View Full Version : Muggsy was right

04-18-2013, 05:24 PM
The man said the Gun Bill would fail, no banning of guns would happen and extension of backround checks would fail. He was right. I thought he was living in a dream world but I was wrong.

Now what Muggs? Whats next for us?

04-18-2013, 05:27 PM
Muggsy, say 9mm will go back down to $5 for a box of 50 and .45 will be $10.

04-18-2013, 05:34 PM
Muggsy, say 9mm will go back down to $5 for a box of 50 and .45 will be $10.

If he sayeth it will be true.

04-18-2013, 05:40 PM
Obummer was acting out and clearly upset.
Seems like his ego is way too big to let this slide.
I'm guessing he's quietly testing the water to see what additional Executive Order he might be able to get away with.

I really hope I'm wrong.

MW surveyor
04-18-2013, 05:55 PM
Do you really think that this is the end of it and all will be sweetness and light for ever and ever?


04-18-2013, 06:01 PM
Nowhere near the end of it. Not by a long shot.

04-18-2013, 06:11 PM
what is coming at us next and how.

MW surveyor
04-18-2013, 06:43 PM
No one knows what evil lurks in the heart of (the) man. Buah ha ha

04-18-2013, 08:22 PM
Gentlemen, please. My head is too large for my hat already. One does not have to have a crystal ball to count votes. That's all that I did. I thought that the vote would be close, but not that close. At least one republican had me fooled. I won't mention his name, but his initials are turncoat John McCain.

Longitude Zero
04-18-2013, 08:56 PM
That bill killing defeat was one VERY MINISCULE step on a very long walk.

04-18-2013, 09:02 PM
I don't see Obama trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat. I don't see much happening in the House. I don't think that the issue will reach critical mass, unless a catalyst is added. We have to insure a conservative victory in the midterms to put the issue to rest. It would be fantastic if we can secure a republican majority in the Senate, if not a plurality and we must retain the majority in the House. Vote conservative and urge you friends to vote conservative. It's our last best hope for victory. I'm Muggsy and I approve this message.

We now return you to the Muggsy of frivolity and myrth.

04-18-2013, 09:17 PM

04-18-2013, 09:35 PM
I think it is best to keep in mind that guns are secondary in this move. The constitution is in the way of the Progressives (PC) and they thought this would be the easiest way of chipping away at it. They have already done a lot on the 1st amendment - PC. We had better stay wide awake!

04-18-2013, 09:56 PM
I think they knew it would fail before the vote. The leadership had to. However, they have folks on the record that they think they can attack. That is what is all about. The outcome was known, and they wanted it to happen. If not, there would not have been a vote. So now, the anti folks believe the can attack, and beat, enough of those who voted against it to attack and prevail after 2014. Just my $.02

04-18-2013, 10:30 PM
You are probably right. Either way it would have worked for them. I believe they thought it might pass the Senate then they could attack the Republican led House when it failed. They HAVE to get a Democrat majority in the House one way or the other. We'll see how gullible the American people really are.

Chief Joseph
04-18-2013, 10:42 PM
This is far from over. Once they've allowed all people living in mexico and all parts south of it to vote here. AND THAT IS THEIR GOAL. They'll just get more dbaggers elected and pass it then. The demonrats are in this for the long haul. Look how much damage they've done in just the last 10 years. Now wait for the coming nobamacare debacle. Of course, no matter how it goes, they'll blame the right. And the absolute MORONS who vote for them will stupidly believe it.

04-18-2013, 11:02 PM
I remember long ago that for broadcasting stations to keep their FCC license they had to open up for public comment on regular basis, maybe during their renewal, and they had to serve the public good. I don't know if that applies to "cable channels" but when it comes to attacking the constitution and the 2nd amendment I would think that someone could claim the station has an agenda and get them for not serving the public properly.

04-19-2013, 12:04 AM
Maybe this is why he left gun control up to Joe Biden.

