2013, 02:28 PM
wow Mikeykahr, thats interesting alright....If it were a real drill which I don't think was the case it would be a strange time to try and do it rather than practice a bomb scare in a controlled situation before the real event....Sounds more like they had a tip off about something like this happening and were trying to be prepared without causing alarm to the public....This could have been an inside job done by someone on the security staff who knew what areas had been looked at and could cover their tracks....
Seems there was a FEMA drill near Sandy Hook before the real incident if I remember corretly... I think in the future if I hear anything about a "drill" going on I'm going to EXIT stage left before the fireworks start for real.....
As a follow up to my previous post, The "News" is now reporting that there were only 2 bombs and they didn't find or defuse any additional devices like the "News" had reported yesterday....They also are saying they were crude and made from black powder with ball bearings, BB's, and shrapnel made from nails packed inside 2 pressure cookers and left inside a backpack....High time for a ban on high capacity pressure cookers and backround checks to purchase one....
04-16-2013, 03:00 PM
no doube pressure cookker canmaganify a low grade bomb makers dream. Probalbynot sumpin us americans would have thoght eitherk so probalby a foreigner or some one from the state of Washington..
Alot of these unconfirmed reports anymore, and I some times think these reporters make up this unconfirmed report etc... Yup what ever the NEWS says is gospil that is fur sure...... Course Chris Matthews says it was probably a person who had viewpoints of a repoublican. what a total d!ck he is. Most vindictive man I have ever seen, He will flubb up big time some day like that utter pr!@ck that was fired a few months back Keith Oberman. They can'thelp themselves
04-16-2013, 03:23 PM
Just Like Sandy hook every news person goes on the air or prints with NO facts and every one believes it. Sandy Hook- bottom line is he left the Bushmaster in the car but the libs wanted to ban them! He had a Glock and a Sig only. Wait til the BS reporters stop guessing and the real official Government spin will determine the deal. Re; pressure cookers maybe they need background checks to buyers......
Hope it wasn't Gunpowder cause get some may be onto something, bad.
04-16-2013, 04:21 PM
well we definitely need to ban hig capacity pressure cooker. There is no need to hve a 6 quart pressure cooker, 4 quart maximum. each should be serialized and have to pass a background check that one can actually cook. I think Wyn wold pass with flyin colors.
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