04-19-2013, 02:52 AM
We'be already seen how gullible the American people are... They re-elected Obamer, didn't they?

04-19-2013, 03:39 AM
Nice the Shadow reference

04-19-2013, 06:33 AM
The full bill included a lot of Penalties on the legal gun owner! The Libmedia, bloomberg Shumer and obama didn't talk about that..... just the NRA stopping expanded background checks!
They are all are cut from the same cloth!
Any members here, that thought it was simply expanded background checks, need to read all the caveats! You WILL have a problem with those. Thank God, the Senators actually read THIS bill.

04-19-2013, 07:32 AM
I think they knew it would fail before the vote. The leadership had to. However, they have folks on the record that they think they can attack. That is what is all about. The outcome was known, and they wanted it to happen. If not, there would not have been a vote. So now, the anti folks believe the can attack, and beat, enough of those who voted against it to attack and prevail after 2014. Just my $.02

It's up to us to make the public understand that it was they who won buy having their rights preserved. We need to make them understand that the people who voted to protect their rights were the people who had their best interests at heart and not those who would deprive them of their rights. We have to get off of being on the defensive and go on offense. You don't win a battle by retreating.

04-19-2013, 10:32 AM
Saw a small car this morning on the way to work that had a Ovomit/Biden sticker on the back (rarely seen) car obviously was driving but looked like it got rear ended by an F250. Wonder if it was intentional.

I know I wanted to ram it too but saw someone beat me to it.

04-19-2013, 11:27 AM
When you get behind a car with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker do you try and pull up next to them to see what an idiot looks like???

I do and am amazed at the number of young white drivers in nice cars and also the amount of older retired white drivers with AARP stickers on their cars too...

Never seen one on a pickup or few with middle middle age 30-50 folks behind the wheel....Looks like it's young/ignorant or old/selfish that went for king BO

04-19-2013, 11:32 AM
Exactly right. During the first fiasco my youngest was in high school and he had a friend with a pickup with an Ovomit sticker on the bumper. I pestered and threatened that kid relentlessly.
Fortunately most were not old enough to vote but the message was out there and who knows maybe they lied and voted anyhow like the majority of the others.

I offered him a 100 bucks to get rid of the sticker and he asked 100 just to peel the sticker off? I told him no, he'd have to replace the whole bumper. Once desecrated with a sticker like that the bumper is ruined.

04-19-2013, 11:45 AM
It's up to us to make the public understand that it was they who won buy having their rights preserved. We need to make them understand that the people who voted to protect their rights were the people who had their best interests at heart and not those who would deprive them of their rights. We have to get off of being on the defensive and go on offense. You don't win a battle by retreating.

Absolutely. I was only saying they wouldn't have had the vote if they didn't think there was something in it for them.

Bawanna, the rear-ended car with the obummer sticker made me laugh. Gotta wonder what it might take to knock some sense in some of these folks.

And yeah, that bumper was ruined.

04-19-2013, 11:56 AM
When you get behind a car with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker do you try and pull up next to them to see what an idiot looks like???

I do and am amazed at the number of young white drivers in nice cars and also the amount of older retired white drivers with AARP stickers on their cars too...

Never seen one on a pickup or few with middle middle age 30-50 folks behind the wheel....Looks like it's young/ignorant or old/selfish that went for king BO

There are many old people who have always been Democrats and their minds are made up. Doesn't matter how much the party has changed. They get their opinions about Republican candidates from their Democrat opponents, and from the MSM. I suggested to one who was spouting the party line to me that she should find out what Romney says and stands for from Romney himself, not from his opponent. But her husband shut the exchange down before I could convince her otherwise. People like to have what they stand for nailed down, and they stick to it no matter how wrong they are.

04-19-2013, 12:09 PM
I'm expecting some kind of Sandy Hook or Aurora Theater incident soon as a result of the vote, they've got to keep the people stirred up.